13 best auto scanners

How to choose an auto scanner

Car scanners, like other electronic systems diagnostic tools, have a set of key parameters that you must rely on when choosing. Often, not only the autoscanner’s adaptability to a particular type of work depends on them, but also the notorious popularity of the device on the market. In this regard, the Internet magazine iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ recommends that you pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Software. The key parameter that directly determines the functionality of the auto scanner and its suitability to perform an extensive range of tasks. In general, it should be remembered that the more software supports (or has) the selected device, the wider range of tasks can be solved with its help.
  2. Management interface. Another important aspect to which consumers pay undeservedly little attention. Often, it is intuitiveness and ease of management that affects the high popularity of the auto scanner among users, but not all manufacturers pay due attention to the interface (at least at first). When choosing an auto scanner, we recommend paying particular attention to testing the device for the “lightness” of the interface, while simultaneously checking the number of embedded software packages.
  3. Connection On the Internet, you can find the opinion that this parameter is secondary and should not be paid any attention to. However, the presence or absence of one or another connection method affects the ergonomics and durability of using the auto scanner. So, in the absence of a wireless connection (via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.), the device will significantly lose its ergonomics and mobility, as it will require the constant presence of a laptop or tablet “at the side”. In addition, the conditional failure of USB and LAN ports, without the availability of backup connection methods, will put an end to further use of the device without urgent repairs.
  4. Degree of universality. All autoscanners on the market are divided into two types: multi-brand and multi-brand. The first ones provide an opportunity to work “out of the box” with a large number of car brands and are intended for use in public service centers. The latter, on the contrary, are more sharpened for use with a particular car brand, being used mainly by dealers. Owning a service station, or servicing dissimilar brands of vehicles, it makes no sense to purchase monomark auto scanners. And vice versa: repairing only conditional Mercedes cars, investing in the purchase of multi-brand devices would be unwise.

Top auto scanners

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best low cost auto scanners      1 Launch CReader V          3 690 ₽
     2 Delphi DS150E          4 990 ₽
     3 ELM 327 Orion Wi-Fi Micro          3 220 ₽
The best professional multibrand diagnostic scanners      1 Carman Scan VG +          189 000 ₽
     2 Bosch KTS 570          124 200 ₽
     3 ScanTronic R-Box          45 600 ₽
     4 Autel MaxiDas DS708          66 820 ₽
     5 Launch X431 Pro          107 762 ₽
     6 Scanmatik 2          21 600 ₽
     7 Autocom CDP Pro          11 990 ₽
The best professional monomark auto scanners      1 Mercedes SD Connect Wi-Fi          41 500 ₽
     2 BMW ICOM A2 + B + C          31 488 ₽
     3 Hyundai and Kia GDS VCI          36 500 ₽

Best low cost auto scanners

Launch CReader V

Rating: 4.8

Launch CReader V

A professional-grade, standalone scanning device, all information from which is fed to a constructively provided LCD display. The special feature of Launch CReader V is that it can work only with OBD-II protocols. In other words, the autoscanner can communicate with the auto engine control units, and the execution of a group of basic diagnostic procedures that are included in this standard:

  1. debugging and control of the fuel injection system;
  2. recognition of current and stored errors;
  3. real-time diagnostic information.

According to users, the convenience of this device lies in the methods of displaying the data. Launch CReader V can represent them as text, as well as build graphs, which, for example, make it very easy to monitor the parameters of air flow when increasing / decreasing the number of revolutions, determine the state of lambda probes, etc.


  • fully autonomous system with its own display for information output;
  • low cost;
  • clear interface;
  • high diagnostic accuracy.


  • the ability to work exclusively with the OBD-II protocol.

Delphi DS150E

Rating: 4.7

Delphi DS150E

The Delphi DS150E is an inexpensive and reliable autoscanner with, without exaggeration, a huge database of diagnosed cars. Its software is a pantry of the norms of hundreds of different passenger cars and trucks with OBD-II standard connectors. The vast majority of professional diagnosticians love this device for the simplicity and clarity of the information provided, displayed on a computer monitor or other digital image receiver. According to consumers, the Delphi DS150E is an excellent budget equivalent of professional car diagnostic systems, the functionality of which is more than enough to be used in car services of low and middle managers. Also pleasant is the fact of having a full Russian translation of the entire management interface, which greatly facilitates the use of an auto-scanner for people without special knowledge of foreign languages.


