9 best compasses

Nowadays, when GPS navigation is used everywhere, few tourists remember the map and the compass. It speaks only of inexperience. Every mature traveler knows that GPS is unable to completely replace the compass, as a constant satellite signal is needed, which is not available everywhere, and the battery charge, but there is no way to recharge on the way. Even if you are a beginner, we advise you to take with you an extra compass so that in any situation you can access the navigation around the area.

The compass, as it is known, helps to determine the location, navigate the map and find the necessary objects. It allows you not to get lost, and if this happens, it will quickly lead to the route if the traveler has the necessary knowledge of operating the device. But it is important not only to have the skill of using the compass, but also to be able to choose the right instrument for each specific task. There are compasses for athletes, military, geologists, navigators, pilots, etc.

Expertexists at iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ examined user reviews and expert opinions, making a rating that included 9 best compasses.

How to choose a compass

  1. Varieties. First you need to decide what are the devices. There are three main groups: liquid - simple devices, characterized by compact dimensions, reasonable cost and accuracy. Such devices do not require adjustment and calibration. Due to the fact that the tank is usually glass, you should handle the compass carefully, saving it from shaking and falling; magnetic - known to almost all devices that are considered good old classics and have a wide range of uses. Differ in high precision, convenience of operation, small dimensions. However, it should be remembered that in the presence of strong magnetic fields near, they may give inaccurate readings; electronic - modern modification of the magnetic compass only with enhanced functionality. Differ in accuracy, simplicity of use, compactness. True, electronic compasses are quite expensive. It happens that these devices are combined with GPS-navigators.
  2. For what purpose is purchased. Basic models will suit novice adventure seekers, as well as people who, by virtue of a little preparation, follow the route, not deviating much, and move mostly during the day. Such compasses have essential components without complicating the operation of parts like adjusting deviations and mirrors. Multi-functional devices with a full range of features (equipped with a magnifying glass, a mirror, etc.) allow you to increase the accuracy of navigation. Differ in high cost and complexity of setup, therefore will suit experienced travelers, military, geologists and other. Compasses accessories are charms, watches, etc. Not all such devices are able to work with high accuracy, so you need to be especially careful while choosing.
  3. Body dimensions It is important that the model is compact. The compass should be small in order to be always at hand and not to cause inconvenience to the tourist during transportation and operation. Prefer devices with a waterproof and shockproof housing.
  4. Global Arrow. Need a compass if the traveler plans to go to the southern hemisphere. The deviations of the magnetic fields of the Earth allow the needle of the classic compass to rotate freely in North America, but it can also fail in other parts of the world. The global arrow eliminates deviations, so it rotates freely anywhere in the world.
  5. Gyroscope. Compasses with a gyroscope are needed only for water and air navigation. With them is determined not magnetic, but the true North Pole. Due to this, the reading distortion due to the influence of electronics is reduced to zero. If you do not plan such trips by water or air, then you should not overpay.
  6. Barometer, altimeter and clinometer. Needed in compasses for tourists who prefer climbing in the mountains. The barometer measures pressure, showing the expected change in weather; the altimeter measures the height above sea level, and the clinometer measures the vertical angle (slope), allowing you to estimate the height of objects. With a compass, in which there is a barometer, an altimeter and a clinometer, it is easy to control the process of climbing, avoiding storms, avalanches and other weather cataclysms.
  7. Functionalityand. Geological and army compasses are usually advanced and are equipped with a backlight, a magnifying glass, an engineering ruler, a vizier. Choosing a specific model, build on the tasks that the device must handle.
  8. Strap. Durable lace, with which the compass is attached in a convenient place: on the belt, wrist, backpack, etc.

Top Compass Rating

Nomination a place Name of product price
Top travel compasses      1 Brunton International Pocket Transit 0-360 Degree          29 900 ₽
     2 Suunto MB-6 Global          6 990 ₽
     3 Silva Compass Expedition          3 190 ₽
Top Army Compasses      1 Veber DC60-1A          1 852 ₽
     2 Veber DC602A          2 185 ₽
Best wrist compasses      1 Suunto M-9          3 490 ₽
     2 Kromatech 30 mm          370 ₽
Top compasses for athletes      1 Silva race          5 060 ₽
     2 Moscompass "Quick Arrow"          1 780 ₽

Top travel compasses

Brunton International Pocket Transit 0-360 Degree

Rating: 4.9

Brunton International Pocket Transit 0-360 Degree

In the first place in the category of the compass, recognized as the best for use during tourist expeditions. The cost of the device, of course, rather big, but so far there has not been a single person who, after buying, became disillusioned with the model. Cast aluminum housing protects all important parts from damage. The level is double, which makes it possible to find the perfect balance at a point. It regularly works in the southern hemisphere. The kit comes waterproof silicon shutter, adapter for a tripod and a leather case for storage and transportation.


  • high accuracy - up to 1/2 degree;
  • works equally well on earth and water;
  • Graduation is divided into single degrees.


  • high cost - from 22 thousand rubles.

