22 best spinners for summer fishing
How to choose a spoon for fishing
Choosing bait for fishing is always fraught with a certain number of difficulties, ignoring which can negate any attempts to catch more trophies. Someone prefers to choose the spinners on the principle of "like-dislike", someone relies on chance, well, and someone meticulously acquainted with all aspects of the right choice and deservedly gets more returns from fishing on any water body. In this regard, the magazine iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ recommends that you pay attention to the following criteria:
View spinners. All fishing lures can be divided into two large groups, corresponding to the principle of their work:
oscillating - are a simple curved plate, capable of making "playing" movements in the horizontal direction. They have an eye on each edge, in one of which a ring with a tee is fastened, and in the other - a fishing line.
rotating - more complex lures, which are based on the rotational movement of the petal around the axis on which the balancing weight, hook and fishing line is fixed.
The choice in this situation strongly depends on the preferences of the fish in a particular reservoir. However, remember that in the bait collection of any serious angler must be those and other types of lures.
Colour. A parameter that significantly affects the success of fishing. When fishing in turbid water, experts recommend using brighter baits with a characteristic glare coating or holography. However, in this case it is important not to overdo it, because the predator may be frightened by deliberately intense color and not “peck” on the artificial bait. The principle of moderation should be adhered to when fishing in clear water - here it is better to completely give up too bright patterns.
Body texture. The relief and texture of the body (or petal) spinners can also cause additional predator stimulation to commit an attack. In bright colors, the ribbing or roughness of the surface can create additional highlights, which simply cannot be ignored by the cherished trophies. If everything is fine with the cool in the reservoir, then the choice between smooth and embossed bait becomes a matter of personal preference.
Spinner weight. This parameter should be selected based on the depth at which the fish most often lies. When catching a bottom predator, it is more rational to use heavy sinking baits. Conversely, the higher the fish swims to the surface, the easier the bait should be.
Top spinners for fishing
Nomination | a place | Name of product | minimum price |
The best oscillating spinners | 1 | RUBLEX ORKLA | 608 ₽ |
2 | Smith pure | 468 ₽ | |
3 | Kuusamo Rasanen | 360 ₽ | |
4 | Mepps syclops | 305 ₽ | |
5 | WILLIAMS WABLER | 350 ₽ | |
Top spinners | 1 | Mepps AGLIA LONG | 160 ₽ |
2 | BLUE FOX Super Vibrax | 462 ₽ | |
3 | ABU GARCIA Reflex | 229 ₽ | |
4 | MYRAN Wipp | 285 ₽ | |
5 | Mepps black fury | 340 ₽ | |
The best trout spinners | 1 | Mepps Black Fury №2 | 160 ₽ |
2 | Blue fox flash | 392 ₽ | |
3 | Daiwa Silver Creek Spinner R | 410 ₽ | |
4 | Myran akka | 220 ₽ | |
Best lures for grayling | 1 | Mepps Aglia Long №00 | 120 ₽ |
2 | Blue fox moresilda | 322 ₽ | |
Best spinners on asp | 1 | Acme Trophy Spoon | 658 ₽ |
2 | Bay De Noc Swedish Pimple | 342 ₽ | |
3 | Luhr Jensen CAST CHAMP | 476 ₽ | |
The best lure on pikeperch | 1 | Mepps "Lusox AG" №3 | 240 ₽ |
2 | Acme kastmaster | 660 ₽ | |
3 | Acme little cleo | 415 ₽ |
The best oscillating spinners
Rating: 4.9
The flagship of the ranking unexpectedly became the most famous series of spinners of the company Rublex - Orkla. Combining the S-shaped profile and the classic Norvegienne shape, this series more than once conquered the world competition for pike and river salmon fishing. The whole design of this model is sharpened by dynamic, abrupt movements in the water column, which strongly resemble the movements of a wounded, floating away fish.
The range of Rublex Orkla spinners includes six model series, the sizes of which vary from 5.6 to 8.1 centimeters, and the weight - from 8 to 24 grams. The colors (in some cases) also amaze the imagination with their irregularity and catchiness, which even the most lazy and clumsy predator cannot resist. The opinion of experienced anglers about this series was formed a decade ago, and since then has not changed one iota. The lure is definitely recommended for purchase by all lovers and inexperienced beginners, as it is able to “shoot” (and revive the biting) even in the most hopeless situations.
acceptable cost;
extensive experience in the use of international and world championships;
classic and uncomplicated form, bringing a high result for cool;
good conditions for long casting;
extensive range within the model range;
easy to learn.
