9 best tick remedies
Ticks in themselves are insects completely harmless. All they need is a protein from the blood, necessary for the vital activity and reproduction of these insects. The problem lies in the ability of ticks to carry dangerous viruses that provoke serious diseases: encephalitis, Lyme disease, spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, typhoid and other pathologies dangerous by disability and death. The cunning of the insect is the impossibility of determining the carrier of the infection without laboratory tests. To reduce or eliminate the risk of a tick bite, manufacturers offer various means that deter unwanted "companions".
Experts from the online magazine EXPERTOLOGY investigated the market of special tick repellents, acaricides and ranked the most effective means capable of ensuring the safety of mushroom pickers, fishermen, gardeners and other fans to relax in nature in areas without appropriate treatment.
Rating of the best tick remedies
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best remedies for external mites | 1 | Destructive power Antikleshch 3 in 1 | 107 ₽ |
2 | Breeze Antiklesch | 235 ₽ | |
3 | Gardex Extreme | 289 ₽ | |
4 | Gardex Extreme Repellent Spray | 325 ₽ | |
5 | Moskitol Anti-mite | 259 ₽ | |
6 | Medilis-comfort | 143 ₽ | |
7 | Defi-Taiga | 85 ₽ | |
The best modern technology from ticks | 1 | Ultrasonic repeller ticks "Antiklesch M" | 2 290 ₽ |
2 | Means of protection against ticks Bradex TD 0324 | 749 ₽ |
The best remedies for external mites
The most reliable anti-parasite bites are various gels, sprays and creams. They are applied to the skin or clothing, creating a protective barrier: the insects are repelled by either the smell of repellent, or the composition of the resulting film or fabric impregnation kills them.
Destructive power Antikleshch 3 in 1
Rating: 4.9
The first tool in the ranking is a domestic-made spray Killer 3 in 1 anti-mite designed to protect against ticks found in the taiga and forests, including ixodid insects. The composition will also eliminate the landing of bloodsucking - mosquitoes, mosquitoes and biting midges. The main advantage of acaricide "Deadly force" - the action to defeat: insects that came into contact with the solution and the resulting film, die, and do not hide in fear. Such a core concentration of the active substance does not allow to apply the drug on the skin - only on clothes, but the effect lasts up to 5 days (for blood-sucking) and up to 15 days for ticks. Thus, 3in1 Anti-mite can be called not only an effective, but also an economical means. However, the processing of clothes should be carried out to a slightly moistened state, that is, the fabric is completely soaked with liquid, then it should dry before dressing. Accordingly, after socks, you must take a shower and wash off the remnants of the drug from the skin. For human health, Antikleshch is completely safe with the exception of cases of allergy to the components of the solution.
Protection against tick bites and flying blood-sucking insects;
Effective for a wide range of parasites;
Kills bloodsucking;
Low price of about 75-80 rubles.
Open areas of the body are not protected (cannot be applied on the skin);
Requires full impregnation of clothing fabric to a moist state.
Breeze Antiklesch
Rating: 4.8
BREEZE Antiklesch is intended for professional use by foresters and hunters in order to protect against the attacks of groups of ixodid ticks, carriers of the majority of viral infections that can lead to disability and death. Like the Killing Force, Breeze kills insects, not scares them away, although the effect does not apply to other blood-sucking and additional repellents will be required.
BARIZ-ANTIKLES acaricide was originally developed as a means to protect representatives of power structures, therefore special attention is paid to the recipe and production process: the cartridge contains the maximum amount of active substance up to 70%, which corresponds to the state standards. Application to clothing is carried out until the fabric is slightly moistened, after which it is recommended to dry it, only then wear it. Remains unprotected open areas of the body, which are recommended to inspect after a hike in the forest.
The cost of the domestic preparation for ticks Breeze-Antikleshch is about 200 rubles for 110 ml.
Kills ticks of ixodic group;
Filling of a can according to GOST (70% of the active substance α-cypermethrin).
Processing is required after washing clothes and before each use of equipment (tents, sleeping bags, etc.).
Does not protect exposed areas of the body.
Gardex Extreme
Rating: 4.7
Gardex, a well-known manufacturer of insect repellents, offers an effective spray against Extreme mites, which can be conveniently applied to clothing, equipment and shoes with a spraying dispenser. The effect of the drug lasts up to 2 weeks. The concentration of the active substance does not lead to the death of the insect, but paralyzes it upon contact with clothing. In addition to ticks, Gardex Extreme will help prevent flea attacks.
Spray can not be applied to the skin, only on clothing until the fabric is slightly moistened. Re-treatment is required after washing or after the expiration of the drug.
Spray 250 ml - about 360 rubles.
Paralyzes known ticks and fleas, preventing them from taking a bite;
Convenient application;
Long lasting effect 15 days.
Relatively high price (brand);
Can not be applied to the skin.
Gardex Extreme Repellent Spray
Rating: 4.6
In fourth place, another Gardex product is Extreme repellent aerosol, suitable for protection against ticks and other bloodsucking insects. The tool repels mosquitoes, gadflies and gadflies, retains this property for up to 4 hours - a good indicator for such repellents. With ticks, the situation is ambiguous: the aerosol applied to the skin does not frighten off these parasites; it paralyzes them only when applied to clothing, when the tick interacts more closely with the active substance. But the effect saves up to 1 month (for flying insects) and up to 5 days for ticks.
