6 best knitting machines according to experts
For someone knitting is a hobby and a good time, and for someone it's a profitable business that feeds the family. Once machines were used only on knitwear factories. The production of clothing made of yarn was put on stream, while the skilled lovers had to be content with the usual tools: knitting needles and hooks. Today knitting machines have come to the aid of needlewomen, who create weaves of various weaves with texture or lace patterns and which, it is unlikely, would have been made by hand. The first device appeared in the XV century in Italy. In our country, they received particular popularity in the 1980s. The modern market offers a wide range of models from which you can choose the best option that meets the needs of customers.
How to choose a knitting machine
But first of all, you need to figure out what types exist, and what criteria you should pay attention to when buying. All devices for domestic use differ in the following parameters:
Type of management. They are hand-operated with mechanical control, punched cards with drawing pattern with the help of special holes in the patterns and computer, in which the patterns can be programmed through a PC.
Number of needles. The cars are divided into single-ended and double-ended. The first ones have one needle bed, a single-sided canvas with standard bundles is created. The second type has two needle cases. Thanks to the additional prefix, it turns out a double-sided canvas with openwork, zigzag, elastic and other types of weaves.
The class. It determines the thickness of the thread consumed and the gap between the needles. There are several classes. The most popular: 3 - it uses only thick yarn (100-200 m / 100 g), the distance between needles is 6.5-9 mm; 5 - average needles with an interval of 4.5-5 mm and middle threads are used (per 100g - 300-500 m); 7 - here the distance between the needles is 2.8-3.6 mm and the consumption of fine yarn is 500-600 m per 100 g.woolen things.
Expertex iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ ranked the best knitting machines, which, in their opinion, can become indispensable assistants in creating dresses, sweaters, socks, hats and other woolen things.
Rating the best knitting machines
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Best Hand Knitting Machines | 1 | KAKADU | 1 990 ₽ |
2 | Addi-express kingsize | 15 390 ₽ | |
3 | Ivushka | 2 650 ₽ | |
Best punched card knitting machines | 1 | Silver Reed SK 280 | 46 400 ₽ |
2 | Silver Reed LK 150 | 22 700 ₽ | |
Top electronic knitting machines | 1 | Silver Reed SK 840 / SRP 60N | 31 200 ₽ |
Best Hand Knitting Machines
Manual machines are easy to control, compact size and low cost, which influenced their increased demand. They do not require adjustment before work, everything is extremely easy and clear, in principle even a child can understand its actions.
Rating: 4.9
KAKADU is the simplest device offered by the modern market. It is recommended for use by children over 8 years old and is a developing toy, with which it is easy to learn how to knit dresses, hats and scarves, not only for dolls, but also full-sized knitted items for adults.
Having compact dimensions, the machine does not require a special place for installation. The kit includes everything you need for hand and circular knitting: the device itself, yarn, knitting needle and hook. The bright colors of the case will delight the young needlewoman during work.
According to customers, the machine is a safe device, in which there are no sharp and piercing objects, the risk of injury is minimal, so parents do not worry about children while working with this device.
simple construction;
circular knitting;
suitable for children;
bright case;
safety at work;
possibility of multi-colored knitting;
low price.
- not detected.
Addi-express kingsize
Rating: 4.8
The second in our rating is Addi-Express Kingsize, a universal device of the German manufacturer, designed to be knit in a single cloth and in a circle. It does not require special skills: just insert the thread size of 3-5 mm and twist the handle. In the short term, you can create even the most complex things, combining yarn of different thickness and quality.
The device has a row counter, which is an LCD display powered by an AAA battery. The kit includes a device, a disk with detailed instructions, additional needles, a set of hooks, a stop for the loops, adjustable legs and fasteners.
According to user feedback, working on such a machine is obtained immediately from beginners, and even in children, its principle of operation will not cause questions. High speed of creation of knitted things and ease of management were decisive in choosing this device.
ease of use;
high speed;
row counter;
use of yarn of various thickness.