- not detected.
Smith pure
Rating: 4.8
Smith, a Japanese company, rarely pleases fans with the release of excellent spinners, but they are ready to forgive a lot for the release of the Pure series. The magnificent model range contains an abundance of sizes, ranging from 1.5-gram copies for catching small and nimble predators, and ending with quite impressive 18-gram “plaques”. Each individual oscillation is designed for use in various types of reservoirs and the original technique of motion animation. The original plan of Japanese engineers ordered to create a full-fledged salmon bait from Pure. But Russian fishermen interpreted it as a good “fighter” with river fish, for which they were awarded high efficiency. It was from their submission that the series began to be associated with catching pike, perch, asp, chub, (rarely) taimen, and other inhabitants of river waters.
The cost of models has recently become a topic for heated discussions, the majority of voices express general discontent. They can be understood - not so long ago (about two or three years ago) they cost almost two times less.
universality of the series in all its diversity;
sharpening for catching any river predator (with a variable share of success);
variation of models in size (2-4 centimeters) and weight (1.5-18 grams);
abundance of productive colors.
- high cost of the range.
Kuusamo Rasanen
Rating: 4.7
The direct competitor of the oscillating lures is the Blue Fox Esox, which is excellent at catching trophy pike. The linear dimensions of this bait vary in the range of 40-90 millimeters, and the weight varies in the region of 6-28 grams. However, the whole palette of the main features of Kuusamo Rasanen is entirely tied to the constructive aspects. Firstly, within the framework of the consolidated rating, this lure was the only non-glueing that can (and should) be used in koryazhniki and grass thickets. Secondly, the body of the bait has a groove with a dark red bead fixed there. Its purpose is not only decorative, but also attracting in nature, giving a low-frequency acoustic sound as it moves into the water column.
Opinion experienced consumers puts Kuusamo Rasanen in a number of iconic lures of his time, noting the good flight data lures and high efficiency with all the uncomplicated design. There is a small debate about the price, but this is reflected in the overall picture of sales a little.
excellent flight data in the entire line;
simple and original design with a bead in the groove of the spinner bait;
high catchability on current and in stagnant water;
A sufficient number of colors for any fishing conditions.
- high price.
Mepps syclops
Rating: 4.7
A prominent artificial bait in the range of the Mepps brand, which is widely spread among the users of neighboring countries, takes an honorable place in the rating. It combines the simplicity and practicality, which manifest themselves in the manufacture and use in reservoirs. For more than twenty-year history of release, Syclops lineup has acquired seven models from 4 to 9 centimeters in length and weighing from 3.5 to 26 grams. All of them use the same body structure, but have different limits of applicability. The S-shaped geometry of the spinner allows for wiring both in standing water and in shallow water, without losing the effectiveness of the game at all.
As an additional irritant, all models are equipped with a holographic sticker, giving the body the texture of a real fish, and some receive a red cambric, aimed at increasing the showiness of the lures in the predator's eyes. According to consumers, perch, pike, zander, taimen, trout and even salmon can be potential trophies of Mepps Syclops regardless of size.
wide range of sizes and weights;
emphasis on simplicity and external credibility of the bait (holography, eye, texture);
the possibility of fishing in the current and in stagnant water;
additional equipment with cambric and other items of catchiness;
the prevalence in the network of retail fishing stores in Russia;
relatively low cost.
- not found.
Rating: 4.6
A frantic lure of Canadian origin, the creation of which (according to unconfirmed data) falls on the 1940s. For more than seventy-year history, this model has undergone about fifty different upgrades, and today Williams Wabler can no longer be called a “hostage” of one form. With varying degrees of success, the fishermen tested rounded and curved, arrow-shaped and drip-like shakes in the hope of finding something of their own in the series, and invariably achieved success in this field.
All the variety of lures Williams Wabler fit into the weight range from 1.4 to 28 grams. Recently, the manufacturer has made a bid to sell entire sets of baits for 6-10 pieces, rather than individual copies. Such a move made the purchase (per unit of goods) a bit more profitable, but did not have the desired effect either among experienced amateurs, much less from beginners.
a huge variety of shapes, colors and weight baits;
more than 70 years on the market;
the ability to find an assortment of lure under any conditions;
fine work of models on still water and mountain rivers.
