9 best mattresses for newborns
Infants spend almost all their time in a crib. Calm and deep sleep in toddlers should be about 18 hours a day. Do not forget that in the first months of life the formation of the spine occurs, which means that a correctly mattress should not only give comfort, but also provide the necessary support to prevent future health problems.
Twenty years ago, parents did not need to think about the choice, because in the shops there were only mattresses on the batting. To date, the situation has changed dramatically, and now the choice is huge. True, parents do not always pay due attention to finding a suitable mattress, agreeing on the first option proposed by the consultant. This approach is completely wrong.
Modern mattresses for newborns have all the necessary characteristics in order not only to ensure a peaceful rest for the baby, but also to promote the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system. A wide range of mattresses for newborns makes it possible to find the best option for any wallet.
Expertex iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ conducted a thorough analysis of the market, studied the user reviews and opinions of pediatricians, making a rating, which included 9 best mattresses for newborns.
How to choose a mattress for a newborn
- The size. The mattress for a newborn child should correspond to the length and width of the bed so that there are no voids along the perimeter and the product does not move, creating discomfort. If the mattress is larger than the niche of the bed, then this will lead to deformation and loss of properties, which is unacceptable. Mattresses for newborns 120 x 60 cm are considered to be standard. Note that most modern cots have the same size, so there will be no problems with the selection. If you plan to use an old bed, for example, a gift from someone from relatives, then before you go to the store for a mattress, be sure to measure it.
- Rigidity. One of the defining selection criteria. It is on the degree of stiffness of the sleeping surface that the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the newborn depends. Do not forget that up to three years old baby needs hard mattresses. It is inexpedient to buy orthopedic models, since the baby has not yet had curves of the spine. Mattress for newborn babies should not be thrashed under the weight and follow the contours of the body. The consequence of an incorrectly chosen model can be a strong curvature of the posture. Pediatricians insist that for children of the first years of life it is necessary to acquire hard or moderately hard mattresses.
- Filler. Give preference to environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, preferably natural fillers. Inner material should be well ventilated and not emit toxic fumes. In the shops you can find mattresses with coconut fiber, artificial or natural latex, polyurethane foam, seaweed, horsehair, batting. The best and most popular products are with coconut coir, sometimes supplemented with foam latex. Mattresses with such a filler have optimum rigidity, moisture resistance, elasticity.Koyra is not subject to rotting, as it creates the right microclimate: it will not be cold in winter and hot in summer. Models with horsehair or algae are less popular, as not everyone will do. In some of these materials are able to provoke an allergic reaction. They are also unstable to moisture, perish and deform. In no case can not buy a wadded mattress, as over time, dust accumulates inside it and various parasites causing rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system are diluted.
- The material of the cover. Stop picking on coarse calico or jacquard. These materials are characterized by sufficient strength, hypoallergenic, as well as breathable and pleasant to the skin. It is better if the mattress for a newborn baby has two covers: the inner and outer removable. Do not forget to buy a mattress to protect the product from the accumulation of dust and leaks.
Top mattresses for newborn babies
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Top mattresses for newborn babies | 1 | Dreamline Baby Organic Green | 10 107 ₽ |
2 | Comfort Line Baby Puff Comfort | 7 461 ₽ | |
3 | Promtex-Orient Biba Cocos 6 | 5 123 ₽ | |
4 | Lonax baby fusion light | 4 931 ₽ | |
5 | Benartti baby natural | 5 795 ₽ | |
6 | Plitex bamboo nature | 3 509 ₽ | |
7 | Ascona Happy Baby | 3 560 ₽ | |
8 | Benartti baby orto | 6 179 ₽ | |
9 | Promtex-Orient Biba Strutto 6 | 3 070 ₽ |
Dreamline Baby Organic Green
Rating: 4.9
In the first place in the ranking is a bilateral mattress for newborns. Parents themselves can choose the level of rigidity. One side is medium hard and the other is higher than average. The filler is a four-layer box of latex coconut fiber and natural latex with aloe vera microcapsules. The removable cover is made of specially developed material 3D Organic.
- height - 10 cm;
- good air filtration;
- antibacterial protection;
- degree of stiffness - medium / above average;
- orthopedic effect.
- high cost - 10 thousand rubles.
Comfort Line Baby Puff Comfort
Rating: 4.8
The second position is taken by a model with a filler made of perforated natural latex, distinguished by hypoallergenic, elasticity, antibacterial properties, and latexed coconut coir. Due to the alternation of layers, the product acquires the necessary elasticity and stiffness. The removable cover is made of jacquard and polycotton. Quilted on hollkone, due to which it has softness. The model, like the previous one, is two-sided, where one side has a high degree of rigidity, and the second one is medium. It does not lose weight, therefore it is suitable for children from the first days of life
- height - 12 cm;
- orthopedic properties;
- antibacterial;
- hypoallergenic;
- maximum allowable weight - 100 kg;
- degree of stiffness - hard / above average;
- robust design
- high cost - 10800 p.
