Compare Lakinet and Charozetta | Determine the best
The female body is ideally created by nature for procreation. The reproductive system, controlled by sex hormones, is always ready to conceive and bear a fetus. A certain group of hormones protects the body from premature birth, another group helps produce milk to feed the baby. The whole system is tightly connected to each other. Failure in this circuit leads to unexpected results. Especially, it concerns not desirable pregnancy during a lactation. After all, after the birth of a child, the sexual life is aggravated due to the growth of estrogen and the maturation of the eggs, ready for new fertilization.
According to the research of our experts, the journal, there are incidents of the birth of children with a difference in age of less than a year. Women during breastfeeding need contraception. Spirals, gels or candles, do not inspire much confidence, so the only option remains: hormonal contraception in the form of tablets. This group of drugs include Lactinet and Charozetta. Our analysts will provide detailed information about: “Laktinet” and “Charozetta” - a comparison of the means and what is better to take, and the choice remains, most likely, not for you, but for your gynecologist.
The drug is included in the group of contraceptive substances. The basis of the drug is the substance desogestrel. It is this component inhibits the development and maturation of the eggs, plus it prevents fertilization. The presence of progestan, in the contraceptive, is a direct medical indication for oral administration of Lactinet during the feeding period. The active substance and progestan violates only the mechanism of ovulation, without causing a change in the production of milk. If the feeding period comes to an end, the contraceptive must be taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle. To achieve a normal effect, pills are taken at the same time every day. Drug interruptions are not desirable because the cumulative process is disrupted. Take two tablets, in the case of a pass, is strictly prohibited.
Mechanism of action
A progestogenic contraceptive is available in tablets. The active substance desogestrel, as well as progestogen, affects the aging cycle of the corpus luteum (ovulation). Oocytes do not develop, or rather, their maturation process is inhibited by the indicated substances. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (uterus, appendages) shows the following: the uterus is of normal size, ovular follicles are not visible on the ovaries. In the study of blood tests, LTG and progesterone are not detected, the increase of which is characteristic of the middle of the menstrual cycle. Admission Laktine recommended for lactating women of any category, that is, with a difference in weight, age, plus the presence of comorbidities such as diabetes, Grave disease, chronic hepatitis, rheumatism, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis or systemic pathology. If there is a history of contraindications to estrogen drugs, this remedy is the drug of choice.
Important! Actives from the progestogen group increase the viscosity index in the vagina and cervix. The channel for the penetration of sperm is almost closed due to the thick contents, so after intercourse, the seed cannot penetrate to the eggs, pregnancy in this case is excluded.
After a thorough study of the statistics, our specialists came to the conclusion: out of 100 voluntary women receiving Lactinet for about a year, only in 0.4% of cases the Pearl index can turn out to be positive. The reasons may be improper use of tools, abnormalities of the reproductive system, hormonal failure. This contraceptive is the most benign of all contraceptives of the combined hormonal type. Only Laktinet steadily reduces the level of estradiol, which means no development of germ cells. According to the level of this hormone, you can determine the phase of folliculation. Treatment of progestogen-based contraceptives with this group can alter the metabolism, especially for carbohydrates and lipids. For this reason, women can gain weight. After discontinuation of the drug, stopping breastfeeding, the exchange is corrected, the weight decreases, the hormonal background approaches normal levels.
The contraceptive has a certain priority over other drugs. First, it is highly effective, inhibits ovulation by 99.6%, is well tolerated and is rapidly excreted. The drug blocks the secretion of LH by the pituitary gland, causing inhibition of ovulation. It has a weak androgenic activity.
Properties of contraceptive agent:
Suction mechanism: instant absorption at 70-80%, maximum concentration occurs in 1.5-1.8 hours.
The distribution of the drug: the active substance is fully associated with albumin, which also binds estrogen.
Metabolizing method: the active substance through certain reactions such as hydroxylation and dehydrogenation, turns into etonogestrel, then it is split into sulfate and glucuronide components.
Excretion process: metabolites are eliminated completely through the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and liver.
Lactinet, or rather its active substance is secreted not only by the kidney, intestines and liver, but also through milk. This fact was investigated by our specialists, and the following conclusion was made: the milk / serum ratio has the following indicators: 0.37: 0.55, meaning the following: the baby receives the etonogestrel metabolite with milk in the amount of 0.01-0.044kg / kg / day. These numbers are absolutely safe for the health and development of the baby.
Indications and Contraindications
Medication is recommended only as a contraceptive. But at the same time there is a whole list of contraindications. In this situation, the question immediately arises: "Laktinet" and "Charozetta" - a comparison of the means and what is better to take so that there are not so many contraindications.
The drug is not recommended for:
allergies to desogestrel;
varicose veins of any parts of the body;
cirrhosis of the liver;
chronic hepatitis;
the postoperative period;
oncological diseases.
With blood-suckling discharge from the vagina of unknown etiology, cervical erosion or myoma, this drug is contraindicated. For the administration of the drug must be examined in a specialized clinic. According to research results, only a gynecologist has the right to prescribe a course of contraception.
