13 best butter producers

Butter is a natural product that is used alone or added to various dishes. Many eat it daily, some have abandoned it altogether. To include or not to include in the diet this product is an individual choice of each. But if he is present on the table, he must exactly meet modern quality standards so that the body receives only benefits, not harm.

How to choose a high-quality and tasty butter

Butter differs according to several criteria:

  1. Fat It can be tea - 50%, sandwich - 61%, peasant - 72.5%, amateur - 80%, traditional - 82.5%.
  2. Type of cream used. The butter made from pasteurized cream is called sweet cream. Sour cream is made from cream, fermented with lactic acid bacteria.
  3. Salt content. Depending on its addition to the composition, the oil is divided into salty and unsalted.

To choose high-quality butter, you need to pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. Composition. It should contain cream or whole milk. Oil with vegetable fats and other additives is no longer considered a natural product.
  2. GOST. The main state standard is 37-91. Butter, made according to this GOST, is of the highest grade and is made exclusively from milk fat. We also have other state standards that complement the generally accepted.
  3. Title. On the package should be a strict designation: "oil". If these are some other names like “dairy product” or “spread”, then this is definitely not natural butter.
  4. Cost of. For the production of 1 kg of butter you need about 20 liters of milk, so a natural quality product can not be cheap at all. The average price per 100 g of oil, fat content is 72.5-82.5% - 80-100 rubles and more.
  5. Shelf life. The average storage time for butter is up to 35 days. If the shelf life is higher, then the composition may contain preservatives. It should be noted that many manufacturers, based on state standards, under certain conditions increase the storage time, which is quite legal.
  6. Manufacturer. When choosing butter, as well as other food products, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. Famous brands strictly monitor compliance with state standards, which guarantees the quality of the purchased goods.

Expertexists of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/ ranked the best producers of butter, presenting the most popular brand varieties, based on analyzes of the dairy market, independent research and feedback from real consumers.

Rating of the best producers of butter

Nomination a place Name of product rating
Rating of the best producers of butter      1 Arla natura          4.9
     2 Prostokvashino 82%          4.9
     3 Gudberg 82.5%          4.8
     4 Vkusnoteevo traditional 82.5%          4.8
     5 Valuiki Traditional 82.5%          4.7
     6 Brest-Litovsk 82.5%          4.7
     7 Ecomilk Traditional 82.5%          4.7
     8 House in the village 82.5%          4.6
     9 Manor Ilinskoe 82.5%          4.5
     10 Savushkin 82.5%          4.5
     11 Assen'evskaya farm 82.5%          4.5
     12 From Vologda Traditional          4.5
     13 Thousand Lakes 82.5%          4.5

Arla natura

Rating: 4.9


The first place is occupied by “Arla Foods” - the Russian division of the European brand. Production sites are located in our country. High-tech equipment, qualified staff, strict adherence to quality standards led to the fact that the products took the leading position in the dairy market. Many domestic buyers could not only try and appreciate it, but also become loyal fans of Arla Natura.

Butter with fat content of 82% is made from natural pasteurized cream. As part of no GMOs, gluten, artificial colors and flavors. The product is unsalted, has a delicate flavor. Foil packaging retains the freshness, aroma and flavor properties throughout the storage period. Butter is presented in packs of several weights: 160,180, 400,500 g.

According to reviews, the oil has a delicate consistency, it is well distributed over the surface, it can be frozen in the freezer. It has a safe natural composition, does not contain vegetable fats and harmful additives, meets the requirements of GOST, suitable for children's diets.


  • from natural cream;
  • delicate taste;
  • several packaging options;
  • foil bag;
  • possibility of freezing.


  • not detected.

Prostokvashino 82%

Rating: 4.9


The second place in the rating is deservedly taken by the Russian brand, which began its activity in 2002, when Unimilk signed an agreement with Eduard Ouspensky on the use of cartoon characters on the packaging of its products. Today, the company is among the ten best dairy producers, who have repeatedly been winners and laureates of prestigious European competitions and exhibitions. Matroskin's favorite cat on packs denotes a high-quality and tasty product made according to strict standards without the use of unhealthy additives. The main difference between "Prostokvashino" is an acceptable cost of goods due to a reasonable pricing policy, so they are available to customers even with low incomes.

