8 best adhesives for wallpaper
Beautifully decorated walls have long become a business card of every home. And even with minimal furnishings, the wallpaper can highlight the taste of the host and arouse the admiration of the guests. For some time our grandparents used a paste - a solution made of starch or flour and water. Environmentally friendly and safe for health, it did not always fulfill its main function, and very often the next day one could see rolls lying on the floor that had come off the wall.
Features of various types of wallpaper
Today, modern manufacturers come to the rescue and offer a huge selection of adhesives for various types of wallpaper. They are guaranteed excellent adhesion to the wall, and you do not have to redo several times and do the same thing. Before you buy a tool, you need to decide what type of coverage you have to work with. They are of several types:
Paper - the most common and inexpensive type. They are used in bedrooms, nurseries, living rooms, that is, in rooms with low humidity. They are lightweight, made from safe materials. But they are short-lived, quickly fade in the sun, they can not be washed. For this type of fit the simplest adhesive mixture.
Vinyl wallpapers consist of two layers. The bottom one is made of durable paper, the top one is made of PVC fabric or film, on which patterns, flowers and other embossed patterns are embossed on top. The surface can be washed, it is resistant to UV and fungus, the brightness of the color remains for a long time. For this type of ordinary glue will not work, but only special for vinyl wallpaper.
Flizelinovye consist of combined fiber and cellulose, bonded with a chemical binder. They are very durable, hide the roughness and irregularities of the walls. Wallpapers are moisture resistant, so they can be wiped with a sponge soaked in water. The ability to accumulate dust on the surface allows this type to be used in rooms with young children and people with a tendency to allergies.
Glass fiber made of fiberglass with special impregnation. Their main advantage is high fire resistance, they do not burn or smolder, therefore they are used not only in apartments, but also in places of high concentrations of people. They are strong and durable, exclude the appearance of fungus and mold, their service life is 30 years.
Expertex iexpert.techinfus.com/en/, analyzing the market of building materials and based on the positive feedback from consumers, made a rating of the best adhesives for various types of wallpaper.
Top adhesives for wallpaper
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best glue for non-woven wallpaper | 1 | Methylan Flizelin | 729 ₽ |
2 | Quelyd Spec Flizelin | 379 ₽ | |
The best glue for vinyl wallpaper | 1 | KLEO | 220 ₽ |
2 | PUFAS | 427 ₽ | |
3 | METYLAN | 255 ₽ | |
4 | Moment Vinyl | 179 ₽ | |
The best glue for cullet | 1 | Kiilto Master Pro | 1 300 ₽ |
2 | Quelyd for glass fiber | 469 ₽ |
The best glue for non-woven wallpaper
When using non-woven wallpaper, you need to know two important rules: glue is applied to the wall, not to them, and they need to be fixed not overlapped, but end-to-end, since this type has the minimum ability to stretch. It differs from other means by a thicker consistency, so it easily falls on the surface and does not flow down.
Methylan Flizelin
Rating: 4.9
The tool of the popular manufacturer from Germany has long been appreciated by Russian buyers. It is intended for application to a structural wallpaper on a non-woven base with a relief or smooth surface and consists of synthetic resin and methylcellulose.
The adhesive can be applied to the wall, treated with lime, or directly on the plaster. It prevents the formation of fungus and mold, is not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity.
The mixture is easily diluted and rests on the surface, with the gradual grip allows you to adjust the canvas and align the joints. Low consumption allows economical use of the tool: 1 pack of 250 g is enough for an area of 30 square meters. m. The pink indicator will help to see the places not processed by glue.
high adhesive ability;
adjustment during operation;
resistant to humidity and temperature extremes;
economical consumption;
affordable price.
- not detected.
Quelyd Spec Flizelin
Rating: 4.8
Quelyd is a French manufacturer whose tool is suitable for non-woven wallpaper of any width. It has a high adhesive ability. A good sliding property helps to secure the blades evenly and correct their position during operation.
The composition is suitable for smooth and embossed wallpaper. Its use is possible in places of high humidity: in the kitchen and bathroom. Antifungal and antibacterial additives will help avoid the appearance of mold. Glue does not leave marks on the joints and surfaces, so there will be no problems with further painting.
According to consumer reviews, glue has proven itself well when working with heavy non-woven fabrics and wallpaper for painting. They mark easy application, fast adhesion to the wall and economical consumption, thanks to which it is included in our rating. One pack of 300 g is enough for an area of up to 35 square meters. m
fast grip;
for wallpaper of different widths;
antibacterial properties.
- not found.
The best glue for vinyl wallpaper
The basis of glue for vinyl wallpaper can be of two types: modified starch and methylcellulose. The first one is cheaper, therefore it is more popular with customers, but its adhesive abilities are lower than those of the second substance. Methylcellulose has better adhesion, but the price of such glue will be higher.
Rating: 4.9
KLEO is a popular tool not only for home, but also professional use. Due to its high adhesive ability and reasonable price, it is often chosen by master finishers. Synthetic starch and special additives included in the composition have good adhesion to the surface.
Heavy non-woven wallpaper quickly glued, and due to the high sliding effect of their position is easily corrected. The antiseptic property allows you to avoid the occurrence of mold and mildew, even in rooms with high humidity.
An important feature of this tool: it divorces quickly and well, does not form lumps. Transparent composition after drying does not leave traces on the wallpaper and does not shine through them. Glue does not require additional application to the walls before use.
good adhesion;
easily and without lumps divorced;
antiseptic property;
affordable price.
