14 best computer chairs
Hours of work at the computer makes greater demands not only on the quality of the monitor, which determines the safety of view, but also on the chair. According to the recommendations of physicians in such work it is necessary to take regular breaks to warm up, and the position of the person in the chair should be “correct”. But, let's be honest, not everyone cares about observing all the norms and recommendations of specialists, and therefore it would be reasonable to place a part of the obligations to preserve human health and ability to work on the chair itself. The good news is that we really do have this opportunity. The market is replete with a variety of models of office chairs, adapted to the most convenient and safe work at the computer.
The editors of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ provide you with a special rating review of computer chairs from among the optimal for a number of important factors and accessible to the average consumer.
How to choose a computer chair
For a start, let's look at the moments that are worth paying close attention when choosing an office chair for comfortable and safe work at the computer.
Back and seat
These are the most important for convenience and long-term working capacity of the structural elements of the chair. The back of its shape should have as many points of contact with your back. In the lower part of the back is extremely desirable, and even the presence of a bend at the level of the estimated position of the waist. And it is important that this bend is not located above or below your waist. Special projections on the sides of the back are also good. All these moments in aggregate are designed to effectively relieve back fatigue and, in the long run, to maintain correct posture.
As for the seat, optimal depth is important here. It is believed that between the end of the seat and the bend of the knee should be a space wide with a palm. The point is to prevent squeezing of blood vessels at the knee bend and, as a result, swelling of the legs and all subsequent problems. One more thing - it is desirable that the seat has a small depression in the center or closer to the back, which makes it easy to fix the position and not crawl.
Additional ergonomics
This refers to ancillary accessories and structural elements such as head restraints, special sidewalls, armrests, and more. Parts or even all, depending on the model, can be adjustable. And by the way, it is desirable that all this is really regulated, if you are not buying a chair strictly for yourself.
Here you need to look at the additional features of your work at the computer. So, for example, if the keyboard is on the roll-out shelf under the tabletop, and the chair is not equipped with armrests, then the hands will “hang” in the air and be in constant tension. The problem will remain, even if there are armrests, but are not adjustable in height. All this does not apply to chairs for the child, where the armrests are contraindicated in almost 100% of cases for reasons of prevention of scoliosis in a growing body.But children's chairs are a separate topic in general, and the final group of the rating with all accompanying explanations will be devoted to them.
As for the head restraint, it can painfully be missed during long, intense, intensive work, when you need to tilt your head back for a couple of minutes and relax. Without a normal headrest and a low back of the chair, the head will rest against nothing, and with a high back without a proper headrest, the head on the relaxed neck will “fall off” to the right or left. Head restraints can often be adjusted for height.
Another accessory ergonomics may be lumbar support. This is a kind of “pillow” that performs the functions of the very bend in the lower part of the back, which was discussed above. Most often it is a typical accessory for gaming chairs, where maximum customization is necessary.
We now turn to another important aspect. It is extremely obvious that buying a store chair, which was originally made according to certain average standards, and not according to the exact parameters of your body (which, by the way, may change with time, for example, weight) and at the same time hope that it is ideal for you. - too naive. That is why computer chairs are equipped with adjustment mechanisms that allow everyone to fit everything they need to their height, arms length, body shape, etc.
The most obvious adjustment mechanism is the height of the seat. This is absolutely necessary, as the growth of people varies within fairly wide limits. The second is the position of the back. There are already options - the angle of inclination of the back or its position in height. The first and / or second can be adjusted or fixed depending on the specific model. More moments - the mechanism of swing, the ability to expand the chair 180 degrees and literally lie down to take a nap. Finally, the type of adjustment mechanisms itself may imply fixation of the selected position with a “twist” screw or a special lever. The latter is more preferable, but on the condition of high quality materials and assembly.
This part of the office chair serves as the basis on which the chair stands according to a playful analogy with the Christmas tree. Simple physics works here - the wider the diameter of the cross is, the more stable the chair is. The material of the cross can be plastic or metal, and less commonly - wood. With regard to the material, it is necessary to proceed from the intended load (weight of the seated person). As a rule, the maximum permissible loads are described in the technical specifications. This suggests that for a “heavyweight” a metal base is better, but there are a number of reservations: the part is solid / cast or welded, which is for the metal, its thickness, the presence of stiffeners, etc. At the same time, some types of polymers parts of static loads may not yield to metal. In our rating will be presented different options.
