How to choose antifreeze for a car

For a long time, water was used as the main fluid in the car's cooling system. At the present time, it was replaced by antifreeze - a special chemical compound capable of operating in a wide range of temperatures - from -50 to +50 degrees, without evaporating or crystallizing. In order to ensure the performance of the car in any conditions and to exclude engine overheating, the choice of antifreeze should be given the closest attention, based in its choice on the recommendation of the car manufacturer.

choose antifreeze

! In the next article we tell how to choose winter tires for auto. The expert talks about the important nuances of choice.

Top Antifreeze Manufacturers

Given the special chemical formula, the manufacture of high-quality antifreeze is the lot of well-known concerns that produce all kinds of technical fluids for a car:

  1. Hepu

  2. Mannol

  3. Total

  4. Liqui moly

  5. Castrol

  6. Shell

In addition to the information provided by the manufacturer, the car owner should take into account user feedback describing the physical properties of a coolant. You can get acquainted with them on the Internet, on thematic forums or in social networks.

Types of antifreeze. Which one to prefer?

Antifreeze is a special chemical composition intended for operation at temperatures down to -50 degrees with the preservation of its physical state and chemical formula. High-temperature viscosity of this fluid is also at a significant level: properly selected antifreeze is able to ensure proper operation of the engine and prevent its overheating even with intensive operation of the car. It is marketed in concentrated form, but for exploitation it requires dilution with distilled water in a 1: 1 ratio.



Inorganic antifreeze based on ethylene glycol. Painted in blue or green. The working temperature range is from -50 to +50. Contains silicates.


  • Well takes temperature;

  • Inexpensive;

  • Does not crystallize;


  • Causes deposits in the cooling circuit during long-term use;

  • Able to corrode metal parts;



A more advanced version of the above antifreeze, characterized by higher performance. In particular, it better removes the temperature from the central piston group and prevents the engine from overheating. The composition contains carbosilicates, which are corrosion inhibitors. Widely used for harsh climate and harsh environments.


  • High temperature resistant;

  • Do not evaporate;

  • Prevent the occurrence of corrosion;

  • Avoid overheating the engine;


  • Cannot be mixed with other classes;

  • Expensive;



Antifreeze that meets modern environmental standards. An organic liquid that does not contain silicates. Painted in yellow or orange. At the heart of - propylene glycol.Operating range - from -50 to +50.


  • Does not boil and does not crystallize;

  • Interferes with a surface corrosion and formation of oxides;

  • Allows mixing;

  • High environmental friendliness;


  • More expensive than all other types;

  • Require strict adherence to the mixing ratio for maximum functionality;

Coolant selection options for the car

In addition to the composition and basic principles of operation, attention should be paid to:

  1. Taru. High-quality antifreeze is packed in a dense translucent container, on which the necessary protective elements are applied. Transparent packaging allows you to assess the purity of the liquid and the presence of impurities and mist;

  2. Type and characteristics of the additives that make up the antifreeze. High-quality liquids in their composition contain inhibitors of corrosion and oxidation, as well as special compositions that prevent premature aging of rubber-technical elements;

  3. Foaming. High-quality antifreeze foams after intensive shaking, however, the foam comes off within a short time;

  4. The smell of quality antifreeze is neutral, sweetish. Impurities of gasoline, diesel fuel, engine oil should be completely absent;

  5. Formula cooking. If antifreeze is concentrated, it will require dilution with water in a proportion of up to 1: 1. If the coolant is ready for use, it is necessary to fill it immediately into the expansion tank, without additional preparation;

  6. Recommendations of the car manufacturer. They should not be neglected, it is best to fill in the antifreeze, the composition of which was originally provided for by the manufacturer.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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