30 best boat engines

Outboard motors are a specialized type of engines. internal combustion associated with the "leg" and the screw to give movement boats and other types of small vessels. Historically, like all engines, obey the classification by the number of fuel combustion cycles, subdivided on push pull and four-stroke. From a technical point of view, the latter look better because they allow develop high speed due to more power and torque, and also move on the water obviously larger boat. But with questions reliability here is not so simple, as we will describe in detail in the recommendations by choice and at the point of comparison.

As for the problems of the article, it is entirely in the abundance of model units of motors in the relevant market segment, as well as companies producing them. Because of such high competition (for leadership in over a thousand units struggle in different directions) sometimes it is extremely difficult see really worthwhile and suitable product. Therefore, having own research of the market situation, iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ magazine selected 30 most promising outboard engines, divided into eight thematic categories. The evaluation criteria were conclusions teams of in-house experts, as well as feedback from users who have experienced models in various climatic and operational conditions.

How to choose a boat motor

The procedure for selecting a boat motor is associated with a number of fundamental and specific nuances that should be considered in without fail. Specialists of our magazine in the subject of motor boats identified as many as 7 such points:

Engine's type. According to this aspect, all motors for boats are divided into gasoline and electric.

Petrol are standard engines internal combustion that converts the energy of combustion of fuel into rotary movement of the screw and the subsequent translational motion of the boat. Subdivided into two-stroke and four-stroke, as mentioned in the introduction.

  1. two-stroke - technically simpler units, fuel injection, compression, detonation, combustion and flue gas exhaust which take place in two cycles. Practically in all components of operation lose four-cycle counterparts, but in terms of cost and ergonomics significantly ahead of the latter. Considered more reliable in terms of simplicity of design, however, they work under conditions of constant increased vibration and low environmental friendliness, which also affects reliability in long-term perspective, and with a minus sign;

  2. four-stroke - the last round of engine development internal combustion, the duty cycle of which consists of four cycles (injection, compression, detonation (combustion), the release of exhaust gases - every action corresponds to one working cycle). Constitute more complex structural unit, which negatively affects the reliability parameters. but due to the lower vibration load, increased environmental performance and fuel combustion quality is compensated for durability indicators (one of the components of reliability).They are economical, but they are not An example is more expensive than two-stroke versions, inconvenient in terms of transportation, and in general look much bigger.

Electric motors have become the prerogative of choice for domestic consumers are relatively recent, but they have managed to to gain a foothold in the market of Europe and North America. Their main advantages: almost complete absence of noise due to the rejection of such an abundance of friction nodes in designs (like gasoline engines), as well as high environmental friendliness, due to the use of electrical energy. Many experts refer to advantages and cost indicators, but in reality the acquisition such a motor costs almost more than a simple gasoline counterpart. The fact is that, in addition to the working unit itself, it is necessary to acquire battery and charger, which, moreover, adversely affects total equipment weight.

Power. Choose a motor on this basis follows on the basis of the overall dimensions of the vessel and the maximum number of people who will be in it. So, if you plan on doing solo swims without a pile of cargo (in the form of gear, spinning and other things merch), an ideal unit would be a 5 horse forces It will also fit for short-term swam from one “patch” of the reservoir on the other, if there are a couple of people in the boat with a small amount of equipment.

If the boat involves placing 2-3 people and a small amount of cargo, the optimum power of the purchased motor will be equals 10 horsepower.

For massive swims in big boats and metal boats (accommodating up to 6-8 people) with the necessary "minimum" will be very strong, by the standards of the segment, the engine for 20-25 horses.

Dimensions. Be sure to match sizes outboard motor with the dimensions of the boat. In the case of the wrong selection of one to to another there is a risk of giving a large tilt angle to the back of the boat, while where a comfortable stay on board will have dubious comfort. For a small boat, a sufficient condition for moving across the water will be compact engine (two-stroke or four-stroke - it's up to you) with fuel tank 1-2 liters. Always look at your purchase from a position moderation - will its capacity be sufficient to ensure proper level of work.

Immersion depth screw. Deadweight Length mechanism (in common people - the length of the knee from the engine to the screw) - a very important aspect of the outboard motor. Not only speed depends on the right choice. resource development, but also the rationality of the use of useful power. When choosing should be repelled from the height of the vessel and the depth of its immersion in water. So, if you choose a motor with a short deadwood, then the screw may not be completely dive into the water, while losing a significant part of the power idle, including including overcoming the resistance of the transition from air to water. Bad and the opposite: when the knee is long, the screw will deepen more and work with slightly higher resistance values, thereby significantly lowering power indicators. Be sure to give this factor more close attention.

Type of control system. Boat Motors Control Systems subdivided into remote (remote) and direct. The first typical for long boats and boats: in them the steering part is installed in the middle board Management is carried out by a set of gear units, which regularly, but with a slight delay, they react to the pilot's manipulations.

Direct motor control is carried out. thanks to the tiller - turning knobs, which is a mandatory part of the design of the unit. Worth say that the tiller system has a higher reliability, since it does not has in itself such a big pile of connections and transmission mechanisms. It is considered the base system for small and medium-sized boats, the distance to governing body in which is not so great.

Manufacturing companies. An indirect parameter capable of less largely determine the tendency of the outboard motor to long operation. The specificity of this item is in focus tips for two large consumer groups.

We strongly recommend giving newbies preference engines segment leaders - manufacturers, widely known world market: Mercury, Yamaha, HDX, Tohatsu, Honda, etc. First, company data established themselves as suppliers of reliable products capable of To serve without breakdowns and every criticism not one season. Secondly, in On the Internet you can find a bunch of manuals and other materials for their maintenance and repair, as well as more than a dozen dealerships.

For experienced users, the limitations are much smaller: despite the fact that market leaders are the prevailing link in the sales chain, You can pay attention to developing companies. In particular, Russian and Chinese, who managed to bring production to an acceptable level. Of course, speech in this sense goes, more, about the possibility of self-repair of motors with breakage, without reference to the materials (which, according to the little-known models, is not so many) and leadership. But with the love of periodic digging in the details of the transaction looks very profitable - the amount spent on the purchase nouneym not go no comparison with the price of the well-known engines.