- emphasis on new product sales model.
Top spinners
Rating: 4.9
Let's say in advance - this is not the last appearance of the Agila Long series in this rating. In its outstanding creation, the company Mepps tried to start from the principle of minimalism, squeezing to the maximum the potential that give inconspicuous (separately) structural elements. The pinwheel received its name from the elongated petal, which plays the role of a peculiar balancer when fishing in the current, and also gives the spoon of lightness in control and non-inconspicuous catchiness. The axial part traditionally contains a load and a bright red bead to attract the attention of the predator. The tee is open and has no front sight, which does not affect the overall catchiness of Agila Long.
As in the case of opponents, consumer opinion fully considers this spinner to be among the best. In particular, the approval received a model range containing 6 lines of lures (of various standard sizes) for all occasions. Their price indicators also fully suit anglers who prefer to have at least one Agila Long in their own collection.
five weight thresholds in the lineup (2.5 to 29 grams);
attractive to all river predators;
simple and efficient design;
wide popularity among domestic users; \
very low price for the model range.
- not found.
BLUE FOX Super Vibrax
Rating: 4.8
The extremely noticeable rotating spinner BLUE FOX Super Vibrax is easily able to compete in glamor with an old ABU GARCIA Reflex. Executed according to the classical scheme, this model (in small variations up to 8 grams) is very popular with river perch, which instantly reacts to the appearance of a bright "ptyanyk" in the water column. Petal "Vaybraks" made in the traditional style, drop-shaped with a recess in the central part. This configuration gives the bait the opportunity to wind up even at the minimum pitch, starting abruptly at the start of a quick wiring. The weight of the spinner is made in the form of a streamlined capsule with a small plane at the tip, which creates drag and emits low vibrations and acoustic sounds.
Large versions of BLUE FOX Super Vibrax work along the same lines, but their “audience” changes dramatically in the direction of pike, pikeperch, trout (when working on the current) and chub. These models are inexpensive and are recommended for beginner anglers as an introductory bait, whose behavior is very easy to feel during fishing.
good flight data;
abundance of weight options (from 6 to 12 grams in 2 steps);
extraordinary drabness and dunking wiring;
universality in terms of fished fish;
low cost
- not found.
Rating: 4.7
Perhaps this is the oldest representative of the rating, the production of which was launched back in 1951. In those years, spinners (like any other inventory) were given not just sonorous names, but those that carried a global meaning. Actually, “Reflex” this creation was not called by chance. The technology of transverse corrugation of the petal surface, which had practically no curvature in the central part, was rewarded with an instantaneous response from large predators. Added “salt” and the axial part, which has gone through many modifications and today represents a kind of spotted larva. The final reflective element at all times was considered a fly on a tee, made of purely light, bright fabrics.
Thanks to the weight distribution of 7, 12 and 18 grams ABU GARCIA Reflex always shows satisfactory results in terms of accuracy and casting distance. Consumers are very fond of this lure for its catchiness in all these aspects, low price and versatility in terms of catch.
the oldest lure in the ranking;
instantly catches the attention of predators due to flashiness;
three variants of execution by weight;
low price;
high degree of reliability and durability.
- not found.
Rating: 4.7
MYRAN Wipp refers to the rare type of lures, which over-attract attention due to structural absurdity and general scarcity of design. The petal of this model is made in such a simple style that at the first approximation it resembles a skillfully trimmed spoon from the lures of the “do it yourself” category. In the center of the petal there are three technological holes provided for creating a low-frequency acoustic sound during wiring. The axial part of the Wipp is made in the form of a float, the weight of which varies greatly within the series - from 5 to 15 grams. On the tee, the manufacturers fixed the red fly, which serves as the main luring element in the overall design.
According to users, the main prey of this spinner is limited to all types of river fish, common in Russia. When buying this model, many of them didn’t suspect that the unpretentious look could hide in itself the remarkable Lovce potential, the manifestation of which caught fishing enthusiasts at the very first use.
high degree of catchability;
very low price (comparable to the Black Fury series from Mepps);
a wide range of weights in the line (from 5 to 15 grams);
additional acoustic effect as a luring factor.
- somewhat untidy appearance.