- sometimes you need more consumption than indicated on the package.
Rating: 4.8
The instant and easily applied adhesive of the German brand has been added to our rating due to its high performance. It is designed for vinyl vinyl wallpaper, with silk-screen printing, embossed, as well as for paintings for painting. It is ready for use within 3 minutes after dissolution, it does not form lumps at all, does not require efforts at breeding.
The methylcellulose which is a part possesses the maximum adhesive abilities.Synthetic resins are added to increase viscosity. Special antiseptic substances will prevent mold and mildew, even in conditions of high humidity.
Consumers say its economical consumption, which is 200 ml per 1 square. The diluted product can be stored without changing the consistency, color, and without reducing the high performance up to 30 days in a tightly closed container.
high adhesion;
rapid dissolution;
economical consumption.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.7
The second representative of the German brand, which is included in our rating, is intended for vinyl and heavy structural wallpapers. It does not require additional treatment of the walls, it can be applied immediately to the plastered surface. Gradual adhesion allows you to join and align the canvas for some time after gluing the wallpaper.
Granules are easily dissolved in water, prevent the occurrence of lumps. This adhesive is recommended to be used in rooms with high humidity. Thanks to the antibacterial additives which are a part, the possibility of emergence of a mold and fungi is excluded.
The pink color of the solution will help to see the uniformity of the application and avoid the appearance of unpainted areas. After drying, it turns pale and transparent.
high adhesive properties;
adjustment of cloths after gluing;
mold and fungus are not formed;
suitable for wet rooms;
granular composition.
- not detected.
Moment Vinyl
Rating: 4.6
Methyl Vinyl glue contains both methylcellulose and modified starch, which allows for maximum adhesion of wallpaper to the wall or ceiling surface. Antibacterial supplements will prevent mold and mildew, even in conditions of high humidity.
The tool is available in packs of 250 g and 500 g. A large pack is enough for 10-11 rolls, a small one - for 5. Economical consumption and reasonable price made this glue most popular when working with vinyl wallpaper.
According to reviews, it is easy to prepare, it dissolves quickly, does not form lumps, there is enough time to adjust the joints and corners. It is transparent and odorless. The finished solution is stored for up to 10 days in a container with a tight lid.
excellent adhesion;
combined composition;
perfectly soluble;
easy application;
adjustment after gluing;
affordable price.
- ready solution is stored for a short time.
The best glue for cullet
Glue for glass walling should have very high adhesion properties, because fiberglass is a fairly heavy coating on which up to 20 layers of paint can be applied. That is why it requires maximum adhesion to keep it on the wall surface. It comes in two forms: already diluted or in powder. In our rating both options are presented: dry and ready-made glue.
Kiilto Master Pro
Rating: 4.9
Country of origin Kiilto Master Pro - Finland. Glue is designed for fiberglass, jute, vinyl wallpaper. It comes in a ready-made form, consists of a PVC dispersion and water, does not require dilution, so you can start work with it immediately. The movable function lasts 15-20 minutes, thanks to which it is possible to adjust the position of the wallpaper and fit them to corners and joints.
The mixture is applied with a roller on the plastered surface. A day after gluing, you can begin to paint. A solution of a transparent color, not visible on the seams, is easily removed from the surface with a sponge moistened with water, retains embossed patterns on canvases.
The finished mixture is packaged in 5 l and 15 l containers. 1 liter is spent on 5-6 square meters. m taped surface.
finished composition;
excellent grip;
easy application;
keeps relief pattern;
convenient packing;
wallpaper adjustment.
- used only in dry rooms.
Quelyd for glass fiber
Rating: 4.8
The second glue of the French manufacturer, presented here, is suitable for all types of glass fiber, including for painting. The combined composition with methylcellulose and modified starch increases the adhesive ability of the solution. Antiseptic additives prevent mold and mildew. It is environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
Due to the gradual hardening and high sliding effect, it is possible to join the corners and align the seams even after strong adhesion of the web to the wall surface. The prepared solution is colorless, odorless.
Consumers allocate its economical consumption: 500 g of packaging is enough for a surface of 35 square meters. The prepared mixture can be stored for 10 days in a tightly closed container, while it does not lose its properties.
quick cooking;
easy application;
high adhesion;
antiseptic properties;
without smell.
- not detected.
How to choose wallpaper glue
Choosing glue for wallpaper, you need to know a few key points that will help to cope effectively with the work and avoid undesirable consequences after it.
For each type of wallpaper, they produce their own type of glue, the production of which takes into account the fabrication material. Many brands offer versatile tools for all types of coatings, but it is worth remembering that they are not always good for heavy wallpapers. As a result, they can be poorly attached or not at all stick to the wall.
High-quality glue does not smell and does not emit fumes, it is harmless to health and the environment. Therefore, it is desirable to choose the means of well-known manufacturers, this will guarantee not only high efficiency, but also safety for others.
Means with special antibacterial additives will prevent the formation of mold and mildew. Such glue can be used in any rooms with high humidity: kitchens, bathrooms, unheated hallways.
The composition of the glue popular brands include high-quality additives and ingredients, so it can not be a cheap product. Low price indicates not very good quality of components, and this significantly reduces the result when working.
Many types of glue do not require preparation of the walls before use, it can be applied immediately to the plastered surface, as noted by the manufacturer on the packaging.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.