Right method cheaper. For those who are still wants to take the unit from a well-known manufacturer, but is constrained in monetary respect, there is an alternative way to the secondary market. In general, much of presented there is rubbish, but it happens among it, there are quite curious specimens.

When purchasing a motor on the secondary very important check its status and performance, if such an opportunity is provided. Or take the time to "run-in" of the motor. Usually check is 3-7 days, however, and sellers rarely go to such conditions.

Therefore, if you are faced with the choice of purchasing used or new outboard motor, but not enough money for the second - it makes sense to postpone the purchase and collect a sufficient amount for a new unit. However, if time does not tolerate, then buy in the secondary market only quality models from famous manufacturers who have received hundreds and thousands laudatory reviews from users and experts.

Which boat motor is better than a two-stroke or four-stroke

As mentioned in the introduction, gasoline boats motors are divided into two-stroke and four-stroke. Despite close proximity to the functions performed and layout decisions, everything however, these units have a lot of differences, as well as the associated advantages and minuses. But who is better? We can find the answer to this question in the table. comparisons:

Type of outboard motor




+ Ease of performance, guaranteeing a high degree of reliability

+ Low purchase price

+ Small dimensions and weight

+ Convenience of transportation

- Greater fuel consumption compared to a four-stroke

- Noisy, especially at high speeds

- Vybatsionno-unstable when working at low speeds

- Smoky exhaust, in connection with which there are problems with environmental friendliness of use

- The design has a deliberately outdated layout, which is negative affects the durability of work


+ Improved working principle, resulting in less wear and tear of nodes and also increases durability

+ Low vibration when running at low speed

+ Much less harmful emissions, low smoke

+ When working at high speeds produce less noise

+ Somewhat more economical than two-stroke versions

- Complicated design, the probability of failure of which is higher than that of push pull system

- High price

- Increased overall dimensions and weight, problems with methods transportation

Ranking of the best boat engines

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best two-stroke engines with a capacity of 5 liters. with.      1 Tohatsu m5bds      61 900 ₽
     2 HDX T 5 BMS      42 500 ₽
     3 Mercury 5M      62 500 ₽
     4 NISSAN MARINE NS 5 B D1      63 900 ₽
     5 Toyama T5BMS      46 900 ₽
The best four-stroke engines with a capacity of 5 liters. with.      1 Yamaha F5AMHS      72 100 ₽
     2 Honda BF5DH SHU      105 900 ₽
     3 HDX F 5 BMS      47 000 ₽
     4 Mercury F5M      62 500 ₽
The best 2-stroke outboard motors up to 9.9 l. with.      1 Mercury ME 9.9 M      106 100 ₽
     2 Tohatsu M9.8BS      76 900 ₽
     3 HDX T 9.9 BMS      73 900 ₽
     4 Nissan Marine NS 9.8 BS      90 500 ₽
The best 4-stroke outboard motors up to 15 liters. with.      1 Honda BF15DK2SHU      190 500 ₽
     2 Yamaha F15 CEHS      177 200 ₽
     3 Mercury ME F 15 MH      150 100 ₽
     4 HDX F 15 FWS      109 900 ₽
The best boat engines with capacity from 15 to 40 liters. with.      1 Yamaha F40 FET      410 000 ₽
     2 Honda BF30DK2 SRTU (BF30D4 SRTU)      364 900 ₽
     3 Mercury 40M      213 200 ₽
     4 HDX F 20 BMS      112 900 ₽
Top High Power Boat Motors      1 Yamaha F350 AETX      1 844 000 ₽
     2 Mercury 150 PRO XS L OptiMax      816 200 ₽
     3 HDX T75FEL-T      256 700 ₽
     4 Tohatsu M50D2EPTOS      317 000 ₽
Top Chinese Boat Motors      1 Sea-Pro OTH9.9S      64 900 ₽
     2 Golfstream T15ВМS      72 900 ₽
     3 HANGKAI M3.5HP      11 900 ₽
Top Electric Boat Motors      1 HDX 86X      19 500 ₽
     2 Minn Kota Endura C2 30      16 640 ₽

The best two-stroke engines with a capacity of 5 liters. with.

Tohatsu m5bds

Rating: 4.9

Tohatsu m5bds

Tohatsu single cylinder boat engine is an economical option two-stroke for those who like to move around the open waters of wide reservoirs. Despite the compactness of the motor part of its power is 5 horse forces, and built-in fuel tank holds up to 2 liters of gasoline. Besides, for long heats it is possible to connect an external a tank with a volume of 12.5 liters, the fuel reserve in which (at normal consumption of 1.8 liters / hour) is enough for more than 6 hours of continuous operation.

Tohatsu M5BDS has a three-stage box gears with forward and backward modes, as well as neutral. Integrated and reasonably reasonable protection against launch when the gear is engaged, ensuring the safety of the user and people in range screw. However, the positive motor functions do not end there. Not Japanese manufacturers forgot about equipping the unit with a safety rope, through the use of which you can make an emergency stop engine. In general, the model is not abundant with any unique technical solutions, providing consumers with the opportunity to independently solve repair issues and maintenance. Unconditional first place.


  • compact mechanical system equipped with external fuel tank 12.5 liters;
  • use of simplified technical solutions for opportunities for motor maintenance by consumers;
  • two built-in protection systems (emergency shutdown screw, run when the gear is engaged);
  • high degree of reliability;
  • low price.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.8


HDX T 5 - very close analog of 5 strong motor from Toyama up to design nuances and performance. Hit the rating thanks to excellent reliability when used in long long term, and also low (even by the standards of two-touch) market value. All its advantages are the mirrored reality of the Japanese counterpart, to which can be attributed to the stability of work at high speeds (the motor does not choke from the abundance of power), and an acceptable level of noise, and small vibrations when typing move.

