How to choose a men's bag
Not knowing how to choose a men's bag according to all the rules, it is easy to make a mistake and waste money. You should not succumb to the impulse and acquire the first product you like, because the image of its owner depends on whether the accessory is chosen correctly.
Types of men's bags
Not only women, but also men pick up a bag that matches the lifestyle. Often she is the only one in the arsenal of the modern gentleman, and therefore must be perfect in appearance and functionality. If a person leads a diverse, active lifestyle, then he will need at least three bags - for leisure, business negotiations and every day. Let's see what their differences and advantages are in order to understand where to look for a middle ground:
- Diplomat. This is the most stringent of accessories chosen by business men who appreciate quality, style and are willing to pay a lot of money for it. Clear severity of forms, classic dark colors, give the diplomat's owner a truly diplomatic look. Due to its rigid frame, important papers in it will never be confused and this is its undoubted dignity. The accessory will be appropriate at important negotiations and combined only with a suit in a business style, complemented by oxfords shoes polished to a shine. In everyday life, this is a disadvantage, since the diplomat is not suitable for all occasions.
- Portfolio. A high-quality accessory for documents, as a rule, is made of soft, embossed leather, which corresponds to the notions of refined classical style. Choosing a portfolio for yourself as a daily companion, you should consider the rest of your wardrobe to the smallest detail, since, for example, it definitely won't fit the Casual style. A modern briefcase has a smooth, soft shape without sharp sharp corners. This classic attribute of a business man may be a strict black or dark brown color or slightly different from the standard accepted in society. Traditionally, the portfolio has a carrying handle, but modern models may not have it at all or may additionally be equipped with a wide and convenient belt, which is a great advantage. The disadvantages of the portfolio can be attributed to a fairly rapid loss of form from active use, which, however, is not inherent in the products of famous brands.
- Sac. Many fashion brands produce men's bags or as they are called - travel bags. They are strikingly different from women, and therefore one should not be afraid to look stupid with him - everything in them is designed specifically for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Like Dr. Watson from the well-known work, modern men are increasingly choosing the bag as a bag for every day. Made of expensive, high-quality beef leather, handbags complement the image, both on weekdays and on short trips. Due to sufficient spaciousness, an extra pair of shoes, cosmetic accessories and an interesting book will fit in the bag.There is in it an office for documents that will not be confused due to the hard inserts. But for all these useful qualities you will have to pay a rather high weight of the bag, since it is almost always made of thick, heavy leather and weighs a lot even empty.
- Holdall. This kind of bag looks almost indistinguishable from the usual men's bags. Unless it is made most often not from leather, but from synthetic material. Inside, this accessory has a completely unusual filling - a classic suit on a hanger that you want to transport in an ideal form fits here. This accessory will not be superfluous in the arsenal of a man who often changes cities in connection with the nature of his work and must constantly look immaculate. However, despite all its positive qualities, the portpled misses smells, and if you stay in a catering or other place with intense smells for a long time, there is a risk that the costume will be soaked with them. To get rid of this problem, manufacturers are gradually moving to the manufacture of their portfits from leather that does not let in smells. So, buying this folding portable case, it is better to give preference to the leather model.
- Messenger. She's a postman's bag or just a bag over her shoulder. For most ordinary people, this is the most common and convenient model of men's casual bags. This accessory can be made in a variety of variations - in leather, canvas, textiles, nylon. The convenience of the bag over the shoulder is that it is always comfortable to wear it, regardless of weight, because for this it has a wide, thoughtful belt, adjustable in length. Of the minuses it can be noted that all materials like a substitute for leather or textiles will serve much less skin and will quickly get an untidy appearance. In addition, the skin will protect things from the rain, but in a canvas shoulder bag everything will get wet and possibly become completely useless.
- Gym bag. This bag is perfect for every day, but rather on the occasion of a hike to workout. Thanks to its roomy bowels, it will fit sports shoes, uniform and even boxing gloves, as well as a towel for the shower. Pick up this bag is better for the style of clothes in which you get to the gym, so that there is no ridiculous dissonance. The positive side of the sports accessory is ease, ease of care (washing), and the downside can be attributed only to the fact that with such a bag you will not go on a business trip, because it is intended exclusively for sports purposes.
