22 best brick makers

One of the most popular materials in the construction industry is brick. It is used in the construction of walls and partitions, when facing the facade and installing the chimney, in arranging the fence and laying the foundation. A large variety of bricks is offered on the market, which differs by purpose, functionality, size, price, etc. But even a single-type product made at different plants can differ significantly. Together with experts from the iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ team, we will deal with the intricacies of choosing a building brick.

How to choose a brick

Varieties. Depending on the materials and technologies used, the following types of bricks are distinguished.

  1. Ceramic or red brick is considered the ancestor of this type of building materials. As in the old days, it is made of clay by sintering in furnaces at a temperature of approximately 1000 ° C. This grade optimum will be suitable for the device of the base, construction of walls and partitions, facing of facades. The material perfectly combines affordability and environmental friendliness.
  2. Silicate bypassed all the fellows in popularity. It is based mainly on low price and precise geometric dimensions. The material is made from a mixture of lime with quartz sand and various additives. Scope of application - the device of walls, partitions and fences.
  3. Fire-resistant chamotte brick is used for the installation of chimneys, stoves and fireplaces. Its main feature is resistance to high temperatures (up to 1700 ° С). It is also made of clay, therefore it is an environmentally friendly material.
  4. The clinker stands out for its strength and frost resistance. These properties he gets through the use of refractory clay. This type is suitable for finishing the facade or paving of paths on the garden plot.
  5. Hyperpressed is the most modern variety. It is made from screenings of marble, shell rock, calcareous rocks or dolomite. After adding the binder component, the solution is pressed and melted. This technology allows to obtain high-strength brick and very precise in geometry. Expensive material is most often used for decorative facades or fireplaces.
  6. Facing has an ideal geometry and aesthetic appearance. Its scope of application is limited to the finishing of external and internal bases. This group includes all types of bricks, except refractory fireclay.

The size. An important parameter when choosing a brick is its overall dimensions.

  1. Standard is single brick, which has a length of 250 mm, a width of 120 mm and a height of 65 mm. It is characterized by versatility of use.
  2. A one-and-a-half (250x120x88 mm) is used when constructing massive structures.
  3. To reduce the time for laying allows double brick (250x120x138 mm).
  4. For decorative purposes, a narrow brick is bought (250x60x65 mm).
  5. Products with a minimum width (250x22x65 mm) is a facing tile.

Character filling. By filling there are three types of bricks.

  1. Full-bodied products have no chambers or openings.They are distinguished by high strength, but at the same time they retain heat poorly and are heavy.
  2. In a hollow there are chambers or openings of various shapes and sizes. Due to voids, the material becomes lighter and cheaper, improves heat and sound insulation properties. But at the same time there is a fragility.
  3. Porous brick is made using special technology. Clay is mixed with wooden sawdust, molded and burned. Wood burns, forming pores that improve the insulating qualities of bricks. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of work and the high price.

We selected a review of the 22 best brick manufacturers. The products of these companies are sold in the domestic market. In compiling the rating, expert opinion and consumer reviews were taken into account.

Top brick maker rating

Nomination a place Name of product rating
The best manufacturers of silicate bricks       1 Lipetsk silicate plant       5.0
      2 Yaroslavl Silicate Brick Plant       4.9
      3 Voronezh combine of building materials       4.8
      4 Mikhailovsky silicate brick plant       4.7
      5 Cherepovets silicate brick plant       4.6
      6 Tver combine building materials number 2       4.5
The best manufacturers of red (ceramic) bricks       1 Golitsyn Ceramic Factory       5.0
      2 LSR Wall materials       4.9
      3 Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials       4.8
      4 Slavic brick       4.7
      5 Ryazan brick factory       4.6
      6 Vladimirsky brick factory       4.5
The best manufacturers of facing bricks       1 Zheleznogorsk brick factory       5.0
      2 Kirovo-Chepetsky brick factory       4.9
      3 Kirov brick factory       4.8
The best manufacturers of refractory fireclay bricks       1 Sukholozhsky refractory plant       5.0
      2 Brick factory "Novomoskovsknegneupor"       4.9
      3 Borovichsky Refractory Plant       4.8
Best Clinker Manufacturers       1 Ecoclinker       5.0
The best manufacturers of hyper pressed bricks       1 Hyper pressed brick       5.0
      2 RiK       4.9
      3 BARRUM       4.8

The best manufacturers of silicate bricks

For more than a hundred years silicate brick has been used in construction. Its popularity is currently maintained due to its affordable price, exact geometric dimensions, resistance to mold and fungi, good sound insulation. Experts identified several domestic producers of silicate bricks.

