14 best veterinary clinics in Moscow

There are many veterinary facilities, but only a few of them can be called good ones, where they approach their duties with full responsibility and with love and care for their pets. Today we will talk about metropolitan vet clinics.

Expertex iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ prepared a rating of 14 best veterinary clinics in Moscow, so that you know where to turn when an animal needs medical attention.

Rating of the best veterinary clinics in Moscow

Nomination a place name of the clinic rating
Rating of the best veterinary clinics in Moscow      1 "Status-Vet"      4.9
     2 "Belanta"      4.8
     3 "Centre"      4.7
     4 "Zoovet"      4.6
     5 "Zoo Academy"      4.5
     6 "Medvet"      4.4
     7 "White Fang"      4.3
     8 "Biocontrol"      4.2
     9 "Aibolit Plus"      4.2
     10 Swans      4.1
     11 "Chance"      4.1
     12 "Beladonna"      4.0
     13 "Hachiko"      4.0
     14 "Your Doctor"      4.0


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.9

Status Vet

Lead round the clock network, famous for professional and well-coordinated team. Here they provide a full range of veterinary services: diagnose, prevent, vaccinate, microchip; collect tests; provide therapeutic and surgical care; clean up the pet's appearance (grooming); euthanized and cremated. The veterinarian also has a zoo hostel for animal overexposure. If necessary, you can use the home call service.

Each office has the most modern high-precision equipment (ECG, ultrasound, x-rays, etc.). Experts of the most diverse fields work here: herpetology, ornithology, ratology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, dentistry, traumatology, radiography, cardiology, and others. A hospital is available for rehabilitation, where the pet will be under the supervision of doctors. You can also consult with veterinarians online.

All information can be found on the official website: veterinar.center.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 565-30-15, +7 (499) 653-90-14.


  • assisting animals of all kinds;
  • use of proven drugs and vaccines;
  • revenue-oriented prices;
  • regular customers annual discount card;
  • access to public transport is available in all clinics of the network.


  • not found.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.8


The second line gets another round-the-clock clinic, which at any time of the day or night takes not only in the office, but also organizes a trip to the house. A modern diagnostic center equipped with the latest technology operates on the basis of a veterinary clinic. Almost all departments are represented: reproductive, surgical, ophthalmologic, cardiologic, gastroenterologic, therapeutic, endoscopic and even oncologic. The clinic has a laboratory, a pharmacy, a hotel and a hospital for pets.

The team has more than fifty veterinarians, representing more than fifteen directions. In addition to treatment, animals are given the love and care that is so necessary in the most difficult life periods. The range of services of a veterinary hospital includes: vaccination, microchipping, collection of tests, examination, and surgical operations.The clinic, instead of outdated technology, uses the latest, for example, laparoscopy, which brings at least injuries. If the pet does not need treatment, then you can use the services of a groomer. Professionals will bring the pet's appearance in order as soon as possible.

All information can be found on the official website: belanta.vet.ru. For advice, please call: +7 (495) 150-55-58.


  • highly qualified doctors;
  • sensitive medical staff;
  • carrying out all types of surgical interventions;
  • affordable pricing policy;
  • promotions, discounts.


  • not found.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.7


The third position gets veterinary, saving lives of animals from the early twenties of the last century. This is the oldest institution of the capital known to almost everyone who has pets. Since the nineties, the reception of the office, located on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, has become non-stop. Another office, in Cheryomushki, at Tsyurupy 13, is open from 9:00 to 22:00. Many modern and past celebrities treated their pets here: Leonov, Yarmolnik, Shirvindt and others.

The therapeutic department receives by appointment or on a first come, first served basis. Surgical is considered one of the best among Moscow veterinary clinics. You can come to the dental office only by appointment, with the exception of emergency pathologies. Dermatological specialists will help identify the cause of skin diseases. Ornithological accepts birds of any species. The cardiological, diagnostic, ultrasound and x-ray room also works. The call is available at the doctor's house with an assistant.

All information can be found on the official website: vetcentr.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 278-11-01, +7 (495) 621-65-65, + 7 (495) 621-56-65.


  • work experience over one hundred years;
  • the latest equipment;
  • well-coordinated team of certified doctors;
  • acceptable prices;
  • discounts for regular customers.