The cost of a universal repellent is about 250 rubles for 150 ml.
Suitable for protection against most known insects and mites;
Long keeps properties on clothes;
Can be applied to the skin.
Caused on the skin does not protect against ticks (incomplete protection);
Strong smell;
Application to the skin no more than 1 time per day is not enough for a long stay in nature.
Moskitol Anti-mite
Rating: 4.6
Mosquitall remedy with enhanced protection against ticks kills insects, preventing them from taking a bite. Moreover, the application is possible both on the clothes before it is moistened, and on the skin, the manufacturer assures the same effectiveness in both cases. Moskitol-anticlite works for up to 2 hours on the skin and up to 5 hours on clothing, so the protection should be regularly updated. Means is allowed to use to pregnant women and small children from 3 years. On the other hand, not all flying bloodsucking fear composition.
The cost per 100 ml is about 180 rubles.
Kills ticks; ·
Scares off some flying bloodsucking insects;
Can be applied to the skin;
Safe for children from 3 years and pregnant women.
- Short-term effect (2 and 5 hours on the skin and clothing, respectively).
Rating: 4.5
The sixth place was determined by experts of the Russian production Medilis-Comfort, designed to combat various insects: ixodic ticks, blood-sucking ticks, midges and mosquitoes, biting midges and gadflies. The active substance is a component at a concentration of 20%, it can be applied only on clothes, shoes, mosquito nets and uniforms. It does not lose its effectiveness within 2 weeks, and the flying blood-sucking will not disturb the tourist’s peace even in a month. Additional deterrent agent alpha-cipermetrin. Accordingly, Medilis-comfort has acaricidal-repellent properties, that is, it repels insects and kills if they come into contact with the drug on clothing.
A bottle of 100 ml Medilis-comfort - 180 rubles.
Affects a wide range of harmful insects;
Combined acaricidal repellent effect.
Long preservation of properties.
It is difficult to find in free sale, purchases mainly through pharmacies and online stores.
Can not be applied to the skin, does not protect exposed areas of the body.
Rating: 4.5
Completes the rating in the category of ticks Defi-Taiga with repellent, deterrent action. Toxicity class III and IV, suitable for application on uniforms, equipment and skin, scares not only ticks, but also mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes. Users note unconditional efficiency, but with a short-lasting effect - after a few hours the treatment of the skin has to be repeated. Defi-taiga is found in the free market, spray can be bought for 150 rubles.
Efficacy against various insects, including various ticks;
Affordable price.
- Short-term effect (1-2 hours).
The best modern technology from ticks
Lotions, sprays and creams, not all can be applied to the skin, their effect is limited in time, and use the contact means you can not all. Manufacturers of electronics and "smart" technology are an unusual solution - portable devices that study sound and electromagnetic waves that repel ticks and other insects, thus creating a safe environment in a territory with a certain radius. For humans, such effects are safe and practically imperceptible, have no contraindications.
On the one hand, electromagnetic devices are interesting and convenient, on the other - not always effective. Marketing tricks or proven benefits? Experts EXPERTOLOGY analyzed 2 popular gadgets.
Ultrasonic repeller ticks "Antiklesch M"
Rating: 4.9
The small gadget "Antiklesch M" working from AG13 batteries is equipped with a belt, it can be worn over clothes as an accessory when going to the forest. It produces ultrasonic waves that the human ear does not perceive, and mites feel, experiencing discomfort, respectively, they don’t come close to the source, the range of the device is 4 meters. The generator of ultrasonic waves operates in three modes, tuned to the frequency of ticks, fleas or bedbugs. The strap can be adjusted to any waist and even the neck of an animal to protect the pet's body from bites. The device is used at any humidity - the case is protected from water penetration.
It is worth noting: the ultrasonic mite repeller "Antiklesch M" can not be a panacea for the tick bite, but reduces the risk to a minimum. It is necessary to follow the rules of precaution and still check the body for the presence of blood suckers after a walk. Some users tested the device in extreme conditions and found bites. This may be caused by the overlap of the radiator and the uneven distribution of the waves.
The cost of the device is about 2,200 rubles.
Safe for human health device;
Adjustable belt;
Water insulated casing;
Protects against ticks, fleas and bedbugs at different frequencies;
Long work on batteries - up to 4 months.
- High price;
Lack of effectiveness in some cases.
Means of protection against ticks Bradex TD 0324
Rating: 4.8
The second in the ranking portable repeller device for home use Bradex TD 0324, working from the outlet. The principle of its action is the generation of ultrasound and irritating waves, and equally acting on ticks, blood-sucking insects and rodents. Research by the manufacturer has proven the effectiveness of the device; it is recommended for installation in private and country houses. Works from the electrical network around the clock, providing a barrier for uninvited guests. However, forest mites infiltrate homes infrequently, so using Bradex TD 0324 to protect against them makes little sense, and you will not take a hike with you - there is no battery slot. But as a repeller for other insects and rodents, the device has proven itself to be positive.
You can buy the device from 500 rubles.
Suitable for repelling insects and rodents; ·
Works around the clock
The optimal cost.
Works only from the network (suitable for premises, not for a hike);
There is no direct destination for ticks.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.