  • availability of databases on the normalized controlled parameters of hundreds of different vehicles;
  • full software russification;
  • optimal level of value.


  • ability to work only with the OBD-II standard protocol.

ELM 327 Orion Wi-Fi Micro

Rating: 4.6

ELM 327 Orion Wi-Fi Micro

In its original form, ELM 327 is one of the most functional and inexpensive instruments for scanning auto condition. However, in modern realities, a US-made product suffered the fate of arrogant Chinese plagiarism, and therefore the official name was used immediately for a large group of diagnostic devices.

However, this is the case when a Chinese copy has quite briskly bypassed the American original on the market. After a bit of thought over the hardware implementation, the Chinese offered the public two options for ELM 327 connectors: a USB port, Wi-fi, or a Bluetooth module. In this regard, the diagnostic device has gained flexibility regarding the ability to transfer information to devices, “being able” to connect to both PCs and smartphones.

An important role in the popularization was played by the ability to work using a large number of different plug-ins, both free and hacked (Torque, OpenDiag). This approach to the craft opened up to the autoscanner a large number of possibilities: from the possibility of controlling secondary parameters to conducting large-scale diagnostics of systems.


  • very low price;
  • an abundance of software for various interfaced platforms;
  • as a rule, large compactness of devices in all their diversity.


  • mainly suitable for detecting defects of various blocks, unable to adapt and transcode blocks to the required parameters.


The best professional multibrand diagnostic scanners

Carman Scan VG +

Rating: 4.9

Carman Scan VG +

According to the creators and experts, the Carman Scan VG + autoscanner is a powerful multi-brand diagnostic system from all those on the current market. Having the opportunity to work with cars of segments of America, Europe and Asia, he combines the following hardware systems:

  1. an oscilloscope with four communication channels, which allows to analyze signals coming over the CAN-bus and supporting a scan within 20 microseconds.
  2. multimeter, the input voltage of which can reach 500 V, with the possibility of measuring voltage, current, active resistance and network frequency.
  3. high-voltage type oscilloscope, diagnosing the state of auto ignition circuits.
  4. signal generator of various kinds, which is used to test resistive, frequency sensors and voltage sources.

An important advantage of the Carman Scan VG + autoscanner is its shockproof housing and the presence of a built-in touchscreen display with an intuitive control interface. At its core, this auto scanner is an assembly consisting of a scanner, engine tester and signal simulator for testing sensors, and therefore it is recommended for use for professional and most complete diagnosis of vehicles in service centers and in independent business.


  • rich functionality for the most extensive diagnosis of vehicles;
  • ease of use and the availability of sensible reference;
  • high-quality exterior finish.


  • high price.

Bosch KTS 570

Rating: 4.8

Bosch KTS 570

One of the few car scanners that has a formal recommendation for use for cars with diesel engines. It is a full-fledged dealer tool that provides access to the functions of transcoding and changing the parameters of control units, adapting them to certain input, as well as to full-fledged system tests.

The official configuration of the Bosch KTS 570 autoscanner, in addition to the diagnostics interface itself, includes a multimeter intended for instrumental diagnostics of the power circuit and an oscilloscope with two communication channels. The software, in turn, includes the ESItronic reference database, with which you can thoroughly examine the interface and capabilities of the device, as well as look at the adjustment and control data on faults. The only caveat when buying is the high cost, often unbearable for service centers in the early stages of development.


  • a device that supports 52 brands of cars of various dimensional classes at the dealer level;
  • convenient implementation of navigation through the built-in directory;
  • the presence in the complete set of devices for complex instrumental diagnostics


  • high cost (including maintenance).

ScanTronic R-Box

Rating: 4.7

ScanTronic R-Box

At the time of the ScanTronic R-Box autoscanner, only the lazy one did not notice that this gadget is a budget equivalent with serious tricks to the dealer level, designed to “hook” the Launch X-431. Quite expectedly, the model received restrained feedback from experts, albeit with a detailed indication of a number of advantages.