  • not found.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.6


The fourth is the largest wind center in Moscow. Customers are offered unique services that are not available in other clinics. Within the walls of the institution is an ophthalmic operating room. Pets can recover in a specially equipped hospital, where the clock care is provided. The oxygen station allows even the heaviest patients to get out. There are rehabilitation doctors in the staff who know what is necessary for an animal that has undergone surgery.

"Zoovet" provides services to any species of animals, including exotic ones. The team consists of forty narrow-profile specialists working in seventeen areas. To increase their professional level, doctors regularly attend internships at veterinary clinics in the USA and Europe. The surgical department is equipped with modern equipment and two operating rooms. In the therapeutic room there are six rooms where visual inspection is carried out. Dental provides a full range of services. In cardiology, the necessary diagnostics is carried out to identify various pathologies. Anesthesiology department is equipped with advanced devices, for example, mechanical ventilation. Endosurgery created for operations that bring minimal trauma and stress to the pet. The diagnostic, dermatological, infectious, oncological, neurological and reproduction departments also work. Reception of exotic animals is carried out only by appointment, from 10:00 to 22:00.

All information can be found on the official website: zoovet.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 775‑94-24, +7 (495) 799‑13-33, +7 (495) 995‑06-32.


  • twenty years of experience;
  • house call;
  • own laboratory;
  • hotel for animals;
  • zootaxi;
  • Grumer services;
  • acceptable prices.


  • not found.

"Zoo Academy"

Veterinary clinic rating: 4.5

Zoo Academy

In fifth place is an institution that has been operating in the capital for fourteen years. Highly qualified specialists during this time helped thousands of animals, providing emergency surgical care, curing infectious and many other diseases. The professionals that make up the team have extensive experience and deep knowledge in their field. Regularly attend veterinary conferences and congresses, making presentations; participate in master classes and conduct them for others. Many are candidates of veterinary sciences, although they came to the clinic as interns. The hospital is proud of a well-coordinated team, not changing over the years.

The institution is equipped with modern diagnostic and other equipment. You can go x-ray, ultrasound, ECG, ECHO, pass tests. The surgical department meets all modern requirements, as does the hospital, in which pets will be supervised during rehabilitation. Specialists, such as a nephrologist, a dermatologist, a traumatologist, a neurologist, etc., will have to be booked in advance. In "ZooAcademy" you can do vaccination and microchipping, come to the consultation on the maintenance and feeding, to apply to the services of a groomer. Round-the-clock work of the veterinary clinic allows you not to wait for the morning, but to ask for help even late at night. A pet shop with a wide range of goods is open at the clinic: feed, food additives, treats, vitamins, toys, clothes, maintenance and care products. Drugs can be purchased at the nearby zoo pharma.

All information can be found on the official website: zooacademy.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 152‑08-20, +7 (495) 221‑81-90, +7 (495) 221‑84-70.


  • experienced veterinarians;
  • attentive medical staff;
  • prices focused on average income;
  • promotions and discount system.


  • not found.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.4


The sixth line is occupied by the network of veterinary clinics, which has three metropolitan offices and two regional branches. The institution provides assistance to dogs, cats, rodents and birds. The range of services includes grooming, calling a specialist to the house, keeping animals at the hotel. The clinic has its own blood bank, which is far from every center. Here you can take tests, undergo diagnosis, ultrasound, make x-rays, surgery.

The departments are equipped with Mindray equipment with color doppler, which improved the quality of diagnostics of blood vessels and the heart. Now available option to save photos and video on USB-drive. X-rays are carried out on a digital device, which contributes to obtaining high-quality images. The operating room has everything you need for the most complex manipulations. A hospital with individual cages allows animals to rest and recover. The medical team deepens their knowledge by attending conferences, congresses and internships abroad.

All information can be found on the official website: med-vet.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 989-48-47.


  • high professionalism;
  • humane individual approach;
  • operational round-the-clock assistance;
  • grooming;
  • pet shop and zootaxi;
  • acceptable prices.


  • not found.

"White Fang"

Veterinary clinic rating: 4.3

White Fang

The seventh position goes to a multidisciplinary veterinary clinic operating since 2004. Today the clinic is engaged in the active development of popular areas: dentistry, orthodontics, thoracic and spinal surgery, gastroscopy, rhinoscopy and endoscopy. Each year, over two and a half million rubles are spent on the purchase of new equipment and the training of specialists. The institution has devices: MRI, digital X-ray, ultrasound (conventional and expert categories), equipment for artificial ventilation of the lungs, cardiac monitors, a surgical laser, an operating microscope, dental units and so on.