Butter fat content of 82% is made from cream, obtained from natural cow's milk without the addition of vegetable fats, refers to the highest grade. According to reviews, it has a pronounced creamy taste, pleasant texture. Butter is used to make sandwiches, creams for baking and other dishes.


  • natural product;
  • foil packaging;
  • high taste qualities;
  • interesting packs with cartoon characters;
  • acceptable cost.


  • not detected.

Gudberg 82.5%

Rating: 4.8

GUDBERG 825.jpg

The oldest German brand won the third place ranking. It was founded almost 150 years ago. The family enterprise produced butter from the milk of its own cows. Thanks to the great taste and aroma, it became popular not only in Bavaria, but also in Europe. Today, Gudberg manufacturing facilities are located throughout the world, including in Russia.

The domestic buyer was able to appreciate the product made according to an old recipe using advanced technologies and innovative equipment. The oil is produced according to GOST from pasteurized cream. Milk is used exclusively of the highest quality. There are no additives in the composition, which is confirmed by independent laboratory tests.

Foil packaging has a nice design. The oil has all the necessary taste, contains the necessary elements that are useful for a healthy diet. It is packaged in packs of 200 or 400 g, retains its properties well after freezing. Evaluation of experts and buyers: "excellent".


  • top grade;
  • natural composition without additives;
  • produced according to the state standard;
  • foil bag;
  • colorful packaging design.


  • not detected.

Vkusnoteevo traditional 82.5%

Rating: 4.8


The fourth place in the ranking is for the company “Vkusnoteevo” and its butter, 82.5% fat. It began its activities in 2000 and today has achieved recognition not only from Russian but also from European consumers. The oil belongs to the highest grade, it is produced according to the state standard from pasteurized cream, obtained from the highest quality milk.

Thanks to innovative manufacturing techniques, it retains organoleptic properties for a long time, does not crumble under the influence of low temperatures, does not flow at room temperature, and retains its shape. The oil remains plastic due to the cold mode of production, which further attracts the attention of buyers to this product. It is packaged in 200 and 400 g. Thanks to the IVF packaging from the linker, the shelf life is doubled and is 60 days.

Consumers noted the convenient form of a pack in the form of a loaf, high taste. It is perfect for sandwiches, has a plastic consistency, which allows you to distribute butter on bread in one motion.


  • from fresh cream without additives;
  • production according to GOST;
  • shape retention at any temperature;
  • ecological packaging;
  • long shelf life.


  • not detected.

Valuiki Traditional 82.5%

Rating: 4.7

Valuiki Traditional 82.5%

The fifth place in the rating is given to the Russian company Valuiki and its butter 82.5%. It was founded in 1980 in the Belgorod region and today produces natural products that are distinguished by high organoleptic qualities and meet state quality standards. Presented butter - sweet cream of the highest grade. It is made from pasteurized and normalized cream, has a 100% natural composition without GMOs and additives.

The original, recognizable packaging design distinguishes the product from many others on the store shelves. The oil is packaged in a dense foil package that prevents air penetration and oxidation.

Consumers put the highest score for the delicate taste and aroma, pleasant texture, thanks to which the product is well cut with a knife and distributed over the surface. Many housewives have noted that the butter is ideal for baking, as it is well whipped with a mixer into a creamy texture. It is safe, suitable for feeding children.


  • from fresh cream without additional ingredients;
  • delicate taste and aroma;
  • corresponds to GOST 32261;
  • recognizable packaging;
  • high degree of plasticity.


  • not detected.

Brest-Litovsk 82.5%

Rating: 4.7


Next, we include Brest-Litovsk oil, created by the concern Savushkin Product, in the rating. It belongs to the category of sweet cream and has the highest indicator of quality. But many customers were able to evaluate the oil and choose it for breakfast for sandwiches or making creams for cakes and other pastries. It is made from natural pasteurized cream.