In particular, the strength of the ScanTronic R-Box auto scanner is an extensive database of supported car brands from Russia, Asia (mainly Korea and Japan), America and Europe. Also, the user gets access to information on the diagnosis of any supported model, which greatly simplifies the process of identifying deviations and allows you to make the most complete set of works to eliminate them. The latter, by the way, succeeds largely due to the constant updating of software, as well as through a convenient management interface.


  • attractive price, lifting for any services and maintenance points;
  • convenient management interface;
  • constant software updates aimed at expanding databases and updating certain types of checks.


  • still incomplete adaptation of the interface for the Russian language.

Autel MaxiDas DS708

Rating: 4.7

Autel MaxiDas DS708

In the asset of the auto-scanner Autel MaxiDas DS708 there are about 50 supported car brands, which was the reason for including it in the rating of the best. His chip - the presence of its own touch screen with a diagonal of 7 inches, so you can talk about a high degree of autonomy. The functionality doesn’t fail: as the users note, the device is able to work at the dealer level with some European car brands, in particular, to reprogram the immobilizer chips, as well as to change and set the settings of the control units.

It is noteworthy that for communication with the Internet and the local network of the service Autel MaxiDas DS708 offers not only a Wi-Fi module, but also a full-fledged LAN port, which allows you not to worry about the possibilities of a connection with peripheral equipment. Of the rest, it is worth noting a good adaptation of the interface, not the highest price in the class and the presence of a shock-resistant case that preserves the “insides” of the device intact.


  • the presence of functions inherent in devices dealer level;
  • availability of a LAN port and Wi-Fi module for various Internet connection options;
  • full autonomy;
  • acceptable price.


  • small display, inconvenient to view detailed graphs.

Launch X431 Pro

Rating: 4.6

Launch X431 Pro

Launch X431 Pro is an affordable price level autoscanner, which is extremely common in small service stations and, until recently, is very popular among consumers. In fact, it is a tablet in a shock-resistant case with a small compartment for a wireless diagnostic module that runs on the Andriod platform. It necessarily has in its composition a number of adapters necessary for connecting to vehicles with specific connectors.

Each separately taken advantage of the Launch X431 Pro autoscanner is accompanied with a nuance accompanying it, and this is the main “trick” of this model. So, having high mobility, the tablet remains dependent on the power adapter, because when using diagnostic programs, a frankly bad battery sits literally before our eyes. The abundance of software allows you to work with almost any car brand, but in fact quickly fills a rather limited amount of memory. But what causes bewilderment for absolutely all users of the device is the presence of an antenna for receiving a radio signal - why this is provided in the diagnostic module is not entirely clear, but the Chinese considered this possibility more necessary than routing programs for a single control interface.


  • low price relative to competitors - the most affordable multi-brand auto scanner;
  • support for wireless communication with the diagnostic module;
  • abundance of software.


  • There is no single standard interface: all programs have different functions and design;
  • Periodically there are problems with the correct diagnosis of the parameters, which most often manifests itself in Chinese cars.

Scanmatik 2

Rating: 4.6

Scanmatik 2

Universal autoscanner of Russian production, created to work with cars of the domestic auto industry and the most popular models of foreign brands (Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Renault, Toyota, etc.). Despite the modest cost, the Skanmatik 2 has a very broad functionality, which includes real-time graphing capabilities, perform CO-correction with the lambda probe disabled (only for VAZ firmware), and generate diagnostic reports and need to send them to print. The latter is made thanks to the built-in USB port or Bluetooth-module, carefully provided by the manufacturers for greater reliability.

Providing the most correct work with all supported vehicle brands, the Scanmatik auto scanner 2 is able to interface with Android and Windows Mobile devices, which gives it not only mobility, but also somewhat extends the existing functionality. This device is inexpensive, but it is often used in professional-level car services.


  • low cost;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • support of the device by the manufacturer (periodic updates of the functional shell, updating of reference data, etc.);
  • correct work with the entire set of supported car brands.


  • inability to work with the platforms iOS and Windows Mobile.

Autocom CDP Pro

Rating: 4.5

Autocom CDP Pro

The most expensive multi-brand auto scanner in the ranking is the quintessence of two separate products of the Swedish manufacturer Autocom - Pro Cars and Pro Trucks, suitable for testing systems of cars and trucks, respectively. Naturally, the Chinese, who “broke” the distributions of both programs and equipped the device with two sets of adapters, decided to take a hand in this creation.