Suunto MB-6 Global

Rating: 4.8

Suunto MB-6 Global

The second line is occupied by a multifunctional model with global balancing. The compass has a matchbox form factor. The case is reinforced with additional protection, making it almost impossible to break the device. When immersed in water will not suffer, since moisture does not penetrate the compass. There is a sight device for accurate determination of the direction. Gives accurate readings in any part of the world, including in the southern hemisphere. The direction of movement and approximate marks are made of luminescent material, glowing in the dark.


  • liquid;
  • adjustment of deviation correction;
  • compact;
  • sapphire axial bearings.


  • relatively expensive - from 6 thousand p.

Silva Compass Expedition

Rating: 4.8

Silva Compass Expedition

The third position goes to the magnetic tablet compass. The device was designed for experienced tourists and travelers, therefore, has advanced features. For those who use GPS, there is an additional measurement scale. The model is equipped with a clinometer and a magnifying glass. Marking glows, so that even at night you can continue to move. Able to work properly at temperatures from -40 to +60 degrees. Users note high accuracy, the error is no more than 1 degree. The body is made of impact-resistant plastic.


  • compact size;
  • small weight - 50 g;
  • acceptable cost - from 2700 p.


  • not found.

Top Army Compasses

Veber DC60-1A

Rating: 4.9

Veber DC60-1A

In the first place is a liquid compass in a sturdy aluminum case, protected from splashes and moisture penetration inside. Suitable for orientation both on land and on water. The advantages of the model include a high rate of stabilization of the arrow. The main dial has two scales: degrees and sweet. The floating dial has a coating with special phosphorescent paints, so the device can also be used at night. A viewing window is installed in the lid so that the compass can even be operated closed. Case included.


  • a sight is provided;
  • possibility of installation on a tripod;
  • table of formulas on the back cover;
  • there is a clinometer;
  • acceptable price - from 1700 p.


  • not found.

Veber DC602A

Rating: 4.8

Veber DC602A

The second line goes to the compass with liquid damping. The arrow quickly stabilizes, as all vibrations in a fluid damp out. The body is made of durable but lightweight aluminum, thanks to which the device is protected from damage and has a low weight. The rest of the body is made of brass, plastic and impact-resistant glass. As you know, the model DC602A from Veber is a working replica of the famous military compass Francis Barker M73. It has the same functionality as the original. Included with the device is a nylon case that can be closed with velcro.


  • high accuracy - 1/2 degree;
  • fastening on the belt;
  • equipped with a prismatic lens;
  • two scales;
  • acceptable cost - from 1500 p.


  • not found.

Best wrist compasses

Suunto M-9

Rating: 4.9

Suunto M-9

In the first place in the rating category is a compass, made in a convenient wristwatch form factor. The model received high marks due to accuracy and reliability. The advantages of the device include a toothed bezel and a sighting window. The hull is waterproof, so you can dive with the compass. The built-in ratchet correctly adjusts the direction for quick orientation. Users in the reviews indicate that the device is unable to completely replace the full-sized compass, so it is not suitable for serious travel.


  • small weight;
  • compact size;
  • acceptable price - from 2500 p.


  • does not work in the southern hemisphere.

Kromatech 30 mm

Rating: 4.7


The second line is taken by another model, made in the form factor of a wristwatch. The bike travelers especially love this compass, because while driving a car, hands are always busy, and you will not have to make stops with this device, because you can navigate while driving by looking at your wrist. The dial has a black color, and the scale is white, thanks to this contrast, all values ​​are clearly visible. The strap is made of durable plastic. The length is adjustable, so it is always easy to fit the size to the arm of any thickness.


  • magnetic;
  • the arrow is visible in the dark;
  • compact size;
  • budget cost - from 500 p.


  • does not replace a full compass.

Top compasses for athletes

Silva race

Rating: 4.9

Silva race

In the first place is a model for orienteering. The device is equipped with a new design arrow and large transparent glass so that the map is visible. The support board has also been changed, due to which the contact between the card and the thumb is improved. The device will be ideal for runners and racers. The compass is equipped with a thin arrow in which a twin magnet made of rare metals is used. That is why the stabilization is carried out much faster compared with peers, even while running an athlete.


  • high accuracy;
  • supports with two axles;
  • instant stabilization of the arrow;
  • compact size.


  • relatively expensive - from 5 thousand rubles.

Moscompass "Quick Arrow"

Rating: 4.8

Moscompass Fast Arrow

Closes the rating category compass of domestic production. He, like the previous one, is designed for orienteering. In the line of Moscompass, this model is the fastest. The arrow instantly stabilizes despite the shaking that can occur, for example, because of running, jumping, etc. The features include a graduated scale and a thin arrow. The dial is black with a white scale. The device can be released on the board, fastened with a special lace, or put on the finger of any hand, fixing with Velcro.


  • arrow stabilization time - 0.5-1 sec;
  • strong magnet;
  • compact size;
  • acceptable cost - from 2300 p.


  • not found.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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