As for the clips here, we are already concerned not about our own comfort and health, but about the safety of the flooring. Rollers from ordinary polymeric plastic of “hard grades” or worse - metal, can literally destroy not only the varnished surface of the parquet, but also quite hardy laminate, which can be extinguished cigarette butts easily and without consequences. Manufacturers to solve the problem equip seats rubberized rollers or semi-soft type rollers made of nylon. This circumstance needs to be clarified directly at the point of sale.
The upholstery material of a computer chair is a minor question in many ways, but only at first glance. First, find out about the materials themselves - it can be natural leather, the so-called "eco-leather", furniture fabric (or the most diverse textiles), microfiber, aerial mesh.
With natural leather, it would seem, everything is clear, and at first glance this is the best option.But in fact, such a coating most often has very modest "breathing" properties, which means that without micropores or evenly applied tiny holes on natural leather, you will be corny sweat. This is not to mention the fact that the leather covering is much more expensive.
The term "eco-leather" we knowingly put in quotes, because under this phrase the producers often bashfully hide, although qualitative, but still quite "chemical" polyurethane, which with skin has only external similarities. We emphasize that eco-leather is not a bad option, and this coating is quite practical, pleasant to the touch, easy to clean and is applied very widely. We only want you to understand that it is, after all, no skin.
Furniture textiles - the decision to an amateur. Its advantage is that the surface “breathes” perfectly, and even a bare back on the textile back of the chair will not be cold and slippery. The downside is that a cup of coffee spilled on the seat is an absolute “sentence” on the appearance of the chair.
Microfiber can be considered as a special case of textile upholstery with the difference that microfiber is unusually pleasant in terms of tactile contact, and in terms of contamination it has all the same drawbacks as that of furniture fabric.
Aero network is an excellent material that perfectly removes evaporation from the body and will not allow to sweat unpleasantly even during the hottest game battles. This material, if used in the design of the chair, is only in certain areas where it is most appropriate.
We have listed and briefly described the main points of choosing a computer chair, which are important in functional terms. Aesthetics, design, representative class, color solution - all these are already questions of individual preferences. Now we come directly to the very rating of the best computer chairs, which are recommended by our industry experts.
Top computer chair rating
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best computer chairs for gamers | 1 | AeroCool AC220 | 17 710 ₽ |
2 | ThunderX3 RC3 | 16 690 ₽ | |
3 | TetChair iCar | 12 990 ₽ | |
Top office chairs | 1 | Kulik System Business | 35 500 ₽ |
2 | C2W Channel Co | 40 100 ₽ | |
3 | Kulik System Elegance | 25 500 ₽ | |
4 | Metta Samurai S-3 | 14 808 ₽ | |
5 | Chairman 668 LT | 5 850 ₽ | |
6 | Bureaucrat KB-8 | 4 070 ₽ | |
The best computer chairs for children and teenagers | 1 | Kulik System Trio | 26 500 ₽ |
2 | MEALUX Nobel | 17 584 ₽ | |
3 | TCT NANOTEC KIDS CHAIR | 11 400 ₽ | |
4 | Bureaucrat CH-797 | 4 000 ₽ | |
5 | TetChair CH 413 baby | 3 290 ₽ |
The best computer chairs for gamers
First of all we will consider the top three models of chairs that are well suited for enthusiastic video game players. In addition to the quality and performance characteristics, in the selection of optimal models, our experts were also guided by the issue of affordability. All three matched models contain adjustable head restraints, armrests and cushion supports for the lower back. The position of the backrest in height and depth of the seat are not adjustable.
AeroCool AC220
Rating: 4.9
The AC220 model of the Taiwanese furniture brand AeroCool is a very interesting and functional instance, which is also good for its expressive “predatory” appearance and sufficient functionality that does not add weight to the final cost.
