9 best game steering wheels

Since the advent of the Japanese arcade game Speed ​​Race by Taito in 1974, the auto racing genre has taken a strong position in the gamer world. It is interesting that in the same year the first game steering wheel developed by the famous Atari company appeared. Over time, the accessory capabilities have significantly expanded, and today some models are not inferior in functionality to the real racing steering wheels. The iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ team has prepared useful recommendations for choosing and rating the 9 best models of this indispensable tool for connoisseurs of virtual racing.

How to choose a game steering wheel

First of all, you should pay attention to the technical aspects and equipment:

  1. Compatibility. Virtually every modern gaming steering wheel runs on a PC running Windows (Mac hardware is harder to find). As for the consoles, then you need to choose carefully. Of course, there are universal models that will suit both the PlayStation and the Xbox. But most often well-known manufacturers produce different versions. In the rating we took this into account.
  2. Giving back. You can truly feel yourself in a racing car only with a recoil function. Vibration feedback is cheaper, but its effect is reduced only to periodically shaking the game steering wheel. On advanced models, force feedback is implemented, which fully reflects the situation on the road. For example, the steering wheel may jump out of hand if you lose control of the car. Also, you will feel the turns, bumps, bumps, grip. Everything, as in reality.
  3. Angle of rotation. Another important characteristic that determines the "immersion" in the race. For children and beginners who prefer arcades, 180 degrees will suffice (low-cost models of the rating), steering wheels with an angle of about 570 degrees are recommended for lovers of rally. And if you plan to practice simulators, then this figure should reach values ​​from 900 to 1080 degrees, like in real cars. Note that management will become more realistic and more difficult at the same time.
  4. Pedal unit. 2 plastic pedals are installed in the budgetary game wheels, and 3 metal ones in the advanced ones. Here the choice depends on the preferences and goals that the gamer pursues: savings or closest to reality and reliability. Pay attention to the grip.
  5. Transmission. Most often, the gears are shifted by the steering wheel petals - such a system is cheaper and easier to implement. But many rudders support the outer box (supplied or purchased separately), which can be of two types - sequential and H-shaped. The first supports only a consistent increase or decrease in transmission, the second copies the classic manual and is available separately for premium representatives of our rating.
  6. Among the parameters that depend on individual preferences - the appearance and design, ergonomics, the location of the buttons. It is important that the steering wheel is pleasant to the touch and lay well in the hands.For this, manufacturers cover the game steering wheel with rubber or leather (models without braid should be discarded). iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ recommends checking the type of attachment. The most reliable is fixation with clamps. For full immersion, additional accessories are provided: racks, panoramic screens, racing seats, a block of the emergency brake, etc.

Top Gaming Rudder Ratings

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best cheap gaming wheels      1 SPEEDLINK DRIFT O.Z. (SL-6695-BKOR)      3 790 ₽
     2 Defender Forsage GTR      2 740 ₽
     3 SVEN Speedy      1 690 ₽
The best game wheels in terms of price-quality ratio      1 Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback      16 789 ₽
     2 HORI Racing Wheel Apex      6 900 ₽
     3 Artplays Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900      5 748 ₽
The best gaming wheels premium segment      1 Thrustmaster T-GT      46 980 ₽
     2 Thrustmaster TMX Pro      19 890 ₽
     3 Logitech G920 Driving Force      17 450 ₽

The best cheap gaming wheels


Rating: 4.8


The leader of the ranking is ideal for exploring the world of computer racing. Pocketing such a purchase does not hit hard, but it will raise the game to a new level. The first thing that catches your eye is an attractive appearance. The combination of black and silver plastic with brown rubber looks stylish and catchy. The player has 12 buttons, vibration output with adjustable intensity, a choice between two modes - XInput (modern games), DirectInput (previous generations of simulators). The steering wheel is compatible with Windows and is easily configured through the program. It does not work with game consoles.

