How to choose a cream after sunburn
The summer period is closely associated with sunbathing. The sun's rays, to some extent, have a healthy effect on your skin. But frequent sunburn companions are burns and flakings. After sunburn will help reduce and prevent them.
Benefits of using
Tanning gels and lotions are very good products. But, their main task is to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. After Sun Cream:
moisturizes the skin;
removes redness and itching;
fills lost items.
Exposure to the sun causes an imbalance of water in the cells, significantly reducing its amount. Cells can not fill it yourself, so the selected cream must contain a sufficient amount of water.
Also this remedy soothes irritated areas of the body, relieves or reduces redness, reduces burning sensation.
In direct contact with sunlight, the skin loses important nutrients and becomes less elastic, which leads to premature aging. The selected agent must contain all the essential nutrients to restore balance and normal functioning of the cells.
Sunbathing, we, in fact, damage our skin. Therefore, the cream after tanning should have significant healing properties.
Properly chosen tool can make your tan more even and prolong its existence.
Cream selection
There are many homemade methods of influencing the skin after tanning, which is only one kefir. But a more rational and effective way will be to use really high-quality cream. It can be inexpensive, but must have the right composition and properties.
Vitamin component
After sun cream must nourish your skin. The very first in the content, should be vitamin E. It will not only give tone to your skin, but also create the necessary effect on the regenerative processes of deeper epithelial tissues.
Also good companions are vitamins A and C. They “burn out” in sufficient quantity in the sun, and their absence will accelerate the aging and sagging of the skin.
Lack of essential oils
By themselves, these tools are simply wonderful, but not in creams after tanning. Not only do they not protect the skin, but also enhance the effect of aging and tightening. Therefore, avoid all kinds of citrus oils in the composition, as well as the essential oils of bergamot and cumin.
Also some types of spices, like cloves and cinnamon, are contraindicated. Leave them for the winter.
It is worth mentioning that only oils of mint and lavender are permissible in the product after tanning. They relieve itching and soothe the skin.
Natural composition
As part of the cream should be as much as possible natural ingredients, all sorts of extracts of herbs or sea plants. Minerals and bee products are also relevant.
It's great when chamomile, mint, apricot, grapes, aloe are added to the cream after sunburn. All these extracts soothe and heal the skin, of course, subject to their naturalness.
Other components
The presence of dexpanthenol, bisabolol, and silicones also have a beneficial effect on the skin.They are able to give the skin its former softness, accelerate the healing of areas injured by ultraviolet light.
However, it is worth considering that the excessive content of these substances is hazardous to health.
Recommendations for use
You should not use the cream after sunburn, as soon as you returned from solar procedures. Let your skin cool and rest for a while.
The same goes for the soul. Sudden temperature drops will only exacerbate desquamation and damage the skin even more. Take a little warm shower, so you protect your skin.
After that you can apply the cream after sunburn. But do not smear it with a thick layer, only slightly touching the surface. Do not rub the cream, so as not to stretch your skin.
Do not use any scrubs or peels, your skin is already damaged, you do not need to aggravate the situation.
Properly chosen cream after sunburn will protect your skin from burns and redness, relieve itching, keep tanning time.
The cream should contain vitamins, from essential oils - only mint and lavender, as well as natural ingredients, extracts from herbs, minerals, bee products.
Do not use the cream immediately after leaving the sun. Wait until the skin "cool." Do not injure your epithelium with a cold shower and all sorts of peels.
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose the right face creamsecrets choice of cream for depilation and features sunscreen selection.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.