16 best wiper blades

Wiper blades are one of the main attributes of safe car traffic, whose job is to provide a satisfactory visibility of the road by the driver through the windshield. These brushes are plastic (or rubber) scrapers that perform the function of cleaning the glass along the radius of movement of the janitor (wiper) from water, road dirt and other contaminants.

Despite the fact that brushes are a small structural element, its production is considered to be a rather important process, which involves more than a dozen manufacturing companies. Actually, making the right choice in a situation of oversaturation of the market is very difficult, especially for beginners who just sat behind the wheel of a car. Therefore, the editors of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/, together with a group of experts, ranked the best wiper blades, divided into three thematic categories. The main criterion in the rating was the overall rating from users, based on reviews in the entire Russian segment of the Internet.

How to choose a wiper blade

Let the wiper blades and are quite simple (at first glance) product, but even they have their own specifics. So, the team of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ magazine strongly recommends to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Brush length. Very controversial recently attribute, on which the functionality of the janitors directly depends. In the original concept, the length of the brushes to be acquired should coincide with a pair of original ones that were mounted on the car from the factory - this is the recommendation of the manufacturers and the need for security reasons. However, in modern conditions it is not uncommon to purchase sets of brushes of different lengths, which, in general, contradicts the standards and recommendations. However, the most important thing in this case is that the brushes do not interfere with the mutual work of each other, and if you want to resort to such a purchase, be sure to keep this nuance in mind.
  2. Brush type. Within the framework of this classification, all wiper blades are divided into three large groups:
  3. frameless - the integral plastic brushes established on metal guides. They give a more equal wear on the contact surface, reduce noise, but they can leave untreated corners - in the case of a strongly convex glass surface.
  4. frame - familiar to all design, which includes a single frame (metal or plastic), guides and polymer brushes. Provide a more complete fit even to the convex glass, are the cheapest, but are subject to heavy wear due to the abundance of elements.
  5. hybrid - the most expensive, but at the same time the most perfect brushes, taking the best from the first two types. Because of the articulated design, it is better to fit the windshield, providing the highest quality and most complete surface cleaning. But to ensure uniformity of wear, a new design element is called upon - a plastic casing, giving the wipers both stiffness, and weightiness, and counteracting their freezing in winter.
  6. Mount type. Before buying a set of brushes, pay special attention to the type of attachment.It must be exactly the same as the original, otherwise fix them on the guides (in the case) will not succeed. As a rule, the most common types of fasteners are hooks, bayonet, buttons or pins, and in most cases the kit is equipped with a special universal adapter.
  7. Mechanical integrity. Needless to say that the new set of brushes should not have any mechanical flaws? Make sure there are no chips, scuffs and cracks on the metal case and plastic - such defects can cause the rapid destruction of the wipers, as well as damage the glass surface.
  8. About the expediency of additional components. Recent developments in the field of wipers have led to the emergence of the so-called heated wipers. This topic is actively discussed on the Internet, and craftsmen are trying to adapt the elements to power from the onboard network. However, the actual benefits of such brushes are very doubtful - in the cold the thermal element undergoes enormous overloads, due to which it often fails. In addition, effective warming is possible only in case of prolonged contact of the brush with a specific part of the glass surface - the standard time of the radial passage is not enough to ensure warming.

Which wiper blades are better: frame, frameless or hybrid?

Brush type




+ Cheapest

+ High prevalence in the market

+ Have a high degree of rigidity due to articulated construction.

+ Provides a tight fit of the brush to the glass (even convex) due to the pressure of the steel case

- Significant susceptibility of metal enclosures to corrosion

- The process of wear of the brushes is uneven

- The articulated design leads to the formation of backlash and reduce the quality of surface cleaning at the extreme points of the radius

- Subject to icing of the hull and “sticking” wipers


+ Provides minimal load on the windscreen wipers drive mechanism due to lightweight design

+ High structural reliability (one-piece design with a minimum number of joints)

+ Actual absence of backlash

+ Less susceptibility to icing

+ The noise level is much lower than that of frameless models.