The load limit is 150 kg. The main shade - black, shades of design elements and individual artifacts can be selected from blue, white, green (closer to green), orange and red.
The computer chair has the following dimensions: the seat is 54x55x14 cm, the back is about 80 cm high, the diameter of the wheels is 60 mm, the position is adjustable in height from 40 to 48 cm in relation to the floor. The diameter of the cross is 350 mm. The total height of the chair is 123-131 cm. The net weight of this model is 21 kg, together with the packaging - 24 kg. Package dimensions - 86x70x33 cm.
The upholstery of the contact surfaces of the chair is made of polyurethane leatherette (the same leather), the sidewalls are PVC with a “carbon look” texture, the back wall of the back is hard with a carbon fiber texture. In general, the design of the model can be traced "racing" theme, and it even mentions the manufacturer.
The frame in this model is metal, but the crosspiece is nylon, however, its strength is enough to withstand the above-mentioned load of 150 kg. The armrests are made of another polymer - durable and reliable. Inside the chair contains a special filler of polyurethane foam. Its density is: in the back - 45, in the seat - 50 kg / m³. Type of nylon rollers - semi-soft. Pneumatic actuator - the highest 4th grade.
Features of the functional computer chair include: changing the position of the armrests by turning around the axis and vertically; swing in the range of 3-18 degrees of tilt due to the mechanism "Butterfly" (you can change the rigidity of the swing with a special device); adjusting the position of the head restraint (including the angle of inclination that occurs less frequently); opening the chair 180 degrees to turn it into an improvised couch.
- expressive design;
- quality materials;
- 180 degree opening;
- selection of colors.
- uncertain fixing turns armrests and backlash.
ThunderX3 RC3
Rating: 4.8
The second number in the group ranking of the best gaming computer chairs should RC3 model from the Taiwanese brand ThunderX3. The manufacturer itself is legally and in fact affiliated with the parent company AeroCool Advanced Technologies.
This model for the most part of the parameters does not lag behind the previous one, but there is a detail in it that makes it special. Speech about the LED module in the form of a brand logo, mounted in the wall of the chair. The module has seven color modes that can be switched by lightly pressing the logo, and can also work in the mode of color switching or “breathing”. This is a removable part, and if desired, the module can be removed.
Now about more ordinary, but important things - materials. The upholstery of the chair is eco-leather, according to the wording of the manufacturer - the “new generation”. What exactly is the advantage - not specified, but the quality is really decent. Pneumatic gas lift of the highest 4th class withstands player weight up to 150 kg and is designed for height from 160 to 185 cm. The reinforced metal cross is also designed for considerable weight.
The dimensions of the computer chair are as follows: the width of the seat is 38 cm, the depth is 50 cm; backrest height - 82 cm; height of the seat relative to the floor - 44-51 cm; total height of the chair - 124-132 cm.
The functionality of this model is almost completely similar to the previous one: adjustment of the armrests in height and around the axis, the swing mechanism in the same range with the adjustment of rigidity, opening the chair 180 degrees. The only point - the headrest allows you to adjust only the location, but not the angle, and its very shape does not imply such an application option.
- metal cross;
- 180 degree opening;
- LED module;
- spectacular design.
- The only color option.
TetChair iCar
Rating: 4.8
The final position in this selection of computer chair rankings is the iCar model from a large domestic furniture supplier from Southeast Asia, TetChair. This computer chair loses a little to the previous two in a number of parameters, but significantly wins in price.
The upper load limit for this model is 120 kg. The total height is 125-136 cm, the height of the seat level is 44-55.5 cm, depending on the adjustment. The dimensions of the seat are 51x55 cm, the height of the back is 80.5 cm.
Upholstery material is high-quality polyurethane. Bearing elements of construction are made of plastic, but strong enough to withstand the stated load. Polyurethane foam is used for filling, but its density and other properties are not specified by the manufacturer. The material of the rollers is not directly specified, but there are suggestions that this polyamide is a durable plastic, but rather hard, so a rug may be needed to protect the flooring.