However, the HDX T 5 design also contains a couple of constructive nuances, which indicate both the users themselves and the experts. First, absent mechanism for emergency shutdown of the outboard motor, because of which the random swim on shallow water can not only strip the propeller blades, but also smash the gearbox, providing shock loading and tooth chipping. Secondly, several the idea of ​​equipping a motor with a 1.5 liter fuel tank is illogical, since full gas through open water is hardly enough for a return journey ... so that it’s better to keep a spare canister with you ... or a regular paddle.


  • optimal combination of price and quality;
  • noise and vibration levels within the normal range;
  • stable during acceleration;
  • a small fuel tank has a positive effect on weight specifications;
  • moderately high reliability for Chinese two-tactics.


  • small volume of fuel tank and, as a result, small power reserve;
  • lack of function of emergency shutdown of the screw.

Mercury 5M

Rating: 4.7

Mercury 5M

The representative of a strong technical company Mercury, which is one of the modifications motors of the portable 5th series.In fact, the only difference from the original here - equipment with a portable fuel tank of 12 liters, but the possibility installation of a 50-watt generator with a current of 4 amps. The rest is constructive the differences are minimal: all the same 3.86 horsepower in power, three transmission and operation in speeds from 4 to 5 thousand revolutions per minute.

According to consumers, the Mercury 5M is a true “plowman”, honestly and reasonably stable practicing the put resource. The recommended height of the transom under it is 381 mm, which imposes some restrictions on use. But weight of 20 kilograms does not look something out of the ordinary, completely Corresponding to the concept of "portable." Due to not the highest value on the market This motor is a priority choice for a wide range of customers. especially in light of the presence of an emergency shutdown unit and a huge base elaborate detail, up to the streamlined contours of the hull and all sorts of tweaks for comfortable control.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • rational approach to exhaust gas disposal (loop purge);
  • compact overall dimensions, 20 kilograms of weight;
  • the ability to complete an external fuel tank 12 liters (the volume of its own tank - 2.5 liters).


  • over time, there is an urgent need to maintenance of individual components - gearbox and piston mechanism;
  • increased fuel consumption due to special factory settings of the second cycle of operation - the moment of fuel injection / exhaust gases.


Rating: 4.6


Major Japanese automaker, by part-time, is a supplier of engines for two-stroke boats and four-stroke type. It is the supplier, since the oldest brand in this the segment has independently developed literally single concepts, purchasing the bulk of the motors from Honda and Tohatsu. It so happens that NISSAN MARINE NS 5 B D1 - almost complete analogue (except for cosmetic nuances) two-stroke Tohatsu, the volume of which, traditionally for this segment, is 102 cubic centimeters.

Among other features of the outboard motor can be mentioned the presence of built-in 2.5-liter fuel tank with the ability to increase by connecting an optional external tank for another 12 liters. Also consumers They talk about ease of setup and self-service: they say, the design so simple that it is possible to eliminate the causes of a malfunction or bad work even in the garage. All this, of course, is good, but let's not forget that The fact that NISSAN MARINE NS 5 B D1 costs is twice as large as its counterparts, and therefore distributed in retail much less than the rest.


  • motor can be used in sea water (salt not affects the performance of the unit);
  • built-in and external tank available (2.5 + 12 liters);
  • simplicity of design allowing consumers conduct self-service;
  • good reliability performance.


  • high price due to brand popularity;
  • low prevalence in retail.

Toyama T5BMS

Rating: 4.5

Toyama T5BMS

A rather old representative opens the rating. of the two-stroke market, which had lost the position of the most popular in the segment low-power two-stroke engines. Toyama T5BMS gradually goes to discharge remnants of the past, clinging to the remnants of the former popularity of high prevalence in the network of retail stores in Russia. Conceptually, this is the one the same compact unit as in the case of the Mercury 5M, having a weight of 20 kilograms and a motor with a volume of 102 cubic centimeters (outstanding 5 horsepower). Gear unit three-position, classic for two-tactics, with direct and the reverse course, and also with a neutral. Attached to the transom by means of a screw clamp, and its recommended height is 380 millimeters.

Despite such ordinary, from the standpoint of competitors, options, the Toyama T5BMS ceases to be extremely wasteful and noisy boat engine, in which a personal fuel reserve (2.7 liters) is barely enough to distant swim According to experts, you should not have any illusions. about its origin, the times when Toyama concentrated production in Japan are long gone, and now the release units for boats engaged in ... of course China. True, no complaints to assembly quality, we can not present - to provide a strict level of control the Japanese still managed.


  • high build quality even despite basing production in China;
  • good working life of components and parts;
  • compact overall dimensions, only 20 kilograms masses;
  • easy to find in retail stores in Russia.


  • 2.7 liters barely enough for an hour of movement at maximum speed;
  • very expensive for a morally obsolete model;
  • high noise level.

The best four-stroke engines with a capacity of 5 liters. with.

Yamaha F5AMHS

Rating: 4.9

Yamaha F5AMHS

Economical outboard motor with great potential. loading, the working volume of which is 139 cubic centimeters. By optimizing the process of supplying fuel to the combustion chamber, Yamaha was able to reduce consumption to 1.7 liters per hour, which is positive. affected the cost of its content. In general, the F5AMHS can be called perfect. purchase, except, perhaps, the price of 80 thousand rubles, which looks just predatory on the background of 5 horsepower power, issued at the maximum. Of the pleasant little things supplied optional (for which also have to pay) you can select a generator, a set of tools for self service indicator of oil pressure in the system (pressure gauge), as well as protection starter. Ultimately, such a purchase is suitable for those who belong to fishing a little differently than as a simple hobby, getting profit in the form of devices, cash prizes or rewards.


