13 best schools of English in Moscow

English tightly entered the lives of people, because even if it is not required in work, then traveling can hardly do without knowledge of the language. Now you can learn English in a short time, choosing the most appropriate schedule. At the same time, schools are open for different age groups. Today, the editors have prepared a review of metropolitan courses, for which experts from iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ ranked 13 of the best English schools in Moscow.

Ranking of the best schools of English in Moscow

Nomination a place school rating
Ranking of the best schools of English in Moscow      1 VKS-IH          4.9
     2 Wall Street English          4.8
     3 VKIA at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation          4.8
     4 Globus languages          4.8
     5 Alibra          4.7
     6 "Intensive"          4.7
     7 Language link          4.7
     8 American Club of Education          4.6
     9 Big ben          4.5
     10 MosInYaz          4.5
     11 Denis' School          4.4
     12 "Kitaygorodskaya"          4.4
     13 ICL          4.3


Rating: 4.9


Leading the ranking institution, founded in the early nineties. The peculiarity of the courses is the communicative method, which simplifies the process of learning a language. It is also worth noting that the school is part of the IHWO (International House World Organization). This international network helps in the selection of highly qualified teachers. Specialists of the institution are actively involved in the compilation of a variety of textbooks. Of these, Cutting Edge, Headway and Language to Go are considered the most popular and effective. The school has a center where teachers are trained. Upon completion, they receive DELTA and CELTA certificates.

Basic, for beginners with different levels of knowledge, and professional training for passing the international exam are available. As in the case of teachers, any student who has completed the course receives a school certificate. People of any age can study, including children. Rally students and teachers regular excursions, games (mafia, volleyball, etc.), exciting activities. The cost of the course is 8 or 13 thousand rubles per month.


  • largest language school;
  • modern techniques;
  • compliance with international standards;
  • over thirty offices.


  • not found.

Wall Street English

Rating: 4.8


In second place is another Moscow school with extensive experience. For more than forty-five years, students have been teaching various languages ​​here, including English. The teachers are native speakers, certified and friendly. Using their own WSL methodology, they will quickly teach conversational English, grammar or help prepare for the international exam. The Blended Learning Method combines traditional and interactive techniques, for example, watching various video materials.

Students can become people with any level of knowledge. There are no age restrictions either. Before classes, they will talk with you, conduct the necessary tests and select a program based on the data obtained. Training is conducted in six Moscow offices, each of which is within walking distance of the metro. For those who prefer remote knowledge acquisition, online training is suitable. Groups are small, consist of four people. Available corporate training, which is conducted both at the school and in the office, depending on the wishes. The English for Travel program includes mastering travel-related vocabulary using typical words and phrases.The individual schedule is developed taking into account the student's employment at the main school or work. The course month will cost 7 or 9 thousand rubles.

Detailed information on the website: wallstreetenglish.ru. Call for consultation: +7 (495) 152-17-03.


  • many years of experience;
  • small groups;
  • flexible schedule.


  • not found.

VKIA at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Rating: 4.8


The third position goes to higher courses of foreign languages ​​at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Here they receive additional professional education and improve their qualifications, as well as scientific, methodological and analytical studies. Presented six departments, including English language and interpretation. You can study in absentia or paid. There is an inter-departmental laboratory, as well as a scientific-methodical library, where about fifty thousand books / manuscripts are presented in eighty languages.

Students are taught knowledge using a unique method combining intensive, accelerated and extensive study. In the early nineties, the institution introduced a level system, which now forms the basis of the language standard of education. The school develops effective programs, manuals, reference and analytical materials, textbooks, terminological dictionaries, and more. The semester consists of 68 academic hours, costs about 35 thousand rubles.

Detailed information on the website: mid-vkiya.ru. Seek advice: +7 (499) 244-43-17, +7 (499) 244-43-32.


  • two hundred years of experience;
  • unique scientific and practical base;
  • The faculty includes professors, doctors of sciences and candidates.


  • not found.

Globus languages

Rating: 4.8


The fourth line is occupied by the British language center in Moscow. The main focus is corporate training. Since the beginning of the two thousandth among the regular customers of the center more than ninety enterprises. There are a lot of business programs here. They are in demand, as they combine language learning with the acquisition of skills for conducting presentations, negotiations, business meetings, and also teach how to be a leader, be able to convince and if necessary to extinguish conflicts. Courses are available to individuals. Groups are formed by direction and age. Beginners, mostly children, are familiarized; schoolchildren are assisted in learning the material being taught, and if they wish, they are given the opportunity to study English in depth; High school students, students and others have access to preparation for exams and foreign tests. It is worth noting that you can learn via Skype.

The school has about four hundred teachers who come from different countries. All of them possess diplomas and passed strict selection. The communicative methodology is used, and among the textbooks there are the world's leading publishers: Pearson, Longman, Cambridge, Oxford. Groups of six are formed, so each student is given attention. Monthly training will cost 11880 p.

