How to choose an operating system

When choosing an operating system, you must make a start primarily from the goals for which you plan to use it.

How to choose a computer operating system: Windows or alternative OS?

how to choose an operating system

Today, the market of operating systems can be divided into two groups - the Windows family and all the others, the so-called alternative ones. The first is also conventionally divided into environments that appeared before Metro / Modern, and are equipped with them.

Thus, it can be distinguished:

  1. Windows 7;

  2. Windows 10;

  3. Universal Linux Distributions - Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Elementary OS;

  4. Special distributions * NIX.

On one computer, you can install two or more operating systems in parallel, which will share the total file space.

Which Windows operating system to choose

Windows 7

Windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system, released back in 2009, remains the most popular today. It offers a familiar interface and user experience, low hardware requirements, low resource consumption and widest compatibility with third-party software.

However, this operating system is not compatible with modern software and hardware technologies. For example, it does not support the DirectX 12 API library, which is necessary for some games. This operating system also works inadequately with modern processors from the Intel Core Kabu Lake family.

Such an operating system is suitable for an old computer or laptop, as well as an undemanding user who does not want to be retrained using the Modern interface.

Windows 10

windows 10

In the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has updated the mechanics of interacting with equipment and managing background processes. That is why it was possible to achieve greater productivity and efficiency. Nevertheless, the transition to the interface environment and the execution of Modern applications (in earlier versions also called Metro) led to a slight complication of interaction with the system.

Thus, the advantages of Windows 10:

  1. Protection against viruses at the system level;

  2. Excellent mechanics of interaction between the operating system and hardware;

  3. Supports the most advanced technologies like DirectX 12;

  4. Regular update.

The disadvantages are the following:

  1. Not enough logical, not always familiar interface;

  2. A large number of background processes, including telemetry, loading the processor;

  3. Incompatibility with outdated drivers and equipment.

As a result, Windows 10 is a good operating system for a laptop, a modern computer (including gaming or specialized), a hybrid, etc. But it is worth remembering that when switching to it from the "seven" or even older versions, you will have to relearn.

Universal Linux Distributions - Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Elementary OS

Linux - Ubuntu, Kubuntu

If Windows operating systems are paid (i.e., you need to buy a license to use them), then most Linux distributions are completely free. In addition, they have a familiar user experience and an attractive interface with all the same windows.

Such operating systems that will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced users include:

  1. Ubuntu;

  2. Kubuntu;

  3. Linux Mint;

  4. Elementary OS.

They, among other things, are distinguished by optimal consumption of system resources, sufficiently high performance and a wide range of compatible devices. However, software is often not available for Linux-based operating systems; they need very few games, for example. As well as familiar packages like Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop or Autodesk AutoCAD, you have to replace with alternatives that sometimes do not provide sufficient functionality or optimal user experience.

Special distributions * NIX

Special distributions * NIX

For some purposes, such as building Linux distributions, developing and signing iOS applications, writing kernels for IoT devices, etc. will require the installation of specialized distributions.

These include, for example, Debian, Fedora, RedHat, dozens and hundreds of others. Being distributions of the Linux family, in most cases they are universal and can be built by the user to fit their needs. Nevertheless, the features of work with equipment and the environment of program execution make each of them most suitable for performing a particular task.


The choice of operating system is often limited by the choice of three distributions - Windows 7, Windows 10 or Ubuntu. The first one is suitable for old computers, the second one works better on new ones, and the third one “starts up” well on any configurations, but it does not always have drivers and necessary software.

You need to choose based on the specifics of use.


In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a video card for games  and secrets gamepad selection.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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