  • optional body kits that allow you to create from the motor complete unit for long fishing sessions;
  • optimal fuel consumption (1.7 liters per hour at maximum speed of movement);
  • high degree of quality and structural reliability;
  • low noise and vibrations.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.8


The high price for this boat engine is due to a big name. manufacturer, however, unlike NISSAN, its development is entirely and completely under the Honda office. 5 horses from the engine of 127 cubic centimeters - great result, especially because of low hour fuel consumption when driving at top speed (only 1.5 liters in hour). Actually, the built-in tank and is designed for the amount of gasoline however, users have the opportunity to expand it by setting the external tank on standard 12 liters, in which the journey can continue from 8 to 16 hours.

The important advantage of Honda BF5DH SHU in front the presence of a 6 amp alternator, which not bad sets off the high price tag. Electric start, cooling only water (and not a hybrid, supplemented by a thermostat), but there is a pressure gauge for measuring oil pressure. In general, a complete set, and even in such high quality assembly. At individual moments, this model looks even better than the direct competitor from Yamaha, however, due to the higher price and low prevalence in the market Russia, we will give her an honorable second place.


  • the presence of installed skirts, usually supplied optional, at extra cost (generator, oil pressure indicator, electric ignition and so forth);
  • perfect build quality and high reliability compound nodes;
  • low fuel consumption (1.5 liters per hour);
  • excellent fit of the parts to each other, due to than noise and vibration are practically absent.


  • very high price for outboard motor.


Rating: 4.7


The Chinese manufacturer Hondex for several years continues to actively promote the domestic entrenched in the minds of consumers as the supplier of the cheapest goods with acceptable quality. The four-stroke outboard HDX F 5 BMS motor was no exception, the price difference which from the push-pull counterpart (T 5 BMS) is only 10 thousand rubles. If a speak from the standpoint of the design, the decision to shove a dimensional motor into the old plastic casing does not look reasonable, the reason for which was even more global reduction in fuel tank to 1.3 liters. However, in the background is not volumetric combustion chamber (112 cubic centimeters), as well as the surprise of a good setting of the moment of fuel supply, somehow you can exist.

But perhaps the most impressive property of F 5 BMS is a high torque at low engine speeds that allows to even accelerate a heavily loaded ship to 18 ... 22 kilometers per hour, even if large time span. On the device, he also does not present any serious surprises, allowing consumers to independently carry out repairs on needs In general, it is a worthy representative of its category, looking most interesting in terms of cost relative to surrounding competitors.


  • low price relative to competitors;
  • economic and structural simplicity (easy to self-service);
  • the ability to develop high torque on small revs.


  • ill-conceived "clamped" design with a small gas tank on board (1.3 liters).

Mercury F5M

Rating: 4.6

Mercury F5M

Another representative of the American company Mercury enters the rating with an annoying indicator of the built-in fuel capacity tank, which is only 1 liter. It's a shame, however, it is clear why the producers themselves agreed to this - optional purchase of a 12-liter external reservoir in the future looks much more attractive than slow ride on the pond with a paddle to the finish.

However, this does not negate the fact of high production quality of the model, as well as possessing acceptable performance indicators. 5 horsepower generated per cylinder volume of 123 cubic centimeters, giving a good start on torque and fast overclocking for high loads. Water cooling and exhaust goes straight to the atmosphere, causing a little higher noise relative to competitors by rating. Do not be discounted and high the cost of American development, in which competition even with Chinese Representatives are played once or twice. But, despite the heap of purely comparative flaws, let's say - the Mercury F5M is worth the purchase, and the reason for that lies in the high reliability that accompanies the high working life of composite knots.


  • good build quality;
  • high working life of components and parts in the composition motor;
  • optimum torque characteristics;
  • ability to maneuver in shallow water.


  • high cost on the background of shortcomings;
  • low fuel tank capacity;
  • more noisy, relative to competitors.

The best 2-stroke outboard motors up to 9.9 l. with.

Mercury ME 9.9 M

Rating: 4.9

Mercury ME 9.9 M

In a very unexpected way, one of the leading positions. ranking ranked product of the American company Mercury, which showed outstanding results on parts of power, torque and build quality. Externally outboard motor ME 9.9 M It looks perfect, emphasizing the first impression of good work on the water. By issuing the claimed 9.9 horsepower, the unit employs 262 cubes working volume of two cylinders, limited to 6000 revolutions of the shaft per minute.

A slight flaw in the design looks like an external tank of 12 liters, which is hardly enough for good fishing without distractions to refuel. The cooling system contains a thermostat and provides additional heat removal through the circulation of water through the system. Users It is noted that this model can be used when going on a boat to salty water, however without extreme need we recommend it yet not to do.But to equip the Mercury ME 9.9 M can be at least short, even though the long ship - is implemented here opportunity and tiller, and remote control. In terms of value This unit is more profitable than a less powerful Nissan Marine, however, in terms of characteristics, it is capable Surpass all competitors represented in the category.


  • very good performance set;
  • the presence of thermostat and water cooling in the system;
  • possibility of tiller and remote control;
  • excellent build quality;
  • high, but adequate to the ability of the motor price.


  • inefficiently small fuel tank (only 12 liters).

Tohatsu M9.8BS

Rating: 4.8

Tohatsu M9.8BS

The very original boat motor from Tohatsu, which was bought and slightly redone under the company Nissan Marine. His legend due to the combination of quality, durability and an abundance of optional additions that are liked by thousands of domestic users. With at 26 kilograms, he gives out 9.8 horsepower already familiar to us, cycling two cylinders with a total working volume of 169 cubic centimeters.

As a fuel tank in Tohatsu M9.8BS an external tank with a capacity of 12 liters is used; 6-8 hours of swimming in open water at maximum speed. There is the ability to move in shallow and grassy places that are equally Good for both anglers and hunters. Finally, as additional devices to the model, you can buy a generator and a tachometer, allowing to closely monitor the engine speed in order to avoid overheating and long acting loads.