Mepps black fury
Rating: 4.6
The legendary rotating spinner Black Fury from the company Mepps is a real cult among all true lovers of productive fishing. This baby has repeatedly proved its suitability for fishing in the most difficult conditions, and more than once rescued in confrontations with trophy fish. Its 3.5 grams turned out to be enough to pull out a lazy big pike, a pike perch and a chub from the depths, and also successfully parry the attacks of a moving perch. The basis of his remarkable success was laid by the extremely successful combination of black with the color of precious metals. Bronze, silver and gold edging on the petal when wiring creates an intense riot of color that can not pass unnoticed by predatory fish. Additional stimulation on visual receptors is exerted by the presence of points (orange or yellow) in the central edged part, as well as a red bead, worn on the axis of rotation.
Many anglers love Mepps Black Fury for a price that suits even the most thrifty consumer to finance. In addition, its assets record high performance, reliable and extremely simple design, as well as high-frequency operation of the lobe, even at low wiring speed.
extremely popular lure in Russia;
good strength properties with small dimensions;
limited, but working colors petals;
simple and reliable design;
low price.
- not found.
The best trout spinners
Mepps Black Fury №2
Rating: 4.9
The second model of the "Black Fury" has acquired several significant improvements over the first generation. First, the total weight of the spinner has changed (from 3.5 to 4.5), which has a positive effect on the stability during wiring on the course. The weight has changed, taking the form of a "worm" instead of a bead, and improved the balancing of the middle part of the spoon. The petal remained the same as in the first generation, but in a row to the bronze, gold and silver edging was added black, suitable only for fishing at a small depth.
Actually, there is nothing more to talk about this spinach. Her behavior has not changed at all since the release of the first Black Fury - this is the same intense run when posting, accompanied by a quick game of “points” on the outer part of the petal. The bait is inexpensive, easy to learn and, according to the recommendations of more professional anglers, is perfect for any beginner.
ease of learning;
low price for the whole range of colors;
intense, annoying predator game;
good flight data;
steady work on the course.
- not found.
Blue fox flash
Rating: 4.8
Potentially promising bait for trout fishing, ranked due to the successful design and good marketing of Blue Fox. As in the case of Daiwa Silver Creek Spinner R, the turntable weight was made in the form of fish, not only whole, but halved to reduce weight. As a disguise of this little "ugliness," the producers fastened the edge to the tee, which adds a touch of showiness and attracts the attention of nearby predators. The petal of Blue Fox Flash fastens on the handle, making free rotary motions around the main axis.
Judging by the opinions of anglers, the second generation Flash is characterized by the greatest responsiveness on the part of trout - more cumbersome spinners whose weight is 5.2 grams (opposite 3.5 of the first generation). This is explained by the fact that massive samples are more stable in the flow, let them and (barely noticeably) lose in maneuverability.
design, implying customization of cargo under the fish and the presence of a “tail” edge;
good hooking of complete tees;
steady play of the petal, pleasant design in all its diversity;
low cost
- not found.
Daiwa Silver Creek Spinner R
Rating: 4.8
Contrary to their direct competitors, Daiwa decided to go even further and customize the most important part of the rotator - the load - under the natural fish fry. A similar step found a lightning response from predators living in domestic water bodies, which led to the enormous popularity of lures among fishermen. In a short time, the Japanese company nashtampoval modifications and thus expanded the line to 11 options, each of which has its own configuration of weight and length.
A common feature of all Silver Creek Spinner R can be called good flight data and the use of a two-component alloy to create the core. Many consumers pay attention to the bend of the petal, the shape of which varies from model to model. His game largely determines the catchiness of the baits, as well as the preferred type of fish for which it should be used. By the way, for trout fishing, variants with a wider petal are suitable, which give spinner stability in the course.
reasonable price for the entire line;
original performance of the cargo;
the presence of the swivel, reducing the twisting of the fishing line in the management of spinners;
abundance of modifications.
- not found.
Myran akka
Rating: 4.7
It is impossible to call Myran Akka a popular bait in Russia, however, it is worth mentioning the actual superiority over opponents in terms of catchiness. Classic spinner has four weight categories (3, 5, 7 and 10 grams), which are provided with a special acoustic load. This load is a set of small balls, sealed in a detachable body, which create a sound effect when posting lures in the water column. To balance the flow, manufacturers equipped Myran Akka with a wide lobe, the rotational speed of which strongly depends on the intensity of the drive and the speed of the opposite flow (if fishing is done on fast-flowing rivers).