ICar customization capabilities almost exactly repeat the functionality of the two models described above.The head restraint easily moves vertically on the harness, the armrests rotate around the axis and rise / fall, a synchronous rocking mechanism with variable stiffness is implemented, the maximum angle of decomposition of the chair is 180 degrees. The level of backrest positioning and seat depth do not change.
There are only three color options available for this model: the background color is black, the colors of the design elements are orange, blue or red.
- affordable cost;
- disclosure in the "couch";
- attractive exterior;
- sufficient functionality.
- point claims to the quality of materials and accuracy of assembly.
Top office chairs
The second group in the ranking of the best computer chairs according to iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ is the chair models that are best suited for office use. The main condition that our experts set when choosing worthy options is endurance and reliability based on increased workload intensity.
Kulik System Business
Rating: 4.9
Let's start traditionally with the most expensive, but at the same time, the most interesting in all respects options among all six monitored chairs in this group. This is the Business model of the brand Kulik System.
First of all, we will bring sufficient clarity to those who are important to the manufacturer, the country and the whole origin of the product. In the network there are more than fifty sites with national domains of different countries dedicated to the products of the brand Kulik System. Most of them were created by the Ukrainian web design bureau, so that in some online stores you can find erroneous information that these are chairs of Ukrainian origin. In the Russian segment, it is claimed that the Kulik System is an Italian company, and even there is a cautious hint in the design of the Italian flag. But in fact, all this is the purest fantasy of distributors, since even the letter “k” is absent in the official (not extended) Italian alphabet. In fact, the production of Kulik System chairs is the result of the development of the private practice of the famous Polish chiropractor Eugeniusz Kulik. And the computer chairs of this brand are valuable precisely because of their orthopedic specialization.
The basic elements of computer chair design are designed for a maximum load of 130 kg. Made product in an elegant and stylish design, which at a glance guessed premium class. A choice of materials for upholstery is available - furniture textiles, high quality leatherette, genuine leather. Shades for choice - black, white, brown, gray.
Product dimensions are as follows: net weight - 25 kg; seat - 50 x 45-50 cm; back height - 68 cm; total height of the chair - 133-149 cm.
Here we see significantly more opportunities for customization than the above solutions for gamers. So, here, in addition to adjusting the position of the armrests, it is allowed to change the position of the seat in depth and backrest in height. The chair is equipped with an asynchronous (the angle between the seat and the back can vary when swinging) with a swinging mechanism of the Multiblock type with varying rigidity.
The material of the cross is a high-strength alloy with a mirror-gloss finish. Rollers from semi-soft material, safe for floor surfaces. Optionally, the chair can also be equipped with a headrest.
- quality of materials and assembly;
- premium class;
- exquisite design;
- wide possibilities of customization;
- increased orthopedic properties.
- not found.
C2W Channel Co
Rating: 4.8
The next office model in our rating is a very original solution from C2W. This is a Russian company whose name stands for Chairs To Work. Engaged in deliveries from abroad, but also owns its own production lines in the Russian Federation.
This model belongs to the representative class and is focused on equipping the workplace of the head.Made in a classic design - massive form, double diagonal line in the style of French design of the 60s of the last century, but also with the presence of elements that emphasize the modernity of the product. The cost of the chair is also “premium”, comparable to the previous model.
Computer chair is designed for a maximum load of 120 kg. The preferred upholstery material is eco-leather (polyurethane - 25%, cotton - 75%; density - 280 g / sq. Meter; air permeability - 3-54 ml / sq. Cm). Also under the individual order upholstery can be genuine leather or another material. The basic colors of the upholstery are black, white, beige, and brown.
The dimensions of the seat are 44 cm (width) by 50 cm (deep). The back is 64 cm tall. Seat level - 44-57 cm from the floor. The total height of the chair, respectively - 108-121 cm.
The possibilities in terms of customization of this model are no longer as rich as the previous one, but this is largely due not to the “greed” of the manufacturer, but to the form and design features. Thus, the adjustment is possible only the height of the seat; volume seat cushion can be raised for easy cleaning of dust. The synchro swing system Multiblock with stiffness adjustment is built into the cross.
The cross is made of high-strength alloy, and its shape can be selected when coordinating details of the configuration of the chair. The wheels are made of metal with chrome-plated parts that are not in contact with the floor; the contact surface is polyurethane, which guarantees the preservation of the appearance of almost any floor covering.