There is no reason to expect any technical innovations from a representative of the budget segment segment: there is no feedback, the angle of rotation is limited to 180 degrees. But at the same time there is a gear lever, paddle shifters, a good entry-level pedal unit with a comfortable footrest. Also, our experts say not the most reliable fixation by suction cups, therefore, it is recommended to provide additional fastening with clamps.


  • stylish design;
  • turning accuracy;
  • tough but lightweight construction;
  • gear lever;
  • good ergonomics;
  • compatibility with any games (Windows);
  • 12 programmable buttons;
  • adjustable vibration.


  • low-quality rubber pedals;
  • suckers that are not able to provide sufficient stability;
  • angle of rotation no more than 180 degrees.

Defender Forsage GTR

Rating: 4.7

Defender Forsage GTR

Here the stability problem, characteristic of the first place in the rating, is solved - in addition to the suction cups, the Defender Forsage GTR is equipped with clamps. In general, the game steering wheel responds quickly to changes in position, it is compatible with almost all racing games on the PC, it is very easy and quick to set up. It is pleasant to hold it in the hands due to the soft rubberized coating, the manufacturer has achieved good ergonomics and convenient button layout (there are 12 of them in total). Gear shifting is carried out using a separate lever, and we note too loud clicks.

As it should be, the model Forsage GTR has paddle shifters, only they have one available function - duplication of the gas and brake pedals. Reassign will not work. On the one hand, this is a plus: if you do not want to use the pedals, you can drive a car with the help of petals. But in most cases this functionality is idle without work. As for the pedal unit, it is not well thought out even for an initial level: the pedals are “pulled up”, the unit slides on many surfaces. But these shortcomings did not prevent the Forsage GTR from taking the silver rating.


  • easy setup;
  • fast response;
  • stable work in any modern games;
  • good vibration;
  • clamps included;
  • 12 function buttons;
  • nice rubberized coating;
  • the presence of a gear lever.


  • 180 degree coverage angle;
  • duplication of gas brakes and brake paddles;
  • uncomfortable pedals;
  • loud gear shifting.

SVEN Speedy

Rating: 4.6

SVEN Speedy

The cheapest representative of our rating.The presence of SVEN Speedy in the top three is due to the fact that the game steering wheel is designed for children aged 5 to 10 years. With this and its main advantages and disadvantages.

There are no excesses: the functionality is minimal, but sufficient. There is a vibration response that responds well to various driving situations. On the steering wheel there are 10 programmable buttons and a good 8-way joystick. Included with the device is a disk on which the user will find proprietary software. The settings are very simple and clear, so even a child will deal with them. It is noteworthy that the steering wheel will work even with old computers that are still running Windows XP. There is no gear shift lever, but there is a pedal unit, which is a big plus for such a cheap model.

Adult players will be inconvenient to use the game wheel from the third place rating because of the tiny diameter - only 225 millimeters. Also, the turn is limited to 90 degrees in one and the other direction. But the available characteristics is enough for young riders.


  • low price;
  • the presence of vibration feedback;
  • 10 programmable buttons;
  • 8-way joystick;
  • pedal unit;
  • rubber inserts for reliable grip.


  • no gearbox;
  • small diameter steering wheel (225 mm);
  • angle of rotation - 180 degrees;
  • "Toy" design.

The best game wheels in terms of price-quality ratio

Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback

Rating: 4.9

Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback

It was Thrustmaster that launched the first game steering wheel for a personal computer (1994), so it is not surprising that the manufacturer’s model is located on the first line of the rating. T150 Force Feedback is suitable for those who are no longer satisfied with the rudders of the budget segment. Here, the angle of rotation is increased to 1080 degrees, there are well-implemented feedback and 14 customizable buttons, metal petal switches and other "chips", necessary for riders.

Expertex experts mark excellent build quality and stylish design. Blue perforated rubber inserts not only look good, but also do not allow the steering wheel to slip out of hand even during tense gaming moments. Developers paid close attention to the mounts. The steering wheel is fixed with a clamp and screws, and slots for connection with any heavy base are provided in the pedal unit. Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback is compatible with the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC. Players are available to fine-tune through proprietary software.