Based on their own experience, users say that for trout fishing (and grayling), small versions of 3 and 5 gram lures are most appropriate. The 7-gram variant is suitable for catching perch, ide and chub, while the largest will be effective for pike and perch.
acceptable cost;
cargo with a characteristic acoustic effect;
the possibility of catching various fish (with different weights of the bait);
limited, but “working” colors.
- low prevalence among anglers.
Best lures for grayling
Mepps Aglia Long №00
Rating: 4.9
It so happened that the smallest spinner in the series, in combination, is the very first model of Mepps, which deserved recognition of the fishing world. Agila Long №00 has a characteristic oblong lobe rotating with a constant angle of 30 degrees relative to the axis. Depending on the intensity of the wiring, this angle may vary slightly, giving the little one a more aggressive look. Given its low weight of 2.5 grams, there is no need to talk about any intelligible characteristics of the throw - you have to be prepared for the fact that any attempt at a long-range throw will blow it away.
Customer reviews suggest that Mepps Aglia Long №00 is a very unpretentious lure, which forgives most of the flaws in the wiring technique. It is perfect for beginners both in terms of cost and fishing skills ... and at the same time it will show enviable efficiency in catching grayling.
low price;
adaptive game, subtly changing when changing the intensity of the wiring;
good catch on perch, chub and grayling;
easy to learn.
- bad flight data.
Blue fox moresilda
Rating: 4.8
Blue Fox products are always awarded a place in the combined ranking of the best, and the current category is no exception. Moresilda - the legendary wobbling lure, produced since 1955, took the same place due to the simplicity and good catchability of river fish. Not so long ago, Norwegian fishermen formed the basis of its audience, but today “Moreselda” is widespread in the retail market of Russia.
The main emphasis in the development of Blue Fox made on weight, firing models at 15 and 18 grams without changing the length of the body (7.5 centimeters). In general, this step has not radically changed anything - the condition of the lures in terms of casting and wiring remained at about the same level. The main change has undergone endurance and strength, allowing 18-gm baits to carry a big fish. As in the case of an opponent by category, Moresilda can be used by novices from fishing, because it does not carry anything innovative and intricate. The cost is also a match for directionality - both pleasant and not expensive.
Blue Fox's legendary lure (more than 60 years on the market);
extremely simple design and intuitive behavior in water;
structural change in weight with a constant length parameter;
emphasis on use by beginners.
- limited color variations and sizes.
Best spinners on asp
Acme Trophy Spoon
Rating: 4.9
One of the leaders in the ranking of the best spinners is the universal Acme Trophy Spoon, equally suitable for both the summer and the winter season. Her working ranges are truly endless: the model performs well with sheer luster, trolling and various variations of stepped entries (jig, twitching, stop & go). Oblong body and irregular corrugation of the front surface creates a powerful luring effect, collecting even lazy predators from around. With different variants of movement, Trophy Spoon shows a different game, which gives it weight in relatively less diverse competitors.
There are seven standard sizes for this series, and all of them somehow found a response from domestic fishermen. For the asp, all medium and higher variants (T-500, T-1000 and T-340 with the corresponding modifications) were the most catchy, while the smallest ones were useful for dragging perch, pike and perch. The only obstacle on the way to acquiring Trophy Spoon may be the level of cost, slightly exceeding the market average (and even less budgetary) limits.
powerful luring effect;
a wide variety of bait sizes and colors;
high catchiness noted by professionals;
versatility in terms of seasonal fishing;
original game with different wiring options.
- high price.
Bay De Noc Swedish Pimple
Rating: 4.8
One of the few representatives of spinners for winter fishing, caught in the rating due to the original performance and sharpening to achieve maximum results. It is mainly used in variations 4 and 5, the weight of which is 7 and 93 grams, respectively. A petal of elongated and somewhat curved shape gives the lure a high-frequency, low-amplitude game that literally annoys the predators and forces them to attack. The main highlight of the Swedish Pimple is the unique combination of ribbing the front surface and color. So, the body of one spoon can be painted in bronze and have a characteristic uneven surface, while the other can be painted in a combined silver-red and have a smooth texture. Consumers speak of Bay De Noc Swedish Pimple exclusively complementary, giving as advantages a fairly tolerable price, a good body geometry and an individual approach to each individual color.
originality of each individual color scheme and the front surface of the body;
work on burial horizons from 3 to 5 meters (depending on the size);
six series of lures in the line;
good hooking;
small high frequency game.