Detailed information on the website: globus-int.ru. Call for consultation: +7 (495) 248-03-83.


  • fifteen years experience;
  • large selection of programs;
  • individual approach;
  • the provision of English study services abroad (Australia, Canada, USA, UK, etc.).


  • not found.


Rating: 4.7


In fifth place is an accredited institution, whose branches are open in four Russian cities. For fifteen years, ninety thousand students have graduated from school. For training, a technique is used, which allows to shorten the course, but to maintain efficiency. As can be seen from the reviews, in five to six months, even newcomers with zero knowledge of the language reach the Upper-Intermediate level. This happens due to the study of a logical grammar system and memorization of words using direct associations. Interval repetitions allow you to keep learned material for a long time, and constant training is responsible for conversational English.

Students can choose any of the many available programs: basic, corporate, preparation for the exam and international tests (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.), tourist conversational.Standard groups consist of twelve people, and mini - from six. Individual and classes are available via Skype.

Detailed information on the website: alibra.ru. Phone in Moscow: +7 (495) 983-10-10.


  • many years of experience;
  • fast learning guarantee;
  • study abroad;
  • seventeen compartments.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.7


The sixth school of supplementary education, which has accumulated over the long term effective teaching methods. Intensively communicative ways allow you to maximize the potential of the student, regardless of age. The center operates under the motto: “Excellent results in the shortest possible time.” In order not to violate it, they impart practical skills: students write, read and speak only English. Certified teachers are able to find an individual approach to everyone, even during group classes. The following programs are available: initial, basic, professional, business English; training interpreters; assistance in preparing for the exam and international exams; supporting course. Pay for training will have about 7 thousand rubles / month.

Detailed information on the website: intensiv.ru. Call for consultation: +7 (495) 925-77-19.


  • thirty years of learning experience;
  • unique technique;
  • quick result.


  • not found.

Language link

Rating: 4.7


The seventh position goes to the institution that opened its doors in the early nineties. Since then, simple courses have been transformed into a developed modern linguistic center. The school has grown, for example, in Moscow only about twenty offices scattered throughout all districts. It is worth noting that all points are close to the metro and transport interchanges. The advantages of Language Link include the teaching staff, where each teacher is a graduate, professional and native speaker. Behind each serious methodical training and mandatory professional development.

Students who come to this institution are invited to choose a mentor for themselves, who will help to deal with the material, explain the incomprehensible. The schedule and form of training are selected according to the wishes and abilities of students. Available in group classes, individual and remote, via Skype. Children are accepted from six years. You can attend a free trial lesson to evaluate the quality of teaching. The cost of a monthly course is 14 thousand rubles.

Detailed information on the website: languagelink.ru. Contact a single reference: +7 (495) 021-64-27.


  • extensive learning experience;
  • Cambridge Platinum Partner;
  • flexible schedule.


  • not found.

American Club of Education

Rating: 4.6


The eighth line gets the institution, which is a pioneer in the field of learning English. In the capital, this very center was opened first, offering customers to come to a free introductory lesson. Even then it was possible, with an average level of knowledge, to engage with native speakers. Training is conducted according to a unique method - ACE Effect, which was developed by school specialists. Combines traditional and communicative ways, which guarantees greater efficiency and better absorption of the material. Students are offered a variety of programs: basic, conversational, business, special (aviation, law, medicine, IT, finance), English, and more. Groups are formed by eight people. Training lasts about four months.

A distinctive feature of the center is a strong teaching staff - these are graduates who have undergone special training and a rigorous qualifying round. Everyone has a certificate CELTA, DELTA and TESOL. Corporate division provides services for domestic and foreign companies. Among the clients are Philip Morris, Aeroflot, Samsung, Bayer AG, Sberbank, Gazprom Neft, etc.

Detailed information on the website: english-language.ru. Call for consultation: +7 (495) 223-70-27. Open: Mon-Fri, from 10:00 to 22:00; Sat-Sun, from 10:00 to 18:00.


  • twenty years of learning experience;
  • system of discounts and holding various promotions.


  • not found.

Big ben

Rating: 4.5


The ninth is the Moscow School, founded in 1997. During this time, the school has managed to form an effective system of training and combine it with the professionalism of selected teachers. The offices of the institution are equipped for comfortable learning, all audiences are equipped with necessary equipment, including multimedia. Foreign students, native speakers, and Russian graduates who can not only explain the material, but also motivate, work at the school. Creativity these people do not hold - everyone knows how to conduct a lesson, avoiding tedious bristling.

At the heart of the process is a communicative technique that has proven its effectiveness throughout the world. Students abandon standard thinking and move on to the use of life phrases, both in writing and in oral speech. A variety of role-playing games that reproduce various situations, allow in a short time to master English, even for beginners. Specialists Big Ben combine the methodology with grammar-translational, which allows you to work not only on the fluency of speech, but also on the correctness of statements. The level system allows you to plan the timing of the learning process. At the end, students are tested in many aspects: reading, understanding text, writing, speaking. Schedule is selected depending on the opportunities of students: Mon-Fri, from 9:00 to 21:00; Sat-Sun, from 9:00 to 15:00. In addition to individuals, the institution cooperates with corporate clients.