  • great combination of price and quality;
  • availability of additional options to purchase;
  • 12-liter fuel tank allowing, at low fuel consumption, swim for a dozen hours;
  • Sturdy assembly without squeaks and unnecessary noise;
  • very popular with consumers - the people's choice.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.7


Two-stroke outboard motor Hondex T 9.9 BMS - a real gift for fans fast and long movement on an open reservoir, without heats in grass and shallow places. No joke, but 9.9 horsepower here generated by a motor whose working volume is 246 cubic centimeters. At first glance - very wasteful, but in view of applicability on boats with a short transom (381 millimeters) of torque It turns out in large excess. Hence, decent acceleration and the possibility to transport large masses, gradually accelerating to decent speeds.

It is also noteworthy that the HDX T 9.9 BMS is the first model. Up to this point in the review, which is completed with an external gas tank for 24 liter, allowing to make long trips without looking at the shore. how users note that the operating capacity of the model is greater rather than declared by manufacturers, and by 50%. Due to this increase performance small flaws assembly seem a trifle. And with an eye to the cost of the next representative of the Chinese production is completely possible call one of the best in the segment.


  • real power is higher than stated;
  • the possibility of equipping the motor 24-liter external tank for fuel;
  • excellent acceleration dynamics;
  • high quality of parts and, as a result, increased work resource.


  • bulky model (36 kilograms of weight);
  • assembly can not boast of quiet operation.

Nissan Marine NS 9.8 BS

Rating: 4.6

Nissan Marine NS 9.8 BS

Short transom outboard motor, displacement which is 169 cubic centimeters. For carburetor two-stroke weighing 26 kilograms, this figure is very, very decent, especially in the light of the possibility of acceleration to 30 kilometers per hour (and this is not the limit). NS Marine NM 9.8 BS is very popular in consumer circles, and the reason is is in the skillful disguise of religious things under a completely new brand. The thing is that this model is nothing more than the Tohatsu motor of the same name, the similarity with which can be traced even in the smallest detail.

If we talk about the operational potential of NS Marine NM 9.8 BS, he is able to carry two people with a rig on the boat, or three, but without it, gradually gaining speed to the above 30 kilometers at one o'clock. Unfortunately, in terms of cost, the outboard motor is significantly inferior to direct competitors: where it is more convenient for consumers to purchase the original from Tohatsu, paying for it 1.5 (approximately) times less.


  • engine capacity (169 cubic centimeters);
  • high build quality;
  • 26 kilograms of dead weight;
  • develops high torque at low revs.


  • none other than analog Tohatsu M9.8BS;
  • high price.

The best 4-stroke outboard motors up to 15 liters. with.

Honda BF15DK2SHU

Rating: 4.9

Honda BF15DK2SHU

According to many users of the Honda BF15DK2SHU - the most economical representative of four-stroke engines, a liter of fuel to which Enough to overcome 7.3 kilometers at maximum speed. Sounds mythically, however, the reason for this is that fuel and portions in which Honda certainly understands much. In this regard, the reservoir of 12.5 liters is enough for a long and productive fishing.

Two cylinder four-stroke engine feature 350 cubic centimeters in total volume, like any other A good subcompact bike for everyday use. Does it add Are these models of solidity? Definitely, as well as the torque for the possibility of exporting a very large curb weight of the vessel (with people and snap). Other advantages of the Honda BF15DK2SHU include indicators of overheating and oil pressure, built-in 6-amp generator and unit emergency shutdown and speed limiter (with tachometer). In the final as a result, only one serious fact separates from the consumer’s purchase - the price, increased by almost 50% in the last four years. However, this is not at all does not negate the fact of the classiness of this model, especially compared to competitors.


  • excellent build quality;
  • the most economical among competitors (1 liter of fuel per 7.3 kilometers of the way);
  • abundance of additional sensors, the presence of built-in alternator, tachometer and speed limiter;
  • high degree of structural reliability;
  • able to move through shallow water.


  • very high price.

Yamaha F15 CEHS

Rating: 4.8

Yamaha F15 CEHS

In fact, Honda’s main competitor for the release of the 15-strong four-tactic is still (like a few years ago) having problems with a strong price differentiation from one distributor to another. The volume of the F15 CEHS engine is 362 cubic centimeters, causing a small losing the model to the same Honda BF15DK2SHU in terms of efficiency. Hence the large mass (53.7 kilograms), and a loss in fuel consumption (5.4 liters per hour), which barely noticeable on the background of equipment model 25-liter external tank.

Despite the overall dimensions of the boat engine Yamaha F15 CEHS excellent suitable for fishermen and hunters, as it is able to wade through shallow water and, in which case, use the emergency shutdown unit. From consumer The advantages of the model are most often mentioned durability and ability to work over the course of several years without a single breakdown (subject to the proper level service). Unfortunately, the F15 CEHS has become hostage to price frauds that prevail in the dealer centers and market conditions of Russia. Sometimes the situation comes to absurdity, and price fluctuations within the region can reach 40-50%. Taking into account and without that significant increase, additional margins are increasingly scaring off buyer, negatively affecting the prestige of the company.


  • very high level of reliability;
  • optimal performance;
  • 25 liter fuel tank included;
  • ability to go through shallow water, as well as regulate tilt motor and tiller;
  • electric start and emergency shutdown system engine.


  • extremely large price range in the Russian market - markup can reach 40-50%.

Mercury ME F 15 MH

Rating: 4.7

Mercury ME F 15 MH

ME F 15 MH - a product of high quality and implementation of average price (relative to represented opponents), able to satisfy needs of hunters and fishermen. 352-cubic motor gives honestly stated 15 horsepower, providing the most economical use of fuel from built-in 12-liter tank. Available - a number of indicators allowing track not only the number of revolutions of the shaft, but also monitor the temperature motor, as well as the state of oil pressure in the system. There are important emergency shutdown functions, as well as the ability to move through shallow water without risk breaking a three-bladed screw or tangling in the grass.

