Top 10 Online MMORPG Games

Among the unthinkable variety of computer games that have earned at least some recognition in recent decades, there is a whole genre segment that can be considered special. These are MMORPGs - massively multiplayer online role-playing games. This unique combination of role-playing and massive online games has actually gained incomparable popularity since its inception. The secret of this success is due to many reasons, but the main factor is considered to be that MMORPGs are able to immerse the player as much as possible into the virtual world, enabling him to literally live a “parallel” life in fantastic worlds, while interacting with the real live players.

Today's rating review from is dedicated to MMORPG, which in the entire history of the genre has received the greatest recognition and popularity - our experts were guided by this criterion when compiling a selection of the ten best online games in this mega-genre. Of course, it is impossible to fit all the popular games into such a list, so the experts have identified only the “very-best”, and only those that have received recognition from our compatriots.

Eight out of ten presented MMORPG embody fantasy worlds with the corresponding creatures. Such a percentage of fantasy is, of course, not personal preferences of our experts. Historically, it is precisely magic worlds with conditional medievalism, magic, heroes, knights, dragons and fairy-tale characters that are closest to the hearts of gamers.

Ranking of the best online MMORPG games

Nomination a place name of the game rating
Ranking of the best online MMORPG games 1 Ultima online      4.9
2 Lineage II      4.8
3 World of warcraft      4.8
4 RF Online      4.7
5 Dungeons & Dragons Online      4.7
6 The Lord of the Rings Online      4.7
7 The Elder Scrolls Online      4.6
8 Allods Online      4.6
9 EVE Online      4.5
10 World of Tanks      4.5

Ultima online

Rating: 4.9


Let's start with the game, which actually became the ancestor of the whole genre. This is really the first in the world MMORPG, with which it all started. If she had any competitors at that time, they did not manage to conceive even a fraction of a percent of that popularity all over the world that Ultima Online earned.

The very first final version of the game was developed in the walls of Origin Systems and released back in 1997. The fantasy setting was developed by American programmer and businessman Richard Garriott, who is considered the founding father of Ultima Online. In the future, well-known studios Electronic Arts, Mythic Entertainment (bought on the eve of Electronic Arts) and Broadsword attached to the release of new versions.

Over all these more than 20 years since the release of Ultima Online, a huge number of other MMORPGs have appeared, but few of them have managed to achieve such a colorful playfulness.

Events take place in a fictional world on a fragment of a distant planet, where society is arranged in much the same way as "our" Middle Ages. The game world itself is very large, and the player’s opportunities comparable to real life are also the widest range. The character you play for is capable of both simple actions like making a campfire or cooking food, as well as much more ambitious ones - building houses, traveling through the “upper” world and the underground, carnage with monsters and other real players.

Much attention in the game is paid to the field of weapons for attack and defenses - this side of Ultima Online is extremely versatile and complex. Although the central types of weapons are relatively few, each type may have additional options and bonuses that expand its capabilities.For example, a sword made of a special material will have increased power in terms of damage through magic, or it will have enhanced resistance to damage.

For all the time of its development, studio developers have released quite a few additions to the main game - this is The Second Age, The Second Age, Third Dawn and a few more, up to the big High Seas booster in 2010.

With almost every addition, Ultima Online has overgrown with new game worlds simulating an alternative life. From 2014 to the present, the game is under the patronage of the Broadsword studio. Since spring 2018, free access is available on the official servers, but with the restriction of certain functions - home ownership, veteran awards, auction and GM events.


  • the big game world (many worlds);
  • a lot of opportunities for the character;
  • balanced gameplay;
  • maximum immersion in an alternative life;
  • low system requirements in the context of modern "iron".


  • morally obsolete in terms of graphics.

Lineage II

Rating: 4.8


Continuing ranking of the best MMORPG online games of all time according to is another legend game. This is the famous "line", won the hearts of millions of players around the world in a record short time. It is an actual continuation with all the technical and conceptual improvements of the original 2D Linear MMORPG, but the plot represents its prequel. Created by NCsoft Korean studio, the first release was released in 2003.

The events of the game take place in an alternative fantasy world for one and a half hundred years before the events of the original Lineage. The game provides a wide selection of unique races and professions, each of which has its own pros and cons, as in the real world. In choosing a character, a player is not limited in any way and does not commit anything - belonging to one or another race does not imply automatic membership in a global in-game conflict, as is the case in many other MMORPGs.