The weak link of the model is the pedal unit. It is an entry level and does not correspond to the steering wheel in this plan. And there is no external gear lever. These additions can be changed and purchased separately, but then the total cost of the device will increase significantly and will not allow the helm to be in the first place in the rating in terms of price and quality.


  • PC compatibility on Windows and PlayStation 3, 4;
  • adjustable angle of rotation (up to 1080 degrees);
  • reliable fastening;
  • force feedback, vibration feedback;
  • stylish design, eye-catching blue inserts;
  • high-quality assembly, long service life;
  • metal petal switches;
  • 14 buttons for various purposes;
  • proprietary software for easy and fine tuning.


  • lack of complete transmission;
  • pedal unit does not match the quality of the steering wheel.

HORI Racing Wheel Apex

Rating: 4.8

HORI Racing Wheel Apex

Another game wheel, compatible with PC, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. The Japanese company took care of the build quality and ergonomics of the wheel - it’s really convenient to use the device from the second place in the rating. HORI Racing Wheel Apex works in two modes of rotation - 180 (for children and beginners) and 270 degrees (for experienced players). All available buttons and sensitivity can be reconfigured with maximum precision - in this, the Japanese have surpassed all competitors. But there is also a fly in the ointment - to many, the technical side of tuning will seem too complicated.

When connected to PS4, there will be a choice between two modes - PS4-S and PS4-N. The first is automatic, the second is manual. Unfortunately, PS4-S is not compatible with all races.Among other reasons that did not allow the HORI Racing Wheel Apex to appear on the first line of the rating is the lack of force feedback, high power consumption, a strange decision about the arrangement of the R2 and L2 buttons. But there is also a proprietary feature - TouchSense vibration. It was implemented by Immersion, which invented the vibration feedback technology.


  • high-quality plastic case, a nice rubber sheath;
  • two modes of rotation - 180 and 270 degrees;
  • possibility of the most fine-tuning
  • universal mount, suitable even for non-standard racks;
  • TouchSense vibration technology;
  • PC, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4;
  • spectacular racing design.


  • difficult technical adjustment;
  • inconvenient arrangement of some buttons;
  • increased energy consumption compared to competitors;
  • lack of force feedback;
  • Many games do not support PS4-S mode.

Artplays Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900

Rating: 4.8

Artplays Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900

The Artplays Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900 game steering wheel can be called a truly universal representative of the rating, because it works with both personal computers on Windows and all popular versions of consoles (PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One). Only it is necessary to take into account that in the absence of the original gamepad it will not be possible to connect. The player has 15 buttons and a D-pad. Interestingly, on the front panel there is a sensitivity control, which can be used directly during the game.

In technical terms, Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900 is no different from other members of its price segment: the maximum angle of rotation is 270 degrees, there is a vibration feedback (but there is no power output), a simple setting. There are no additional modes, like a competitor rated by HORI, not provided. Of the features - the presence of a gear lever (do not have to buy), a stable pedal unit with retractable anti-slip system.


  • compatibility with all popular platforms (PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One);
  • comfortable and stable pedal unit;
  • gear lever;
  • angle of rotation 270 degrees;
  • two vibration motors;
  • fastening on clamps;
  • 15 buttons on the panel and D-pad;
  • quick setup.


  • lack of power recoil;
  • monotonous design;
  • connection to consoles only through the original controller.

The best gaming wheels premium segment

Thrustmaster T-GT

Rating: 5.0

Thrustmaster T-GT

T-GT is a solution for real professionals and competitors of the highest level. Thrustmaster's premium gaming steering wheel became the crown of the company's development and deservedly won first place in the iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ ranking. The first point to note is the unique T-GT servo base. The number of technologies implemented here surpasses: T-LIN linear feedback, T-40VE brushless motor, T-MCE brand cooling and more. Accuracy and record low response time are guaranteed by the T-F.O.C optimization algorithm. and Hall Effect Sensor System. To ensure uninterrupted power, an external unit in the form of a turbine is provided.

