12 best amino acids

Amino acid molecules that are not chemically bound to others are called free amino acids. Their main advantage is the absence of an energy-intensive splitting process. Once in the stomach, they are not subjected to digestion, but immediately enter the blood, that is, instantly absorbed. Choosing the right drug is not an easy task. Beginners and at all difficult to determine the variety of brands presented. The article tells about the main characteristics that should be considered when buying, as well as give a rating review.

After careful analysis of user reviews and opinions of experts, experts iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ prepared a rating of the 12 best amino acids.

What to look for when choosing an amino acid

  1. Personal needs. Proceed from the task for which you need an amino acid. If you need a product for muscle recovery and accelerating growth, then pay attention to amino acid complexes and mixtures. If it is necessary to increase the concentration of any specific substances in the body, then stop the selection on the selected amino acids or start taking these drugs with an additional complex.
  2. The form. It should be remembered that hydrolyzed amino acids contain many elements in the chain. For the assimilation process, the chemical bonds that exist between them must be destroyed. Such amino acids are absorbed much slower than free ones.
  3. Release form. Manufacturers produce amino acids of different forms. Capsules have a gelatinous shell. Due to this, preparations have stability and rapid digestibility. Tablets are also widely distributed and available. The absorption is a little slower than in the case of capsules, but the difference is not critical. Powders are most often isolated form, therefore, suitable for increasing the concentration of a particular substance, such as glutamine. Take such amino acids should be with caution, since they may be unstable, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Liquid - this is a relatively recent form, the release of which has been adjusted in recent years. They are considered the fastest on digestibility, so it is preferable to purchase just such drugs.
  4. The structure of molecules. Amino acids are represented in the form of L (left) and D (right). This value speaks of a molecular structure in space. The vast majority of plant and animal proteins that exist in nature are represented by the left form. This suggests that only they are able to maintain the body's metabolism. For sportpit should choose only the L-form.
  5. Price. Amino acids are complex drugs, so the purchase must be taken seriously. Incorrectly selected can cause health damage. Cheap amino acid can not be, so do not save on the purchase.
  6. Manufacturer. Buy drugs only from proven companies that have proven themselves in the market, are trusted by users and in demand.

Top amino acids for muscle growth

Nomination a place Name of product price
Top amino acids for muscle growth      1 Amino Gold (Ultimate Nutrition)          1 390 ₽
     2 Essential Amino Energy (Optimum Nutrition)          937 ₽
     3 Amino Power Liquid (Weider)          1 735 ₽
     4 Amino Liquid 50 Scitec Nutrition          1 414 ₽
     5 BCAA Weider Premium BCAA Powder cherry, coconut          2 248 ₽
     6 Prime Kraft Amino Power          1 295 ₽
     7 Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy          990 ₽
     8 Ultra-Pure Amino          795 ₽
     9 Anabolic amino          2 100 ₽
     10 Weider PURE Amino EGG          1 980 ₽
     11 AminoMax 8000 Gaspari Nutrition          4 090 ₽
     12 SciVation Xtend          2 050 ₽

Amino Gold (Ultimate Nutrition)

Rating: 4.9

Amino Gold (Ultimate Nutrition)

The amino acid complex in the form of convenient chewable tablets is in the first place in the ranking. The product will interest those who are tired of taking massive pills, because not everyone can easily swallow them. The drug contains natural amino acids, which were obtained from pure whey protein. Ingredients: serum lactoperoxidases, lactoferrin, albumin, as well as beta-lactoglobulin, glycomacropeptides, immunoglobulin, proteose peptones, alpha-lactalbumin. High quality due to processing at low temperatures, during which there is isolation of amino acids using special micro and ultrafiltration.


  • free amino acids;

  • fast digestibility without digestion in the gastrointestinal tract;

  • provides accelerated growth and recovery of muscle;

  • acceptable cost - 1150 r for 250 tab.


  • not found.

Essential Amino Energy (Optimum Nutrition)

Rating: 4.8

Essential Amino Energy (Optimum Nutrition)

The second line goes to the complex of essential amino acids with nitric oxide activators. The supplement combines natural antidepressants, fast-absorbing amino acids and NO boosters. Due to such a saturated component composition, endurance is significantly improved, and muscle mass accelerates growth and recovery. Taking the drug, as users note, allows for more intense and fruitful sports training. This happens due to the content of beta-alanine. The composition also contains arginine and the amino acid BCAA, which contributes to the effective building up of muscle mass. Support for the body is constantly: before training, during and after.