The main part of Lineage II is made in the concept of PvE - “the player against the environment”, which implies the opposition of the game character and the monsters controlled by the game engine. During the game, the character is pumped through, completing tasks, gaining experience, getting more perfect equipment. By re-developing a character, a player can challenge an increasingly powerful opponent, including bosses, of which there is a truly impressive number in the game.

The game also includes a PvP aspect, in which players can fight each other through their characters. Battles can occur both "in the open field" and during the assault on fortresses and castles.

Gameplay comes from the third and the first person. The camera is tied to the character and aimed at him, allowing the approach, distance and circulation around. To control enough mouse and keyboard. Each new character who entered the game is offered training in the basics of management. To communicate with other real players serves in-game chat.

Lineage II provides the player with a separate toolkit from the set of special teams, having studied which, the player can create and save his own macros. They can be used at the right moments to automate the sequence of actions.

The second "line" is much more advanced in terms of graphics than the above Ultima Online. It is based on the 3D Unreal Engine 2.0 engine. The system requirements as of the beginning of 2024 look more than acceptable: there is enough 30GB of disk space, a processor with comparable power to the Intel Core 2 Duo 6300 (preferably more, up to i7), 4GB of RAM, video cards not lower than Geforce 7600 GT or Radeon x1800 .


  • Big world;
  • many original races and professions;
  • high social aspect;
  • deep immersion in an alternate reality;
  • relatively low system requirements;
  • management training for the new character by default;
  • use of macros.


  • A small percentage of negative reviews about the new versions of the game in the style of "earlier it was better."

World of warcraft

Rating: 4.8


The third MMORPG in our rating is almost the same legendary classic as the previous two. The game was developed within the walls of Blizzard, first published in 2004, and quickly gained popularity. This success was dictated by three factors - the minimum of competing games at the time of release, their own advantages and innovations, a powerful background in the form of a huge number of fans of the Warcraft universe.

This MMORPG offers the player a fantasy world, too, with a huge number of locations. It is especially nice to immerse yourself in the familiar atmosphere of those who are well acquainted with it from the original strategy of Warcraft. Only here is not a strategy, but a more fascinating concept that allows you to experience inexpressible emotions. The action takes place 4 years after the events that completed the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne series.

Immersed in the game world, through his character, the player can do anything. As in real life, everyone chooses for himself the meanings and goals for himself. So, you can explore the world by traveling to different places; improve skills in any profession; fight monsters and other players; act as guilds with other players to achieve their goals; carry out orders; comprehensively pump your character down to the maximum level. For each successful assignment, the character gains experience, items, and play money. For the victory over another player - the so-called "honor points", which can be easily converted into the same money or things.

When the character reaches the maximum level, the game does not end at all. Blizzard is quite anxious about its mega-successful brainchild, regularly developing new opportunities for high-level players.

World of Warcraft received a number of prestigious awards and even hit the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular online MMORPG game in the world.


  • huge game world;
  • balanced (albeit long) pumping;
  • stylish, albeit slightly rough graphics;
  • relatively good Russian localization;
  • high detail items;
  • unique music for each location;
  • built-in scripting language for creating macros;
  • a lot of "easter eggs";
  • There is no direct donation - almost all the achievements must really be deserved.


  • fully paid, both basic and add-ons.

RF Online

Rating: 4.7


Further in our rating follows a special MMORPG, in many respects not similar to other popular games in this genre. This is RF Online, and if the abbreviation of many non-gamers seems unfamiliar, then the full name - Rising Force Online - certainly was and remains to be heard. Developer - Korean studio CCR Inc.

Perhaps the most important fundamental difference of this game from most other MMORPGs is the logic of character development. Skill skills in the usual sense is not provided. The player needs to buy spells from a “special” NPC, install them in slots and - most importantly - use them actively. The more often you use a spell, the faster its power grows. In addition to combat skills, passive skills that enhance defense are also available.

The game's plot revolves around three warring races, and in general the setting is a rather unexpected combination of fantasy and science fiction. There is a place for mysticism and magic of various elements, as well as technological advances such as firearms, lasers, cyborgs and robots. Events take place on the planet "Novus".