The removable steering wheel is endowed with 25 functional buttons and two miniature joysticks. The maximum angle of rotation is 1080 degrees. Another unique "chip" - 4 regulators, with which you can adjust important characteristics (fuel injection circuit, brake balancing and others). According to the highest standard, the pedal unit is also adjustable. But the gear lever is absent, which is typical for all participants in the rating of premium rudders.

Thrustmaster prepared a special gift for fans of the game Gran Turismo Sport - T-DFB technology. It brings the power feedback to a new level, the competitors have no analogues. The player will feel absolutely everything: grip, suspension, various types of road surface, etc. Thanks to the T-DFB, the T-GT steering wheel is called the “real simulator”.


  • 25 function buttons;
  • 2 customizable mini-joysticks;
  • 1080 degree rotation angle;
  • PC and PS4 compatibility;
  • premium materials (durable plastic, metal, genuine leather);
  • removable steering wheel and exclusive T-GT servo base;
  • 3 metal pedals with adjustable;
  • external power unit in the form of a turbine;
  • linear feedback;
  • patented cooling system;
  • maximum accuracy thanks to T-F.O.C technology.


  • very high price;
  • lack of an external gearbox;
  • T-DFB technology only works in GT Sport.

Thrustmaster TMX Pro

Rating: 4.8

Thrustmaster TMX Pro

If you are not ready to part with a large sum for the sake of the T-GT, we offer an excellent alternative from the same manufacturer - the TMX Pro gaming steering wheel. It costs less and is not endowed with the exclusive technologies mentioned above. But, nevertheless, the model is perfect for both beginners and professionals. The version “Pro” got into our rating, and not just “TMX”, since it comes bundled with a professional unit with three metal adjustable pedals. But the gear lever is predictably not.

The angle of rotation of the TMX Pro varies from 270 to 900 degrees, and the number of function buttons reaches 15 pieces. Petals deserve special attention: they are very wide, comfortable and made of metal. The steering wheel shape is realistic, ergonomic, but the braid is rubber, not leather. Accessory automatically connects to Xbox One thanks to certified firmware.


  • 15 buttons (with gearshift paddles);
  • adjustable angle of rotation (from 270 to 900 degrees);
  • professional pedal unit T3PA included;
  • wide metal flap switches;
  • realistic shape, suitable for different types of races;
  • proprietary force feedback (12 functions);
  • convenient and intuitive PC-friendly software;
  • auto setup when connected to Xbox One, certified firmware.


  • the gear switch is missing (sold separately and is very expensive);
  • simple rubber sheath that does not match the premium segment.

Logitech G920 Driving Force

Rating: 4.

Logitech G920 Driving Force

The Logitech G920 Driving Force and Thrustmaster TMX Pro gaming wheels are in the same price segment, but the first device has to be content with only the third place in the ranking for several reasons. The main one is the pedal unit. It is not as high-quality and thoughtful as T3PA. First, the block slides on many surfaces and in the midst of a tense race can simply go far under the table. Secondly, there is an unusually tight brake pedal. The problem can be solved only by increasing the sensitivity to the maximum or by manually refining the design, which is not recommended.

The rest of the Logitech G920 Driving Force is a good choice for experienced players. Particularly pleased with the appearance of the steering wheel (it is not completely round), leather sheath, comfortable grip. The manufacturer did not regret the metal - the design looks reliable. The angle of rotation is adjustable, force feedback is present. And the model works stably on Apple computers. The G920 version is compatible with Xbox One (you need a G29 model to play on PlayStation).


  • stylish design, leather sheath;
  • comfortable grip;
  • a large amount of aluminum and steel in the structure;
  • PC compatibility (including Mac) and Xbox One;
  • angle of rotation up to 900 degrees;
  • force feedback, vibration feedback.


  • no external gear selector;
  • no power button;
  • the need for additional mounting pedals;
  • very tight brake pedal.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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