Detailed information on the website: big-ben.ru. Contact for consultation: +7 (495) 255-16-38. Open: Mon-Fri, from 09:00 to 21:00; Sat-Sun, from 09:00 to 15:00.


  • extensive work experience;
  • OxfordSchool Partner, Cambridge University;
  • mini-groups - up to 8 people;
  • study abroad.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.5


The tenth place is the institution of higher courses of foreign languages. Here you can learn not only English, but also any other language, including rare, with a zero level of knowledge. It is important that the approach of the specialists of the center is tied to the integrity of the language, culture, mentality, history and traditions. Especially this approach helps in the training of international workers. From the programs proposed by the English traditional method; courses of translators, colloquial; business, technical; assistance to students, preparation for the exam.

As follows from the reviews, the school quickly learn to speak English. However, not all of this is enough, therefore, in-depth study is offered, so that, as a result, it is excellent to know the grammar, to work with the documentation. The course lasts four and a half months. Upon completion, a diploma and a certificate of preparation for the international exam or the passing of one. Such documents allow you to settle in international companies. At the institution, there is the Spoken Club, where students meet with teachers every week to speak English in an informal setting.

Detailed information on the website: mosinyaz.ru and the new address: www. gaudeamus.ru. Call for consultation: +7 (499) 264-11-11, +7 (499) 264-90-64, +7 (499) 264-68-80.


  • many years of learning experience;
  • weekly free grammar advice;
  • medium sized groups - up to 10 people.


  • not found.

Denis' School

Rating: 4.4


The eleventh position goes to the school, which is part of an international network that has been around for more than twenty-five years. Initially, the institution was aimed at people who need to learn English from scratch in a short time. That is why the methodology aimed at such a result was developed before the center was opened. The author's technique with the first group showed high efficiency. In subsequent years, she improved. Now the network has grown, and branches are not only in different cities, but also in different countries: Ukraine, China, Poland. It offers a variety of courses: corporate, group, individual, remote, and more.

Students are tested and interviewed, which allows to know the level of their knowledge of English. After that, teachers form groups of eight people.Available with native speakers, conversational English, intensive study, preparation for the exam, advanced training and much more. Of particular interest are practical exercises that impart the skill of saying suitable phrases for life situations. There are also grammar and phonetics. The course lasts three months. Teachers recommend attending school at least twice a week for the most effective result.

Detailed information on the website: dschool.ru. Seek advice: +7 (495) 154-69-15.


  • the widest network;
  • graduates;
  • flexible schedule;
  • cooperation with corporate clients.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.4


The school receives the twelfth line, which guarantees that you will begin to speak English in the first lesson. The teachers immediately immerse the students in the language atmosphere so that the person uses ready-made phrases and understands what situation they are suitable for. It is based on the communicative method, thanks to which the group learns together, and not close by. All this happens due to games, where each student chooses different roles from time to time. In addition to the language, immersion into culture is also carried out, which allows for a quicker understanding of the material. Language stupor is overcome easily, as this is favored by a friendly atmosphere.

Students are offered programs of any level from beginner to advanced. The recommended schedule includes three classes per week: in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Days are selected depending on the wishes and abilities of students. Compression and intensity affect the duration of the course. In this institution to master the semi-annual program can be two months. The cost includes educational materials, including audio, and tea. Training will cost 24 thousand rubles for 30 academic hours, 42 thousand rubles - 60 hours, 66 thousand rubles. - 120 h.

Detailed information on the website: kitaygorodskaya.ru. Phone in Moscow: +7 (495) 737-73-70.


  • training in a short time;
  • individual approach;
  • students of Kitaygorodskoy school five percent discount.


  • paid testing - 400 p.


Rating: 4.3


Closes the rating center, which began work in the late nineties. The school was founded by a teacher of Italian, so the very first ones here were taught English and Italian. The teaching staff includes both Russian and foreign specialists. All of them have diplomas and necessary certificates confirming high qualification. Used exclusively in the teaching of communicative methods, recognized throughout the world. Mini-groups, 2-4 people each, also have an impact on the results: working with a small number of people, it is possible to bring the material as accurately as possible to everyone.

Students come here to learn the language for exams, travel, communication, work abroad and others. After passing the test, the level of knowledge is determined in order to understand which group you will be in, to keep up with and not overtake the rest. Favorable effect on the effectiveness and regular training with seminars. They allow you to delve into the language and get acquainted with the basics of teaching methods.

Detailed information on the website: vk.com/icl_moscow. Phone in Moscow: +7 (495) 623-82-69.


  • many years of experience;
  • certified teachers;
  • friendly atmosphere.


  • not found.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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