- knits only the front surface.
- high price.
Rating: 4.7
Ivushka is a popular Russian-made handheld device that was used even by our grandmothers. Made of metal, enameled, it is reliable and durable. The machine is designed for knitting in a circle, a single cloth, two-color yarn of various thickness, as well as elastic weave.
The hooks are arranged in two rows of 33 pieces each. Consoles for large items and circular knitting, panels with 8 and 15 hooks, pullers for hinges, holders for threads are included in the kit. An additional bonus to needlewomen will be an album-instruction, which shows in detail the stages of creating various patterns and products.
The simple principle of operation helps to quickly figure it out and begin to create complex wool products in a short time. Compact size allows you to easily carry the machine, and a small weight - take it on the road.
simple working principle;
various types of mating, incl. elastic;
metal case;
affordable price.
- not detected.
Best punched card knitting machines
The main advantage of punching machines is a quick and high-quality knitting of any selected pattern, which is first applied to a special pattern in the form of filled holes. Then the information is processed and transferred to the needles, which create exactly the specified pattern. Our rating includes two models of a famous Japanese brand with punched card application.
Silver Reed SK 280
Rating: 4.9
The universal single-device device of the 5th class is intended for almost all types of yarn and the creation of any types of interweaving: openwork, circular, jacquard, terry, elastic and many others. The machine has 200 needles installed with a spacing of 4.5 mm.
The set comes with a device, a pattern, punched cards with drawings, carriages, a shoulder, auxiliary plates, a yarn guide, a row counter, spare needles, weights, hooks, rulers, and decoders. When connecting to the machine additional patterns SRP60N, you can create even more complex things with high-quality weaving.
According to reviews, tying even large multi-colored things does not take much time, it is possible to create the same pattern with different types, detailed instructions will allow to deal with the principle of work without any difficulties.
high speed;
various types of weaving;
the ability to connect additional carriages and fountains;
ease of use.
- not detected.
Silver Reed LK 150
Rating: 4.8
Unlike the SK 280, this model is more compact and lightweight. The 4th class machine with a needle spacing of 6.5 mm uses medium and thick yarns (200-300 m / 100 g) for standard types of knitting. The maximum web width is 950 mm. There is a special switch with divisions from 1 to 13, with which you can adjust its thickness.
The device has a plastic needle bed with retractable edges and manual selection of needles. The kit includes a row counter, decker, spare needles, loads.
According to experts, this model is optimal for home use, and the beginning needlewoman can also learn how to create the most complex things. Affordable price with this set of functions is another argument in favor of buying LK 150.
the use of thick yarn;
compact size;
silent operation;
adjustment of thickness of a cloth;
easy to use;
convenient switch;
affordable price.
- not detected.
Top electronic knitting machines
Household electronic knitting machines are multifunctional devices that can compete with industrial machines. The most original patterns and the most complex knitting can be programmed with the help of a special program through a PC and get a high-quality quality item with an exclusive pattern. The rating includes one more model of the Japanese brand, but already with electronic control.
Silver Reed SK 840 / SRP 60N
Rating: 4.9
Model SK 840 / SRP 60N - the dream of any needlewoman. Despite the high price, it really is worth it, because with such a machine, any fantasy can come true. The device belongs to the dvuhfonturny type 5 class. 500 needles are located on 250 pieces in two rows, the distance between them is 4.5 mm. With the help of them you can create any kind of interweaving: jacquard, zigzag, platirovochnoe, elastic, circular, weaving, terry and others.
The package includes a carriage-friendly phonography, knitting accessories, an additional double-ended carriage.
To work, you must purchase Knit Styler software, which controls the process. If changes occur, for example, the number of loops in a row, a beep sounds.
all types of mating;
electronic control;
any sketches of patterns;
high speed.
- software purchased separately.
We hope we helped you to make the right choice, and soon exclusive items will appear in your wardrobe that you cannot buy in the store, and any of your designer fantasies will come true.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.