- Backpack. Many reasonably believe that there is nothing more convenient for a modern man than a roomy and stylish backpack behind his back. If you look closely, then this accessory can tell something about its owner. It can be worn by everyone - from teenagers to accomplished men, because the backpack harmoniously fits into the style of "military", "casual" or "street style", combined with a variety of clothes and seasons. To go for a walk with a minimum of things, go on a suburban trip or to work, taking with him a snack and a constant netbook - the backpack will do the job perfectly with all the tasks. Its only drawback is that it will not be suitable for going to a business meeting, as it will be inappropriate, and the documents will not be in the best condition.
- Tout. This men's bag-shopping bag for every day suspiciously resembles a female accessory, but is still designed strictly for men. Such a leather accessory can perfectly complement the brutal image of a man, or in a bright fabric design suitable for going to the beach. By cons can be attributed to the relatively high price of a leather tote.
- Bag-tablet. This is a smaller version of the messenger of a more elongated vertical format. Such a convenient bag over the shoulder on the strap does not take up much space, will not become a heavy burden and will perfectly cope with the minimum task - to hold the phone, keys, wallet and tablet.The inconvenience of such bags is the relative fragility of fasteners on the belt, because when buying an accessory, you should pay attention to the quality of all fasteners and carbines.
- Purse. This type of bag is no longer so common, as it gradually gives way to its position in modern models. However, there are men who are accustomed to such a convenient accessory that serves simultaneously as a wallet, business card holder and a handbag for all sorts of trivia such as a cigarette case and a phone. There are probably no drawbacks to this handbag, except that it has to be carried by a rather small handle, which is not always conveniently lying in a large palm. It is best to buy a leather man purse, which will serve its owner for a long time without loss of appearance.
What materials are men's bags made from?
- Leather. From time immemorial this material was considered the strongest, most durable and beautiful. Leather bags have always talked about wealth and good taste of its owner. The leather accessory will reliably keep everything that the owner has entrusted to it. The disadvantages include the high cost of natural leather and the rather heavy weight of even an empty bag.
- PU leather. In the market of leather accessories half natural material significantly pressed his predecessor. This skin consists of three layers: fabric, leather and polyurethane. The middle layer allows you to give the product all the positive qualities of the skin, and the top enhances them, giving the bag lightness and providing reliable protection from getting wet. In addition, the bags of their material are much cheaper, have low weight, they have no smell ..
- Different kinds woven fabric very popular with manufacturers of men's bags. Coarse weaving "under the tarpaulin" gives the product male features and pours a lot to reduce weight. However, such bags are torn much faster than their leather counterparts.
The best manufacturers of bags for men
Knowing how to choose a men's bag, you can not worry that it will be well worn, provided that it is responsible bona fide famous manufacturer. Consider what are their advantages and differences:
- Baldinini This Italian brand declared itself not so long ago - in 1994. But thanks to a wide, constantly updated assortment, the highest quality and style, the products have won the soul of thousands of men all over the world. The product line includes both genuine and artificial leather products, which means price-quality ratio is at the proper level. Bags differ in that they have overhead valves that are not fastened to a magnet. Horizontally elongated models are suitable for people of low and medium height, and vertical - for high.
- Piquadro. The Italian manufacturer specializes in leather luggage and bags. Black, brown, blue colors and their combination makes Piquadro bags recognizable. The thinnest beef skin of a few microns preserves a unique natural pattern.
- Louis vuitton. This brand needs no introduction. Under the well-known brand both strict bags for work and everyday wear with an original checkered print are produced.
- Montblanc. These bags are for those who appreciate German quality and sophistication. The luxury of these accessories suggests a combination with a strict classic wardrobe.
- Hugo boss. Bags from this manufacturer will give their owner the necessary elegance and complement the image. Despite the long history of the manufacturer, he follows the trends of men's fashion, constantly updating the model range.
- Does lightning work well (smoothly without jerking);
- the presence of curved seams, not stitched sections and hanging threads indicate a low quality of the goods;
- Do magnetic holders hold tightly?
- do carbines work well;
- Is there enough inside the compartments to store your phone, wallet, pens, documents.
What to look for when choosing a men's bag?
Choosing an expensive bag eminent manufacturer for documents or for every day, you can be sure of its quality.But if you have to buy in the middle price segment, you should treat it with more responsibility. Here is what you should pay attention to:
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a wristwatch and secrets hat selection.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.