6 of the quietest washing machines

It seems to many that it is completely unimportant whether the purchased washing machine is quiet. In fact, this is true. But only if she will be in the bathroom. Unfortunately, residents of small apartments have to place such equipment in the hallway or in the kitchen. In this case, it is already necessary to pay attention to how noisy the washing machine will be. In this compilation, we will tell you about the quietest models - it is possible that you will not hear some of them even during the spin cycle.

Rating of the quietest washing machines

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the quietest washing machines      1 NEFF W6440X0      101 990 ₽
     2 AEG L 8FEC68 SR      84 990 ₽
     3 Samsung WW90M74LNOA      69 500 ₽
     4 Bosch WIW 28540      -
     5 Eurosoba 1100 Sprint      54 990 ₽
     6 LG F-2J6NM1W      41 470 ₽

NEFF W6440X0

Rating: 4.9

NEFF W6440X0

One of the most expensive and quiet washing machines among those that can be found in Russian retail chains. For this model, asking more than 100 thousand. Rubles! However, it is embedded. Therefore, its manufacturer understood that his creation would be somewhere in the kitchen. The washing machine has received a door, which in itself remarkably absorbs noise. It also uses a very quiet and durable engine. As a result, the noise level most of the time does not exceed 47 dB. Only when spinning at maximum speed, it rises to 64 dB. Agree, these are adequate numbers. If you are not in the same room with a washing machine, then you will hardly pay attention to it. Especially if it stands on a concrete floor, and the length of each leg is properly adjusted.

The dimensions of the device are 60x56x82 cm. That is, the washing machine can not be called narrow. But on the other hand, it has an excellent capacity - the manufacturer claims 8 kg of dry laundry.

Modern front-loading washing machines have strictly electronic controls. This model is no exception to the rule. Using a special knob selects the wash mode. And the choice is offered - huge! Additional settings are driven in by pressing the touch keys. So you can, for example, change the speed of rotation of the drum during the spin cycle. Although the more interesting button seems to be the one that activates the lighting of the drum. Yes, inside this device there is a backlight! Like a fridge or an expensive dishwasher! Whether it is useful is only for you, it all depends only on how lighted your kitchen is.

This machine weighs 75 kg. This means that to install it will require a couple of people. The case of the device is painted in the usual white color. It should be noted that the electronics of the device is trying with all its might to save your electricity. This is indicated by the corresponding class A +++, which the car was awarded to experts. As for water consumption, no more than 49 liters is spent on one washing process. At the exit, you will get clean laundry, the product is difficult to cope with only the most serious spots - here the lack of the “steam treatment” function affects.

As we have said, the machine offers a variety of washing modes. In particular, special programs help to clean delicate fabrics.Also available here is a prewash, which is necessary for heavily soiled things. Well, pressing a separate button will allow the system to order to rotate the drum in such a way that the creasing of clothes and linen is minimal. It is possible here to postpone washing - this is relevant for those people whose counter counts electricity at night at a reduced rate. Delay is possible even for 24 hours.

As for the spin, it can be carried out at a speed of rotation of the drum up to 1400 rev / min. After this laundry you need to dry a couple of hours. In short, precisely because of the excellent spinning washing machine is so expensive. However, it seems to us that many readers of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ still prefer to buy something cheaper. And we understand them, NEFF W6440X0 does not have any murderous function, for which I would like to shout: “Take my money!”. And the design of the device is quite ordinary.


  • Huge spaciousness;
  • Full leakage protection;
  • The highest power class;
  • Spin at very high speeds;
  • There is protection from children;
  • A large number of washing programs;
  • Not very high water consumption;
  • There is a timer to delay the start of washing;
  • Implemented drum lighting;
  • Low noise level, especially during washing.


  • Very high cost.


Rating: 4.8


One of the most unusual and quiet washing machines in this rating. Yes, the device turned out to be expensive - they ask for it from 85 to 120 thousand rubles. But then you get a device with a stylish and memorable design. Pay attention to the dashboard - its half is colored silver, while the other half is black. The usual drum divides these halves, with the help of which the washing mode is selected.

