8 best tires Bridgestone

The Japanese company Bridgestone is one of the most titled manufacturers of tires for automobiles, whose history spans almost 100 years of successful existence. Paying tribute to a reliable manufacturer, the editors of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/, together with staff experts, ranked the eight most successful tire series, broken down into seasonality categories (summer / winter). The main criterion for evaluation was the reviews of numerous consumers with real experience in using Bridgestone products. Each presented tire line has a huge number of conceptual designs, but it is aimed at improving individual characteristics and behavior of the car on the road.

Bridgestone tires top rating

Nomination a place Name of product rating
Bridgestone best summer tires      1 BRIDGESTONE ALENZA 001          4.9
     2 BRIDGESTONE POTENZA          4.8
     3 BRIDGESTONE DUELER          4.7
     4 BRIDGESTONE TURANZA          4.6
     5 BRIDGESTONE ECOPIA          4.5
Bridgestone best winter tires      1 BLIZZAK          4.9
     2 ICE CRUISER          4.8
     3 FIRESTONE ICE CRUISER 7          4.7

Bridgestone best summer tires


Rating: 4.9


Perspective development for the class of SUVs and urban crossovers, released in the summer of 2018. It is positioned as a high-performance summer tire with an increased level of driving comfort, a response taken from the POTENZA and high wear resistance parameters.

Conceptually, ALENZA 001 repeats the classic scheme of cutting slats for SUV-class cars, but the whole point of superiority lies in the plane of choosing the optimal angle, mutual offset of the outlines and alternating them with four grooves along the skating circle. All this allows you to achieve good removal of moisture from under the contact zone with preservation of controllability and stability of the car on the road. Some users have noted the tendency of the model to conquer off-road, although it is not capable of "digging" the ground, as the "warrior" versions of the Dueler type. Upon the release, ALENZA 001 was awarded a number of positive ratings and the title of the best premium tire by the automakers, thereby earning a contract and delivery to the conveyor lines. Great start for great rubber.


  • new premium development for SUVs and crossovers;
  • high resistance to wear;
  • ensuring driving comfort, including acoustic;
  • good tire responsiveness on the road.


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Rating: 4.8


Of course, the most iconic series of summer tires in the composition of BRIDGESTONE, in which the Run Flat technology was first used and successfully tested, whose essence lies in the ability to continue driving after a puncture. Applying the technologies developed over the years of use in Formula-1, POTENZA skillfully transferred them to civilian transport, increasing the dynamic characteristics of vehicles at the stages of speeding and maneuvering.

If you look wider, then you can see some similarities of this series with the already mentioned TURANZA - in the production of the tread pattern, too, emanates unshakable classics and minimalism. However, all features are even more enlarged in order to increase contact with the roadway and ensure high-speed traffic.Stand out here is the concept S007A - a typical low-profile tire, supplied to the sports car conveyors from BMW, Ferrari, Audi and even Aston Martin. Of the older models, RE031 can be distinguished, the origins of which were laid during the beginning of the hard serial differentiation of tires. Whatever it was, but TURANZA is an important part of the success of the Japanese company, and neither users nor experts dare to say the opposite.


  • excellent speed and maneuverability;
  • technologies tested in the prestigious Formula 1 racing series;
  • accurate and responsive responsiveness to the driver;
  • Compliance with the highest quality standards and very ambitious concepts in the line (for example, Adrenalin RE003).


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Rating: 4.7


BRIDGESTONE DUELER is a series of uncompromising summer tires for SUVs and crossovers with a powerful tread designed to significantly increase wheel adhesion to unstable road surfaces. It consists of radically different models, which differ from each other not only by the location and depth of the checkers / lamellae, but also by the degree of detail of the pattern.

So, apart from this, the A / T 001 and A / T 697 tires stand out in the series, the main advantage of which is: excellent off-road stability, along with a long service life. A balanced balance of softness / rigidity, on the one hand, reduces noise exposure, and on the other hand, ensures optimal handling. The second side of the off-road series, the H / P Sport and the H / L 400, are tires prepared for highways and not adapted to conquering off-road sections. Their distinguishing feature: the abundance of lamellas with grooves for effective removal of moisture and other parasitic elements from the contact zone of the wheel with the road. In addition, the increased silicon content contributes to an increase in service life, albeit insignificant. Due to the presence of several principal versions, the series becomes very interesting for the general user, which is clearly reflected in the statistics of the popularity of the company BRIDGESTONE.


  • several diverse performances: off-road and highway;
  • in general, a reduction in the level of noise emitted due to the correct balance of rigidity;
  • excellent handling and grip.


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Rating: 4.6


Car comfort-class tires related to the premium development company BRIDGESTONE. Their distinctive feature: impeccable handling in difficult road conditions (wet asphalt, light terrain, etc.), as well as reduced drag, resulting in reduced noise and increased maneuverability.

