10 best preparations of vitamin D

Some of our readers, who managed to catch the USSR, will surely remember fish oil — a stinking, but extremely useful, as it was said, substance. In those days, it was the only safe source of vitamin D that could be offered to children for the prevention of vitamin A deficiency. The only alternative that then existed — an alcoholic solution of vitamin D — could cause overdose and poisoning, since in the long-standing vial the alcohol gradually evaporated, changing the concentration of the active substance.

Since then, safer options have appeared: water and oil solutions, tablets, gelatin capsules, so there is no need to “torture” children with fish oil anymore. By offering to your attention the rating of the best preparations of vitamin D, we tried to take into account all possible forms of release.

We remind you that from the point of view of the Russian Ministry of Health, any means in capsules are contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, since it may be difficult for a child to swallow them.

To drink or not to drink: when do you need vitamin D?

Speaking of vitamin D, infants and rickets are first of all remembered - a condition when the intake of calcium into the bones is disrupted due to a lack of “solar” vitamin. But according to modern data, vitamin D controls many processes in addition to mineral metabolism. It affects brain development and muscle growth, regulates immune responses, insulin production in the pancreas, normalizes cell growth and division, preventing the development of malignant tumors.

But this does not mean that everyone urgently needs to take vitamin D preparations.

There is only one group of people who need these funds for preventive purposes, regardless of the time of year and the type of feeding: children.

The rest, before grabbing the pills, you need to pass a blood test for the content of the metabolite of vitamin D: 25 (OH) D. A concentration of less than 30 ng / ml (from 50 to 75 nmol / l) means vitamin deficiency in the blood, a concentration below 20 ng / ml (50 nmol / l) indicates a pronounced deficit. These norms are the same for both children and adults.

Risk factors for hypovitaminosis D:

  1. vegetarianism: the main sources of vitamin D in food are fatty fish, butter, sour cream, cheese;
  2. obesity: even with sufficient intake, vitamin D is deposited in adipose tissue;
  3. intestinal diseases that disrupt the normal digestion and absorption of food substances: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis;
  4. taking drugs that violate absorption: glucocorticoids, antiretroviral drugs (used in the treatment of HIV and hepatitis), antifungal, anticonvulsant drugs;
  5. liver failure 2 tbsp. and higher;
  6. chronic kidney disease in violation of their function;
  7. some infectious diseases: sarcoidosis. tuberculosis, coccidioidomycosis, berylliosis, histoplasmosis;
  8. dark skin.

In addition, signals suggesting a possible vitamin D deficiency can be bone diseases (rickets, osteomalacia), hyperparathyroidism, fractures in the elderly with minor effects.

Taking vitamin D, you must take care and sufficient intake of calcium from food or special preparations.

Rating of the best preparations of vitamin D

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best vitamin D preparations for children      1 Akvadetrim      186 ₽
     2 Viganol      185 ₽
     3 MegaFood, D3 Wellness, Mixed Fruit, 1000 IU, 90 Gummies      2 464 ₽
     4 BioGaia, ProTectis, Baby, With Vitamin D, Digestive Health, Probiotic Supplement, 0.34 fl oz (10 ml)      1 950 ₽
The best vitamin D supplements for adults      1 Minisan vitamin D 3 20mkg №100      360 ₽
     2 Vitamin D Sun No. 60 Evalar      430 ₽
     3 Detrimax Vitamin D3 1000 IU      490 ₽
     4 Ultra-D Vitamin D3 25mkg (1000 IU) №60 chewable tablets      763 ₽
     5 Fish oil biofeshenol Omega-3 D3 capsules      141 ₽
     6 Healthy Origins, Vitamin D3, 10,000 IU, 360 Softgels      1 330 ₽

The best vitamin D preparations for children

According to the PODNICHOK-1 study, which was conducted in 2013–2014, 66% of children in Russia have vitamin D deficiency in the body. The situation is best in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, worst of all in Vladivostok and Kazan.

Therefore, it is possible, perhaps, to say that prophylactic doses of the vitamin are necessary for all children under 18 years of age without exception. According to the new national program for the correction of vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents (adopted in 2018), for the prevention of vitamin A deficiency, children should receive vitamin D every day in the following dosages:

  1. from birth to 12 months - 1000 IU per day;
  2. from year to 3 years - 1500 IU per day;
  3. 3 - 18 years old - 1000 IU per day.

For children living in the Far North, starting at 6 months, age-appropriate dosages are increased by 500 IU.