This washing machine is full-sized. This means that the depth of the device is 57 cm. And it does not belong to the embedded type, as the specimen discussed above, so there is no door here. Therefore, it is not the best choice for installation in the kitchen.

In total, the user is offered 10 wash programs. All popular modes are available here. In particular, there is a prewash that is useful for heavily soiled laundry. Also not forgotten fast wash, necessary for socks and shorts. Of course, you can wash here and silk with six. Separately, of course. But the greatest interest is the steam supply. Using this function, you can embed the powder molecules in the depths of the fabric, thereby removing virtually any blemishes.

In total, 8 kg of dry laundry fit into the drum. This is an excellent result, more than many families do not need. Surprisingly, for the rotation of such a weight is not used a very large amount of electricity. This is evidenced not only by the figures stated in the product passport, but also by the energy consumption class A +++. But the water here is more complicated. In some modes consumed 55 liters. It's a lot. With regard to washing and spinning, in both cases, the device received an efficiency class A.

Some kind of mad motor is built into this washing machine. During the spin cycle, it is able to spin the drum up to a speed of 1600 rpm. It is not recommended to press some thin fabrics at such speed - centrifugal force can break them. But for any jeans this speed is the most, after that for a few hours it will be enough for them to completely dry.

It should be noted that the spin here is not as quiet as possible. The washing machine at this point may begin to emit noise at 75 dB. Fortunately, most of the time is taken by washing and rinsing, and at such times the noise level does not exceed 47 dB.

It remains to be noted that there is a timer to delay the start of washing. Maximum it allows you to set 20 hours, which is enough.


  • Large capacity;
  • Great dashboard design;
  • Low power consumption;
  • When spinning, the drum can rotate at a very high speed;
  • Full protection against leakage of water;
  • Implemented protection from children;
  • A large number of washing programs;
  • Steam and direct injection are possible;
  • Do not forget the timer to delay the start of washing;
  • Silent work.


  • Very high cost;
  • Increased water consumption;
  • During spinning the noise level increases significantly.

Samsung WW90M74LNOA

Rating: 4.7

Samsung WW90M74LNOA

Samsung has recently paid a lot of attention to large-size household appliances. It was she who recently released such washing machines that several years ago it was impossible to even imagine. For example, Samsung WW90M74LNOA is surprised by the presence of an additional door in the loading door. At any moment you can stop washing, open this door slightly, and throw, say, forgotten socks or underwear. Conveniently! Previously, this was only possible in top-loading washing machines, which are less convenient.

As mentioned above, this model is full-size. This means that 60 cm is not only the width, but also the depth of the device. The choice of the washing program here is carried out using the usual silver drum. Additional functions are activated by pressing the touch keys located to the right of the controller. There are also symbolic displays on which certain parameters are displayed.

As you can see, this instance is a little deeper than the models discussed above. In this regard, it is not surprising that the capacity of the washing machine from Samsung has increased to 9 kg of dry laundry. Also inside the drum there was a place for lighting, which in some cases may well help in unloading clean things. And the manufacturer introduced a steam generator here. Therefore, you can even count on the removal of old stains, because with the help of steam detergent will penetrate into the fabric. I must say that this is one of the most affordable washing machines with such a function - in Russian stores they are asked for 77 thousand rubles for it.

The device turned out not only big, but also heavy. Its 80 kg weight implies installation with the help of several people. Most of the weight falls on the electric motor, which can spin the drum to a speed of 1400 rpm. The attentive reader of the rating has already realized that this is not a record. However, practice shows that higher values ​​are often not needed, since their choice may cause damage to the laundry. However, the spin efficiency class B is still scary - for that kind of money I would like to get more. Another washing machine can boast leakage protection. But it should be noted that it is only partial. However, it is unlikely that something will happen with such a device in the future, so you should not worry.

Like the above specimens, Samsung WW90M74LNOA has an energy consumption class of A +++. As for the water flow, it is increased. In some modes, the machine can spend up to 54 liters of water. However, do not forget that this figure is true for full load. It is clear that other washing machines can consume water on a smaller scale, but they also contain much less laundry.