Lipetsk silicate plant

Rating: 5.0

Lipetsk silicate plant

The largest Russian producer of silicate bricks is LLC Lipetsk Silicate Plant. The company has been working effectively since 1938, since then the production has been modernized repeatedly. In 2015, the next update of the machine park took place, high-performance German equipment appeared in the workshops. It allows to produce annually up to 130 million pieces of conditional bricks. Experts have appreciated such types of products as corpulent, hollow, as well as colored silicate. The manufacturer becomes the winner of our rating.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with durability, multifunctionality and reasonable prices. But the accuracy of the products is varied and depends on the party.


  • modern production;
  • affordable price;
  • wide model range;
  • high strength.


  • accuracy varies from batch to batch.

Yaroslavl Silicate Brick Plant

Rating: 4.9

Yaroslavl Silicate Brick Plant

Since 1931, the Yaroslavl silicate brick plant has been operating. This country’s oldest enterprise produces more than 40 types of building materials. After modernization, the annual output of silicate bricks reached 100 million units. The company has its own laboratory, which monitors the quality of raw materials and finished products. In 2017, YAZSK joined the ECO plant, which specializes in the production of gas silicate and reinforced concrete structures. As a result, the buyer is offered a wide range of products for construction.

For users, NESP products leave a pleasant impression.It combines affordability, strength and durability. Only to the accuracy of the geometric dimensions there are comments.


  • a wide range of building materials;
  • own laboratory;
  • strength;
  • affordable price.


  • inaccurate geometrical dimensions.

Voronezh combine of building materials

Rating: 4.8

Voronezh combine of building materials

The age of the Voronezh Combine of Building Materials has already exceeded 60 years. The company has experienced more than one reconstruction, the production facilities have been updated. The company has free land for further development. Although after the last modernization, the capacity reached 144 million bricks per year. All manufactured products have quality certificates. Experts particularly noted the implemented technology of volumetric dyeing, thanks to which there appeared wide possibilities for decorating and coloring bricks.

Pridonskoy plant VKSM takes an honorable third place for good quality, reasonable prices and a decent range. But not all the material has right angles, there are chips on the edges.


  • high production capacity;
  • strict quality control;
  • volume painting;
  • affordable prices.


  • chipped;
  • uneven corners.

Mikhailovsky silicate brick plant

Rating: 4.7

Mikhailovsky silicate brick plant

A wide range of construction products has been mastered by the Mikhailovsky silicate brick plant. The company offers domestic consumers solid and hollow products, punctured and smooth products, classic white and modern colored bricks. Production facilities allow to produce annually up to 120 million pieces of conditional bricks. Experts highly appreciated the durability of the German pigment LANXESS Deutschland GmbH, it does not fade for more than 25 years. Since its inception (1978), the priority in the enterprise has been product quality. For this strict control is carried out at all stages of production.

Users are satisfied with the quality of the Mikhailovsky product, its durability and color palette. The disadvantages include the high price.


  • rich assortment;
  • durability of the pigment;
  • strict quality control;
  • strength.


  • high price.

Cherepovets silicate brick plant

Rating: 4.6

Cherepovets silicate brick plant

A Cherepovets silicate brick plant looks like a relatively young enterprise against the background of competitors. It was commissioned in 1972. In the North-West region, the company is one of the largest brick manufacturers. The annual production is 100 million units. In the assortment there is a three-hollow and solid brick, single and one-and-a-half products, front and ordinary material. In order to expand the model range in 1998, the plant launched the technology of volumetric dyeing. The brand received praise from experts for the production of products with a rusting surface.

Users appreciated the rich range, the presence of painted bricks, reasonable prices. There are complaints about dimensional accuracy, which influenced the place in our rating.


  • wide model range;
  • modern technologies;
  • brick with a rusting surface;
  • affordable prices.


  • inaccurate dimensions.

Tver combine building materials number 2

Rating: 4.5

Tver combine building materials number 2

In 1951, the Tver Combine of Building Materials No. 2 was built. The company repeatedly became the winner of social competition in the years of the Soviet Union. A radical renewal of the plant took place in the 90s, when German equipment was purchased. Already in 1996, for its high quality brick, TKSM received a Platinum Star at an exhibition in Switzerland. The manufacturer tries to maintain an optimal price-quality ratio.The experts included the company in our rating for a wide range of colored bricks, which is obtained in a volumetric way.