- expensive and solid appearance;
- many options for individual selection of upholstery, the shape of the cross and some other details;
- quality materials and assembly;
- completely safe rollers for the floor.
- few opportunities for customization.
Kulik System Elegance
Rating: 4.8
The third position in the top office chair rating group is the elegant model produced by Kulik System, in which this very elegance is directly reflected in the name. The chair is in many respects very similar to the above-described Business model of the same Polish manufacturer, but on the other hand, it is two times cheaper due to the optimization of the components of the structure and the not so pronounced orthopedic orientation.
The carrying capacity of the chair is the same as that of the previous model - 120 kg. Dimensions are as follows: seat width - 42 cm, depth - 43-48 cm; backrest height - 59 cm; total height of the chair - 117-133 cm. Product weight without packaging - 24 kg.
When ordering a computer chair, you can choose upholstery material - eco-leather, furniture textiles, genuine leather. A wide choice of colors is offered: red-white, pink, blue, red, black, white.
The functionality and customization capabilities of this model include: height-adjustable armrests, seat depth adjustment, backrest height adjustment, Multiblock asynchronous swing mechanism (variable angle between seat and swing backrest), backrest angle adjustment. The swing mechanism includes the ability to adjust the stiffness.
The cross is made of durable alloy with mirror polished exterior. Rollers - polymer semi-soft type. As an option, a computer chair can be equipped with a headrest.
- quality materials and assembly, neat seams;
- selection of colors and upholstery options;
- seat and backrest adjustment;
- long retains the original appearance;
- exquisite design.
- Separate claims to the service (the question is rather to distributors).
Metta Samurai S-3
Rating: 4.7
The original armchair produced by the Russian company Metta continues the rating. Its originality consists in a fundamentally different approach to ergonomics than all the above models. The most noticeable difference is the initial absence of filler in the back and seat. The surface in this case is a special mesh fabric of increased strength, reinforced with aramid fiber. Color palette: black, white, gray, beige, brown, blue, burgundy.
First, we list the key physical parameters of the chair. The load limit for this model is set to 120 kg. Dimensions: seat - 52x54 cm, height of the seat position from the floor - 49-59 cm, total height - 123-131 cm.
Customization and mechanical elements of ergonomics include: lumbar support, metal armrests with plastic lining (regulated by three parameters - vertical, horizontal angle and distance between armrests), headrest with adjustable angle and height adjustment (you can choose a modification without a headrest), swinging mechanism Synchronous Multiblock type with offset center of gravity axis and stiffness adjustment. The seat and back have a fixed position and are not adjustable.
Separately, you can order special seat covers of varying degrees of softness. Covers, rugs made in part of the innovative material NewLeather, which includes genuine leather with perforation and reinforcement with nylon thread.
The cross is made of heavy-duty alloy with a mirror chrome finish. All other open metal parts of the chair are made in the same way. Soft polymer rollers of 60 mm each have recoil properties (with an “empty” chair - they prevent accidental movement, and with a load they allow the chair to move without effort), they do not scratch the floor covering, silent and durable.
The manufacturer provides a 10 year warranty on the reinforced mesh fabric and metal frame computer chair.
- wheel chocks, soft and durable rollers;
- ten year warranty on individual components;
- high-quality ergonomics;
- high-tech design.
- a significant percentage of claims to build quality.
Chairman 668 LT
Rating: 4.6
Now consider the option of the chair, which is interesting primarily expressive contrast between the impressive appearance and extremely affordable price. This model is part of the wide range of upholstered furniture by the Chairman, manufactured by the Taypit Trade and Industrial Group.
The design of the computer chair is rather laconic, but pointedly representative, and may be suitable for equipping the workplace of a manager or first managers. Upholstery is a good quality and tactile sensations leatherette, you can choose from four color options - black, gray, brown, beige. The filler is ordinary foam. The cross is plastic.
The dimensions of the computer chair are as follows: seat - 53x46 cm; the level of the seat position - 51-61 cm from the floor; back 56 cm tall; the height of the whole chair is 107-117 cm; weight - 17.5 kg. Designed for loads up to 120 kg, like all neighboring models.
