11 best antigraviev

Anti-gravel is a viscous or liquid material based on polymers, which forms during curing an elastic shockproof coating that protects the main body color, sills, bottom and arches of a car from getting chips and scratches when leaving crushed stone and gravel. In the early stages of development, anti-gravity was widely used primarily for off-road vehicles operating in tough driving conditions. However, over time, when anti-corrosive and noise-absorbing properties were added to the simple mechanical protection of the material, these compositions began to be used when driving on asphalt roads.

As an experienced advisor and assistant to consumers, magazine iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ conducted its own market research and ranked the best antigravies for body treatment in two thematic categories. The main criteria for the selection of goods in the steel rating are expert opinions, consumer reviews with an assessment of the effectiveness, as well as price indicators and the degree of durability of the protective layers.

How to choose antigravel

In general, an independent choice of anti-gravity does not represent a big problem for people who have experience in working with this chemical agent. However, newcomers can get into a difficult situation related to the selection of a means for the intended purpose or a complex of associated protective functions. In this regard, the editorial board of iexpert.techinfus.com/en/en/ recommends paying attention to the following aspects:

  1. Degree of universality. On this basis, all anti-gravities are divided into universal and, accordingly, special. The first are compositions that form a transparent film on the treated surface. They are designed for complex processing of body parts, even on top of the paintwork. Special formulations often have a black, gray or white color, and are used to handle the bottom, wheel arches and sills. In some cases, if the color of the car coincides with the color of anti-gravity, they process the whole body. However, this is mainly the prerogative of the owners of used cars, for whom such processing is the only real chance to give the body freshness and save from early destruction.
  2. Protection. Each anti-gravel must protect the auto body elements from mechanical impact. But there are also special sets of additive components that are incorporated into the composition to reduce the level of corrosion effect on the metal, or to protect materials from the effects of salts. Nowadays, the group of noise-insulating anti-gravels based on synthetic rubber, bitumen, rubber and polyurethane resins is also very popular. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the presence of associated protective properties of the product.
  3. Type of application. This aspect is the basis of our rating, and is the most obvious parameter of all voiced. Anti-gravity can be applied by spraying by means of an aerosol head (straight from the bottle) or a special pneumatic gun, as well as by painting with a paint brush or roller. In the first case, it is possible to achieve a uniform distribution of the composition of the treated element, thereby tightly controlling the flow.The second case, in turn, is widely applicable for coloring thresholds and wheel arches, and is sharpened under the “generous” application of tools to provide better protection and sound insulation without fear for the magnitude of the flow. Choose the method of application that is right for you.
  4. Texture. Quite a controversial issue in terms of selection, because in some cases the grain of the coating gives a coarser, not without beauty, type of vehicle. However, most of the antigravia with small and large grain are used for processing plastic parts. But the "smooth" tools often go to the treatment of the body on the paint.
  5. Adhesive ability. The ability to further paint the treated part on anti-gravity depends on its ability to adhere. If you do not plan to make the painting of such parts of the car, then your choice is not bound by any framework. Otherwise, you necessarily need funds with good adhesion.

Rating best antigraviev

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best spray antigravel      1 Liqui Moly 6109          970 ₽
     2 Body 950          309 ₽
     3 Hi-gear          735 ₽
     4 KERRY          229 ₽
     5 ASTROHIM          249 ₽
     6 RUST STOP          213 ₽
     7 3TON ANTIGRAW          220 ₽
The best anti-gravel spray gun      1 NOVOL GRAVIT MS 600          400 ₽
     2 BODY 930          424 ₽
     3 Dinitrol 479          1 088 ₽
     4 BODY 900          350 ₽

The best spray antigravel

Liqui Moly 6109

Rating: 4.9

Liqui Moly 6109

German development based on polyurethane resins, which is highly resistant to various kinds of defects from adverse environmental conditions. It has one, rather significant limitation - due to its representation on the market only in black color it is suitable for processing the bottom and wheel arches. It is not recommended to apply such a composition to the paintwork of the car body, as well as to paint this film after treatment - there is a high probability of cracking of the elastic layers.

