9 best automatic blood pressure monitors

Doctors recommend that people aged regularly monitor pressure. This applies even to those who have never had any health problems. Pressure spikes must be monitored daily to prevent cardiovascular and other diseases that can even be fatal. This will help correctly selected automatic tonometer. The device is used to measure blood pressure. The indicators issued by the device are compared with the norms established for the organism of a healthy person. Elevated or lowered numbers serve as a serious call indicating deviations.

More and more people prefer to get automatic blood pressure monitors for home use, since working with them is much easier, and the results are more accurate than that of mechanical analogs. In the material, we consider several models of such devices, and also we will understand how to make the right choice.

Expertex iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ examined the market, got acquainted with user reviews and made a rating, which included 9 of the best models of tonometers.

What to look for when choosing an automatic blood pressure monitor

  1. Pressure measurement point. There are devices on the shoulder, wrist and finger. The first are considered the most accurate, and therefore are the most popular. The latter are suitable for those whose volume of the hand does not allow the use of the cuff, as well as athletes. If a cuff brings discomfort to a person, then you should also pay attention to this version of the device. Such devices are light and easy to use, you can take them with you on any trip. In addition to measuring pressure, wrist tonometers show the pulse rate. The digital display here is on the cuff, so during sports it is convenient to follow the indicators. Still others can measure the pressure on the finger, but experts unanimously declare that the accuracy of such tonometers is very low.
  2. The components of the tonometer. From the quality of components depends on the service life of the product, and most importantly - the accuracy of measurements. If some parts of the device need to be bought separately, then all of them should be of the same company. Only in this way you will avoid large errors in the work of the tonometer.
  3. Cuff size. Properly selected cuff will affect the measurement results. Cuffs 22-32 cm are suitable for an average hand. There are universal ones that allow adjusting the volume up to 42 cm. Cuffs up to 22 cm are ideal for children and people with thin hands. Self-use can be made easier by purchasing a cuff with a fixing ring.
  4. Accuracy of measurements. Absolutely all tonometers have an error, but this does not mean that the devices are of poor quality. This situation is the norm. Usually all the information about the errors the manufacturer indicates on the package. Sometimes automatic blood pressure monitors show large discrepancies in readings in comparison with mechanical and semi-automatic counterparts. It is caused by a violation of the recommendations on the use of the device. To avoid such a situation, carefully read the instructions, trying to follow the order of measurement.
  5. Artificial Intelligence. Some models are equipped with an intelligent system that allows to reduce the error in the measurements, as well as calculate and display the average pressure values ​​taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
  6. Additional functions. Automatic blood pressure monitors, equipped with an arrhythmia indicator, will fix and display heart palpitations. The devices have different technologies for determining arrhythmias, but they are all effective, therefore, it is not necessary to focus on this parameter. Devices that diagnose the WHO-scale, allow us to estimate the degree of hypertension. Indicators can not serve as a basis for diagnosis, but are a reason to consult a doctor. Tonometers with built-in memory make it possible to save up to 200 measurements, which is convenient for daily monitoring. Having a PC connection allows you to print the results for yourself or your doctor.
  7. Type of food. Automatic powered tonometers are ideal for home use. But it is better to choose models with two types of power, for example, from the network and batteries. Then the device can be taken with you on trips.

Rating of the best automatic blood pressure monitors

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best automatic blood pressure monitors      1 Omron HBP-1100      10 805 ₽
     2 Qardio QardioArm      8 490 ₽
     3 AND UA-779AC      5 024 ₽
     4 Medisana BW 300 Connect      4 490 ₽
     5 Microlife BP A6 PC      4 444 ₽
     6 AND UA-1300      4 450 ₽
     7 Omron m3 expert      3 349 ₽
     8 B.Well PRO-36      2 260 ₽
     9 Omron M2 Basic      1 580 ₽

Omron HBP-1100

Rating: 5.0

Omron HBP-1100

In the first place in the rating is a model suitable not only for measuring pressure and pulse in adults, but also in children from three years old. Oscillometric and auscultatory measurement method is used. The tonometer can be used not only at home, but also in medical institutions, as it has high accuracy. Cuff is fixed on the shoulder. Comes with a standard cuff (22-32 cm). If necessary, you can buy a cuff of the same company in other sizes. The device is equipped with a small adapter.


  • large anti-glare display;
  • battery and adapter operation;
  • memorization of the last measurement;
  • arrhythmia detection;
  • five-second stop of the discharge of air while fixing the movement of the patient;
  • rubberized buttons;


  • high cost - 11900 p.

Qardio QardioArm

Rating: 4.9

Qardio QardioArm

The second position goes to an advanced model of the tonometer. It is a blood pressure monitor that also measures the pulse. The results are transferred to gadgets running iOS and Android. To do this, simply download the Qardio application, installing it on a tablet or phone. It is possible to synchronize data with the services of S Health and Apple Health. The device is compact and easily fits in a small bag, so it is always at hand. The cuff (22-37 cm) is put on the shoulder.


  • high accuracy - error less than 5%;
  • the ability to send the results to the attending physician;
  • simultaneous synchronization with 8 phones / tablets;
  • built-in memory;
  • arrhythmia detection;
  • automatic triple measurement function;


  • high cost - 8500 p.