Rejecting the technical component, we will reveal very controversial parameter that affects ergonomics. It is, of course, about large mass of Mercury ME F 15 MH. If a in the case of HDX F 15 FWS, this fact is due to the integration into the systems volume fuel tank, then here is the phenomenon of such a heavy construction (52 kilograms) is unclear and looks very controversial. In general, blame the model for something else can not be, but note, for example, the presence of a generator 12 amperes - possible, and with an explicit entry in the asset. Cost according to everything representation category, bites, but goes well with the parameters quality.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • the presence of an alternating current generator of 12 amps;
  • abundance of sensors (tachometer, oil pressure, overheating);
  • availability of the forced shutdown opportunities to swim shallow areas;
  • high structural reliability


  • bulky and heavy construction (52 kilograms).


Rating: 4.6


Even in the line of 15-strong engines, the Chinese company Hondex continues to act as a niche manufacturer of a budget product, fighting for the consumer and quality, and an acceptable price level. HDX F 15 FWS - just such a model order, the value of which is comparable to the premium representatives two-stroke engines of the same power.

Essentially, if you do not take into account the quality indicators (which Japanese units are obviously higher than those of this Chinese miracle), then the model has all the chances to be considered the true leader of the category. Reason for this is simple: the 323-cc engine produces the same 15 horses as the competitors, showing itself much more efficiently in terms of efficiency. And even the weight of 51 kilograms gives in to a logical explanation - the fact is that in HDX F 15 FWS it is “sewn” 24-liter fuel tank, which, if desired, can be expanded by another 12 liters. There is the possibility of movement in shallow water, two starting method of the engine (manual and electric), as well as an alarm system engine shutdown. And, if not for a number of minor flaws in the structural part, then such an assembly could be considered a reference.


  • availability of manual and electric start;
  • high work efficiency;
  • total volume of fuel tanks can reach 36 liters;
  • ability to move through shallow water;
  • Attractive, against competitors, price.


  • there are extraneous noises at absolutely normal engine work.

The best boat engines with capacity from 15 to 40 liters. with.

Yamaha F40 FET

Rating: 4.9

Yamaha F40 FET

Excellent in all respects a series of powerful engines from Yamaha, the working volume of the three-cylinder (!) engine which is 747 cubic centimeters. Used primarily by professional fishermen, since the cost of almost 400 thousand rubles and traction characteristics sharpened by comfortable fishing from a large vessel and the possibility of quick movements in open water. However, for those who like to hunt in the thickets reeds and shallow waters, the Yamaha F40 FET also provides all the comforts: lifting motor electric, its tilt adjustment is provided, and they themselves manufacturers note the ability to move in low water.

94 kilograms of model weight is pretty serious The problem is both during transportation and when installed on the transom. It is clear that part of the weight takes over the engine, and the other part departs deadwood with three-blade screw.For the sake of at least some reduction in their own dimensions and weights Honda engineers went for the trick taking out the fuel tank 25 liters out of the system. However, with consumption of more than 10 liters per hour it will be enough for a while - and here before the consumer gets very serious choice: to be “tied” to the shore or to buy another tank. Due to the already large cost of the unit, additional expenses look like frankly bad, but for the opportunity to comfortably fish some are ready give away and much more.


  • abundance of additional body kit (sensors, generator 17 amps, engine protection and shutdown systems);
  • 40 horsepower from a three-cylinder four-stroke motor;
  • the ability to cross the shoal;
  • high workmanship and great workmanship resource.


  • extremely high price.

Honda BF30DK2 SRTU (BF30D4 SRTU)

Rating: 4.8

Honda BF30DK2 SRTU (BF30D4 SRTU)

Another top-end unit from the Japanese company Honda, which provides low-noise operation and smooth ride when driving on open water. Provides excellent traction for boats total curb weight under 700 kilograms, which is equivalent to 5-6 people with tooling and gear. The large working potential of the BF30DK2 SRTU causes the need for a group of carburetors and an accelerator pump, forcing pressure in the fuel system. As for the expense, then per hour at maximum engine speed burns no more than 9 liters, which is an average of 18% lower than direct competitors from Yamaha and Tohatsu.

Regarding the integration of Honda auxiliary systems BF30DK2 SRTU differs only positively. For example, an asset can be attributed electronic ignition system, water cooling, electric lift motor, as well as reverse and emergency shutdown function. By and large, from the whole range of features of the Japanese unit users only criticize the flow - The fuel reserve is hardly enough for 1.5 hours of work. The cost issue in this case fades into the background, however, its acquisition is addressed mostly professional anglers.


  • very high quality motor with a high level of assembly;
  • reduced fuel consumption due to use improved principles for the supply of gasoline-air mixture;
  • abundance of additional sensors and elements;
  • high loading potential;
  • the choice of professionals.


  • small volume of a fuel tank (12 liters).

Mercury 40M

Rating: 4.7

Mercury 40M

Extremely powerful motor for large boats, delivering up to 40 horsepower through two cylinders with a total volume of 644 cubic centimeters. More efficient in terms of efficiency than the Yamaha ranking leader, but when working at maximum revs quickly reaches a state of wear on individual nodes.

Another fundamentally positive difference from The main competitor is in the price indicator: it is almost double lower, which attracts consumers from among ordinary fishing enthusiasts - more experienced, rather than professional, participating in sports championships. AT as an optional add-on, a generator is installed in the Mercury 40M AC 10 amps, along with sensors for overheating, temperature and oil pressure. The total weight of the structure is 75 kilograms excluding handed down a tank of 24 liters. In general, the fuel consumption per swim hour is barely reaches 10 liters, in connection with which one full refueling is enough for 2.5 hours continuous swimming. In the end, we get a great model with optimal set of characteristics ... which, although it looks preferable Japanese rival for the price, but can not impose on him a fight for performance indicators.


  • optimal performance indicators;
  • increased profitability compared with competitors;
  • abundance of optional components and installed generator;
  • relatively low price.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.6


Boat motor with a capacity of 20 horsepower, which became a real sales hit among professional anglers due to abnormal low cost for such a productive unit. Its weight is 66 kilogram, which unequivocally hints at the need to use with heavily loaded boats and boats for up to 5 people. Fuel consumption with maximum modes of action is 7.3 liters per hour, and with this The F 20 BMS situation has a power reserve of 3 hours, since the external fuel The tank holds 24 liters of gasoline.

