How to choose a wedding ring
The desire to share yourself with a single person for the rest of your life is beautiful, even more than beautiful, it is joyful and happy at the same time. That is why in all countries the ceremony of marriage is celebrated by a big noisy company, the culprits of the feast, of course, in the center of attention. If you have attended a wedding at least once, then you know that this is an excellent occasion to have fun, but it seems only to guests - the newlywed has a lot of time, not only at the wedding, but before and after. What is only the procedure for selecting rings! Due to certain circumstances, many do not know what types of wedding rings exist, so we will start with this question, after which we will gradually move on to the peculiarities of the choice of jewelry to symbolically fix one of the most significant events in the life of a man and a woman.
Engagement ring and wedding rings - what's the difference?
In this only difference lies the whole complexity that falls on the shoulders of a man (after all, it is he who makes an offer to his half!), Let's understand.
The offer of a hand and heart, that very moment of kneeling and a gift of a small velvet box with a cherished ring inside, do not at all wedding rings, as many people think, but just one - an engagement ring. Traditionally, only a girl carries the engagement ring, she wears it until the moment when it comes time to change it to an engagement ring, although in Russia and the former CIS countries it is customary to wear the engagement ring after the wedding, but on the ring finger of her left hand. The engagement rings are also paired, that is, for both men and women, but in 9 out of 10 cases the sentence is made with one ring, female.
Now the logical question arises: what should be the engagement ring? The answer is simple: traditionally it is white gold (platinum) with a diamond, but not everyone can afford such an option - in Russia there are silver engagement rings with zirconium, they cost very little, such jewelry can be bought by virtually everyone. The only thing left for a man to do is to go to a jewelry store and purchase it, for this you need:
examine the jewelry your second half wears;
find out the size of the ring finger on her left hand;
focusing on the preferences of the future spouse to buy a suitable ring.
After that, you can safely order a table in a restaurant and, at the end of the evening, after a wonderful dinner, over a glass of champagne, make your beloved woman happy, because she certainly deserves it.
In turn, they buy wedding rings for the wedding - both future spouses are taking part in the selection process, relying on their tastes, budget and, of course, traditions. This issue should be dealt with in more detail.
Choosing wedding rings
So, imagine the situation: the girl answered “Yes!”, The next day you immediately went for wedding rings - and now, in the jewelry salon, you are shown dozens of options, and you ... don’t know what to choose.That is, you don’t know at all, all the rings merge into one thing, unintelligible and incomprehensible - it means that you don’t have any control over the situation, it always happens when you have no idea about the subject of the conversation, or you don’t understand the product being bought.
To prevent this from happening, you should study in advance all the nuances of this complex issue, and then go to a jewelry store - so success is guaranteed.
Metal. The rings of red and yellow gold are considered classic, but they look quite simple, especially in the light of recent years, during which the popularity of gold reached incredible heights. Good options are platinum and all sorts of alloys based on it - even if it is expensive, it is nevertheless reliable, status and beautiful. You can do as you have done in Russia since ancient times - to use wedding rings made of silver, but jewelers are not advised to do so and not because of the cheapness of the material. The fact is that silver is very, very soft, no matter how you like this material, you cannot wear it all the time - then the rings are guaranteed to deform and you have to carry them to the workshop. Therefore, consider the traditional options of gold - this is the best solution. At the same time, remember that the higher the metal sample, the higher its cost, the brighter the luster and softer the structure. High-grade metals easily bend, but the rings of the 585th test, for example, are distinguished by enviable strength.
Design. With the advent of the Internet and the massive mixture of traditions and styles, almost all taboos have disappeared: today you don’t need to buy a smooth ring so that, according to belief, life is also smooth, the décor, including stones and engravings, are greatly appreciated. Moreover, today it is not even necessary to pick up paired rings, that is, those that are similar to each other - the spouses may have two completely different rings. The main rule is: wedding rings should be absolutely like future newlyweds, because they will have to wear these beautiful symbols for the rest of their lives. So you should not give in to traditions to the detriment of personal aesthetic preferences: when choosing a ring design, a man should be guided by his taste, and a girl by his own, then the chosen models will be guaranteed to please you in your marriage.
Ring width Wedding rings can be in width from 2 to 12 millimeters - firstly, it allows everyone to choose a model that will look harmoniously on the arm, and secondly, the weight of the ring depends on the width, which means its value , which makes it possible to show their viability, or vice versa, to save a little. The width of the ring should be such as to balance the length of your fingers. Determine the optimal size will help you in any wedding salon or jewelry store through multiple fittings of different models.
Ring profile. Profile is the form that can be seen by cutting the ring. The traditional version is considered to be a smooth inner part and a rounded outer one, but lately, at the peak of popularity, another option has emerged - that from the inner side, on the outer side, the ring is rounded. The unofficial name of this form is comfort fit, which means “comfortable fit”, as you understand, the name speaks for itself.
Choose the size of the wedding ring
Since you will choose with your spouse, you will not be able to make a mistake with the correct number, but experts still advise you to protect yourself a little: come to measure the rings only in the morning, as early as possible after waking up, you should not drink plenty of water before going to bed, and you should confine yourself to a cup of coffee - so your fingers are guaranteed to be free of edema. Approximately after every 10th ring you need to raise your hand up for 2-3 minutes, this will also allow you to keep the natural thickness of the phalanx.Yes, and do not forget that in the summer our fingers are somewhat wider than in the winter, it means that the option you choose should never be at the same time - it’s better that there is a very small gap between the metal and the phalanx.
If you carefully study the presented items and think a little over what has been written, comparing the information received with personal convictions, then be sure that neither you nor your other half will get lost in the jewelry store. In this case, a happy choice is guaranteed, which means that a joyful wedding is just around the corner!
In the next article, our experts tell how to choose a stylish sweater for man and woman.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.