Attention! For women with hypertension of any type, diabetes mellitus and Grave-borne disease, rheumatism and systemic lupus erythematosus, Lactinet can cause irreversible processes up to collapse.
Side effects
On the part of the urogenital system, hormonal dysfunction, menstrual irregularities, blood discharge, poor discharge, amenorrhea are observed. Often, after prolonged administration, headache, mood decline, general weakness and hypotension are observed.Nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite, appear immediately after taking the first pill, it is a reaction to drug intolerance. Allergy is manifested by red spots on the body or by a rash. Adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, it is colitis, exacerbation of cholecystitis, the appearance of jaundice, the development of cholelithiasis, chorea.
The drug for contraception or pregnancy prevention. As part of Charozetty includes the active substance progestogen desogestrel. The hormonal drug was created according to the scheme of inhibiting the development of follicles in the ovaries and “neutralizing” active spermatozoids, which entered the female genital tract, through a high concentration of mucus. The latter does not allow male sperm to penetrate into the uterine cervical canal and move toward the appendages. This tool is ideal for women in the postpartum period or during lactation. The mechanism of suppression of ovulation does not affect the process of breastfeeding. According to the results of research by our specialists, no incidents of pregnancy were detected after taking this drug. The chance of getting pregnant is about 0.04%. When choosing a contraceptive method information with the description of the drugs "Lakinet" and "Charozetta" - a comparison of the means and what is better to take, will help in the right decision.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Progestogen desogestrel reduces estradiol levels, which leads to inhibition of the ovulatory process. The level of this hormone in the serum can determine the phase of follicular activity. The higher this indicator, the lower the probability of becoming pregnant. Pearl index after taking contraceptive Charozetta, is zero. Combined contraceptives containing estrogens do not have such high efficiency, but having more adverse reactions. A high priority of the action of this tool is a slight change in the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the absence of changes in the general and biochemical blood tests.
Pharmacokinetics properties:
Adsorption or absorption of Charozetta: the active ingredient of a contraceptive is combined with proteins in the form of etonogestrel, the highest concentration of the metabolite occurs after 1.5-2 hours. Absorption is equal 70-72%.
Concentration: the drug is fully bound to blood albumin, which is usually associated with estrogen.
Compound and cleavage steps: after certain chemical processes (hydroxylation, dehydrogenation), the active ingredient is converted to sulfate + glucuronide compounds.
Excretion: metabolites are excreted by the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and baking.
If certain reactions to this drug occur, consult a doctor. In cases of further use, various complications may arise from general well-being and the nervous system.
Charozetta: indications and contraindications
The only indication is a contraceptive function, for contraindications there are several points that need to be considered when choosing a drug.
If undesirable reactions are found or the following diseases are in the anamnesis:
allergic to the components of the drug and lactose, glucose;
thromboembolism of any etiology;
liver and kidney disease;
blood disorders;
bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis;
oncological tumors;
dermatitis + herpes;
systemic pathologies (rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, endemic goiter),and there is the likelihood of risk factors - Charrozet is canceled. It is not recommended to make a decision on taking a contraceptive on your own, because hormonal drugs can cause many side effects. The appointment of this tool is carried out only by a gynecologist!
Important! Sustained hypertension, postoperative conditions, cyrotic changes of the liver plus the state of pregnancy are included in the ban list.
The medication is carried out according to a simple scheme: one tablet per day, it must be taken at the same time. Skipping or taking 2 tablets at once is not desirable! The course begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle or on the second day after the abolition of combined contraception, after an abortion, after 6 weeks after delivery. In the case of one pass, as soon as the opportunity arises, take a pill immediately, even if the usual time schedule for reception is violated.
Unwanted reactions
Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, constipation, and red spots or skin rashes are a list of adverse reactions. Plus, you can add symptoms of the premenstrual period to this list. With such symptoms, the drug is canceled and another is prescribed.
Our experts found out everything about Lakinet and Charozetta - a comparison of the means and what is better to take, namely:
Laknet |
Charozetta |
It is recommended when feeding with breast milk. |
Similarly. |
Reception: one tablet a day at the same time. |
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Contraindications: pregnancy, hypertension, cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, systemic diseases, endocrine pathologies, rheumatism, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis (for more details see p. Contraindications). |
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Adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, allergic reactions. |
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The mechanism of action: inhibition of ovulation. |
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It does not affect the production of breast milk. |
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Drugs differ base that is, the active substance and cost. In Lakinet, the active ingredient is desogestrel, and in Charozette, the gestagen desogestrel. Another minor difference: storage methods. Charozetta is stored only at room temperature, and Lactinet at +2 - + 30 ° C.
Every woman should be protected from unwanted pregnancy, so birth control pills should be in the daily "diet" of treatment. It is easier to take one pill a day than to survive abortions and guilt for unborn children. Drug intake should be carried out according to the instructions, overdosing with Charozetta and Lakinet’s drugs, will lead to acute reactions of the body, that is, nausea, vomiting and weakness, therefore it is necessary to carefully study: allow similar.