12 best books by Ludmila Ulitskaya

The master of modern prose, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, is known among intelligent readers who prefer unhurried stories to the lives of different people. Her books make people talk, they have a secret, and after reading there remains a pleasant and long aftertaste of reflections. The charm with which the novels are written, fascinates, we suggest you evaluate it! iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ presents a ranking that includes 12 best books of Ludmila Ulitskaya, many of which have been translated into different languages ​​of the world.

The rating of the best books by Ludmila Ulitskaya

Nomination a place composition price
The rating of the best books by Ludmila Ulitskaya      1 Casus Kukotsky          560 ₽
     2 Green tent          290 ₽
     3 Jacob's Ladder          650 ₽
     4 Medea and her children          267 ₽
     5 Yours sincerely, Shurik          250 ₽
     6 Funeral funeral          325 ₽
     7 Through line          240 ₽
     8 Sonia          224 ₽
     9 Childhood 45-53. And tomorrow will be happy          495 ₽
     10 Poor, evil, beloved          -
     11 Girls          250 ₽
     12 Holy garbage          480 ₽

Casus Kukotsky

Rating: 5.0


The novel about the fate of the gynecology professor Pavel Alekseevich Kukutsky, who saw and felt the patients, as they say, “through”. He almost always unmistakably identified the diseased organ of a person, so once he saved Elena Georgievna from death, who later became his wife. After the war, life and career evolved successfully, but everything changed when the campaign against the development of genetics began. Pavel Alekseevich finds a way to avoid evading these events — he drinks a lot, gaining a reputation as an alcoholic. At the same time, the family is collapsing: as a result of an illegal abortion, the janitor dies, the former mother of Kukotsky’s daughter’s classmate. In the heat of an argument, a professor recalls a remote womb to save her life, and Elena to her husband - his desire to legalize an abortion. This quarrel killed the former relationship of the spouses, although outwardly the family remained unchanged at first glance.

Against the background of the events, Elena falls ill, becomes scattered and inattentive. Her mysterious illness leads to a complete loss of memory, and then to the vision of strange dreams about the intermediate world. Tanya Kukotskaya enters the Faculty of Biology, studies histology, but once she is visited by the idea to create a drug from a human living fetus ...

“The Kukotsky Case” is a prose story about a family, in its own way unhappy. What awaits spouses and their daughter? After reading this book, you will surely think about your loved ones.

Green tent

Rating: 4.9


Psychological novel “The Green Tent” is a story about the fate of people, their experiences and lived feelings united by a note of particular unhappiness. At the same time, the name implies a certain hint of universal forgiveness, to which people of our civilization deserve, in particular, those who lived at the end of the 20th century, during this period the work unfolds. The author raises the problem of the impossibility for many to reach the maturity of the individual and complete self-realization due to the pressure of circumstances and a combination of various factors arising from the surrounding society. People get stuck in the psychological state of adolescents and do not see access to the next stage. For many, the book will become a collection of answers to questions that seemed impossible to find answers to.

The book “The Green Tent” by Ulitskaya is both serious and ridiculous - the author, even when describing the complex problems of so-called teenage civilizations, does not lose self-irony and combines psychology with psychotherapy. Many different emotions can be experienced by the reader on the pages of the novel.

Jacob's Ladder

Rating: 4.8


In third place is the parable novel “The Ladder of Jacob”, in which the reader will get acquainted with more than a century of history of one Osetskikh family - the action takes place within the framework of the end of the XIX century and 2011. The author presents six generations of the clan in a non-linear chronicle: in the history not only epochs intertwined, but culture and vision of the surrounding world, two destinies are in the center of attention - Jacob Osetsky with indefatigable knowledge and Nora, his granddaughter, expressive personality, who chose the path of a theater artist. Heroes once met in the mid-fifties of the 20th century. This meeting did not play a special role, only after tens of years Nora discovered for herself an ancestor from the new side, stumbled upon his case in the KGB and read the diaries he left.

In the history of Ludmila Ulitskaya there are always many questions to think about, but the author does not push the reader to any definite conclusions, leaving freedom for creativity and her own choice for everyone.

Medea and her children

Rating: 4.8


Childless Medea Sinopli, like ancient Medea, is a deity for her family, but unlike the prototype, it does not destroy, but glues together pieces of her own family, restoring such thin and tearing family threads with her own blood and blood.

“Medea and her children” is a unique author's experiment of Ulitskaya in building family prose, such experiments are difficult to find in the literature of the classics. The work combines different layers of history, unique human destinies, ideas and experiences.