However, in a highly specialized manner, Liqui Moly 6109 manifests itself just perfectly. The reason for this is both the stability of the resulting film and the ergonomic characteristics of the spray can. Because of the possibility of dosed application, consumers benefit in terms of expenditure and money, although the very acquisition of the composition entails quite serious (by the standards of auto-chemistry) waste. Antigravel is stable, it manifests itself not only as a damping layer that protects against impacts, but also as an anticorrosive.


  • after applying the composition is very resistant to adverse environmental conditions;
  • ergonomic bottle with a spray;
  • low consumption;
  • the action is accompanied by a slight foaming.


  • high price;
  • limited use (only for the bottom and wheel arches).

Body 950

Rating: 4.8

Body 950

A very popular anti-gravel based on rubber, which can be used both for processing the body paintwork and for protecting the bottom and arches. Available on the market in three color variations: black, white and gray to expand the limits of applicability. The unique composition of the Body 950 causes the manifestation of not only the protective properties of mechanical damage, but also reliable protection of the body against corrosion, combined with a small sound insulating effect.

As practice shows, the owners of used cars mainly turn to the use of this anti-gravity. Usually, a thorough refinishing of such bodies is followed by the application of fresh paintwork, since the tread layer has very good adhesion with an alkyd base. An important advantage of the Body 950 for users is the low price factor, which alone makes the composition the most attractive to buy.


  • excellent tread qualities (against mechanical damage and foci of corrosion);
  • there is a soundproofing effect (for which the metal of the body is often processed by the composition and from the inside);
  • low price and widespread in the network of auto chemical retailers;
  • possibility of use throughout the body.


  • requires careful surface preparation before application;
  • high consumption due to "wateriness".


Rating: 4.8


The most important quality of anti-gravel from Hi-Gear is transparency, which determines the absolute applicability of the tool even on painted car body parts. It represents a very close resemblance to liquid rubber, enveloping the contours of metal and plastic elements, performing the functions of a kind of damper for everything that flies away from the road along the way. In addition, the enveloping structure is a barrier to corrosion, because it does not allow the atmosphere and water to affect uncoated metal areas.

Of course, it is necessary to recognize the fact that Hi-Gear anti-gravel is a rather expensive tool, which is why a complete handling of a car can cost a pretty penny. That is why, overwhelmingly, manufacturers themselves and consumers strongly recommend treating only the lower parts of the body, where the probability of gravel departure is much higher.


  • transparency, which determines the versatility of the protective agent;
  • possesses brightly pronounced anti-corrosion and damping mechanical shock functions;
  • quick drying after processing;
  • easy disassembly (in which the quality of the paintwork of the body plays an important role).


  • very high price;
  • several treatments are required to obtain a durable coating.


Rating: 4.7


The representative of the domestic association of JSC “Elf Filling”, which got into the rating due to satisfactory performance characteristics and adequate price. There is no question of any universality of speech here, since the composition is not transparent and cannot be used for applying to the paintwork of bodies in all their color diversity. The only exceptions are, perhaps, the colors black, gray and white, under which the KERRY anti-gravies are produced.

During its existence, this tool has undergone many structural changes, the benefit of the manufacturer’s experimental base allows for long-term research. In particular, in recent years, KERRY has greatly added to the anticorrosion protection component, giving essentially a double effect from the application. In addition, it is possible to single out a successful decrease in the hardness of the layer formed, due to which both the damping qualities of the coating and the ease of its dismantling after the development of a resource have improved.


  • optimal price;
  • constantly modernized composition;
  • easy removal of the layer after the development of the resource;
  • good protective properties against flying gravel and corrosion.


  • requires careful preparation of the surface before application (cleaning with drying and degreasing);
  • currently distributed mainly in online stores.