The functionality of this chair is very minimalist. Of the adjustment possibilities - only the height of the seat. Also built-in synchronous swing mechanism, providing for the possibility of fixation in one position and the adjustment of stiffness. Metal armrests with a soft pad in the upholstery are not adjustable. There is a headrest with a fixed position.
- affordable price;
- quite solid appearance;
- convenient and comfortable, according to user feedback.
- faulty materials, assembly and precision fitting parts.
Bureaucrat KB-8
Rating: 4.5
And completes the selection of the best office chairs in the rating from iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ model KB-8 series with the pretentious name "Bureaucrat". Actually, this is not only a product line, but a whole trademark under which the Russian company of the same name produces a wide range of office supplies and stationery. Production is carried out mostly in the countries of Southeast Asia, but there are also own assembly lines in the Moscow region.
The form and concept of this model is slightly similar to the above-described Samurai S-3 from Metta. But this similarity is only remote and consists in the fact that the back of the chair is a mesh fabric without any layers, upholstery and fillers. The seat is more voluminous, but also without polyurethane foam filler, like most of the models described above.
The chair is designed for the same load as all the previous ones - 120 kg. Its dimensions are as follows: seat - 53x48 cm; seat position from the floor - 46-56 cm; back 74 cm tall; total height of the chair - 120-130 cm.
From the ergonomic additions to the chair has an unregulated headrest, plastic armrests. A swing mechanism with stiffness adjustment is also integrated, but rather limited - it allows only the back to swing.
Those parts of the chair, where the upholstery (for example, a headrest) is supposed to be covered with eco-leather, furniture textiles or natural leather to choose from. The cross is made of durable polymer.
In the assortment there are 4 variants of the color solution of the chair of this model: blue, red, gray and black.
- affordable cost;
- comfortable and "spacious" chair;
- nice design;
- breathable back.
- limited functionality.
The best computer chairs for children and teenagers
The final selection in our ranking is computer chairs and chairs, specially designed for children and teenagers. Their design features are often significantly different from the "adult" options, and these differences are dictated by the recommendations of orthopedists and the requirements of the relevant standards. For example, in those or other models of child seats may be completely absent armrests. And this is by no means the economy of the manufacturer, but the direct adherence to the instructions of the specialists - there is no need for the growing organism involuntary “crutches” that can ruin the posture.
Kulik System Trio
Rating: 4.9
The first number in the “youth” group of chairs is the Kulik System Trio model. Like the other two models of the same manufacturer, Trio has a pronounced orthopedic orientation.
Structural elements, their form and other physical parameters are designed to correct posture, minimize tension in the cervical spine, properly support the lumbar region, a special notch in the seat eliminates stress on the tailbone, longitudinal notch promotes normal air circulation.
The dimensions of the computer chair are as follows: the seat is 42x37 cm, the backrest is 52 cm in height, the height of the chair is 101-117 cm, and the weight without packaging is 23 kg. Designed for a maximum load weight of 80 kg.
Upholstery material can be environmentally friendly leatherette, genuine leather or furniture textiles. A wide choice of colors is offered: beige-orange, blue-orange, red-green, blue, beige, pink.
The crosspiece of the chair is made of durable alloy with mirror polished exterior. As an option, an addition to the crosspiece is offered - a circular metal footrest. The rollers are made of semi-soft polymer and are safe for most of the popular flooring.
The possibilities for individual adjustment are as follows: adjustment of the seat height and the back of the seat separately; reclining back; adjustment of position of armrests on height. Seat depth is not adjustable.
- increased orthopedic properties;
- a wide range of colors;
- attractive design;
- expensive appearance;
- sturdy construction;
- wide enough functionality.
- there are complaints about the fragility of the leatherette upholstery.
Rating: 4.8
The second example in this selection of the ranking of the best computer chairs is the Nobel model from the Taiwanese manufacturer MEALUX. There are suggestions that the brand’s origin is either Russian or Ukrainian, as the trademark is registered in both countries, and there is no Taiwanese representation. However, the products themselves call for respect for quality, safety and meticulous attention to detail.