Users are satisfied not only with the quality and price of silicate bricks, but also around the clock shipment of products. However, many complaints are received on a large amount of cracked and crushed material.


  • international recognition;
  • modern equipment;
  • wide range of;
  • acceptable prices.


  • a lot of marriage.

The best manufacturers of red (ceramic) bricks

Ceramic brick is considered to be an environmentally safe material. It is made of clay, so the product is obtained safe for humans. The red brick keeps heat well, it is simple in laying and operation, differs in a variety of forms and colors. Specialists paid attention to the products of several enterprises.

Golitsyn Ceramic Factory

Rating: 5.0

Golitsyn Ceramic Factory

The Golitsyn Ceramic Factory has deep historical roots. The company was founded back in 1882, during which time it has accumulated a wealth of experience. For the past 30 years, the brand has been specializing in premium products. The annual production is 120 million ceramic bricks. For the richest assortment of red bricks, the company becomes the winner of our rating. The leading imported equipment, high quality, exclusive models allows to occupy leading positions in Russia.

Users are satisfied with dimensional accuracy, reliable packaging, the minimum number of chips. The disadvantages are the difficulty in acquiring bricks at the Golitsyn Ceramic Factory.


  • a rich experience;
  • modern equipment;
  • high quality bricks;
  • rich assortment.


  • Difficulties with buying at the factory.

LSR Wall materials

Rating: 4.9

LSR Wall materials

Not inferior to the leader of the ranking in the wealth of the range of ceramic products brand LSR. Wall materials. The consumer is offered an ordinary building brick (hollow and solid), facing products, large-format ceramics. Experts noted the innovative approach of the company, it is the only enterprise in our country that produces massively clinker. The company's products are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts, winning in value. The total capacity of the four plants included in the union reaches 450 million standard bricks.

Consumers have no complaints about the quality of LSR materials. But the organization of booking and holiday paid products leaves much to be desired.


  • rich assortment;
  • Hi-tech;
  • large volume of production;
  • high quality.


  • poor organization of product sales in the factories of the association.

Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials

Rating: 4.8

Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials

The Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials can boast its own raw material base. Due to this, quality control begins with the extraction of clay and continues at all stages of the technological chain. The output is a brick that meets all the requirements of international standards. A bit more modest, compared to the leaders of the rating, is the range of the enterprise and the annual production volume (70 million pieces). Experts liked automated lines that reduce the impact of the human factor on product quality.

Russian builders call Novokubansky brick a strong middling. It has good strength and frost resistance, reasonable price. But in terms of aesthetics, users have complaints.


  • own raw material base;
  • strict control at each stage of production;
  • good quality;
  • acceptable prices.


  • modest appearance.

Slavic brick

Rating: 4.7

Slavic brick

Slavic brick has its own quarry. It produces high-quality clay, which goes to modern factories with 20 years of experience. The association includes two enterprises that are capable of producing up to 140 million bricks per year. According to experts, one of the most advanced ceramic enterprises in Russia and Europe can be attributed to the plant in Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Hans Lingl from Germany took part in its design. The brand falls into our rating for a rich range of ceramic products.

Consumers often prefer Slavic brick for beautiful colors and good quality. There are complaints that over time, the material crumbles, spoiling the appearance of the facade.


  • own clay quarry;
  • modern equipment;
  • Hi-tech;
  • rich assortment.


  • there are cases of destruction of the finishing layer.

Ryazan brick factory

Rating: 4.6

Ryazan brick factory

Since 1929 he has been working in the construction market of the Ryazan brick factory. Its capacity is up to 70 million ceramic bricks per year. The experts included the brand in our rating for the deep modernization of the enterprise, the introduction of innovative technologies. The plant conquers the Russian consumer with a wide range of ceramic bricks (20 varieties). In the catalog there are single and thickened models, hollow and full-bodied products, ordinary and facing bricks. The company's products during the height of the construction season are selling like hot cakes, which leads to a shortage.

Users mark the fast loading and delivery of the order. However, there are complaints about the packaging, there are no insulators between the layers, which is why the front part is scratched. Criticism is exposed and dimensional accuracy.


  • prompt loading and delivery;
  • modern equipment;
  • innovative technologies;
  • variety of models.


  • unreliable packaging;
  • inaccurate dimensions.