The new account is created completely empty, and it seems boring, since there are practically no spells, and the quests are predictable and monotonous. However, as the character develops, the course of the game becomes more and more interesting, and at high levels it is at all extremely fascinating. Locations and monsters are bright and beautiful by default.

Characters of different races are hostile towards each other by default, until the language of one race is completely incomprehensible to the other.Conflicts within a race are not possible by default, but if you have a special object (for different races) you can fight with “compatriots”. The main subject, because of which all the fuss is going on, is an electronic chip, making it possible to launch drilling rigs and equipment for resource extraction.

The system requirements of the game in 2024 look incredibly minimal: a processor with a frequency of 2 GHz; RAM - from 1GB; hard disk space - from 4.5GB; Internet connection - from 1Mbit / s; 6800GT or Radeon X1600 video subsystem. Such minimalism does not imply the limitations of the game, but only that it is perfectly optimized. Even the graphics with such modest requirements in the game looks pretty decent - the developers made a serious bias in drawing the environment and the characters themselves.


  • minimum system requirements;
  • great optimization;
  • original approach to character development;
  • beautiful locations and monsters;
  • original style (fantasy + Sci-Fi).


  • Gamers' claims for a limited and ill-conceived interface;
  • you need to rock the character for a long time before the game becomes really exciting.

Dungeons & Dragons Online

Rating: 4.7


According to, the game continues to be ranked the best online MMORPG of all times, which has gone online from the table - it was originally the same-name board role-playing game. Developer - American studio Turbine, Inc. The first version was released in February 2006.

As in almost all fantasy MMORPGs, the action here takes place in a fictional fairy-tale world named after Eberron. In the first version of the game, the main place for the development of events was the large-scale city of Stormrich, but actions could also take place far beyond its walls throughout the fantastic continent Xen'Drik.

The gameplay in this MMORPG implies a lot of opportunities for the player to have a fascinating time and experience difficult unforgettable emotions. Here you can travel around the vast game world, fight monsters, perform simple and complex tasks. The great advantage of the game is that, unlike many other MMORPGs, there is no need for a long and tedious pumping up of the character’s skills before he is capable of anything worthwhile.

However, this is still not a one hundred percent action, and in order to defeat certain monsters, the character will still need to be developed, including through the implementation of uniform and boring tasks. But this with the right approach will take a few hours, which is quite acceptable. A remarkable feature of this MMORPG is the ability to play alone, but you can still get the maximum of emotions and pleasure in cooperation with at least one partner.

Monetization of the game for the publisher is based on the free-to-play system, and this is a clear advantage for those who want to try to play without spending money. But if the game “comes”, you will have to pay - for subscriptions and packages hard or elite, otherwise the possibilities will be extremely limited, and the game will lose all its advantages.


  • free-to-play;
  • fascinating plot;
  • you can play alone;
  • atmosphere;
  • Minimum time for pumping character.


  • full game only through paid subscriptions and packages.

The Lord of the Rings Online

Rating: 4.7


Continuing rating MMORPG, which is partly related to the above game. This connection is dictated by the fact that both games were developed by one studio - Turbine, Inc., and almost the same team of specialists worked on both of them. This could not but leave its imprint both on the idea and on a number of practical aspects. LOTRO came out immediately after the DDO - in the spring of 2007.

Full consonance of the name of the game with the legendary book here is not at all for aggressive PR - the plot of the game and the concept of the game world are really created in accordance with Tolkien's epic fantasy work.This is a real gift for fans - the player has four “good” races of the world “Lord of the Rings” - People, Hobbits, Elves and Gnomes, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Even more enjoyable for the Lord's admirers will be to meet those main characters in the game and even fight against them against the forces of evil. Exactly the same way a player can take the side of dark forces, and fight the forces of Middle-earth on the side of Sauron in the PvMP mode (player versus monster player).

The epic game line is divided into volumes, the volumes are divided into books, and all this is delivered by the developers as part of free add-ons and extensions. Exciting adventures balance interspersed with quests, puzzles and tasks. If you want to feel yourself in the body of another creature, you can switch to session mode and choose any type of temporary character. It is impossible to pump and save such a character.

Initially, access to this MMORPG was provided only for a monthly paid subscription. Then it was decided to switch to the free-to-play system with the addition of a game store, where you can “pribarahlitsya” for the internal game currency. Points can be obtained for certain merits in the game or buy for real money. The free game has a number of fundamental limitations, but you can fully feel the atmosphere and try on it in this way.