Yours sincerely, Shurik

Rating: 4.7

Sincerely your shurik

Like Gaidai, Ulitskaya has his own “key” hero named Shurik. It symbolizes the problem of the relationship of mothers and sons, when the feelings of parents replace total control, complete submission and the imposition of a sense of duty. But do the heroes think about the consequences of such a “upbringing”? And after all, the problem is not invented by the author, it is typical for many modern, even at first glance, prosperous families. The selfish maternal instinct and unselfish sons love formed the basis of the novel “Yours sincerely Shurik”. The author reveals the range of feelings in such relationships from different women - lonely, unlucky, infantile in their own way, while not condemning them, but invites the reader to draw their own conclusions.

Funeral funeral

Rating: 4.7


Can a funeral be fun? Of course, because we are talking about the novel by Lyudmila Ulitskaya, who took the sixth line of the rating. The focus is on the amazing story of Alik, a talented artist from Russia who lives in America. He is incurably ill, but does not give up, tries to use the remaining time with the benefit of his environment. In recent years, he has been surrounded by all former women, wives, whom Alik manages to make friends with, to meet all his friends. The artist becomes the center of his own universe of human relationships, which he managed to build before his death, even long-time quarreling friends found peace among themselves. Not surprisingly, after leaving this world, the hero will not remain forgotten.

Through line

Rating: 4.6


In the collection “Through the Line,” the author presents a story about lies in its various manifestations: inventions of teenage girls, teachers, professors, women held in the family - they all complement their lives with fantasies. So they fill in unfulfilled ambitions, bring colors into their being, because it seems so interesting. The lie passed in a red line through each story and in each case led to particular consequences. The book is full of random and non-random meetings, fateful events and emotions from unpleasant to causing emotion and the desire to live.


Rating: 4.5


The story "Sonia" once inspired theatrical figures, for her staged a performance in the Moscow Art Theater.Chekhov - a high degree of recognition of a literary work. The story of the main character is so relevant for our time, at the same time almost impossible, it was translated into different languages, and in 1993 the work was awarded the French Medici Prize.

Sonechka, who has been interested in literature since early childhood, is hiding from real life in the pages of books. A happy marriage collapses with the death of her beloved husband, who before her demise fell in love with young Iasi. Daughter is far away, Sonya is left alone with herself and literary masterpieces, fully immersed in the fantasy world, looking up from reality.

Childhood 45-53. And tomorrow will be happy

Rating: 4.5


In the book “Childhood 45-53. And tomorrow will be happiness. ”Ludmila Ulitskaya tells about children whose early years passed in the post-war period of the middle of the 20th century. The main idea of ​​the author is to support the subtle connection of generations, to tell descendants about the traditions of children of front-line soldiers, about things that have fallen into oblivion. The geography has changed, the boundaries of cities have expanded and forests have diminished, the names of people have been forgotten from faded photos in the album ...

The essence of the story - the lack of change of morality between generations. There are no "cruel" times, they are all beautiful, interesting and complex in their own way. In part, they are determined by small family histories, values ​​and knowledge that are transmitted by generations, which must be preserved.

Poor, evil, beloved

Rating: 4.4


The next in the rating collection of prose by Ulitskaya “The poor, the evil, the beloved” is composed of works from different years, it includes the previously mentioned in the review “Sonia”, and “Merry Funerals”, and many others - only 16 stories and stories. Some of them brought Lyudmila Evgenievna prestigious awards and fame in different countries. “Poor, Evil, Beloved” - a good book for exploring the work of the author. When reading, you will learn about Ulitskaya's style, her talent as a psychologist and an amazing storyteller.


Rating: 4.3


The collection of stories "Girls" - these are stories about childhood. Girls at a young age are especially sensitive and full of special emotions, which over time change quality and transform into adult experiences. The childhood period of life is colored with motley colors, all thoughts and events are repeatedly exaggerated and are perceived many times brighter than in adults. Little girls seem to have a wider range of sounds and colors that they see and feel.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya, while working on the collection, used her most vivid memories that came from far away childhood.

Holy garbage

Rating: 4.2


Our rating was not without author's autobiographical prose. “Sacred Garbage” is a collection that has been formed for more than 20 years in parallel with the work on other Ulitskaya works. The stories, which for various reasons did not fit the collections that Lyudmila Evgenievna worked at a certain time, were eliminated, entered into “Sacred Garbage”, but today it seems that there is nothing left to remove from the book, each “mote” has found its place. Stories from the author's own life, her thoughts and feelings are presented in a different sauce, sometimes frankly, eye to eye for the reader.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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