In total, this product provides 14 washing programs. Here you can wash wool, as well as delicate items, even a separate mode for black laundry is available. Of course, the stain removal program, in which the above-mentioned steam supply takes place, has not been forgotten.

So how noisy is this washing machine? The manufacturer claims 51 dB. Not a record, but for such sizes it is quite acceptable. And it is important that during the spin cycle the noise level increases only to 62 dB. This affects the speed of rotation of the drum, not reaching the extreme value.


  • Implemented drum lighting;
  • Available additional load of linen;
  • A very large number of programs;
  • Steam is available;
  • Low noise level during washing and spinning;
  • There is protection from children;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Huge spaciousness;
  • Available control from a smartphone.


  • The price list still does not suit everyone;
  • Only partial leakage protection;
  • Spin cannot be called perfect;
  • Increased water consumption.

Bosch WIW 28540

Rating: 4.6

Bosch WIW 28540

This is a fairly rare model, not found in every store. The German manufacturer has not released the largest number of copies of this washing machine. It is possible that he was right. The fact is that this model is built in, and such “washers” are not in the most widespread demand. Confuse the buyer can and quite high cost.

Here it can be seen that the Germans were mainly working to reduce the noise level. Alas, for this they sacrificed some other characteristics of the device. For example, its capacity is 6 kg of dry linen. This is an adequate figure for a narrow washing machine. But the depth of Bosch WIW 28540 is 58 cm! Therefore, it is a full-size model. However, let's not scold the manufacturer. The reduction of the parameter occurred due to the fact that the drying elements had to be placed inside. Yes, this device can not only wash clothes, but at least partially dry it. However, for normal operation of drying, you need to load no more than three kilograms of laundry. If you load more, you'll have to dry things in the traditional way.

What else can the owner of such a washing machine complain about? First, on the consumption of electricity. The fact is that this representative of our rating has an energy class of A +. Secondly, the water consumption per wash can reach 52 liters. Quite a small value, especially with such a relatively small capacity.

However, this model cannot consist only of flaws? Of course not. Otherwise, she would not be in this collection. The buyer will definitely be pleased with the spin efficiency class A. And this is when the drum rotates at a speed of no more than 1,400 rpm! When washing T-shirts and underwear, you can do without activating the drying - things will already be almost completely dry.

Can not but rejoice and complete protection against leakage. Even if something ever goes wrong, you are unlikely to flood your neighbors. Finally, it should be noted a large number of programs. Here there is a mode in which the machine tries to remove stains, and a mode for washing sportswear, and, of course, a program for washing children's clothes (if you choose it, a more thorough rinsing occurs). Another important function of this model is the timer to delay the start of washing, allowing you to set any time. This is important if at night a person pays for electricity at a reduced rate.


  • There is a built-in drying;
  • Good spin efficiency;
  • Full leakage protection;
  • Implemented protection from children;
  • Direct injection available;
  • A large number of programs;
  • Do not forget the timer to delay the start of washing;
  • The device turned out very quiet.


  • Not very large capacity;
  • Water flow seems high;
  • In the first months there is a smell of rubber;
  • The washing machine was unreliable.

Eurosoba 1100 Sprint

Rating: 4.5

Eurosoba 1100 Sprint

The appearance of this washing machine may seem very strange. Yes, and the capacity at the level of only 4 kg of dry linen - it's chickens to laugh. But everything changes after you realize that this washing machine is designed to be installed under the sink. Therefore, the manufacturer had to reduce the height of the device, from which all the disadvantages flow.

The width and depth of this "washer" is 46 cm. It seems that such a baby should fit in any bathroom. As you can see, there was no frills. You will find a small loading hatch, disposing plastic white. By the way, it opens to all 180 degrees, if the surrounding space allows it. Management is electronic, but even an elderly person is able to deal with it. The symbol display shows the time it takes to wash. Alas, the delay of the start of washing is not here. This is an unpleasant moment.But not for everyone - at night the reduced tariff for electricity is valid only in several regions of Russia, and in them far from all residents are concerned about the purchase of appropriate meters.

