How to choose a sling
Slings are different: some are used for newborns, and others - for children who have already learned to sit. They hold the baby on the mother's body, so that her hands remain free. Before buying a sling you need to consider the age of the baby, the type of product and even the time of year.
Top Sling Manufacturers
We recommend to get acquainted with rated best slings according to experts.
Quality products are well distribute the load and can withstand the weight of the child. Only natural materials are used for their production: flax, cotton, wool, bamboo and silk. They are comfortable to use, have a nice color and design, and most importantly - are safe for the baby.
We have selected a list of manufacturers who create high quality slings:
Mum’s Era;
Miracle child;
Boba Family;
Diva Milano;
Love & Carry.
The slings of these brands are loved by many mothers in Russia and abroad. They comply with all safety requirements and have the necessary quality certificates.
What slings are
- Sling Scarf

This is the traditional and most universal type of braces. It is a woven cloth with a length of 2–6 m. It can be used to carry newborns and children who start walking.
Scarf slings are made from knitwear (ideal for newborns), as well as cotton, linen, wool.
Jerseys can stretch when wearing heavy children, so they should not be used for kids weighing more than 9 kg. When winding such scarves fit the child tightly, they are soft and cozy. In the summer they are better not to use.
Fabric models have greater wear resistance and use time, they better distribute the weight of the baby on the shoulders and back of the carrier.
With the help of a sling, you can wind your baby to yourself in various ways. For example, put him in a “crib”, hide him in a “backpack” behind his back, or place him on a hip. The “thigh” position is suitable for a 3 month old baby and older children who can hold their heads and learn to hold their backs.
Scarves are:
Short (2–4 m);
Classic or long (4–6 m).
Long sling better distributes the load on the spine and shoulders of the mother. Designed for long walks and carrying heavy children. When winding a scarf, often there are hanging ends, and it is inconvenient to wear it on the street.
Short scarf it is better to use in the warm season, because it has less fabric. Long ends do not remain during winding, it is faster to tie and untie. It is lighter in weight and more compact than the classic model.
The period of use is from birth to 2-3 years.
Correctly distributes the weight of the baby on the back and shoulders of the mother.
Suitable for long walks and outdoor activities.
It is convenient to breastfeed.
- Inexperienced slingomas may have difficulty winding the sling.
Sling pocket
It is a strip of fabric sewn on one side in the form of a semicircle or “smile”, which ensures the correct position of the baby. It is made from natural fabrics: cotton, satin, silk, etc.
Sling-pocket should not be used for carrying newborns - it can harm the baby's spine.
This carrying has an important nuance - it is sold in size. If a woman recovers or loses weight, the product needs to be changed. Moreover, both the mom and dad of the baby will have to use different slings. The size of the product is determined by the length of the diagonal from the center of the shoulder to the top of the thigh.
The convenience of use. Sling-pocket is easy to put on and put in the baby.
It does not have knots and long ends, which quickly smear and impede movement.
The load is only on one shoulder.
Not designed for long walks.
This is a two-meter-long cloth of fabric, to the end of which two large plastic or metal rings are sewn. The free tail of the sling is inserted into the rings in order to adjust the length of the “house” for the crumbs. Ready to carry over the head is put on the shoulder of the mother, then the child is placed into it.
Sling is designed for kids no more than 20 kg. It is great for carrying newborns and older children. A baby can be placed in a sling horizontally and vertically.
The long end of the sling is additionally used as:
Light blanket;
Cape for feeding.
It is best to choose products from the fabric of double diagonal weaving. These slings do not stretch in length and width, but stretch diagonally, ensuring an optimal fit of the baby to the mother. Rings should be solid, large.
You can quickly adjust the position of the child, plant and disembark the crumbs.
Suitable for newborns.
Ease of use. Beginners to slingomas do not have problems with its winding.
- The load is only on one shoulder. Therefore, you need to wear a sling from one side to the other.
This sling is a piece of fabric in the shape of a rectangle, to the corners of which the straps are sewn: two long upper and two short lower ones. The wider the upper straps, the easier it is to carry the crumbs.
May-sling is easy to put on (like an apron) and is adjustable. It can be used by both parents.
Although manufacturers often indicate that the May-sling is suitable for babies, it is undesirable to use it for children younger than 3-4 months.
The maximum weight of a child that can withstand a baby sling ranges from 15 to 25 kg.
Easy to put on and take off.
Long term use - from 4 months to 3 years.
Correctly distributes the load on the shoulders and back of the mother.
Uncomfortable to feed the child.
Due to the lack of a “tail,” as in a scarf or a sling with rings, he cannot protect the baby from the sun or wind.
You can not quickly change the position of the baby.
In contrast to the popular kangaroo backpack, the sling backpack provides the correct position of the baby with the letter M, in which the knees are located just above the priests, i.e. baby sits like a frog. This reduces the risk of hip dysplasia in the baby. Sling can be worn on the chest, back and hip.
The ergonomic backpack has a wide belt, shoulder straps and a soft back. The straps and belt are adjusted according to the wearer's size and fixed with fasteks. The main load falls on the hips.
These slings are designed for children weighing up to 20 kg. Some of them provide support for the baby’s head. But experts do not recommend wearing a child in it who cannot sit on his own, as ergoryukzak does not provide a uniform load throughout the back of the little man.
Just put on.
Correctly distributes the load. It is easy to wear even three-year-olds in it.
Big size.
In the summer it can be hot.
Not recommended for use in newborns.
What should be made of sling
Slings are usually made from natural fabrics, each of which has its own characteristics:
Cotton is a pleasant to the body, breathable fabric. It can be used in the warmer months, but on particularly hot days it is better to choose cotton products with flax or bamboo.
Flax - breathable material with good hygroscopicity. Linen slings have a high load capacity - they can carry heavy kids.
Silk - durable and hygroscopic fabric. It is suitable for children who often have a skin rash. Silk slings are a great option for the summer.
Wool - suitable for the cold season. Warms the baby at a temperature of about 10 ° C.
Bamboo. Bamboo products are softer than cotton and linen. They are well breathable and protect from ultraviolet radiation. Such slings are hypoallergenic, they are easily erased and do not wrinkle.
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose ergo backpack, you also learn which is better - sling or kangaroo, and the main expert of our project will answer the question - what is better pillow Frejka or stirrups Pavlik.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.