This computer chair is even more focused on the younger audience than the previous one, despite the fact that its “carrying capacity” is increased - up to 100 kg. Nominally suitable for children from 4 years.
The model is not equipped with armrests, only textiles are used as upholstery, the colors are very different (red, pink, purple, blue, green, orange) with a multi-colored abstract design.
The chair allows you to adjust not only the height of the seat from the floor (from 28 to 55 cm), but also its depth within 32-38 cm. The height of the backrest position can also be adjusted.
The metal crosspiece of a special asymmetrical shape guarantees stability, and the rollers are equipped with special clamps to limit the movement of the chair. These clamps will be a real salvation for a very expensive chair, when the baby takes in head from the heart to ride it throughout the apartment.
Warranty from the manufacturer on the model Nobel - 60 months.
- backrest height adjustment and seat depth;
- restriction of the motion of the rollers (stopper);
- sturdy metal frame;
- many colors with variegated patterns.
- not noted.
Rating: 4.7
Another Taiwan-made children's computer chair in our rating is a model with a simple and clear name KIDS CHAIR from TCT NANOTEC.
The material of upholstery of the backrest and seat in this case is furniture textiles in three variants of continuous shades: green, pink and blue. Textiles have water repellency. The cross is made of reliable plastic, like the previous chair, there is a circular footrest, but not metal, but plastic. Its height from the floor is 25 cm. If desired, the stand can be removed.
The maximum load is similar to the previous model - 100 kg. Chair dimensions: seat depth varies from 37 to 42 cm, height from the floor - 45-58 cm; total height of the chair - 82-98 cm. The back can also be adjusted to the height of the position.
This model has a specific feature similar to the solution with the restriction of the wheels of the previous model. In this case, the seat moves freely without load, and under load over 30 kg the wheels are automatically fixed.
Manufacturer's warranty on this model - 1 year.
- strong frame;
- upholstery textiles with water repellency;
- backrest height adjustment and seat depth;
- automatic locks on wheels.
- pronounced minuses not found.
Bureaucrat CH-797
Rating: 4.6
The penultimate item in our rating is the CH-797 child seat model from the Russian company Bureaucrat. This is a good design solution for more than affordable price.
The main parts of the chair - the seat and back - are made of different materials. Seat - soft with a filler and textile upholstery. The colors are combined (background plus picture), and we will not list all the nomenclature options, we can always check the availability of upholstery at the point of sale.
The computer chair is designed for a completely “adult” load of 120 kg. Dimensions are as follows: seat - 47x40 cm; height of the seat from the floor - 46-59 cm; back height - 45 cm; total height of the product - 91-104 cm.
Ergonomic features include a plastic crosspiece, gas lift, swing mechanism, plastic armrests.
The possibilities of customization are rather limited: the position of the armrests, the depth of the seat, the height of the position of the backrest cannot be adjusted; and the swing mechanism means swinging only the backs.
- affordable price;
- good design;
- available accessories.
- claims to build quality.
TetChair CH 413 baby
Rating: 4.5
And, finally, the cheapest computer chair for children in our rating is the CH 413 model from a Russian furniture supplier from SEA - TetChair company.
This is a simple and ordinary solution that is quite suitable for the mass consumer. There are many color options: the basic shades of the background are beige, blue, red, orange, pink blue. In the visual design of the upholstery (used furniture textiles) images of butterflies, maps, anchors can be used.
Computer chair is designed for a load limit of 100 kg. Dimensions: seat - 44x45 cm, height of the seat from the floor - 44-55 cm; backrest height - 46 cm; total height of the chair - 89 - 101 cm.
The crosspiece is made of plastic, the seat and backrest are soft, with filler, plastic armrests.
Possibilities of adjustment and customization: seat adjustment (seat position) height, swing mechanism (only for back) with adjustable stiffness. The position of the armrests, the depth of the seat and the height of the backrest are fixed.
- the most attractive price in the selection of child seats;
- ease of use;
- surprisingly good quality of materials and assembly, as for such a cost;
- many colors.
- not noted.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.