It should be noted that large dimensions are associated with volumetric cylinders whose working space is 498 cubic centimeters. There is an emergency engine shutdown system, a limiter revolutions, preventing overheating of the engine, as well as exhaust coming through the screw and significantly reducing overall noise. There is an adjustment of the angle of the motor, However, it is still not recommended to swim across the shoal with him. In the final As a result, a worthy representative of the category of strong units that can really make a lot, and standing for their condition real penny.


  • low consumption for such a powerful engine (7.3 liters in hour);
  • 24 liter external fuel tank gasoline (AI-92);
  • very attractive price;
  • optimal overall performance in relation to power condition.


  • not found.

Top High Power Boat Motors

Yamaha F350 AETX

Rating: 4.9

Yamaha F350 AETX

And finally, the leading position in the ranking is the boat motor of magnificent power, which working volume makes 5330 cubic centimeters. This sea "monster" - development for a complete set of very expensive racing or recreational boats that can recoup enormous costs of acquisition and operation. 350 horsepower the Yamaha F350 AETX is generated by operating eight cylinders with a V-shaped arrangement to save places and reduce linear dimensions. As a fuel supply system used injector with adjustable injection, increasing overclocking potential to provide competitive claims.

A separate point is to highlight the approach to equipping Yamaha F350 AETX different sensors, allowing you to control almost every motor parameter in real time. Those on the model can be placed (read, connect) 13: for example, speedometer, tachometer, fuel consumption sensor and its level, throttle positions, trim positions, etc. In two words about such a complex the system will not be able to tell, so the last thing you should know is the cost of such a unit is 1.5 million rubles. Unconditional leader categories.


  • unit for cruise or racing swims;
  • 350 horsepower capacity with a 5330 cubic engine;
  • ability to control almost all operational parameters;
  • fully electrified system allowing organize motor control from a computer;
  • highest quality and reliability parameter.


  • extremely high price.

Mercury 150 PRO XS L OptiMax

Rating: 4.8

Mercury 150 PRO XS L OptiMax

A step away from the leading position in the ranking stopped American motor Mercury 150 PRO XS L OptiMax, issuing a colossal and not 150 horsepower too much needed by the mass consumer. They are generated through the work of six cylinders having a V-shaped arrangement and 2500 cubes working volume. This unit is installed mainly on metal sporty type boats that function as cruise or fishing boats (which is very rare) ships in sea conditions.

Instead of a carburetor, the Mercury 150 PRO XS L OptiMax uses a two-phase direct system fuel injection set up under strictly fixed gas mileage creating an air-fuel mixture. This is extremely important in the system, "eating up" fuel liters. Naturally, with this level of performance and cost special attention should be paid to protection systems. There are four of them based, however, on high-profile advanced manufacturing company. So, SmartCraft Guardian technology is responsible for protecting the engine from overheating and other problems. Similarly, sensors for monitoring excess speed and oil level. Ultimately, we can conclude that 150 PRO XS L OptiMax - a great engine, designed for a deliberately small group consumers and naturally occupies a place in the ranking of the best.


  • highest quality workmanship in the organization operational control assembly at the enterprise;
  • 150 horsepower with a volume of 2500 cubic engine centimeters;
  • maximum speed exceeds 100 kilometers at one o'clock;
  • abundance of protection systems.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.7


The third power unit for boats, having a power 75 horsepower, but standing at the same time much lower than an order of magnitude more weak Japanese motors. A very strange fact that makes decent advertising and without that popular HDX T75FEL-T. Its working volume is 1141 cubic centimeter distributed over three cylinders. Small annoying moment is the push-pull system of the cylinder-piston group, causing small loss of fuel (about 5-7%) on emissions during the removal of gases. In connection with this 24-liter tank integrated into the system is barely enough for only 1.5 hours of operation, which puts the consumer in front of the need to equip the motor additional tank.

It is noteworthy that in this Hondex model an electric engine start system was implemented, as well as remote control system, since it is used primarily in paired with overall boats and boats, designed to accommodate 10 people. The total weight of the motor is 119 pounds, and therefore there are serious problems with transportation and installation / removal of it from the boat. Essentially, on this and limited to all the variety of features inherent in the HDX T75FEL-T. A great purchase option for those who wants to buy an inexpensive "workhorse" for group swims.


  • high capacity to carry up to 10 people with equipment;
  • low price for a high level model;
  • the presence of mandatory additions, including the block emergency shutdown of the engine;
  • very high structural reliability.


  • the volume of the fuel tank lasts for 1.5 hours of swim.

Tohatsu M50D2EPTOS

Rating: 4.6

Tohatsu M50D2EPTOS

In this section of the ranking, the division of competitors will be be conducted purely in terms of power, in connection with which Tohatsu M50D2EPTOS takes the honorable fourth place. This 50-horsepower unit is a sample. qualities for analogs, skillfully operating with 697 cubes of the working volume of three cylinders and having a weight of 85 kilograms. Has electric starter and remote control that can be used when installing the motor on long transom boats and boats (height 381 mm).

Roomy is responsible for providing the engine with fuel. a tank of 25 liters, the volume of which, however, is short enough: in mode the maximum stroke of gasoline burns in 2 hours, so about additional tank for a long swim should take care in advance. As additions at the current price (330 thousand rubles) on the model installed automatic hydraulic lift, overheating sensor, pressure gauge and tachometer. For increase in term of operation of the unit the water pump and other elements, water-bonded were made of chromium-plated stainless steel as well A number of technological measures were taken to prevent salt deposits (with use at sea) and destruction due to swimming in shallow water. Generally, the engine turned out really fit, and no serious shortcomings in it can not be noted.


  • abundance of means to control operational parameters engine;
  • protection of the water system, including parts from of stainless steel;
  • optimal combination of price and quality of workmanship;
  • low weight with a very complex and dimensional assembly;
  • high popularity in the market.


  • not found.