Recall that 1 μg = 40 IU of cholecalciferol.

We draw the attention of our readers that the new recommended doses of vitamin D are several times higher than those that were written about before. Therefore, it is not necessary to be surprised when comparing the daily dosages in the instructions for use of the drugs presented in our rating and the values ​​indicated above. Whether to follow the latest ideas about the required amount of vitamin for a child or instructions for medication is the choice of each parent. Our rating is only information for consideration, and not a guide to action.

We deliberately do not give the dosages recommended for the treatment of hypovitaminosis D, since the treatment of anything is the prerogative of the doctor, and not of the Internet.


Rating: 4.9


An aqueous solution of vitamin D. Cholecalciferol is known to be fat soluble. But in this preparation of vitamin D it is “packed” into micelles - special structures, inside which there is a hydrophobic core of the vitamin, and outside - a hydrophilic shell, which allows the agent to mix with water. Approximately the same kind of colecalciferol turns into the intestine under the influence of bile acids, and only in the form of micelles can it pass through the intestinal membrane. Therefore, Akvadetrim is one of the most easily absorbed forms of vitamin D. We placed it in the rating section for children, but this drug can also be recommended for adults with gallbladder pathology (when there is little bile in the intestine, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D is reduced).

In 1 drop about 500 IU.

You need to take the drug once a day, adding the right amount to a spoonful of milk (for infants) or any other liquid food. You should not mix the medicine with the contents of the whole bottle - if the baby does not reach the milk, it’s impossible to determine how much vitamin he received.

It is necessary to note the cost effectiveness: if we proceed from the fact that in 1 ml - 20 drops, then even when taking 1000 IU of a bottle in 10 ml will last for 100 days.


  • easy to digest;
  • convenient to dose;
  • profitability.


  • not.


Rating: 4.7


And this is an oil solution of vitamin D3. In 1 drop of 500 IU, in a bottle 10 ml solution. The method of application is similar: the right amount to add to a spoon semi-liquid food or milk. Likewise, quite economical: 1 bottle is enough for a long time.

Among the shortcomings should be noted prescription drug.


  • convenient to dose,
  • profitability.


  • prescription.

MegaFood, D3 Wellness, Mixed Fruit, 1000 IU, 90 Gummies

Rating: 4.5


This is an American drug that must be ordered online. Chewable lozenges contain 1000 IU of vitamin each, therefore they are suitable for children over 3 years old. In a jar of 90 pastilles, one pack is enough for 3 months of intake. Despite this, the cost of the drug is higher than that of the funds from the beginning of the rating.


  • 1 pastille contains the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for children over 3 years old;
  • large packaging.


  • need to order online
  • high price.

BioGaia, ProTectis, Baby, With Vitamin D, Digestive Health, Probiotic Supplement, 0.34 fl oz (10 ml)

Rating: 4.1

BioGaia, ProTectis, Baby, With Vitamin D, Digestive Health, Probiotic Supplement, 0.34 fl oz (10 ml)

This drug can only be bought online. Its feature is a combination of vitamin D with a prebiotic - Rayteri lactobacilli (Lactobacillus reuteri). This is one of the types of "beneficial" bacteria, normal microflora, which has many beneficial effects. But for parents of babies aged from one month to three, their most important property, perhaps, will be the ability to reduce the intensity of infantile colic.

5 drops of funds - 400 IU of cholecalciferol and 100 million (1 * 108) CFU of L. reuteri bacteria. Since the microbial bodies are suspended, it is necessary to shake the vial well before use. The tool can be stored in the refrigerator, but can not be frozen.

The tube lasts for about 1.5 months, if taken according to the instructions for 5 drops per day.

Can be taken from birth.


  • complex effect: helps to reduce the intensity of colic.


  • need to order online and wait for delivery;
  • high price.

The best vitamin D supplements for adults

In adults, the situation with the security of vitamin D is no better than in children. For example, among women older than 50 years in Russia, hypovitaminosis is found in 74–83.2% of those examined. Recall that for women at the age of normal intake of vitamin D is critical because of osteoporosis. Reducing the amount of calcium in the bone tissue contributes to increased bone fragility. Deficiency of a vital element is also found in pregnant and nursing mothers.