All of the above with a few additions can be attributed to the model TURANZA T005 - a new development of Japanese manufacturers, coming to the conveyor lines of BMW, Toyota, Lexus and Audi. The classic tread design with enlarged detail does not seek to impress experts with a complex mechanism of work and interaction with the roadway, but relies on canonical and efficient technologies that are in the very essence of tire industry. The latter, by the way, concerns absolutely all representatives of the series (ER30, T001, ER300 RFT, etc.), who chose the path of the classics as their business card. When entering the market, the TURANZA series was greeted warmly, with its inherent restrained and even “elegant” interest.


  • rate to improve handling in bad road conditions;
  • cooperation with large conveyor enterprises of Japan (Toyota, Lexus) and Germany (Audi, BMW);
  • high level of quality and commitment to the classical style.


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Rating: 4.5


Lightweight series of summer tires for SUVs (EP850) and passenger cars (EP200, EP150), providing the best performance of comfort and efficiency, all other things being equal, the use of the vehicle. In general, the conceptual design of the series is based on the creation of a detailed tread design with an abundance of small lamellae and grooves in the skating circle.Due to such a structure and softness of the tire material, manufacturers managed, first, to withstand the contact patch (without adding any noise in the index) to the optimal range, and second, to optimize the process of water and dirt removal when driving on wet roads.

In terms of efficiency, the BRIDGESTONE ECOPIA is significantly superior to the rest of the series. Thus, in the class of off-road model EP850, the average saving in savings is 3.9%. For passenger models, in turn, things are even better: the EP200 provides up to 12.3%, and the EP150 provides up to 7.1% fuel savings compared to prototypes. All this is organically complemented by increased durability and excellent stability on the road, so users were unanimous in their choice.


  • ensuring fuel economy (up to 12.3%);
  • increased tire durability due to the optimal selection of softness / hardness;
  • good road holding, including wet coating.


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Bridgestone best winter tires


Rating: 4.9


In the category of winter tires from BRIDGESTONE, the BLIZZAK series, developed specifically for SUVs, urban crossovers and cars, remains the unchanged leader. Their peculiarity lies in meeting the high safety standards required for driving in conditions of snow-covered roads, ice and other dangers of the cold season.

The assortment of the BLIZZAK line includes 14 models of tires, each of which has a number of unique characteristics. For example, the DM-Z3 is made with a wide central block and deep lamellas for good grip in loose snow. Cars SPIKE-01 and SPIKE-02 provide a good hook on the ice and in the snow due to a competent combination of rubber blocks, an original groove and an abundant spike. But perhaps the most recognizable representative of the series is the REVO GZ model - a velcro with an asymmetric tread pattern and high stability of control on any type of coating. All these concepts are perfectly complemented by others, giving the user just a colossal size for the "maneuver" - the main thing is to decide what kind of characteristics of your car need improvement.


  • as many as 14 tire models in the lineup;
  • significant improvement in snow and ice;
  • Ensuring traffic safety by improving manageability;
  • introduction of experienced technological developments;
  • highest degree of reliability.


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Rating: 4.8


Winter tires comfort-class, produced in two variable series: 7000 and 7000S. In their production reports, the representatives of BRIDGESTONE declare that ICE CRUISER is sharpened precisely under the conditions of the Russian winter - the main target audience of this series, according to the calculations of the Japanese, is located here.

However, depending on the operational performance, their words can be fully trusted. Declared 4-5 seasons, these models pass without censure - the spikes sit tight, and for their separation should try hard. The effectiveness of the hook on the ice and on the snow is also at the level: mixed tracks are overcome in cars without visible problems, including due to the powerful tread with rigid side supports. Which, by the way, perform the role of an element that resists intense wear, which increases the service life. However, users still do not recommend turning off the road: this is a purely highway series with shallow notches that can drive along a snowy road ... but no more.


  • a series for overcoming small snowy and icy roads (mainly for highways and city roads);
  • Reinforced tread with durable sidewall, increasing the service life;
  • great hook on the ice and in the snow;
  • high quality workmanship.


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Rating: 4.7


BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE ICE CRUISER 7 is a winter tire for off-road vehicles, created in view of the harsh climatic features of cold countries.Possessing a high level of security, it allows you to overcome ice and snow-covered fate without any problems due to the combined action of hard textured rubber and spikes.

ICE CRUISER 7 deep lamellas perfectly remove snow and slush from the contact area of ​​the coated wheel, “throwing” it on either side of the tire. For the long-term preservation of the working condition of the model, Japanese manufacturers have strengthened the side surfaces, which are most vulnerable to breakthroughs and assume the main flow of pressure and external forces. It is noteworthy that with all the parameters, this rubber has an optimal balance of price and quality, beneficial both for the vast majority of consumers and for the manufacturers themselves.


  • the original location of the spikes to ensure the hook on the ice;
  • reinforced central blocks for confident overcoming snow obstacles;
  • study of the side surfaces in order to increase the service life of rubber (3-4 seasons);
  • excellent combination of cost and quality parameters.


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Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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