About the journal Expertology
iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ is an online magazine whose content is consistent with dozens of competent specialists from various industries. The main goal of our project is to give people an extremely complete and accurate description of a product of production, to bring information about the best representatives of market segments.
Of course, to organize such a large-scale project by a small group simply will not work. Therefore, the staff of the journal iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ includes:
20 permanent experts whose duties include evaluation and selection of goods in thematic ratings;
4 content managers involved in the preparation of technical specifications (TK), monitoring consumer opinion and placing information in the relevant categories of the site;
3 editors whose tasks are to prepare textual content based on the provided TK.
How do we make ratings
In general, the process of preparing the rating is as follows.
Before the drafted terms of reference is submitted to the editors, the content proposed for the review is carefully checked and submitted to a two-stage open expert vote.
After the first vote, the product receives a preliminary assessment with detailed comments on all key characteristics and features.
At the same time, the content managers team analyzes hundreds and thousands of user reviews posted on thematic sites, store sites and open forums. With the help of the implemented software complex, an automated aggregation of the collected data takes place, on the basis of which the final consumer assessment is made.
At the second stage of voting, experts form correction factors based on an important factor of user opinions (and a ready-made consumer assessment).
All changes in the positions of goods in the ratings are recorded and subjected to the final reconciliation, after which they are formed into a technical task and sent to the final stage of painstaking teamwork - writing a bright and reliable text for a wide audience.
Sincerely, the online team of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/!