LOTRO received impressive success worldwide, which pushed its Russian publisher Group to official localization. However, in 2015, the publisher decided not to renew the license, and the Russian servers were disabled. Western servers continue to work, and the developer regularly delivers updates. The most recent came at the end of 2018.


  • epic story and background;
  • fascinating plot;
  • regular additions and updates;
  • Session mode for trying another character;
  • free-to-play.


  • Russian localization terminated.

The Elder Scrolls Online

Rating: 4.6

The Elder Scrolls Online

The next position in our rating is very important - here we will get acquainted with the game, which is part of the whole game “series” with the same name only without the Online prefix, since in a large series there were games in different genres, not only MMORPG. It can be a long time to explain why our experts did not ignore this game, but it will suffice to say that the fifth part of the big The Elder Scrolls series was the super popular and insanely successful Skyrim, about which even people completely indifferent to video games heard a hundred times. The game was released in 2014, the developer - ZeniMax Online Studios.

Initially, reviews of players and critics about this MMORPG were ambiguous, but after the rebranding and release of the updated version of Tamriel Unlimited, opinions became more unanimous for the better. At the same time in 2015, the mandatory paid subscription was canceled. In the same year, the game became multiplatform - compatibility with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One was ensured.

The game takes place in the same setting as the other parts of the series - on the fabulous mainland Tamriel, and in terms of storyline, the game is directly connected with other parts. The time of action is 1000 years before the events of Skyrim, in the Interregnum with all the internal contradictions, civil strife and all other phenomena, without which there would be no actual game.

A player can compete for one of the three main factions - the Aldmeri Dominion, the Ebonhart Pact or the Duggerfall Covenant (agreement). There are four factions in total and they are all hostile to each other. The struggle is for power in the empire.

For a player, events begin according to a long tradition in the Cold Harbor dungeon, from where a blind prophet helps him escape. Further, MMORPG provides a wide variety of opportunities for an exciting pastime: traveling around the vast and colorful game world, completing quests, quests, fighting in cooperation with other players or direct battles with them in the PvP arenas.

Theoretically, this MMORPG can be played alone, and even get a lot of fun.However, it is enough to take at least one partner with you, and the game will sparkle with new impressions. There will be less boredom due to the acceleration of fussing with passing monsters, it will be much easier to destroy the enemy even five levels older, especially since some bosses alone cannot be killed. In addition, only in a team can one properly master the dungeons and control the anchor gates, through which all undesirable "living creatures" enter the Nirn.


  • multiplatform;
  • well balanced;
  • great detailed graphics;
  • beautiful and diverse game world;
  • many locations;
  • exciting plot;
  • "Native" world for fans of Skyrim and other games in the series.


  • full paid game - dear.

Allods Online

Rating: 4.6


Completing the "fantasy eight" in our ranking is another MMORPG game in this genre, which for some moments stands apart and is very different from any of the above. This is a continuation of the game series "Allods", but already in the form factor MMORPG-universe. For the first time the game was released in 2010. This is a completely domestic development - the studio Nival Online was engaged in its creation, and then the Allods Team, a subsidiary of Games.

A striking feature of the game is its style. This is an insane combination of fantasy, Sci-Fi, cosmos, mystics, and all this is a common thread ... Russian history and culture - this is clearly seen in the appearance of the characters, architecture features, scenarios, dialogues. At the same time, Russian aesthetics were presented correctly and elegantly - after all, the domestic studio worked on the game, otherwise the “spreading cranberries” could not be avoided. But there are also funny moments like the archetypal yellow iron Soviet barrel with the inscription "Kvass" and the red five-pointed Soviet star in a magical forest in the middle of fairy-tale characters.

Another stylistic and plot feature of the game stems from the very first "Allods". Locations are located on separate islands, allods, which, in turn, swim like an ocean in a mystical and mysterious substance - Astral. In the first versions, it was really possible to move between the allods through portals that created the Great Mages in time immemorial. In the MMORPG version, people have mastered traveling between allods on special astral ships.

MMORPG is impossible without central conflict. Here he is present in the form of the irreconcilable confrontation of two factions - the totalitarian Empire and the freedom-loving democratic League. Each side consists of three allied races within the faction: the Kenyan people, gibberling and elves represent the League; Hadagan people, orcs and Risen (Zem people) - Empire. The player will have to choose the side of the conflict and the race within the faction for his character. After that, he will have exciting trips around the game world, battles, assignments, leveling up the character and much more.