  • free amino acids;

  • rapid absorption;

  • in one portion to 5 g of amino acids;

  • 10 kcal per serving;

  • does not contain sugar;

  • has a rich fruit flavor;

  • dissolves quickly and mixes easily.


  • not found.

Amino Power Liquid (Weider)

Rating: 4.8

Amino Power Liquid (Weider)

The third position receives a liquid complex of amino acids. Due to the fact that the form is hydrolyzed, absorption is a little slower. Despite this, the drug effectively counteracts muscle destruction that occurs during heavy physical exercise, and also speeds up recovery after exercise. The composition contains vitamin B6 and L-leucine. Combined, these components synthesize protein, providing support for building muscle. The formula includes potassium sorbate, glycine, sodium cyclomate, hydrolyzed whey and collagen protein, acesulfame potassium, fructose, citric acid and water.


  • in one portion (15 ml) - up to 40 kcal;

  • does not contain sugar;

  • 4 tastes to choose from (cola, energy, mandarin, cranberry);

  • acceptable cost - 1700 r for 1 l.


  • hydrolyzed amino acid.

Amino Liquid 50 Scitec Nutrition

Rating: 4.7

Amino Liquid 50 Scitec Nutrition

The fourth is another liquid amino acid complex. Like the previous one, it includes collagen hydrolyzate, so absorption is slower than when taking free amino acids. One portion of the drug contains up to 8 g of amino acids, which restore and maintain muscle, even with a strict diet. If nutrition is chosen correctly, with the observance of the necessary amount of proteins, then the complex will help speed up muscle growth. Comes with a measuring cup, with which you can simply divide the liquid into the desired portions.


  • helps to increase nitrogen retention;

  • increases endurance;

  • energizes;

  • slows the aging process;

  • reduces joint pain;

  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system;

  • improves the condition of nails, skin and hair;

  • pleasant taste;

  • acceptable cost - 1700 r for 1 l.


  • not found.

BCAA Weider Premium BCAA Powder cherry, coconut

Rating: 4.6

BCAA Weider Premium BCAA Powder cherry, coconut

The fifth line is occupied by an amino acid complex in powder. Free amino acids provide effective muscle building. The body instantly absorbs L-valine, L-leucine and L-isoleucine contained in high dosage. BCAA amino acids, as proved by scientists, faster than others are converted into energy. One portion of the drug (1 tbsp. L) includes up to 6 g of BCAA amino acids and 1500 mg of L-glutamine. It is recommended to take the complex before training to increase stamina.


  • free amino acids;

  • makes it easy to cope with heavy physical exertion;

  • it is easily stirred and quickly dissolved;

  • can be taken pure or added to other drinks;

  • 2 flavors to choose from (coconut and cherry).


  • relatively expensive - 2 thousand rubles for 500 g

Prime Kraft Amino Power

Rating: 4.6

Prime Kraft Amino Power.jpg

In the sixth place ranking amino acid cocktail powder. The manufacturer positions the product as a pre-workout. The drug does not include potent components, which guarantees a good result with maximum safety. There is nothing superfluous, only 4 necessary supplements. One serving (15 g) contains up to 2 g of creatine, 4 g of arginine, the same amount of BCCA amino acids and beta-alanine. Includes L-valine, L-leucine and L-isoleucine, creatine monohydrate, sucralose, malic acid, flavoring and natural coloring. According to users, the complex is spent sparingly. When playing sports 2-3 times a week it will be enough for almost three months.


  • increases endurance;

  • increases strength;

  • speeds up the accumulation of muscle mass;

  • prevention of muscle damage;

  • 2 tastes to choose from (watermelon and fruit and berry);

  • acceptable cost - 1300 r for 500 g


  • not found.

Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy

Rating: 4.5

Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy

The seventh position goes to the powder amino acid complex, which contains the optimal composition of components for muscle development. It includes fast-assimilating free amino acids, including BCAA, which are important for building muscles, natural beta-alanine, as well as arginine, which helps in filling muscle with oxygen. The drug improves mental concentration, increases stamina and restores muscles, and also increases the effectiveness of training and performance. The complex can take athletes and athletes, regardless of their goals. The additive is suitable for the period of weight gain and drying. One serving contains 10 kcal, up to 5 g of protein and up to 2 g of carbohydrates.