Promtex-Orient Biba Cocos 6
Rating: 4.8
The third line goes to the model for newborns, characterized by a high level of moisture and air exchange. The product is based on two three-centimeter plates of latexed coconut coir. This natural material provides the product with the necessary elasticity and rigidity. The filler does not absorb moisture and odors. The presented mattress is perfect for babies, as it will help in the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system in the first years of life. It can be used for staffing beds for children of preschool and primary school age. The removable cover is made of polikotton and quilted on padding polyester. The fabric does not fade over time, and does not shrink after washing.
- height - 6 cm;
- hypoallergenic;
- maximum allowable weight - 100 kg;
- degree of stiffness - hard / above average;
- orthopedic properties.
- relatively expensive - 6 thousand rubles.
Lonax baby fusion light
Rating: 4.7
The fourth place is given to the model of a bilateral mattress for newborns with a filler from alternating layers of two-centimeter natural latex and three-centimeter latex coconut coir.This model is similar to the Lonax Baby Fusion of the same name, but it has a smaller height, which is indicated in the title by adding the word “Light”. The removable cover is made of polikotton (50% cotton, 50% polyester), quilted on a padding polyester, which adds softness and, therefore, comfort. The manufacturer offers a choice of parents and another case made of cotton jacquard.
- height - 10 cm;
- long service life - 7 years;
- orthopedic properties;
- hypoallergenic;
- maximum allowable weight - 60 kg;
- degree of hardness - medium / hard;
- acceptable cost - 5 thousand rubles.
- not found.
Benartti baby natural
Rating: 4.7
The fifth is the model for newborns with alternating layers: 6 cm coconut latexed coir and 2 cm of natural latex. The latter enhances orthopedic properties, increases comfort and prolongs the life of the product. The removable cover is made of cotton jacquard and quilted on the hollocon, it has antibacterial treatment with a special Swedish compound Sanitized. Impregnation prevents the formation of mold, fungi and creates an unacceptable climate for the emergence and development of microbes, dust mites and other microorganisms. The mattress is two-sided, where one side has a high degree of rigidity and is suitable for babies from birth to 2-3 years, and the other is medium, for grown-up children 3-4 years.
- height - 8 cm;
- orthopedic properties;
- hypoallergenic;
- maximum allowable weight - 100 kg;
- degree of stiffness - hard / above average;
- long service life - 10 years.
- relatively expensive - 7500 p.
Plitex bamboo nature
Rating: 4.6
In the sixth place springless model for newborn children with sides of varying degrees of rigidity. The basis of the product consists of two plates of latex coconut coir (1 and 6 cm) and anatomical latex (2 and 1 cm). The side with coconut coir is ideal for children from birth, and the latex side is for grown-up kids 2-3 years old. Sleeping on a Bamboo Nature mattress ensures that the spine is properly formed. Users in the reviews note that the bamboo case quilted on a padding polyester has antibacterial properties, excellent heat regulation and hygroscopicity. At the same time it is gentle and pleasant to the touch.
- height - 11 cm;
- orthopedic properties;
- hypoallergenic and antibacterial;
- removable zipper cover;
- degree of stiffness - hard / above average;
- acceptable price - 4500 p.
- not found.
Ascona Happy Baby
Rating: 4.5
The seventh line gets a model for newborns Russian-made children. Provides physical development of children, helping the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system. The basis of the increased density is EcoFoam foam, which is responsible for the natural position of the back during sleep. A cover of high-quality knitwear supports the necessary ventilation. The baby on such a mattress is not cold in winter and not hot in summer. Manufacturers advise to purchase additional waterproof mattress pad, then the product will always remain clean. Recommended for children from birth to 3 years.
- height - 6.5 cm;
- hypoallergenic;
- removable zipper cover;
- environmentally friendly materials;
- degree of stiffness - hard / above average;
- acceptable cost - 4 thousand rubles.
- not found.
Benartti baby orto
Rating: 4.5
The eighth position goes to the springless model with two sides of different degrees of rigidity. Latexed coconut coir with one gives additional rigidity, and artificial latex with orthopedic characteristics and durability, on the other - elasticity and relative softness. The basis of the product is a monoblock of coconut fiber, whose width is 6 cm, and artificial latex 2 cm wide. The removable cover is made of durable cotton jacquard, quilted on the hollocon. After washing, it does not shrink or fade, maintaining a presentable appearance for a long time. The mattress is recommended for children from birth to 4 years.
- height - 8 cm;
- hypoallergenic;
- practicality and reliability;
- orthopedic properties;
- removable cover with antibacterial Swedish impregnation Sanitized;
- maximum allowable weight - 100 kg;
- degree of stiffness - hard / above average;
- long service life - 10 years.
- relatively expensive - 7 thousand rubles.
Promtex-Orient Biba Strutto 6
Rating: 4.5
Mattress for newborns from the initial price category closes the rating. The basis of the product consists of two three-centimeter strut-fiber plates. The model has the same degree of rigidity of the sides. The cover is made of polikotton (20% cotton), quilted on a padding polyester. The model is suitable for posture correction and prevention of scoliosis. The mattress is recommended for babies from the first day of life up to 4 years. The advantages of users include excellent hygroscopicity.
- height - 6 cm;
- long service life - 10 years;
- orthopedic properties;
- hypoallergenic;
- maximum allowable weight - 100 kg;
- degree of stiffness - above average;
- budget cost - 2800 p.
- not found.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.