Vladimirsky brick factory

Rating: 4.6

Due to the huge deposits of clay in the region, it was decided to build the Vladimir brick factory. The first product was released in 1991, and by 2004, the company reached an annual production volume of 95 million units. Today the plant is known under the brand MSTERA. Experts drew attention to the high quality products, a wide range of colors (56 shades). To maintain a high level of production allow automatic lines operating on two technological processes.

The brand falls into our rating for a reasonable price, durability and good quality. The disadvantages include the failure to fulfill paid orders (booked brick is sold to other buyers), as well as for getting into the pallets.


  • own reserves of raw materials;
  • automatic lines;
  • a variety of colors;
  • democratic price.


  • does not fulfill contractual obligations;
  • marriage is possible.

The best manufacturers of facing bricks

Facing brick remains a popular material in the construction of houses. Due to its aesthetic appearance, wide color palette, weather resistance and durability, the product attracts the attention of Russians. The following companies produce quality products.

Zheleznogorsk brick factory

Rating: 5.0

Zheleznogorsk brick factory

In 1994, the Zheleznogorsk brick factory was built. The company specializes in the production of facing bricks. In order to consistently receive high-quality products, the company acquired modern European lines. Experts note impeccable accuracy, aesthetics and high durability of products. Proof of quality are certificates of conformity, as well as many prestigious diplomas. The plant is in the top 100 enterprises of the construction industry. Every year about 40 million roll off the factory assembly line.pieces of ceramic and facing bricks. The brand becomes the winner of our rating.

Domestic consumers are complimentary about quality, affordable price and fast delivery. The advantages should also include a decent color line and reliable packaging.


  • high quality;
  • esthetic appearance;
  • reliable packaging;
  • fast delivery.


  • not found.

Kirovo-Chepetsky brick factory

Rating: 4.9

Kirovo-Chepetsky brick factory

A young and very modern enterprise in the construction industry is the Kirovo-Chepetsky brick factory. The history of the company began in 2007, when the German project was implemented. At maximum load, the plant can produce over 40 million bricks per year. The newest European lines work in the shops, providing high quality products. Due to the wide range of facing bricks, the manufacturer was able to quickly take a leading position in the region. In the trading network products are supplied under the brand "KS-Keramik".

Domestic builders liked the products of the Kirovo-Chepetsk brick factory for their beautiful appearance, fast masonry, and exact geometric dimensions. Of the disadvantages mentioned the appearance of efflorescence.


  • wide range;
  • exact geometric dimensions;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • affordable price.


  • salt protrudes over time.

Kirov brick factory

Rating: 4.8

Kirov brick factory

The Kirov brick factory is considered a major regional player. Its production capacity is limited to 100 million pieces per year. Most of the model range is silicate brick. High aesthetic qualities have color products, front and decorative bricks. Experts pay attention to the computerized logistics implemented at the enterprise, modern technological equipment, energy-efficient production. The brand takes an honorable third place in our rating.

In the reviews, users note the affordability, good quality, strength and durability of products. Only the range of facing products looks more modest than the leaders.


  • large production capacity;
  • computerized logistics;
  • energy efficient production;
  • good quality.


  • modest range of facing bricks.

The best manufacturers of refractory fireclay bricks

In the construction of chimneys and fireplaces can not do without refractory materials. One of the most popular remains chamotte brick. In Russia, several factories produce high-quality refractory products.

Sukholozhsky refractory plant

Rating: 5.0

Sukholozhsky refractory plant

The birthday of the Sukholozhskiy refractory plant is March 27, 1932. The company has gained rich experience, which is passed from generation to generation. Production has been modernized more than once, which made it possible to retain the leading positions in the Russian market. Today the company specializes in the production of refractory products. In addition to chamotte bricks, lightweight products, heat insulators, and dry refractory concrete mixes are offered to the consumer. The number of consumers has already exceeded 2000, and not only domestic, but also foreign companies are partners.

The experts gave the laurels of the winner of the brand for a wide range and high quality products. Consumers agree with them, noting the correct size and affordable price.


  • a wide range of refractory products;
  • high quality products;
  • exact dimensions;
  • affordable price.


  • not found.

Brick factory "Novomoskovsknegneupor"

Rating: 4.9

Brick factory Novomoskovskogneupor

A worthy competitor to the winner of the rating from the time of the Soviet Union is the brick plant Novomoskovsknegneupor.The company was established to provide refractory products for Kuznetsk and Magnitogorsk blast furnaces. Through the efforts of a friendly team in 1940, it was possible to exceed the capacity planned by the government (50 thousand tons), releasing 70 thousand tons of refractory materials in a year. Today, Novomoskovsknegneupor Joint Stock Company maintains a leading position in the fireclay brick market. Experts explain this fact by introducing innovative technologies, expanding the range, as well as a high level of quality.