I must say that this is definitely one of the quietest washing machines in our rating. During washing and rinsing noise level is only 40 dB. And only when spinning is activated, it rises to a decent 63 dB. But the washing machine will definitely be in the bathroom, so it is unlikely that you will hear it even at the moment when the laundry begins to rotate at a speed of 1100 rpm.

Yes, the reduction in size affected the speed of rotation of the drum. Not without reason, the experts gave this device a spin efficiency class B. Any underwear will be semi-dry, but jeans and other thick fabrics will have to be dried on a rope for a long time. Built-in drying here, as it is easy to guess, no. And this is at a cost of a very decent 55 thousand rubles! But the device turned out to be easy - its weight is 50.5 kg. Two men without any problems will raise such a washing machine to the fifth floor without an elevator. However, you will forget about this advantage of this model right after its installation.

Such a small washing machine can not consume any large amounts of electricity. This confirms the corresponding class A ++. Even more please water consumption, not exceeding 36 liters. As for the protective properties, here you can lock the keys so that children do not accidentally turn on this device. Also, there is protection against leakage of water, even if only partial. Interestingly, inside is used stainless steel tank. This is an unexpected choice of the manufacturer, because now even in the most expensive washing machines put a plastic tank. Well, this is even more evidence of the reliability of the Eurosoba 1100 Sprint.


  • A good option to install under the sink;
  • Low noise during washing;
  • The user is provided with 14 programs;
  • There is protection from children;
  • Low water consumption;
  • Enough high energy class.


  • Low speed of rotation of the drum during the spin cycle;
  • Not very large capacity;
  • Not everyone can afford it;
  • Simple design.


Rating: 4.4


Another rather rare, but quiet copy in our rating. Unlike many other models considered, this is a narrow washing machine. This means that its depth is only 45 cm. As for the width and height, they are standard - this is definitely not a model for installation under the sink.

Despite its miniature dimensions, with this machine you can wash up to six kilograms of dry laundry at a time. It uses a standard electronic control panel, which can even be dealt with by an elderly person. Interestingly, the device can be controlled even from a smartphone. However, most often the corresponding application will be used only to receive notifications that the wash is finished.

Inside this washing machine is a direct drive motor. This means that he and the drum are one. The absence of a belt and other additional moving parts allows us to hope for a long service life. The company LG Electronics itself provides a 10-year warranty on this motor! Also, direct drive contributes to a greater variety of programs, because the system can set the most different types of rotation of the drum. And certainly this is the best choice for those people who are looking for a quiet washing machine. Here, the noise level only in rare moments reaches 45 dB. Of course, this only applies to washing and rinsing. During the spin cycle, the noise level can increase to 56 dB. Which, however, is also not a transcendent value.

Unfortunately, this is not the most ideal washing machine. No, the number of programs exactly suit any user. But the spin here corresponds only to the class of efficiency B. Nothing else was expected at a speed of 1200 rpm. However, narrow washing machines are rarely capable of anything more, even if they have a direct drive. Also confuses power consumption, corresponding here to class A.It does not scare only the flow of water, which at such sizes simply could not be any great.

The product received protection from children. Also from the washing machine should not be expected leaks. There is also a setting for the completion time of washing - such a timer will appeal to those who have electricity meters that account for daytime and nighttime at different rates.


  • Stylish appearance;
  • Good for such a depth capacity;
  • Possible control from a smartphone;
  • Low noise level during washing and spinning;
  • Implemented protection from children;
  • You can not be afraid of leaks;
  • A large number of programs;
  • It is possible to set the end time of washing;
  • The cost can not be called very high.


  • Not the best spin;
  • Power consumption could be lower.


Such is the list of the quietest washing machines among those currently sold in Russian stores. Note that even these models can not work silently. No, most of the time they really behave as quietly as possible - only tumbled linen is heard. But you can not argue with the laws of physics, during the spinning the motor starts to behave noticeably noisier. But in any case, the washing machines reviewed here will not make you frightened; they will not wake up the child or your soulmate for sure.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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