- Due to the obviously low stiffness (the weight of the structure does not ensure a tight fit of the brushes to the surface) on the convex glass there are unclean places of contamination

- Strictly individual design, suitable for one or two models of cars

- High price


+ The combination of compactness and rigidity

+ Improved aerodynamic performance due to the presence of a streamlined body

+ Clamping force to the surface of the glass at the level of frame models

+ Lack of backlash due to solid construction

+ Increased service life

+ Resistance to icing and weakening of articulations

- Cost is higher than frameless models

Top wiper blades

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best frame wiper blades      1 Valeo Silencio Performance      1170 ₽
     2 Bosch Twin      1179 ₽
     3 Heyner exclusive      329 ₽
     4 Champion aerovantage      1638 ₽
The best frameless wiper blades      1 Valeo Silencio X-TRM      2106 ₽
     2 Denso WB-Flat Blade      1299 ₽
     3 HEYNER ALL SEASONS      480 ₽
     4 Bosch Aerotwin      1369 ₽
     5 Alca winter      580 ₽
     6 DENSO RETROFIT (LHD)      920 ₽
The best hybrid brushes      1 Valeo First Covertech      830 ₽
     2 Denso Wiper Blade      560 ₽
     3 SPARCO SPC-10XX      529 ₽
     4 Trico hybrid      451 ₽
     5 Heyner Hybrid Graphit      480 ₽
     6 Ween shimo      501 ₽

The best frame wiper blades

Valeo Silencio Performance

Rating: 4.9

Valeo Silencio Performance

The first line of the rating goes to French brushes of premium quality - Valeo Silence Performance, designed for all-season service in the most severe climatic conditions. In this they feel their similarity with Bosch Twin, since both nominees have a powerful design of the cleaning part.However, Valeo went further, adding stiffness to the design of the metal frame.

Did this innovation have a success? Definitely. At least, users leave extremely warm feedback on the experience of operating these brushes. Among the advantages they highlight the almost complete lack of backlash as it is used, the durability of the edge, as well as a universal connector for mounting on any car. Completes the list of advantages and the fact that the length of brushes in the range varies widely from 24 to 70 centimeters, that is, everyone has the opportunity to choose the right model for your car. It is worth all this magnificence is inexpensive, and it appears on the market with an enviable frequency.


  • sturdy construction with metal frame;
  • in the range of brushes ranging in size from 24 to 70 centimeters;
  • low purchase price;
  • availability of a special connector on each model.


  • not found.

Bosch Twin

Rating: 4.8

Bosch Twin

Twin brush with a hard scrubbing edge is a real find for users of the temperate climate zone of Russia. The product of the production of the world-famous Bosch Corporation is aimed at intensifying the process of cleaning the glass, without compromising to strong ice, water or dirt - absolutely any pollution gets lost without much effort. In the assortment there are more than 20 models of brushes for various working conditions (with shortened and extended edges) and models of cars - from 30 to 100 centimeters long.

However, adding to the quality of cleaning, Bosch Twin also received a significant drawback in the form of an underestimation of the working resource. In essence, the punching edge carries very strong loads, wearing out to 2 times more intense than standard competitive samples. This implies more frequent replacements of brushes and unnecessary expenses, which goes against the users' ideas about a good product. But, let us repeat: this series is specialized, and if you use it in a sparing mode (without knocking down frost and frozen dirt), the service life will be noticeably longer than that of competitors.


  • high quality workmanship;
  • acceptable purchase price;
  • the cleaning edge of increased rigidity;
  • wide range in the series.


  • with intensive use in difficult conditions, the working resource will be small.

Heyner exclusive

Rating: 4.7

Heyner exclusive

Inexpensive brushes "Exclusive Series", allowing to achieve outstanding results of cleaning the glass without much effort. The main feature of the Heyner Exclusive range is the availability of interchangeable rubber edge-cleaner - it deprives consumers of the need to purchase cumbersome brush blocks entirely because of the wear of the brush itself. Thus, unnecessary expenses are avoided, which is a huge plus for consumers.

The second important aspect of Heyner Exclusive is the cleanliness of the work - the wipers do not leave behind themselves divorces and traces, thereby not hindering the fullness of the review of the traffic situation. They do not creak, due to the presence of optimal (not overtightened) contact with glass, and also provide the most complete erasure of dirt. According to user feedback, this is one of the best choices in the category of cheap frame brushes, available on the secondary market.


  • when the brush is worn there is no need to change the entire unit - only the polymer scraper itself;
  • abundance of choices in the secondary market;
  • good quality glass cleaning from dirt and water without traces and stains;
  • low price for the whole range.


  • metal blocks are subject to intense corrosion.