- not found.
Luhr Jensen CAST CHAMP
Rating: 4.7
The lures of CAST CHAMP from Luhr Jensen cannot boast of the same popularity as, say, Acme Trophy Spoon, but in some components of catching they manifest themselves even better than the well-known competitor. Limited by weight criterion, this wavering bait has a truly attractive effect on the asp, showing a high catchability in any favorable case.
The smallest (and lightest) lures in the series has a weight of 14 grams with a length of only 5 centimeters.Such conditions allow her to catch small, nimble predators, such as perch or ide. More massive species, as noted by the professionals, are more preferable when hunting for asp. The intermediate model boasts a weight of 21 grams (with a length of 5.7 centimeters), while the largest, 6.7 centimeters, reaches 28 grams. In terms of cost, in all variations, CAST CHAMP shows results that are very close to the market average. This fact is very pleased fishing enthusiasts, especially in view of the general appreciation of inventory.
three standard sizes equally catchy for the asp;
original form, similar to the legendary Acme Kastmaster;
dunking game and holography on the front of the spoon;
average cost.
low popularity among consumers;
the actual lack of supply in retail stores.
The best lure on pikeperch
Mepps "Lusox AG" №3
Rating: 4.9
A series of classic spinners with interchangeable load-heads fell into the rating due to the great popularity among domestic users. Their feature was a unique selection of the configuration of the petals and the original decision to “wrap” the cargo in deliberately red material to further attract predators. Rotating blades have a rather complex structure with many small bends and ribbing on the front, due to which they provide active rotation in the water column at any speed and strength of the wiring. Their component color also acts as a luring aspect - especially the variant with a smooth transition of silver to red. With a weight of 20.5 grams, Mepps "Lusox AG" No. 3 shows excellent conditions in terms of casting, allowing anglers to make long and accurate throws in any direction.
According to users, this model perfectly manifests itself in almost all aspects of river fishing. Of course, driving it into serious grassy thickets is not worth it, as well as testing it in Koryazhnik. Otherwise, however, it manifests itself very well, down to the low cost component.
excellent catchability in limited color colors;
low price;
original performance of petals and a sinker;
very strong stimulation of the predator on the attack;
good flight performance.
- not detected.
Acme kastmaster
Rating: 4.8
Another representative of the legendary company Acme, who entered the market more than 50 years ago. For more than half a century of sales and production, Kastmaster has undergone many changes, but it has not lost its “crown” - the original form of the calf. The thickened back and smooth bevel of the side surfaces provided special aerodynamics to the spoon, which greatly influenced the style of the game and, ultimately, had a positive effect on catchability.
A long time of existence on the market has had a positive effect on the abundance of Kastmaster sizes in its series. Today, fishing stores are able to offer shakes weighing from 2.4 to 112 grams, but for the needs of catching river fish, the upper limit is too excessive. The phenomenal catch of lures is observed in the weight range from 11 to 28 grams, where pike perch, pike, chub and other inhabitants of river expanses are very abundant.
the abundance of sizes by weight parameter;
limited but effective amount of colors;
presence of tail edge on separate models - additional stimulation of the predator to attack;
The legendary lure has been on the market for over 50 years.
- the presence of a huge number of fakes in the retail market.
Acme little cleo
Rating: 4.7
The legendary Little Cleo lure from Kastmaster, which was successfully produced and sold in North America, was honored to be included in the rating.The main purpose of this oscillator is to catch a large hulking predator on large reservoirs (mostly with stagnant water). The overall size of the smallest lure in the series - Little Cleo C 140 - is ideal for catching small fish, for example, perch or small pikeperch. Its weight is 7 grams with a length of 4 centimeters, which provides the best flight characteristics and allows accurate casting of lures on the target.
The biggest specimen in the series is the C 340 bait with 21 grams of weight and 6.3 centimeters of length in the longitudinal direction. These massive "little ones" are capable of carrying much larger prey, including trophy pike, the same pike perch (but more), and a chub.
abundance of color variations for fishing on domestic reservoirs;
the prevailing ratio of mass to length, giving the opportunity to make long and accurate casts;
chaotic, nervous game, similar to the movements of a wounded fish.
- high cost for the model range.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.