The reason for this situation lies partly in the geographical position of our country. It is proved that in the period from November to March for people living above 35 parallels, the skin does not produce vitamin D no matter how much they are in the sun. The fact is that to start the biochemical processes of synthesis of vitamin D, the sun must fall on the skin at an almost right angle. Recall that Moscow has coordinates 55 ° 45 ′, St. Petersburg - 59 ° 57 ′, and even the southern city of Sochi is located above the “critical” latitude - 43 ° 35 ′. Sunscreens also contribute to the development of deficiency: defending against photo-aging and skin cancer on the one hand, we block the synthesis of a vital substance on the other.

Preventive dosages of vitamin D for adults:

  1. 18 - 50 years: 600 - 800 IU per day;
  2. over 50 years old: 800 - 1000 IU per day;
  3. pregnant and lactating: 800 - 1200 IU per day.

A separate group were obese people (BMI> 30). Vitamin D is lipid soluble, and tends to be “stuck”, deposited in adipose tissue. Therefore, for such people, according to international experts, very high doses may be needed: 7–10 thousand IU per day. But it is imperative that you take an analysis every six months to avoid overdose and a toxic effect. Before you donate blood. need 3 days to refrain from taking vitamin D.

Equally high daily doses may be required for people with digestive disorders (maladsorption) and other conditions listed at the beginning of our review.

Technically, most of the products listed in the “for children” section are suitable for adults. But usually no one wants to mess around with drops when you can just take a pill. Therefore, in this part of the rating, we collected funds in tablets and capsules.

Minisan vitamin D 3 20mkg №100

Rating: 4.8


Chewable tablets containing 800 IU of vitamin D3 - according to the latest recommendations, this is the optimal dosage for people from 18 to 50 years. If desired, the tablet can be divided.

Of the shortcomings, it is possible to note not the lowest price, however, given the number of tablets in the package, one can say that the drug is quite economical.


  • optimal dosage;
  • ease of use;
  • can be shared.


  • relatively high price.

Vitamin D Sun No. 60 Evalar

Rating: 4.6

Vitamin D Sun No. 60 Evalar

Lemon-flavored lozenges contain 600 IU of active ingredient. This is enough for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in adults under 50 years of age. Take 1 tablet per day, keep in mouth until complete resorption.


  • optimal dosage for people of working age;
  • convenient form of application.


  • not.

Detrimax Vitamin D3 1000 IU

Rating: 4.4


The drug is American production. Available in boxes of 30 and 60 tablets. Unlike the previous means in the rating, the tablets are ordinary, which you just need to swallow once a day with meals. The dosage is optimal for people over the age of 50 years. If desired, tablets can be divided.


  • optimal dosage for mature age;
  • divisible pills.


  • relatively high price.

Ultra-D Vitamin D3 25mkg (1000 IU) №60 chewable tablets

Rating: 4.3

Ultra-D Vitamin D3 25mkg (1000 IU) №60 chewable tablets

A convenient form of chewable tablets will suit people who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to take drops or capsules. Tablets are allowed to divide: those who fear an overdose, despite changes in the recommended norms, can take half a tablet once a day. This will make the tool more economical: however, even in this case, the price competition with other pills, and especially drops, the drug does not stand up.


  • convenient form of application;
  • can be shared.


  • high price.

Fish oil biofeshenol Omega-3 D3 capsules

Rating: 4.2

Fish oil biofeshenol Omega-3 D3 capsules

Means from the category of "cheap and angry" - a package of 60 capsules costs a little more than 100 rubles. The amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is small, vitamin D contains 5 micrograms (200 IU). On the one hand, this requires taking several capsules per day, on the other hand, it allows to vary the dose.


  • low price;
  • You can change the dosage by changing the number of capsules taken,


  • one capsule per day is not enough;
  • packaging will end in less than a month.

Healthy Origins, Vitamin D3, 10,000 IU, 360 Softgels

Rating: 4.0

Healthy Origins, Vitamin D3, 10,000 IU, 360 Softgels

This drug must be ordered via the Internet and wait for international delivery, but we simply could not pass by. It has already been mentioned above that people with obesity and digestive disorders need higher doses of vitamin D3 than usual. This tool is just right for such people. And given that packaging, which is enough for a year (!) Of use, costs a little more than 1000 rubles (at the dollar exchange rate at the beginning of April 2019) - it has no equal in terms of economy. Unlike all other drugs of our rating is optimal for the treatment of hypovitaminosis. Dosages, as in the case of children, leave at the discretion of the attending physician.


  • suitable for the prevention of patients with obesity and maladorbtion;
  • can be used to treat hypovitaminosis already diagnosed;
  • profitability.


  • order only via the Internet and waiting for delivery.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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