Rating: 4.6


Low-cost anti-gravity of domestic origin, released in color and colorless versions for the possibility of processing the base of the car and the whole body. It has good adhesion, and therefore it can be applied to absolutely any type of material, be it painted / bare metal or plastic. However, for high-quality processing of elements it is necessary to repeat the application process at least three times, gradually increasing the protective layer. In this regard, there is a problem with high consumption: 520 milliliters of the substance, in an amicable way, is barely enough to spray on several elements of the body.

However, AstroHIM should be given its due: the quality of the coating with a fairly painstaking processing is not inferior to foreign counterparts, and low cost largely compensates for the expenditure. Separately, it is possible to distinguish the provision of corrosion protection with a parallel effect on the neutralization of already occurring rust centers.


  • Available in color and colorless versions;
  • provides reliable protection of uncoated metal from corrosion, neutralizes the effect of shallow rust centers;
  • very low cost compared to major foreign competitors;
  • good adhesion.


  • high consumption for high-quality processing.


Rating: 4.5

anti-gravel RUST STOP

Antigravel of Canadian origin, looked at the domestic market as a very effective wonder of a premium scale. Strikingly different from the mainstream competitors in that, nominally, is a means to inhibit corrosion. However, the film formed during processing perfectly keeps the impact of gravel and fine crushed stone, and the granular texture allows you to fill the defective layers of the processed material, in parallel giving the surface a more solid appearance.

Having a set of inhibitors in the composition, RUST STOP proactively displaces moisture from micropores, thereby suppressing the further development of foci and blocking them through the formation of a polymer film. It is noteworthy that the product line is not limited to a universal composition, but offers consumers separate substances for bottom treatment (greater emphasis is placed on countering salts), as well as hidden cavities (increased penetrating power of the liquid). The representatives of the line are expensive, but they hold a premium quality brand convincingly.


  • in parallel with protection against mechanical impact, it impedes development and has a neutralizing effect on corrosion centers;
  • granular texture allows you to fill the defects of processed materials;
  • abundance of funds in the product line (universal anti-gravel, for the bottom, for hidden cavities, etc.);
  • very economical when applied.


  • quite expensive.


Rating: 4.4


Antigravel of Russian production, supplied to the market in bottles of 520 and 1000 milliliters. Forms a colored (black, white or gray) coating, and therefore can be used mainly for the treatment of wheel arches and the bottom. Despite the fact that it possesses an injected complex of additives for the suppression of corrosion, it copes with their neutralization rather mediocre, providing only protection against gas exchange and moisture ingress into micropores (without any influence on the formed foci).

According to users, the body “after-treatment” after anti-gravity treatment “3ТОН” passes without a trace for the paintwork, which indicates satisfactory performance of its main task. The asset of the funds can be attributed, and good adhesion, which allows you to paint the elements of the body after processing, which is especially valuable for owners of used, advanced types of cars. Bottles are inexpensive, require a standard large flow, but are available in any auto chemical stores.


  • good adhesion, causing the possibility of painting the body after the processing stage;
  • the ability to choose the appropriate volume (520 or 100 milliliters);
  • copes with the protection of the body from mechanical shock gravel, sand and gravel.


  • high consumption of funds;
  • mediocre corrosion protection.

The best anti-gravel spray gun


Rating: 4.9


The first and most important quality of NOVOL GRAVIT MS 600 is a huge packing capacity of 1.8 kilograms. In terms of value, this anti-gravel is the best in the segment, even in comparison with the popular means from the company BODY. The tool is delivered to the market in three color variations (standardly white, gray and black) and is intended for multi-layer processing of the bottom, wheel arches, and the bottom of the body.

It is also noteworthy that the spray gun can be mounted straight to the cylinder NOVOL GRAVIT MS 600, which Polish manufacturers took care of first. To achieve the desired result, users recommend processing in at least three stages, gradually increasing the elastic layer for a more protective effect. This is not the best feature of the composition, especially given the fact that the anti-corrosion properties are expressed rather poorly here.However, with the main goal it copes, and the ratio of the volume to the price is very much captivating the domestic consumer.