Own raw materials base allows to use cow milk of the highest category all year round. Color, texture and taste speak for the naturalness of the product. It has a rather plastic structure, is well cut off with a knife, spreads over bread, does not lose its shape during a long stay at room temperature.

According to independent research conducted annually, the oil does not contain any vegetable ingredients, but exclusively milk fat. It exactly complies with safety requirements and has excellent organoleptic qualities, the information on the package coincides with the actual characteristics.


  • natural safe composition;
  • quality confirmed by independent experts;
  • high taste characteristics;
  • suitable for cooking various dishes.


  • not detected.

Ecomilk Traditional 82.5%

Rating: 4.7


For more than 15 years, Ecomilk has been presenting high-quality dairy products on the market, which not only complies with Russian state standards, but also meets European environmental safety requirements. And although the range includes about 50 types of products, it was butter that became the hallmark of the brand. Strict controls and our own IVF laboratory ensure that a product with the characteristics stated on the packaging is placed on the table.

The composition of oil fat content of 82.5% includes only natural ingredients. It is a fresh pasteurized cream made from whole milk. The manufacturer offers various packaging options for the most convenient use by consumers. This is 10, 100.180, 450 g. Thanks to the unique packaging, the product can be stored depending on the temperature from 60 to 180 days.

Many consumers gave their votes to this particular butter, which optimally combines quality, safety and cost. It is suitable for sandwiches and other dishes, does not crumble, retains its shape, is well separated with a knife.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • safety control in our own laboratories;
  • from the freshest cream;
  • corresponds to GOST;
  • delicate texture and smell.


  • not detected.

House in the village 82.5%

Rating: 4.6


The “House in the Village” brand, selected in our rating, has been pleasing consumers for more than 20 years with 100% safe, natural, healthy products that are created according to traditional recipes. The company has many times become a laureate of contests and exhibitions and is in the TOP 10 of the largest and most influential domestic brands. By production fresh whole cow milk is used and no preservatives, flavors, GMOs are used.

Nice packaging gives aesthetic pleasure and allows you to quickly find a product among similar ones in the store. The foil retains its characteristics and prevents rapid oxidation. The composition, taste, smell and color are fully consistent with the definition of "butter". Independent examination confirmed the high organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of the product.

The hostesses noted that butter is well used both in its pure form for breakfast, and as an ingredient in baking and other dishes. It does not crumble, does not melt and does not lose shape at room temperature, it is easy to cut with a knife.


  • absolutely natural product;
  • pretty recognizable packaging;
  • suitable for children's diet;
  • possibility of freezing;
  • plastic texture.


  • not detected.

Manor Ilinskoe 82.5%

Rating: 4.5

Manor Ilinskoe 82.5%

"Manor Ilinskoe" - a Russian brand, the concept of which is a healthy diet and the preservation of the traditions of family farms. The composition of the oil included only selected cream without adding any other ingredients. Due to the special production technology, the useful and nutritional properties of the product are maximized. Oil is produced in accordance with state standards, it is safe and suitable for children.

The texture is delicate, the taste is creamy-milky, unsalted. The oil retains its shape well after freezing and at room temperature, it is easily cut, distributed over bread and whipped with a mixer. The product is packaged in foil wrap. It protects against the ingress of air and allows it to be stored for a longer time.

According to reviews, butter “Manor Ilinskoe” was approved by the majority of buyers. It is suitable for use in pure form and as an ingredient in a variety of dishes. Many appreciated the packaging design and affordable price for a high quality product.


  • cream of the highest category;
  • created according to GOST;
  • optimal organoleptic properties;
  • nice packaging design;
  • acceptable price.


  • not detected.