However, such plagiarism turned out to be extremely functional and, moreover, correctly working, which should be attributed to the active Chinese developers of CDP Pro and directly to the Swedish authors of the program. The only caveat here lies in the following: with all the functionality of the autoscanner, the "knurling" of the updates necessary for further correct operation is required to be done manually, waiting for the next cracked package from the nominal manufacturer of the assembly. As users say, the rest of Autocom CDP Pro behaves well. True, no one is insured against the acquisition of a deliberately defective model.


  • very low price;
  • a huge set of diagnostic and service software packages from the official manufacturer of the device;
  • the ability to use on vehicles with different types of connectors (thanks to the provided adapters included).


  • unstable quality of a product in one model range;
  • There are problems with updating the system utility.

The best professional monomark auto scanners

Mercedes SD Connect Wi-Fi

Rating: 4.9

Mercedes SD Connect Wi-Fi

Star Diagnosis Connect from the well-known German brand Mercedes is the next generation of mono-mark autoscanners that replaced the outdated multiplexer of the Star Diagnosis C3 series. Having carried out the painstaking work of correcting all the existing shortcomings, the fresh complex absorbed all the best features of the old devices, thereby offering users a lot of reasons for pleasant surprise.

The main advantage of the Mercedes SD Connect auto scanner is the most complete set of software utilities that allow you to:

  1. imitate the action of most of the existing power units and units of the car, sending test impulses to them;
  2. read and present information about the state of the working parameters in graphic and text formats;
  3. fine-tune the blocks for the requests of the owner;
  4. identify and correct errors in the onboard computer memory, etc.

Yes, according to the functional price of the auto scanner looks very high. However, the quality of service is certainly worth it.


  • tremendous possibilities for diagnosing, correcting existing errors and fine-tuning operating parameters;
  • high degree of reliability of the auto scanner;
  • proprietary software with a range of useful utilities and additional applications;
  • the presence of a Wi-Fi module and a connector for a LAN connection.


  • very high cost.


Rating: 4.8


The autoscanner with a somewhat authentic look from BMW is the most inexpensive and yet one of the most functional diagnostic devices in the mono-marke segment. This combination seems to be the most optimal both for dealerships and for concentrated service points of maintenance, which customize cars for consumer needs.

For full-fledged work with BMW ICOM A2 + B + C, a number of fairly stringent requirements for the configuration of personal computers and laptops should be met, since the efficiency and correctness of the work done depends a lot on this. Thus, in the recommended parameters, there is a four-core processor with a core frequency of at least 3.0 GHz, as well as a drive with at least 350 GB of free memory. Of course, the diagnostic potentials with such requirements are enormous, which is the key advantage of the device over others.


  • attractive price;
  • a wide range of components and comprehensive functionality of the embedded software;
  • the ability to diagnose other brands of cars and motorcycles (BMW Moto, Mini).


  • serious requirements for the system parameters of a personal computer.

Hyundai and Kia GDS VCI

Rating: 4.7

Hyundai and Kia GDS VCI

Nominally mono-marketed, this scanner module was produced to work simultaneously with two brands of cars within the Korean market, which is clearly seen from the name itself. The main feature of the GDS VCI, due to which it got into the rating of the best, is the most complete maintenance of automotive systems, which include the engine, gearbox, suspension control system, on-board computer, and other control units.

As users note, with not the most convenient menu (which, in principle, can be sorted out), the Hyundai and Kia GDS VCI autoscanner can perform the finest tuning of nodes according to the required parameters, as well as their testing (at specified values) and debugging when system errors occur . In general, the acquisition of this module does not look too expensive on the budget, especially given the full range of features and rich packaging with the possibility of free annual access to the diagnostic databases of Hyundai and Kia.


  • optimal price;
  • six adapters for various module connectors included in the kit of the auto scanner;
  • durable case, eliminating damage to the "stuffing" during shocks and other mechanical effects;
  • warranty and annual free access to data on diagnostic parameters from Hyundai and Kia.


  • not the most convenient menu management.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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