7 best rust converters

How to choose a rust converter

The problem of choosing rust converters entirely goes back to the problem of lack of knowledge about the mechanism of operation. In most cases, people who decide to buy such a tool, rely on already existing experience, or rely on their own luck. Therefore, the project iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ provides you with a clear guide to the selection and recommends that you pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. The main active ingredient. Those in rust converters are two: acids or active zinc ions. The first ones are intended for urgent elimination of corrosion with a maximum effect on the source of its occurrence. The result of such exposure is usually saline plaque, which is easily washed with a dry cloth. Zinc-based converters, in turn, have a protective effect on the metal, simultaneously destroying rust on its surface. Following the results of deposition, a thin zinc film appears on the site of treatment, protecting the metal from negative environmental factors. The disadvantage of this tool: perhaps an incomplete effect on the center of rusting, which, when galvanizing is over, will begin to re-develop.
  2. Consistency. Another important parameter of rust converters is consistency. It depends on how the possibility of penetration into areas with deep corrosion, and the method of application. Aerosol formulations have a higher absorption, can penetrate into hard-to-reach places, but are significantly inferior to competitors in concentrating on a certain location. On the contrary, pasty converters are used mainly in easily accessible places that do not have high penetrating power, but provide more serious local protection, often being used instead of a primer. Currently gel transducers have appeared on the market, combining the advantages of the first two consistencies, but their cost is slightly higher.
  3. Security level Despite the fact that absolutely all rust converters are dangerous to the skin, mucous membranes and the respiratory tract of a person, until recently, they were all considered to be explosive. Today, there are a large number of alternatives that do not contain flammable substances, but have a mechanism of action of similar effectiveness. If possible, give preference to similar formulations.

Type of funds



Rust inhibitor

+ Possesses the best penetrating action, reaching the center of corrosion

+ Fast drying on the entire surface (including in the grooves of the irregularities)

+ Formation of easily washable corrosion neutralizing products.

+ Indirect increase in the service life of the metal (with mandatory post-processing)

- Substance aggressive to paintwork.

- Lack of full protection of the treated area from negative environmental factors

- Low efficiency with inadequate cleaning of the base metal

Rust converter

+ Formation of a resistant coating at the site of corrosion

+ Low price for the whole range

+ The possibility of introducing additional protective components

+ Ability to repair without repair small cracks and scratches by treating with compounds containing zinc ions

+ Coating even on poorly cleaned metal.

- Aggressive effect on the paintwork

- Insufficient penetrating power to act on deep foci of corrosion

Rating best rust converters

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best rust spray converters      1 Liqui Moly Pro-Line Schnell-Rostloser          590 ₽
     2 Hi-gear          690 ₽
     3 Autoprofi          135 ₽
Top Rust Fluid Converters      1 Astrohim with active zinc ions          141 ₽
     2 Fenom          157 ₽
The best gel converters rust      1 Permatex 81773          723 ₽
     2 Kudo KV-70005          104 ₽

The best rust spray converters

Liqui Moly Pro-Line Schnell-Rostloser

Rating: 4.9

Liqui Moly Pro-Line Schnell-Rostloser

Liqui Moly Pro-Line Schnell-Rostloser rust converter is a great tool in all related ways. Despite the high cost (which is the only drawback), it has a delicate and directional effect on the affected area of ​​the metal with corrosion, allowing for full processing in a matter of minutes.

The mechanism of action of this solution combines the principles of WD-40 and the modifier habitual to us: by neutralizing rust, it cleans the mobile compounds (and makes it possible to unwind them), and upon subsequent washing it forms a protective film on the surface. The latter is the result of the action of filler materials, which include zinc ions. Liqui Moly "Pro-Line Schnell-Rostloser" is neutral to paint, and therefore does not represent for her the slightest danger. It can even be applied on contaminated surfaces - a great penetrating effect can cope with rust and with the separation of dirt. In general, among other things being equal, this converter stands out in a profitable way, thanks to which it takes the deserved first place.


  • neutral to paint, primer;
  • high penetrating effect;
  • the additive complex provides lubrication of moving parts, and also wedges them (like WD-40);
  • 400 milliliters of volume;
  • creating a strong film on the surface of the metal.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.8


Expensive and very effective composition of the foreign company Hi-Gear, the main advantage of which is the directional and fast action, even on deep foci of corrosion. Powerful sprayer factory cylinder provides a jet of pressure under considerable pressure, so that the already excellent penetrating power modifier increases several times. The increased content of the active substance, which in this case is phosphoric acid, has an instant destructive effect on iron oxides, turning them into polymeric compounds of increased hardness.

However, for such a transformation of Hi-Gear, it is necessary to wash it off with alcohol - water will not provide a proper gathering of such concentrated means. The only truly serious disadvantage of this transducer lies in the extreme danger to the respiratory tract, the skin and mucous of a person. The increased concentration of acid also has a destructive effect on the paintwork, therefore, only a small drop of the product is sufficient to damage painted surfaces.


  • very effective action up to the destruction of the deepest areas of corrosion that are amenable to this type of maintenance;
  • high penetrating power;
  • formation of a strong film when reacting with iron oxides;
  • low consumption.


  • it is dangerous to humans and destructively affects the paint;
  • high price.