Champion aerovantage

Rating: 4.6

Champion aerovantage

The rating is opened by the premium series of Aerovantage brushes from Champion, the main advantage of which is continuity and a significant improvement in work efficiency compared to the previous model series.The updated frame-type model, which received the acronym G2A, became a kind of continuation of the case of the past X5 and X6 series, providing at times the best and balanced clamping force of the articulated wipers to the glass, as well as convincing cleaning performance even at high speeds.

In addition to the standard brushes in a metal frame, Champion Aerovantage includes a number of innovative samples in a plastic casing, which are extremely resistant to icing and backlash as the working life is reached. Absolutely all models of the line are equipped with universal connectors for installation on any model of car, and also meets the highest quality standards in the applied category (OE).


  • continuous improvement of the line to ensure better performance of work functions;
  • acceptable prices;
  • the presence of universal connectors for the possibility of fixing the brush on the wipers of any model of car;
  • effectively removes even complex contaminants.


  • the gradual appearance of noise and squeaks, due to very close contact with the glass.

The best frameless wiper blades

Valeo Silencio X-TRM

Rating: 4.9

Valeo Silencio X-TRM

Thin universal brushes from the company Valeo, fully justifying the name of the special series. Due to the unique curved geometry, they provide the original radial scope, clearing the glass from more or less light dirt. Due to the low weight of the structure and reduced pressure on the guides, they provide faster operation, which is especially good with intensive precipitation.

In addition, Valeo Silencio X-TRM is extremely insensitive to ultraviolet radiation, a sharp temperature drop and the intensification of modes of operation - all this has virtually no effect on working conditions. Thus, in the aggregate of positive features, the very high price (in comparison with competitors) of a product with which lovers of extremely low-cost options for consumables often disagree is justified. From us we would like to add that every invested ruble will be worked a hundred times during the operation of the car - the main thing is not to overload the brushes.


  • relative compatibility of price and durability;
  • original curved design with a moderately soft and supple body;
  • ensures proper pressing of the brush to repeat the parameters of the glass surface;
  • high quality workmanship - resistance to ultraviolet and temperature changes.


  • not found.

Denso WB-Flat Blade

Rating: 4.8

Denso WB-Flat Blade

In the name of the brushes of this line is the word Blade, which means "blade" or "blade." Such a prefix was given to these brushes is not simple: the shape of the edge is very much like a blade, and in the work manifests itself in the same way. Combined with the dense but balanced Denso WB-Flat Blade, they perfectly clean the glass from dirt and frost, leaving no traces and providing satisfactory visibility even in conditions of heavy precipitation.

In addition to all the constructive advantages, users note the versatility of the model - complete with brushes there is a huge number of adapters, in connection with which the installation can be made on almost any model of any brand of car (if only the size fit). Special mention deserves the plastic non-freezing frame, which allows you to use the wipers in the winter, without any restrictions.


  • affordable price;
  • high-quality non-freezing plastic case;
  • a hard rubber scraper, made in the form of a blade;
  • balanced downforce.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.7


Two steps from the leading line stopped expensive, but very effective brushes from the company Heyner, designed to operate throughout the calendar year. The main feature of this set: the presence of reinforcing graphite sputtering on the edge, which allows to increase the working life to several million phases of cleaning.In addition, attracts attention and geometrically correct construction of structural elements, giving a dense (but without squeaks and excess noise) fit brushes to the windshield.

Judging by the user reviews, Heyner All Seasons is one of the best (if not the best) representative of the caste-free brushes caste, which is not disturbed by any material problems, nor controversial design issues, or even the notorious balance between fragility / strength. The only caveat: the factor of high prices, but people are ready to put up with it for the sake of long operational duration and safety in case of heavy precipitation.


  • optimal balance between price and quality;
  • graphite hardening the edge of the brushes allows you to achieve a significant increase in working life;
  • accurately verified design and corners of contact;
  • complete lack of squeaks when working.


  • not found.

Bosch Aerotwin

Rating: 4.6

Bosch Aerotwin

A very strong representative of the Bosch assortment, a set of universal frameless brushes Aerotwin, was fixed on the fourth line of the rating. The beauty of this product lies in the commitment to very high-quality glass cleaning: the shape and curves make it possible to achieve the maximum possible fit (without tension and squeaks) of the brush while ensuring an adequate level of dirt removal. In addition, it is worth noting the universal method of fixing the brush on the rail - the hook locker fits most car models, so the kit doesn’t even need an adapter.