  • admission is allowed at any, even a strict diet;

  • has no restrictions;

  • economical consumption;

  • volume selection - 270 and 585 g.


  • contains a dye;

  • relatively expensive - 2 thousand rubles for 585 g.

Ultra-Pure Amino

Rating: 4.5

Ultra-Pure Amino

On the eighth line is a liquid amino acid complex. Contains a large dose of rapidly digestible amino peptides, includes BCAA. Components entering the body nourish muscle tissue and contribute to the rapid construction of muscles. The liquid form of the drug provides a quick supply of nutrients. One serving (4 tbsp, about 59 ml) contains up to 5 g of carbohydrates and sugar, up to 22 g of protein, 85 g of sodium. Caloric content of the drug is high, about 110 kcal. This is not suitable for all users, so you should carefully assess the needs of the organism and its condition. For drying the complex is not recommended, but for a set of muscle mass completely.


  • increases endurance;

  • energizes;

  • without fat;

  • pleasant taste of fruit punch;

  • instantly absorbed;

  • dissolves quickly in liquids;

  • acceptable cost - 700 r for 940 ml.


  • do not mix with food;

  • includes sugar.

Anabolic amino

Rating: 4.5

Anabolic amino

The ninth is the amino acid complex with the hydrolyzate of animal proteins (egg and whey). This combination has not previously been encountered in this kind of supplements. The drug increases the concentration of amino acids several times, for example, it increases the content of glycine six times, L-arginine and L-proline twice, and L-alonine one and a half times. Glycine participates in the transmission of impulses of the central nervous system and is the basis for the synthesis of nucleic acids. The complex protects the muscles from damage during workouts and quickly replenishes the energy reserves that have been squandered.


  • increases the synthesis of nitric oxide;

  • improves blood circulation in the muscles;

  • increases the supply of muscles with nutrients;

  • stimulates the production of growth hormone;

  • helps to recover from workouts.


  • hydrolyzed amino acid;

  • relatively expensive - 2500 r for 300 tab.

Weider PURE Amino EGG

Rating: 4.5

Weider PURE Amino EGG

The tenth line gets the amino acid complex containing egg albumin and BCAA. Components play a key role in building muscle and building muscle. Use the drug should be with constant physical exertion and diet, especially professional athletes. The additive contributes to accelerated recovery and increased energy production.


  • speeds up the metabolism;

  • promotes fat burning;

  • maintains a positive nitrogen balance;

  • increases endurance;

  • acceptable cost - 1500 p for 300 tab.


  • not found.

AminoMax 8000 Gaspari Nutrition

Rating: 4.4

AminoMax 8000 Gaspari Nutrition

At the eleventh place is a complex of amino acids with a unique composition. Whey protein is represented by isolate, concentrate, and casein. Includes amino acids: alanine, cystine, glutamic acid, arginine, glycine, aspartic acid, lysine, cystine, taurine, methionine, isoleucine, serine, tyrosine, histidine, tryptophan, proline, phenylalanine, valine, threonine. In one portion (4 tab.) Contains up to 8 g of protein and 32 kcal. The complex provides a clearly traced relief, promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat. Contains no sweeteners, flavors or colorants. Improves the effect of other sports supplements, which are taken together with the complex.


  • speeds up the recovery process;

  • protects muscles from damage during workouts;

  • increases endurance and strength;

  • can be combined with other sports supplements;

  • acceptable cost - 2 thousand rubles for 350 tab.


  • not found.

SciVation Xtend

Rating: 4.4

SciVation Xtend

The 3-in-1 amino acid complex completes the rating. Like many analogues, it contains BCAA, as well as pyridoxine, glutamine and citrulline. The drug increases the production of growth hormone, increases the rate of protein synthesis, enhances the effect of the components that work mutually. It belongs to the posttraining complexes, because it effectively restores muscle tissue and replenishes energy reserves. Valine, isoleucine and leucine are contained in the ratio 1: 1: 2. It also includes glutamine, which, like other components, carries a great biological value to the body of professional athletes.


  • free amino acid;

  • increases endurance;

  • speeds up recovery processes;

  • reduces cortisol in the blood;

  • provides muscle growth and increases ATP production;

  • improves immunity and improves digestive processes;

  • reduces the content of insulin and glucose in the blood;

  • volume selection - 420 and 1188


  • high cost - 3800 r for 1188

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase.Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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