9 best manufacturers of stamped discs

Stamped discs are basic for cars coming off the assembly line. They are solid metal products obtained as a result of pressure treatment on special stamps. They bribe users mainly due to the lowest price factor in the segment (in relation to cast and forged discs), as well as the possibility of straightening when dents or welding cracks appear.

Despite their homeliness, pressed discs are actively sold in the market, and therefore the competitive field among manufacturing companies has reached incredible proportions. It becomes impossible for an ordinary consumer to cope with the sweat-like goods produced by them. Therefore, after conducting a thorough study within the segment, the editors of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ magazine selected nine of the best firms engaged in the manufacture of low-cost and, most importantly, high-quality stamped discs. One of the key criteria for the selection of nominees in the steel rating is the feedback of tens of thousands of consumers, as well as the expert opinions of staff experts.

How to choose stamped discs

At the current stage of development of the auto parts market and specialized sales sites, the selection of stamped discs does not pose a big problem - a product that suits your needs and preferences can be easily identified through special search forms by parameters. However, if the choice is made independently and directly in the store, we recommend to take into account six main points:

  1. Landing diameter. A value indicating the outer diameter of the pressed disc in inches (for example, R15). An obvious enough parameter for a choice that should be given special attention. The permissible disc diameters are always prescribed in the vehicle's instruction manual and indicated on stickers located in doorways (together with the recommended tire pressure level). We strongly advise you to follow the prescribed rules, because in case of detection of violations of compatibility of the car may not pass a routine inspection.
  2. The number and location of the mounting holes. Criterion with a very long name and a large role in the installation of disks. The number of fixing bolts directly depends on the mass of the product, and can vary from 3 to 7-8. In standard practice (most of all), disks with 4-6 bolts are used, but with the diameter of the hole, everything is much more confusing. On production cars VAZ, for example, (with the exception of Oka and Niva), the diameter is 98 millimeters. We recommend to strictly observe all prescribed dimensions in order to avoid poor fixation of the wheel on the hub or the occurrence of a beating while driving.
  3. Disk width. Simple, and at the same time not less important parameter, than landing diameter. It is marked with the Latin letter “J” and, similarly to the diameter, is indicated in the technical instruction. The width of the disk has a dimensional fit with a number of tires, but non-hard, as it allows for the presence of a small error.
  4. Disc crash. The parameter that influences the perception of forces with hub bearings and the operation of the suspension. It represents the distance from the plane of connection with the hub to the middle of the wheel in width. With the wrong selection of a pressed disk on the flight, you can provoke a situation of rapid wear of parts of the chassis, and to a greater degree of development of the service life of the hub bearings.
  5. Diameter of the hub bore. It is indicated in the documentation by the letters “D”, “Dia” or “DIA”, and is, perhaps, the most important criterion for selecting a disc. Everything is simple: with the obviously smaller diameter of the central hole, the wheel simply does not fall into place, and with its large dimensions, precise alignment with setting of special rings will be required during installation.
  6. Fasteners. The question of choice for this parameter is associated with the type and form of fasteners that will fix the disc on the hub. In the case of stamped discs, the role of such is most often played by bolts with a conical shape of the adjacent plane and reduced length of the threaded part. This is due to the small thickness of the stamping, compared to casting. Sometimes it is possible to find disks under the bolts with a hemispherical and flat base on the market, but such types are still very rare.

Which wheels are better: cast or stamped?

Drive type



Do youe

+ Low weight and, as a result, more economical fuel consumption

+ Best overclocking characteristics

+ Facilitate the process of driving

+ Reduced stopping distance due to lighter construction

+ Better balance provided during production

+ High durability

- Non-fit: a strong and sharp blow can lead to the destruction of the disk

- The cost is much higher than for stamped models

- The perceived low perceived weight (not designed for installation on trucks and minibuses).


+ Amenable to repair due to the increased plasticity of the stamping: you can straighten and peel dents, butcher and weld cracks

+ They have a high payload, so they can be installed on cars for any purpose (trucks, buses, etc.)

+ Low cost compared to alloy wheels

- Low attractiveness of appearance (corrected by the production of decorative caps with fastening on clamps or cable ties)

- Knowingly more than cast wheels, weight: as a result, increased fuel consumption and less "docile" control

- Poor balancing

- Slight increase in braking distance

- The metal of the disk may be subject to corrosion at the places where the protective layer (enamel, galvanization) disappears.