With regard to deficiencies, buyers pay attention to the low production culture, especially in the area of ​​the loading platform.


  • innovative technologies;
  • great experience;
  • rich assortment;
  • acceptable prices.


  • dirt in the territory.

Borovichsky Refractory Plant

Rating: 4.8

Borovichsky Refractory Plant

In 2019, Borovichi Refractories Combine turns 162 years old. The oldest company can boast not only a rich history, but highly qualified staff and a modern scientific and technical base. The experts were impressed by the list of consumers of the company, among which are such large enterprises as Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Rusal, MMC Norilsk Nickel, PAO Severstal. The range of refractories is also striking; more than 43 items are offered to consumers.

Domestic users say good quality products, a wide range of refractories, reasonable prices. But for unworthy working conditions of workers, the plant occupies only the third place in our rating.


  • glorious traditions;
  • a large number of partners;
  • wide range of;
  • acceptable prices.


  • poor working conditions of workers.

Best Clinker Manufacturers

Clinker has a lot of advantages. It is characterized by durability, high strength, low moisture absorption, resistance to low and high temperatures, a wide range of applications. But the high price pushes away potential buyers. Experts identified a clinker brick of one enterprise.


Rating: 5.0


Not so long ago (2014), the Ecoclinker plant was built in Novocheboksarsk. Experts drew attention to the young enterprise thanks to the program of import substitution. The Russian manufacturer has established the production of high-quality clinker bricks, which had previously been supplied from abroad. The benefits of the company Ecoclinker should include an affordable price, as well as large reserves of refractory clay in the region. The company is constantly expanding the range of clinker, which allows it to occupy a leading position in the country. The catalog has sidewalk and front clinker bricks, steps and tiles. The brand becomes the winner of our rating.

Users prefer products of Ecoclinker for reasonable prices, frost resistance, environmental friendliness and high durability.


  • high quality;
  • affordable price;
  • own raw material base;
  • rich assortment.


  • not found.

The best manufacturers of hyper pressed bricks

Innovative technologies are used in the manufacture of hyperpressed bricks. The material has exact dimensions, high strength, perfectly smooth surface, resistance to weathering. Experts liked the products of the following manufacturers.

Hyper pressed brick

Rating: 5.0

Hyper pressed brick

The first manufacturer in Russia of a unique building material was the Hyper-Pressed Brick Company, located in the town of Lukhovtsy. Having adopted the latest achievements in the field of brick production, the company managed to obtain products with increased strength. Experts drew attention to the exceptional dimensional accuracy and a smooth glossy surface. The company managed to win in our rating due to the prompt fulfillment of orders, a wide range of hyper-pressed bricks and a reasonable price.

Domestic builders have no special complaints about the quality of products and the accuracy of their geometric dimensions. Is that increased strength gives builders certain inconveniences during installation.


  • modern production;
  • increased strength;
  • exact dimensions;
  • smooth surface.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.9


The production of modern hyperpressed brick has been mastered by RiK enterprise. It is located in the city of Voskresensk. The manufacturer offers two types of products: with rounded and sharp corners. The color palette is presented in 7 colors, the range is expanded by step-by-step gradation of saturation. Experts have appreciated the perfect dimensional accuracy, smoothness of all sides, strength and frost resistance of products. The brand takes the second place in our rating.

Russian consumers have already had to deal with the hyperpressed RiK brick. Reviews are extremely positive, the products perfectly combines an affordable price and good quality. The disadvantages include the uninformative site, where users find it difficult to find interesting information about the products.


  • wide range of colors;
  • exact dimensions;
  • high strength;
  • acceptable prices.


  • uninformative site.


Rating: 4.8


One of the first producers of hyper-pressed brick in Russia is the Voronezh brick factory Barrum. Today, the company has reached industrial production volumes, stably supplying durable products to the construction market. The range of high-strength brick has 6 textures and 10 color options. The consumer can choose both corpulent, and shaped or hollow. The experts included the brand in our rating for exact geometrical dimensions, resistance to low temperatures and exceptional strength.

Consumers praise Barrum products for aesthetics and competitive prices. Bribes and delivery of building materials transport manufacturer. A common problem is cracking bricks after the mortar has dried.


  • wide range of;
  • affordable prices;
  • exact dimensions;
  • esthetic appearance.


  • cracks appear after the solution has dried.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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