Savushkin 82.5%

Rating: 4.5


Next in the rating is a well-known Russian brand that combines safety and naturalness, ancient recipes and innovative technologies in its products. The oil has a delicate taste and aroma, made exclusively from the highest quality cream based on whole cow's milk. In the composition there are no additives, so the product can be used in the diet of baby food.

An automated enterprise is distinguished by the use of closed production technologies, which minimizes personnel contact with products. Strict quality control takes place at all stages, and in our own laboratory, we check for safety, exact compliance with state standards and environmental cleanliness.

Consumers have identified optimal plasticity of the oil. It does not crumble after freezing, does not melt and does not lose its shape when it is out of the refrigerator, it is easily separated with a knife and easily distributed. Foil packaging protects against oxidation, and reasonable cost makes the purchase affordable and cost-effective.


  • no harmful ingredients;
  • high physicochemical properties;
  • guaranteed safe composition;
  • creamy taste and smell;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.

Assen'evskaya farm 82.5%

Rating: 4.5


Further in the rating included a company that has a closed production cycle. The company is located in an ecologically clean area near Kaluga. Raw materials are produced on our own farms, where cows are raised without the use of growth hormones and antibiotics. The control starts from the delivery of feed to the herd until the last stage before entering retail chains. By production the ancient compoundings of manufacturing and advanced technologies of the dairy industry are taken into account.

Butter sweet cream, unsalted, non-GMO and other additives that do not correspond to GOST. The texture is tender, the taste is pronounced milky. Butter is suitable for making cold and hot sandwiches, creams, baking, cereals, mashed potatoes and any other dishes.

According to the reviews, the product fully complies with safety requirements, has high organoleptic properties, is convenient for use and storage. Naturalness and environmental friendliness is the hallmark of the oil "Asenievskaya farm", it can be safely included in the diet of young children.


  • no vegetable fats and other harmful ingredients;
  • own livestock farms;
  • strict quality control and safety;
  • creamy milky taste;
  • affordable price.


  • presented in large hypermarkets, in ordinary grocery stores is difficult to find.

From Vologda Traditional

Rating: 4.5


The concept of “Vologda butter” is always associated with the taste of childhood: tender, creamy, melting. This is the product that entered our rating. It consists exclusively of milk fat without the inclusion of vegetable, adding flavorings and preservatives. At production the freshest pasteurized cream is used. Milk is collected from cows raised on livestock farms.

Oil has many awards and prizes received at Russian exhibitions. It is of the highest grade, complies with accepted Russian state standards. The texture is quite plastic. The oil does not crumble, does not melt during prolonged exposure at room temperature, is subject to freezing. It is used not only in its pure form for sandwiches. Butter gives creamy taste to mashed potatoes and porridges, is an excellent basis for baking creams.

Product reviews are extremely positive. Many chose this particular product, highlighting in addition to good organoleptic properties and quite a budget price.


  • from the milk of farm cows;
  • in the composition of 100% natural cream;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • affordable price.


  • deviation from the stated mass fraction of fat in 1.5% (according to the results of an independent examination).

Thousand Lakes 82.5%

Rating: 4.5


The ranking is completed by a company that in 2017 was recognized as the No. 1 brand in Russia. All products are made from natural, safe, pure ingredients. It is labeled "Eco-Test Plus", which means compliance with Russian and international environmental standards. Nutritional and healthful properties are preserved in foodstuffs to the maximum, they meet the requirements of a healthy diet.

The butter is made from natural cream based on pure, whole cow milk. The taste is sweet and creamy, unsalted. The texture is plastic, well distributed over the surface. The product retains its shape after defrosting and a long stay outside the refrigerator. Oil gives flavor to cooked dishes, well whipped into a creamy consistency, used for hot and ordinary sandwiches.

The product is packaged in a variety of packaging for the convenience of customers. Foil paper retains freshness and prevents rapid oxidation. The design of the package is bright, memorable, highlights the oil among others on the shelves of the store.


  • does not contain any impurities and additives;
  • IVF product;
  • various packaging;
  • pleasant taste and aroma.


  • weak agony in taste (research by an independent laboratory).

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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