Rating of the best manufacturers of stamped discs

Nomination a place manufacturer rating
Rating of the best manufacturers of stamped discs      1 KFZ      4.9
     2 Mefro      4.8
     3 Kronprinz      4.8
     4 Dotz      4.7
     5 TZSK      4.7
     6 Eurodisk      4.7
     7 Asterro      4.6
     8 Trebl      4.5
     9 Yst      4.4


Rating: 4.9


The first line of the rating on the right of the strong goes to the largest European holding KFZ with production bases in Germany, Switzerland, Spain and even Brazil. The specifics of this company is the constant exchange of experience and technology with other firms, as well as the parallel launch of its own research laboratories. However, it does not pursue the goals to give users a visually reference product, working preemptively on improving strength indicators for the benefit of consumers.

Of the recent achievements of KFZ, a 15 percent reduction in the mass of disks without loss of performance can be noted. All this was made possible thanks to the competent development of the profile, and was reflected in fuel economy, increasing the controllability and flexibility of the car, as well as reducing the load on the chassis parts. Sincerely pleased the experts and the number of different samples of disks: 36 factories around the world produces more than 500 models.All this, coupled with low prices makes the international holding one of the most attractive to consumers, so the choice in favor of such leadership was more than obvious.


  • more than 36 production sites spread all over the world;
  • constant work on improving the performance of new model series conducted in personal research complexes;
  • support active market growth through the exchange of experience with other companies;
  • very high rated product quality;
  • reasonable prices;
  • a significant reduction in the weight of models relative to competitors - improved handling and reduced fuel consumption.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.8


An important difference from Kronprinz Merfo - attention to detail and focus on the occupation of as many niches as possible in the issues of production of stamped discs for transport equipment. It is for these reasons, the "world" manufacturer (factories of the company are scattered around the world) occupies a leading place in the ranking of the best. Among its products can be found stamping, designed for tractors, trucks, motorcycles, trailers and, in fact, for cars with SUVs.

Like all other members of the caste leaders, Merfo often faces the problem of falsification of goods in retail, thus causing the indignation of consumers. In their original form, their discs are able to withstand enormous shock loads, have a positive effect on fuel consumption and controllability, and also serve faithfully for 5-7 years (guaranteed). In addition, many experts recognize their protective coating as a reference - it does not lose its properties during prolonged contact with aggressive road chemistry and can withstand severe shearing loads. Excellent product, justifying all the means laid on it.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • reference protective layer of the base metal;
  • high strength characteristics and resistance to strong mechanical shocks;
  • durability and wear resistance;
  • agreement on deliveries to the conveyors of many European and American concerns.


  • presence of fakes on the market.


Rating: 4.8


This is hard to believe, but the history of the German company Kronprinz has more than 110 years of successful existence, albeit in different production roles. Nevertheless, now it is entirely focused on the production of stamped disks for automobiles, and in completely different standard sizes: from R14 to R20.

A subtle sense of technological progress, which is the business card of the company, allows us to systematically and timely modernize production, following the trend of continuous improvement of the product offered. It turns out great: the disks gradually get rid of chronic vulnerabilities, add to the resistance to wear and durability. In particular, over the past few years, Kronprinz has addressed the issue of poor product resistance to tangential impacts, which not only put the discs out of action, but also had a detrimental effect on the chassis details. The problem was solved by changing the shape and thickness of a number of small areas, which had a positive effect and pushed the sales bar to new heights.


  • hunting work on the bugs;
  • an abundance of models of stamped discs in the range;
  • good metal protection by overlap - high resistance to wear;
  • product compliance with international quality standards.


  • at the moment - not available.


Rating: 4.7


The four of the best manufacturers of pressed discs got the German company Dotz, the hallmark of which was the magnificent design of the products.Indeed, in some cases, users should not even think about changing stamping to casting - the disc here has decorative linings, as well as technologically complex elements that are unattainable in the production of other companies.

Of course, you have to pay for everything. Often the beauty of a chrome-plated or enameled surface hides behind the low strength properties, due to which the disk is deformed by applying obviously lower loads than those of competitors. True, such nuances have been the place to be until recently. Pedantic in nature, the Germans tightened the standards of the enterprise and introduced careful operational control with the regulation of the main parameters affecting driving comfort and performance. The results exceeded expectations, which naturally affected the wave of positive reaction from European and Russian users.


  • emphasis on the visual component of the disks - complex transitions, profile bends, the presence of decorative linings;
  • reasonable price for the entire product line;
  • high quality and level of finishing at all stages of production;
  • smart recommendations from experts and users.


  • at this stage - not identified.


Rating: 4.7


Togliatti Steel Wheel Factory is the official and unchanged supplier of pressed discs to the conveyor lines of AvtoVAZ PJSC, located in the same city. It is the largest and most well-to-do company among all the reviewed domestic producers, which has its own research laboratory and direct access to the markets of Europe and Asia (through the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance).