Rating: 4.7


Aerosol modifier from the company Autoprofi differs little in efficiency from the liquid analog (labeled "Zinc"), but still carries several pleasant (and not very) nuances.As before, the product is characterized by low price and a huge volume of a bottle with a spray: as much as 500 milliliters. The spray gun in this case is trigger, capable of operating in the mode of a wide and narrow jet. The first, as practice shows, does not differ in efficiency - the fine suspension is not strong enough to overcome obstacles in the form of large pieces of rust and is only suitable for sprinkling local slightly polluted areas. A narrow jet, in turn, has a directional effect, turning out to be sufficiently penetrative to affect even deep foci of rust.

Another nuance that users indicate is the poor adhesion of the spray paint. In this regard, before painting, the composition must urgently be completely removed from the surface, using a special remover. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the paintwork, which is especially unpleasant when machining a car body.


  • very low price;
  • the ability to operate the spray in two spray modes;
  • optimal volume of the bottle (500 ml);
  • high penetrating power composition.


  • the need for thorough washing before further processing of the product;
  • poor adhesion.

Top Rust Fluid Converters

Astrohim with active zinc ions

Rating: 4.9

Astrohim with active zinc ions

The product of the domestic company ASTROhim, characterized by low cost in the segment of liquid rust modifiers. The obvious savings are obvious: 500 ml cans are a bit more expensive than 250 ml aerosols of the same type, but they are usually enough for a longer period.

In general, the classic composition of the transducer has a number of filler materials, as well as zinc ions, which not only create a protective film, but also tighten shallow scratches and microcracks in the material. The second active ingredient - orthophosphoric acid - has a direct effect on the corrosive layer, releasing the products of its complete neutralization. For the final cleaning of the metal from the traces of processing, it is enough to thoroughly wipe the surface with special napkins, after which a thin layer of galvanization will appear on it. Possessing good adhesion, this modifier allows you to apply a layer of paint over it, without fear of cracking and poor hiding. ASTROhim with zinc ions is excellent for gentle repair of car body parts, as well as for processing non-critical painted metal elements.


  • very low price;
  • high-quality performance of the main function (rust removal);
  • quite large volume of the converter;
  • the formation of a zinc film on the surface of the treated metal.


  • before further processing of the metal must be carefully removed from the surface.


Rating: 4.8


The next line of the rating goes to the solution from the company Fenom, which was approved by the double action on the metal. In addition to the fight against corrosion (quite effective with little consumption), this converter acts as the primary means for processing the part, forming a stable polymer compound with high adhesion on it. All the above properties contribute to a higher quality “bundle” with paint and primer, and also guarantee the absence and development of rust foci for the next 5-7 years.

As consumers say, low cost Fenom is nothing more than marketing fiction, designed to stimulate consumer activity. Available modifier only in jars of 11 milliliters, which, even with all the economy means, is not enough for normal handling of the body. This entails the purchase of several packages, which ultimately translates into good spending.


  • double action (removal of traces of corrosion + formation of a protective film);
  • high adhesion with paint and primer;
  • prevalence in stores throughout Russia.


  • low price visibility (when calculating the required volume, the modifier is expensive).

The best gel converters rust

Permatex 81773

Rating: 4.9

Permatex 81773

A strong gel-type rust modifier that ensures reliable overlap of the metal after the reaction. It has an accelerated mechanism of action, because of what processing takes only 2-3 minutes. Permatex 81773 forms a solid black polymer coating, in fact, not very suitable for painting in brighter colors (because the processed part, if we speak about the car body, will be noticeably darker than the base).

The operating temperature range of this converter varies around +10 - +32 degrees Celsius, while it is important that the metal to be coated itself is not heated by more than +93 degrees. Values ​​above the required will cause poor overlap polymer primer, or not at all will give the composition to react normally. Permatex 81773 is packaged and distributed in cans of 454 grams each, and for application it is best to use a brush. It is used mainly in agricultural machinery, with the protection of metal bodies of passenger cars, as well as other metal products for important purposes.


  • fast mechanism of action (polymer coating is formed in 2-3 minutes);
  • very dense and strong obtained coating, suitable for subsequent painting;
  • low consumption of composition for processing parts.


  • poor adhesion at elevated temperatures.

Kudo KV-70005

Rating: 4.8

Kudo KV-70005

Gel "poultice" for the processing of ferrous metal before painting, suitable for small amounts of repairs to eliminate defects in paintwork. The principle of Kudo KV-70005 is based on the formation of a phosphate film, which does not affect the painted metal, affecting only the place of occurrence of corrosion.

This modifier is packaged in jars of 15 milliliters, which is enough for sensible processing of an average of 0.02 square meters of metal. This is quite a bit, given that alternative means provide a much more economical application (take the same Permatex 81773). Coupled with the cost (and, more precisely, being a derivative of it), this aspect is the main drawback of the tool. However, it should be recognized that it copes very well with its work, especially at the moments of the restoration of painted iron from minor defects, such as scratches, cracks, micro-chips, etc.


  • active corrosion inhibitors, reaching the center of its origin;
  • the effect of "tightening" of small defects in paintwork;
  • the formation of a stable phosphate film;
  • good adhesion.


  • high price and small packing volumes.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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