According to experts, the plastic case Aerotwin is complemented by a specially designed rubber scraper that copes well with cleaning glass in summer (for example, cleaning dirt with coarse particles acting as an improvised abrasive) and in winter (not exposed to icing and freezing). And everything would be fine, but only a working resource is strongly limited by the intensity of use - in places with a high rate of precipitation, the replacement interval can be every six months or a year.


  • the thought-over form providing a steady prileganiye of a brush to glass;
  • all seasonality;
  • universal mount, suitable for most cars.


  • large dependence of the resource brushes on the intensity of operation.

Alca winter

Rating: 4.5

Alca winter

Inexpensive frameless brush, developed in compliance with all possible parameters of quality and reliability. The German company Alca staked on providing the best strength parameters, in connection with which the Winter dimensions were abnormally increased in comparison with other representatives of the rating. This entailed two cardinally opposite points: first, the quality of cleaning and the fit of the brush to the glass increased markedly; secondly, the load on the rails increased significantly.

However, consumers were delighted with the action of Alca Witner: the brush provides several times better cleaning of the windshield, knocking down any frost even with a small impact on it from the non-freezing side. Moreover, the brushes are not afraid of stiff mud, which is very good for those who like off-road trips. This set could claim a higher place in the rating, but it was let down by another very annoying moment: judging by the reviews of the same users, it has a tough seasonality. In the summer, with intense direct sunlight, plastic very quickly becomes unusable and crumbles right before our eyes.


  • low cost;
  • excellent cleaning options in the winter;
  • overall and massive, brushes provide a tight fit to the glass at any of its bends;
  • high quality performance.


  • hard seasonality of the product.


Rating: 4.4


One of two representatives of the Japanese company Denso in the category, ideally suitable for long trips in any bad weather. Aerodynamically correct design Retrofit - the result of hard work and testing brushes in the laboratory. Engineers tried to combine together the increased stiffness of the plastic case and the maximum adherence of the edge to the glass in order to ensure good visibility through the windshield even in case of heavy precipitation.

At the same time, the hardness of the brush itself makes it possible to “brush off” the glass and fairly stable interference with the view, such as frost or dried dirt. However, the frameless base largely affects the limitation of efforts: from their oversupply the Denso Retrofit kit can simply break. This nuance has repeatedly failed customers in the course of operation, so it is worth bearing in mind that this kit should be treated delicately or not used at all in regions with a temperate climate.


  • low price;
  • the actual absence of noise;
  • provide good cleaning of glass from contamination and visibility barriers.


  • high rigidity because of what the brush does not adjoin to glasses of a convex form;
  • The plastic case does not tolerate the combined effect of pressure and cold.

The best hybrid brushes

Valeo First Covertech

Rating: 4.9

Valeo First Covertech

Quite massive, but that is why reliable brushes Valeo First Covertech enjoy the glory of high-quality consumables for all-season use. They can not be called magnificent in decorative terms, but in a number of automotive body designs, they look very organic. They are supplied to the market in sizes from 35 to 70 centimeters, which makes it possible to purchase most cars in Russia.

According to consumers, a rigid plastic casing, framing a metal construction with a rubber scraper, provides additional preload brushes and tightly presses them to the surface of the glass. Even on the periphery. Even with the removal of stubborn dirt or ice. Of course, Valeo First Covertech has an annoying nuance. Due to the loose surface of the rubber scraper, it can be significantly deformed, and after 500-600 kilometers it can leave untreated radial marks. For brushes that cost more than 1000 rubles - this is unforgivable.


  • good grip;
  • active corrosion resistance of the frame (due to the plastic casing);
  • shipped to the market in sizes from 35 to 70 centimeters.


  • the scraper tends to stretch and undergo micro-breaks, leaving behind itself radial uncleaned marks;
  • high price.

Denso Wiper Blade

Rating: 4.8

Denso Wiper Blade

The second line of the rating goes to Denso brushes. Wiper Blade - a real godsend for lovers in a good ornate arts, the installation of which has a positive effect on the appearance of the car. The massive body element of this kit has smooth bending lines, and the scraper itself is made in the form of a thin blade for more efficient removal of visibility barriers from the windshield.

The main advantage of Denso Wiper Blade is the complete adherence of the brush not only in the center, but also on the periphery, than often less strong competitors sin. The rubber model is made of graphite-coated rubber in order to prevent rapid wear and logical replacement in this case. The cost, as for all normal representatives of hybrids, is consistently high. However, when taking into account the ideal performance of a direct function, as well as an important decorating property, each ruble of costs pays off three times.