  • optimal ratio of funds to the market price;
  • the creation of a completely stable elastic layer that protects against most of the negative environmental factors;
  • good adhesion with paint, in connection with which there is a possibility of staining the formed layer;
  • delicate and easy dismantling of the coating without a trace.


  • anti-corrosion properties are less pronounced.

BODY 930

Rating: 4.8

BODY 930

Like all BODY anti-gravel products, the 930th composition is basically derived from bitumen and rubber, and therefore can only be used to process the bottom or wheel arches. It is packaged in banks of 1-20 kilograms and is a thick, like mastic, mass that can be applied with a brush or paint roller. However, to reduce consumption and a more even distribution, the composition can be diluted, but then you need to look for not only a liquid container, but also a gun.

Unlike a direct competitor in the face of NOVOL GRAVIT MS 600, BODY 930 has a fine-grained structure that can be applied to bare metal and (if you so desire) to a paint and varnish coating. The latter, by the way, is typical for owners of used cars. Of the other positive features of the Greek composition, one can single out good corrosion protection properties, and according to this indicator, the tool, as always, leaves out of place all the competitors in the consolidated rating.


  • it can be applied both in the form of mastic, and as a liquid for spraying;
  • very high hiding coefficient and, as a result, low consumption;
  • a wide range of packing volumes;
  • excellent protection against corrosion and mechanical damage to the bottom and arches;
  • good adhesion when applied over paintwork.


  • not subject to paint coating;
  • presented only in black.

Dinitrol 479

Rating: 4.7

Dinitrol 479

Liquid anti-gravel based on synthetic rubber, which is a classic “3 in 1” compound that protects from both corrosive and salt solutions, and forms a dense sound insulation layer under the wheel arches. It is very easy to apply to any coating, having adhesion that is enviable for most competitors. It is chemically neutral, which favorably affects the safety of both the elements to be processed and the metal, plastic or coated surfaces that mate with them.

Another positive feature of Dinitrol 479 is its exceptional cleanliness. The composition is not prone to runoff and the formation of drops, but it is quite easy to apply even with a simple paint brush. Its drying time (depending on the layer) is from 6 to 12 hours, and the thickness of the application (as recommended by users) should not exceed 1500 micrometers, which can be monitored with a thickness gauge. To all of the above, you can add only one thing: Dinitrol 479 was tested by the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the results shown to them during races on asphalt and dirt road surpassed all, even bold, expectations.


  • chemically neutral composition, safe for all groups of materials used;
  • very good adhesion;
  • provides noise insulation, protection against chipping and corrosion;
  • high test results, confidence from experts and users.


  • supplied to the market exclusively in black.

BODY 900

Rating: 4.

BODY 900

Probably the most gentle composition of all presented in the category, applicable both for processing the bottom and arches, and for applying to the outer layers of paint and varnish and plastic products. BODY 900 is a typical example of anti-gravel with a large number of corrosion inhibitors, waxes and synthetic resins, which among other things align the car with a faded color, give it shine and protect the metal from the onset and development of rust centers.

The colorless structure is universal, but it does not provide sound insulation (like Dinitrol itself).That, however, does not prevent her from performing her main function. The most attractive feature of BODY 900 for the consumer is the factor of low price tag, due to which the tool has gained popularity, which is incommensurably greater than the 930th composition from the same manufacturer. But, unfortunately, the action of this nominee relative to competitors is less effective. And therefore only the fourth line in the summary ranking.


  • product is available in volumes from 1 to 5 liters;
  • has a corrective effect on the color of the paintwork of the body;
  • characterized by versatility due to colorlessness;
  • easily removed from the treated surfaces as resource development;
  • Delivers to the market in brownish, dimming color.


  • less expressive, relative to competitors, action.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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