Top Chinese Boat Motors

Sea-Pro OTH9.9S

Rating: 4.7

Sea-Pro OTH9.9S

Top product from premium Chinese brand Sea-Pro, recognized as the most successful copy two-stroke outboard motor of the appropriate power (9.9 horsepower) from Yamaha companies. In Russia, the OTH9.9S went to the anglers perfectly well: it seems that most the audience literally craved to get a cheaper counterpart Japanese units that are not inferior to the latter either in maneuverability or price / quality ratio (albeit for your level).

The first thing you should pay attention - low consumption fuel of just over 5 liters per hour at maximum speed and revs. The second is the speed component. Despite 36 kilograms of weight, added to the curb weight of the vessel, it is able to accelerate last up to 35 kilometers per hour, forcing the user to cling tightly to tiller. The volume of the fuel tank is 12 liters, manual ignition is the ability to swim in shallow water. In general, Sea-Pro OTH9.9S - excellent motor, which, with the proper level of service, can not pass one year.


  • favorable price (relative to premium Japanese competitors and, in particular, the original);
  • low fuel consumption (5 liters per hour);
  • high-quality assembly with high performance reliability;
  • the possibility of passing shallow areas.


  • not found.

Golfstream T15ВМS

Rating: 4.6

Golfstream T15ВМS

Close replica of a 15-horsepower engine from the company Mercury, the cost of which is obviously lower high-grade original product. It has a working volume of 246 cubes, divided by two cylinders with a diameter of 56 millimeters. Has a weight of 37.5 kilograms, some of which are diverted to a capacious fuel tank of 24 a liter of gasoline in which is enough for long-term alloys in open water. Maximum hourly consumption at top speed here can reach 7.9 liters, in which case the net power reserve may be slightly more than two hours

This two-stroke engine is designed for boats, which height of the transom is 381 millimeters, but with small manipulations it can also be adapted on vessels with a height of 508 mm to the board. Tiller control, eliminating the ability to control the motor at a distance, which, in general, does not harm much the overall impression. As manufacturers say, the whole batch of Golfstream T15ВМS, intended for implementation in Russia, passes special setting of the carburetor on the parameters of the injection and the supplied portions, observing specificity of domestic fuel. but Experts say that this is nothing more than a publicity stunt, and when acquiring adjustment should be repeated.


  • high power coupled with plenty of fuel for long hunting and fishing;
  • optimal cost level;
  • high quality factory assembly;
  • the ability to adjust the motor to the height of the transom 381 and 508 millimeter


  • lack of optional additions.


Rating: 4.1


Cheap two-stroke engine from China, which has 49cc engine and delivering 3.5 horsepower. Not considered quality standard, however, provides a very stable use on two or three years, after which it begins to require periodic maintenance and repair. Designed for use in small rubber boats designed for one or two people, with a height Transom 381 mm.

Consumers consider the strengths of HANGKAI M3.5HP compact size, 9.56 kilograms of mass and built-in fuel tank 1.3 liters, which is enough for about 4-5 hours of swimming. It is quite natural that for such a low price the necessary functions will not be included in its design, such as forced shutdown of the engine, control of oil pressure, the presence of a tachometer and generator. That, however, significantly saves the unit, reducing the complexity of its manufacture. and indirectly increasing reliability.


  • economical fuel consumption;
  • high reliability due to simplicity of design;
  • very low price.


  • low-power, designed for installation on small inflatable boat;
  • build quality leaves much to be desired.

Top Electric Boat Motors


Rating: 4.9


More preferably in operational terms It looks like a new development by Hondex, partially retraining production on the production of electric boat engines. HDX 86X - electric 1.2 horsepower unit with water cooling and a mass equal to 13.2 kilograms. Recommended for installation on boats, curb weight which does not exceed 1,400 kilograms, while giving up to 37.8 kilograms of thrust in the maximum.

It is noteworthy that unlike Minn Kota Endura C2 30 current consumption from the battery when driving at maximum speed is 84 amps. Consequently, the HDX 86X can accelerate to higher thresholds, namely up to 15 kilometers in hour, which also depends on the weight of the movable vessel. Actually, the disadvantages of the part Equipping the battery in this case has not gone away. Moreover: for the opportunity It is recommended to get around the water area for a long time. higher capacity battery (from 100 Ah). The cost in this case will also be higher, but in relation to quality and opportunities will be more justified. Thus, in the absence of the best, we send the Chinese motor to the first place of a rating in this category - quite deservedly.


  • power 1.2 horsepower;
  • low noise two-blade motor and the lack of exhaust;
  • possibility of installation on ships weighing up to 1400 kilogram (with height of transom within 920 millimeters);
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.


  • the need to equip and transport the battery directly in the boat.

Minn Kota Endura C2 30

Rating: 4.8

Minn Kota Endura C2 30

High-quality alternative to "dirty" gasoline motors suitable for use with small rubber boats and ships for leisurely walks and fishing in the waters. Minn Kota Endura C2 30 was created with a clear focus on compactness, which is felt literally in the whole structure, even in spite of dimensions. A two-blade screw copes well with the passage of grassy areas, and even if stuck, it can easily get out of Kusch through turning back on. Here are just the frequency of its rotation, as well as the size is not enough to disperse the boat more than 5 kilometers per hour - this maximum speed for the 5th forward gear at which the motor consumes 30 amperes current.

Judging by the reviews of few users (technologies only come to the domestic market, in connection with which the hype around them is small) the motor and related equipment is extremely easy place in the trunk of the car. However, to feed illusions about low weight all this "joy" is definitely not worth it - let the motor weighs 7 kilograms, A battery with a capacity of 100 Ah more than compensates for the missing mass. Is such a thing worth buying? Judge for yourself, but the fact that there is no exhaust and the actual absence of noise is a good reason.


  • very low noise level and lack of exhaust;
  • compact design that allows you to transport the motor in trunk cars without interference;
  • pretty high quality performance;
  • low price.


  • the need for placement in the boat battery (gel or acid-base;
  • low maximum speed (up to 5 kilometers per hour).

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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