Veterinary hospital has its own laboratory, due to which it is possible to diagnose diseases in a short time. You can bring pets for chipping, vaccination, castration, sterilization, any complexity of surgical operations, etc. The medical staff includes over a hundred specialists working in sixteen departments: pathological anatomy, therapy, surgery, reanimation, emergency care, intensive care, diagnostics, dermatology, neurology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, ophthalmology and others. Doctors regularly improve their skills by attending lectures and practical workshops both in Russia and abroad. Many doctors speak at the annual NVC conference.

All information can be found on the official website: bkvet.ru. For advice, please contact: +7 (495) 927‑00-77. Open daily from 9:00 to 21:00.


  • experienced professionals;
  • modern equipment;
  • acceptable prices;
  • discounts for regular customers.


  • not found.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.2


Eighth becomes a clinic, the first time opened the doors to visitors in the mid-sixties. Relatively recently, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out at the veterinary hospital, thanks to which the number of primary reception rooms increased, modernized medical equipment, expanded the area of ​​inpatient care, opened a cardiology department. Within the walls of the institution, scientific activities are carried out, seminars and congresses of international level are held. On the basis of the veterinary center a school is open, where they receive postgraduate education, there is also a postgraduate school and its own laboratory.

The clinic is considered the best among the capital, if we evaluate the medical equipment, methods of treatment, the level of specialists. Ten departments are constantly working, and there are fifty specialists in the veterinary clinic, including candidates and doctors of biological sciences. It offers clients not only standard examinations (MRI, ultrasound, X-rays, ECG, ECHO) and procedures (collection of tests, vaccination, chipping, sterilization, castration, sleep, grooming), but also zoo pharmacy, zootaxi, and a doctor's call to the house.

All information can be found on the official website: biocontrol.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 989-11-41. Open daily, mon from 13:00 to 21:00; Tue-Sun from 9:00 to 21:00.


  • competent doctors;
  • attentive staff;
  • effective work of the oncology department.


  • prices are above average.

"Aibolit Plus"

Veterinary clinic rating: 4.2

Aibolit Plus

In the ninth place ranking veterinary hospital, which began work eleven years ago. Every day, dogs, cats, rodents, birds, raccoons and other animals that need medical help are accepted here. Doctors give advice on issues of care, feeding, maintenance and education. Clients are offered a wide range of services: endoscopy, traumatology, orthopedics, dentistry, rehabilitation, diagnostics. If it is not possible to bring a pet, then you can use the call of a specialist at home at any time of the day.

Laboratory at the clinic provides high-quality conduct of all tests and bacteriological studies. The institution has day, infectious, surgical, therapeutic and other departments. Surgical equipment is equipped in accordance with the latest technical innovations of veterinary medicine. Here conduct operations of the abdominal cavity, chest, neurological, dental. They are also engaged in animal oncology, helping to identify the disease in time to help.

All information can be found on the official website: vet-dom.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 988-57-24, +7 (495) 783-56-84.


  • modern equipment;
  • proven drugs;
  • the use of homeopathy methods;
  • grooming;
  • zootaksi and zoo hotel.


  • reception by appointment;
  • Registration is required in Moscow.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.1


The tenth line is occupied by an institution specializing in complex rehabilitation and low-impact surgery. Specialists of the highest category work here, many of whom are candidates of biological sciences. Ultrasonography, X-rays, endoscopic equipment, an ECG and a laboratory are used to conduct a full diagnosis. All this allows you to make the correct diagnosis in a short time to immediately begin treatment. The network of veterinary clinics conducts reception day and night, without holidays and weekends, allowing customers to contact at any time without losing precious minutes that can cost lives.

Using the services of zootaxi, take your pet to the clinic and back home. This is especially true for people without personal vehicles. For severe cases, there is oxygen equipment, experienced assistants, special devices for transportation, which makes it possible to transport the animal in any condition. The reviews indicate that the clinic doctors are not afraid to take on the most hopeless patients who were denied help in other veterinary clinics.

All information can be found on the official website: vetlebedi.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (499) 272-48-82.


  • extensive work experience;
  • reception of all types of animals, including exotic ones;
  • pet shop and pet hotel;
  • grooming;
  • acceptable prices.