Rating: 4.8


The third line is occupied by a digital tonometer, positioned by the manufacturer as a family cardiocenter. Included with the device is a universal shoulder cuff (22-43 cm) and a network adapter. An advanced compressor speeds up the measurement process. The device is designed for two people involved in the control of blood pressure and pulse. There is a built-in memory for two users: 120 last measurements are stored for each. Complete with a tonometer there is a convenient plastic case for carrying. Power is supplied from the network and batteries.


  • high accuracy - error less than 5%;
  • screen backlight;
  • sound notification;
  • histogram building function;
  • monitoring of morning and evening indicators;
  • WHO graphic color scale;
  • detection of arrhythmias and hypertension;


  • relatively expensive - 5 thousand rubles.

Medisana BW 300 Connect

Rating: 4.7

Medisana BW 300 Connect

The fourth is an automatic blood pressure monitor on the wrist. According to the manufacturer, the device is not inferior to shoulder analogs in measurement accuracy.Rapid acquisition of indicators is carried out, thanks to a special technology that displays the results of measurements during inflation of the cuff. The information display will show systolic and diastolic pressure, pulse, as well as time and date. Information on the screen is displayed in a large font, so older people with poor eyesight will easily read them.


  • arrhythmia detection;
  • Backlit LCD display;
  • synchronization with smartphones running Android and iOS;
  • two blocks of internal memory (each stores 180 recent measurements);
  • "Guest" measurement mode;
  • WHO graphic color scale;


  • relatively expensive - 4500 p.

Microlife BP A6 PC

Rating: 4.7

Microlife BP A6 PC

In fifth place is an ergonomic automatic tonometer with a humeral cuff (22-42 cm). The device was developed in collaboration with cardiologists and has the highest accuracy class A / A. It has the ability to connect to a PC, making it easy to analyze the data through a special program. The model is equipped with built-in memory, accommodating up to 99 recent measurements for two different users. MAM technology calculates the average pressure value, taking as a basis the last three results. Food is carried out both from a network, and from batteries.


  • intelligent analysis algorithm;
  • hand movement indication;
  • indicator of the correct position of the cuff;
  • smoother air injection into the cuff;
  • 3 measurement modes;
  • arrhythmia detection;


  • relatively expensive - 5 thousand rubles.

AND UA-1300

Rating: 4.6

AND UA-130

The sixth position goes to an automatic tonometer with a unique voice function of the results. In addition, the voice assistant will talk about the rules of use. The model is equipped with a large display on which information is displayed in large print. Clear indicators and icons will not allow an elderly person to get confused. A versatile shoulder cuff will suit most people of different body sizes. If necessary, you can purchase branded cuffs of other sizes. The built-in memory stores on the device up to 90 recent measurements with time and date.


  • high accuracy;
  • powered by mains and batteries;
  • the ability to manually set the limit value of the discharge air;
  • movement indicator and correct position of the cuff;
  • arrhythmia detection;


  • relatively expensive - 5 thousand rubles.

Omron m3 expert

Rating: 4.5

Omron m3 expert

On the seventh line is an automatic tonometer with enhanced functionality. Measurement of blood pressure and pulse occurs painlessly, as the system smoothly injects air without pinching the arteries, which eliminates the risk of re-measurement. The automatic tonometer is equipped with a universal cuff (22-42 cm). Built-in memory stores up to 60 recent results in the device. A special logbook is delivered with the tonometer, where it is possible to enter data for the attending physician to analyze them later.


  • high accuracy - the error does not exceed 5%;
  • acceptable price - 3200 p.
  • Motion indication and warning sound;
  • indicator of the correct position of the cuff;
  • arrhythmia detection;


  • powered only by the network.

B.Well PRO-36

Rating: 4.5

B.Well PRO-36

The eighth becomes an automatic tonometer from the budget price category. The model has a minimum set of functions, but they will be enough to perform the main task - accurate measurement of blood pressure. Large LCD displays all information in large print. The humeral cuff has a universal size - 22-42 cm. The feature of the device is the voice accompaniment, which will facilitate the self-measurement process for people with poor eyesight. The device remembers the last result.


  • high accuracy - the error does not exceed 5%;
  • acceptable price - 2400 p.
  • powered by mains and batteries;
  • WHO graphic color scale;
  • pulse measurement;
  • arrhythmia detection;


  • powered only by the network.

Omron M2 Basic

Rating: 4.5

Omron M2 Basic

Closes the rating is another simple, but reliable and accurate blood pressure monitor. Measures blood pressure and pulse automatically. Even an elderly person who does not understand the technology will cope with simple management. The cuff has a universal size - 22-32 cm. Thanks to the high blood pressure indicator, the user immediately understands that he should immediately take the medicine or consult a doctor. At the bottom of the block there are legs with rubberized pads, which gives the device greater stability.


  • high accuracy - the error does not exceed 5%;
  • acceptable price - 2200 p.
  • powered by mains and batteries;
  • large display;
  • built-in memory for the last 30 results;
  • arrhythmia detection;


  • not found.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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