Due to the high-quality equipment of the TZSK production, from year to year it makes modernization of its products, improving then the components of painting and processing, then welding methods, now “playing” with heat treatment to increase strength properties. Thus, the number of advantages of the company's products and consumers, and experts include a large selection of models, safety, excellent quality and, importantly, affordable prices. And, in view of the colossal experience of production, it becomes much easier to believe in all this.


  • the title supplier of stamped discs to the conveyors of AvtoVAZ, Renault, Nissan, etc .;
  • availability of its own research department;
  • constant work on improving performance;
  • high popularity among consumers.


  • A small number of low-quality fakes in retail.


Rating: 4.7


The company with a promising name is another from the Russian market, operating within the budget segment of the stamped discs. However, the quality of the products produced here is surprisingly acceptable, since the technical equipment of the enterprise includes entirely foreign equipment (Turkey, Germany, France and the Netherlands). In turn, raw materials for products are supplied from the Severstal metallurgical plant, which also has a positive effect on the final cost.

Without having any special views on the production of a strictly defined type of discs, Eurodisk tries to satisfy the needs of a large number of consumers by consistently “throwing” R14-R16 stamping onto the market (a little less and in a smaller volume - R17). And, in general, everyone likes: someone at the expense of a good protective overlap of the metal, someone for withstanding shock loads. Anyway, the Russian company managed to please the domestic car owners, and therefore the next step is to establish sustainable lines of international sales.


  • the lowest price for manufactured products;
  • production orientation to classical methods of obtaining the product (without the principles of strict postoperative control);
  • satisfactory parameters of strength and quality of metal processing;
  • an abundance of models of stamped discs in the company lineup.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.6


A rather interesting brand, the sources of which can be found on the territory of (quite unexpectedly) Uzbekistan, although all production has long been relocated to China. It is one of the leading players in the domestic market of pressed discs with no claims to superiority in terms of visual design and production technologies used.

An adherent of the classic scheme of manufacturing products, Asterro maintains high quality standards in terms of strength parameters, thereby minimizing the risk of fracture of steel discs at strong impacts or the impact of a number of negative factors (cold, road reagents, mechanical stress). According to consumer reviews, the stamping of an Uzbek company weighs even less than a number of analogues, thereby becoming more manageable and economical. This is especially liked by meticulous comfort and safety, and it is for this that we award Asterro the seventh line of the rating.


  • increased manageability and efficiency;
  • good quality protective metal overlap;
  • high strength properties of welds;
  • low price for the whole range of products.


  • lower (relative to competitors) durability values ​​due to simplified construction.


Rating: 4.5


A company with very tangled "roots" of origin, whose main office is located in China. It is one of the most popular manufacturers among Russian car owners, as it supplies the market with extremely cheap and visually very interesting products. As well as YST, Trebl uses the technology of operational quality control, paying special attention to the balance and radial runout of the discs at a set speed.

Despite its Chinese origins (and roots going back to Japan), this company has long established itself as a reliable supplier of stamping to global manufacturers' conveyors. Trebl wheels go to the conveyors of General Motors, Ford, and partially to the production lines of the assembly of budget sedans from Volkswagen. Among the main advantages can also be attributed to the excellent condition of the protective coating (enamel, zinc plating) and good resistance to wrinkling - this is a reliable product that can serve faithfully for 4-5 years.


  • low price for the entire product line;
  • interesting visual solutions (painting + execution of the stamp);
  • resistant coating that provides protection against aggressive environmental influences;
  • trust from global automakers.


  • for its price category - not revealed.


Rating: 4.4


The youngest company from the list, which has already managed to “grab” more than 7% of Russia's domestic market from competitors. The main YST plant is located in the city of Yaroslavl, however, the production base is made up of purely foreign equipment (imported mainly from the USA, Italy and Germany). Stamped wheels are produced in the most popular sizes (from R13 to R17), trying to cover the largest possible range of cars used in Russia.

In terms of quality, YST also advanced several points ahead, in particular, due to well-implemented policy of operational control. Other technologically advanced developments are gradually being introduced that allow companies to impose competition on the largest European firms.At the present stage of its existence, it is possible to single out only one small nuance: domestic consumers have not yet had time to “try out” the new product properly, therefore there are not too many evaluations from them yet. For this, we give the nominee the ninth place in the rating, but with high hopes for future improvements in the result.


  • relies on high-tech production methods;
  • introduction of operational control, reduction of marriage;
  • good parameters of reliability and durability of disks;
  • good product design.


  • still a small popularity of the company among Russian car enthusiasts.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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