  • nice design;
  • the model's scraper is made in the form of a blade, which simplifies the removal of dirt from glass;
  • carbon scrubber surface treatment with carbon to increase wear resistance;
  • tight pressing of the brush along the entire perimeter, including the edges.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.7


The Sparco brushes SPC-10XX, created with regard to unique technological innovations, are a practically complete ideological analogue of the Trico Hybrid. Their strong feature is effective work in all weather conditions, regardless of the season and place of use. The reinforced design, coupled with a universal mount allows you to install brushes on most of the popular car models used in Russia.

In addition to the obvious constructive advantages of the Sparco SPC-10XX, they do an excellent job of cleaning glass from complex contaminants, not to mention rain and snow. This is ensured by the positive compliance of the case for pressing on the glass surface, without weakening at the points of contact with the elements to be removed. The real highlight in this case is that the whole cleaning process is completely silent - users note the noiseless operation of the scrapers in the vast majority of cases. Of course, such a set is quite expensive, but in comparison with the duration of operation, the purchase is very profitable.


  • very high working resource;
  • robust and proven design for all-season use;
  • the right balance of softness / hardness of the scraper brush;
  • silent work.


  • not found.

Trico hybrid

Rating: 4.6

Trico hybrid

A series of hybrid brushes, a feature of the structure of which is based on the shortcomings and bitter experience of a number of main competitors. Trico Hybrid can be called the most technologically advanced models from the selection, because the engineers have tried to bring all aspects of design and operation to optimal performance. In particular, special attention was paid to the geometry of the working part and the frame as a whole, in connection with which the engineers managed to achieve good geometry of the edge and tight pressing of the brush to the glass, regardless of the convexity of its surface.

The second positive feature of the Trico Hybrid is its aerodynamic stability, due to the same high-quality processing of the hull. Glass cleaning efficiency does not fall even when driving at a speed of 180-190 kilometers per hour, which is a good indicator for cars of all makes and models. The scraper part of the brush is a hard rubber with graphite processing, so the strength characteristics are at a height. Yes, and ergonomics also leaves a pleasant impression: according to user feedback, the model does not make a single sound from the moment it is set to the extreme point of operation.


  • very high quality glass cleaning from dirt and visibility barriers (rain, snow, etc.);
  • high strength properties;
  • acceptable purchase price;
  • rubber and graphite sputtering are used as the material for the scraper part;
  • high performance at speed.


  • not found.

Heyner Hybrid Graphit

Rating: 4.5

Heyner Hybrid Graphit

A bright series of hybrid brushes from Heyner, the advantage of which over the others is the graphite hardening of the working edge. Due to this, the working life of Hybrid Graphit was increased by 50% (relative to conventional models), though not without some nuances. In particular, users are allocated a rather bad pressing of the edges, which is why the cleaning of glass on the periphery suffers greatly. But in the middle (at the place of attachment) the tinder brushes are perfect - so much so that they can save the frontal from stubborn dirt.

In addition to the positive features of the design, an abnormally low price can be distinguished: these hybrid brushes cost less than some frame (considered the cheapest in the segment) models. By the totality of signs Heyner Hybrid Graphit definitely deserves a place in the rank of the best, but for some flaws in cleaning the front windows of the car can only count in fifth place.


  • very low price for a hybrid model;
  • high level of durability;
  • universal fastening element;
  • graphite spraying of the scraper part increases the strength characteristics.


  • insufficiently high stiffness of the hybrid brushes along the edges - as a result, unsatisfactory cleaning of the glass is possible.

Ween shimo

Rating: 4.4

Ween shimo

Hybrid brushes for the winter season, actively recommended for installation by domestic users. They are a high-quality replica of many factory models, combining the features of typical skeletons and the positive sides of frameless models. Truth is good, but at the same time at the “after staging” stage they can creak a little.

According to experts, Ween Shimo is potentially very hardy, but during operation you should not expose them to excessive loads (that is, force them to remove hard icing from the glass, stiffened dirt, etc.). Another nuance is the mechanism of fasteners. Slightly convex, it also affects the fit of the brush, so that it also begins to bulge over the bonnet. Therefore, if the aesthetic moment is equally important for you, consider this when choosing. The rest of the model is positioned as a fairly niche, having a favorable price for the hybrid segment.


  • universal mount;
  • low price in the segment;
  • optimal contact (at least at first) with glass brushes;
  • acceptable surface and frame quality.


  • there are scratches in the first phase of use (after installation).

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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