  • not found.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.1


The eleventh position gets a 24-hour veterinary clinic, working without weekends and holidays. The team of five specialists on duty, including a therapist, a surgeon, a diagnostician, is able to provide any help, including emergency. For accurate diagnosis using x-ray, ultrasound, ECG and other examinations. If necessary, doctors will operate on a pet, in severe cases using artificial respiration. Animals here will help with childbirth, vaccinate, chipping and so on. Medicines, dietary feeds and other products can be purchased directly at the clinic, in a special kiosk, open until 21:00.

The departments are equipped with modern equipment, due to which diagnostics and treatment are of high quality. The staff includes about forty specialists of the highest category, many of which are candidates and doctors of science. You can use the home call service from 10:00 to 22:00, only in the city and region. Although the veterinary clinic works around the clock, there is a night rate that exceeds the daily rate, which few people like.

All information can be found on the official website: centershans.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 334‑27-11, +7 (495) 334‑78-10, +7 (499) 743‑00-52. Open around the clock, a break from 9:00 to 10:00.


  • qualified doctors;
  • polite staff;
  • sensitive medical staff;
  • the latest equipment.


  • for night reception is charged an increased fee.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.0


The veterinary clinic, which began work in the capital in 1995, becomes the twelfth. Clients are available around the clock diagnostics, counseling, treatment. Experienced and attentive specialists will carry out inspection, vaccination, collection of tests, examinations, surgical intervention; answer all questions regarding nutrition, education, care and maintenance of all types of pets. After receiving the owner can immediately purchase drugs at a veterinary pharmacy. Grumer services will help bring the pet in order, make him a beautiful haircut, clean his ears, comb out his hair, etc.

In the therapeutic department, the animal will be examined, diagnosed, if possible. In difficult cases, they will be referred to narrow specialists and for examinations (X-ray, ultrasound, ECG, MRI). The clinic has a dentist and an office of an ophthalmologist. There is also a cancer department. Operational assistance will be provided not only to four-legged, but also to birds. For overexposure, there is a hotel with separate rooms where it is comfortable to stay.

All information can be found on the official website: vetdom.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (495) 440-73-36, +7 (905) 701-96-99, + 7 (495) 440-73-35.


  • Hi-tech;
  • proven imported and domestic drugs;
  • acceptable prices.


  • reception by appointment;
  • You can leave your pet in the zoo hostel only if you have a passport and vaccinations.


Veterinary clinic rating: 4.0

Hatik veterinary clinic moscow logo

On the thirteenth place is the veterinary clinic, which opened the doors for customers in 2011. The institution provides comprehensive assistance to various types of animals. As in many others, there is a therapeutic, surgical, diagnostic department and a rehabilitation hospital. Admission begins with a visual inspection of the pet, after which the doctor decides whether to send him to narrow specialists and for examinations or not. If necessary, the clinic can be tested and get results quickly, as its laboratory operates. From examinations available X-ray and ultrasound.

If it is possible to do without surgical intervention, then the doctors will definitely take advantage of this when prescribing treatment with modern drugs. In the center they spend chipping, vaccination; select an individual diet; offer groomer services. At the request of the client, doctors go to the house.

All information can be found on the official website: hatiko-vet.ru. For consultation, please call: +7 (925) 504-55-71; +7 (925) 454-53-13 office on Schukinskaya; +7 (926) 863-45-37; +7 (499) 188-07-77 office on the Yaroslavl highway.


  • member of the charity fund;
  • carrying out preferential sterilizations.


  • prices are above average.

"Your Doctor"

Veterinary clinic rating: 4.0

Your Doctor

Closes the rating around the clock network of clinics. There are thirteen offices in which more than one hundred thousand regular patients are served. The departments are equipped with modern equipment, thanks to which professional and effective diagnostics are carried out. The institution treats dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, rodents and reptiles.

The medical staff consists of seventy specialists, some of whom are candidates of science, permanent speakers at international-level veterinary conferences. Popular services include vaccination, chipping, castration, radiography, cryodestruction (removal of tumors by rapid freezing), grooming. The clinic has a pet shop, open day and night, as well as an infectious hospital for ten boxes with ventilation, germicidal lamps.

All information can be found on the official website: svoydoctor.ru. For advice, please call: +7 (495) 995-50-30, +7 (495) 384-51-50.


  • highly qualified specialists;
  • house call;
  • discounts for regular customers;
  • acceptable prices.


  • not found.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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