The central conflict is not the only gaming component of Allods Online. An important aspect is the travels themselves on the astral ships, and before that - the construction of these same ships. Each such ship is a complex structure that has both ordinary weapons, such as cannons and torpedo tubes, and high-tech equipment — energy shields to protect against enemy attacks, as well as completely mystical equipment — astral reactor, astral energy sail batteries, mana-reactor - draws energy directly from Astrala and provides the entire ship. This whole fascinating theme with ships becomes available from level 35, and really doable - from the 38th.


  • bright, colorful graphics;
  • original plot and style;
  • combined gameplay;
  • musical arrangement.


  • too obsessive donat, without which it is difficult to develop a new character.

EVE Online

Rating: 4.5


The penultimate position in our ranking is the “king and god” of the MMORPG in the Sci-Fi subgenre in space style. This is not the only space-based MMORPG, but even its closest competitors do not go to any comparison with this game - neither in terms of gaming capabilities, nor in the scale of the world, nor in the quality of graphics, nor in the final popularity. Developed by CCP Games, Iceland. The first version was released in 2003.

In addition to the multi-user component, which involves combining into coalitions, conducting joint planned space battles and the full range of capabilities that a full-fledged MMORPG gives, Eva also contains a significant component of a space simulator.

The game takes place in an alternative universe of the distant future, where interstellar flights are the usual norm, and pure capitalism reigns in the structure of society. A very high-quality projection of our real world into the virtual with the inheritance of all the specifics of the influence of the human factor on the course of events. Here, as in real life, everything depends on you, your abilities, diligence, talents and involvement - the economy of the game is extremely sensitive to the actions of everyone, without exception, the inhabitants of a fantastic universe.

The game world has a truly gigantic scale - more than seven thousand star systems with more than 60 thousand planets. Of these, 2,000 on the main map are not visible, and they can only be reached through unstable formations in space-time - the so-called “wormholes”. Most of the star systems are available to players for self-development.

Observations for the player in this MMORPG carried out in two modes. The initial view is outside when the virtual camera is tied to the spacecraft commanded by the player-captain. The camera can also be tied to any other object in sight. In 2016, the first-person mode was added.

When creating a new character, the player is offered a choice of four main races representing the superpowers of the fantasy world of a distant future. There are also other races besides these, but they are non-fiction.

The EVE Online gaming client is provided free of charge; players only need to pay for a subscription once a month (omega status). All add-ons for subscribers are free. There is also a free game mode (alpha status), implying a number of restrictions on the character pumping and use of equipment. All subscribers use the same server with the exception of China - players in the Middle Kingdom use a separate server, as required by law.


  • the gigantic huge game universe (there are no analogues among other MMORPGs);
  • impressive realistic graphics;
  • high-quality sound and music, emphasizing atmospheric;
  • one of the best (if not the best) realizations of the economy of the game world;
  • full freedom of action for the player;
  • infinity of the gameplay (a dead end, when all tasks are completed and all skills are developed, does not exist in principle);
  • single server;
  • large community;
  • continuous development of the game and development by developers.


  • Lags - the most painful place EVE Online.

World of Tanks

Rating: 4.5


And completing the ranking of the best online MMORPG games according to is an unconditional hit, especially for the residents of the post-Soviet space - those same “tanchiki”, that is, World of Tanks. The specificity of this game leaves its mark on the classification, to the extent that many do not even consider it as an MMORPG, but is called an “action game”, a “tactical shooter”, a “simulator” and anything else.But all the signs of an MMORPG are still there, although other components are present, but they do not interfere with this status. In the end, our experts simply could not ignore this game just because of the crazy popularity among our compatriots. The game developer is a Belarusian company First published in 2010.

World of Tanks performed in the historical setting and style of the Second World War. The main game component is large-scale tank battles in command mode on the principle of PvP. The standard battle involves two teams with up to 15 players each. Players can communicate via internal chat. The condition for victory is one of two things: the complete destruction of the enemy and his equipment; capture the base of the enemy.

At the very beginning, the game reflected the technical achievements of three schools of tank design - Soviet, German and American. Subsequently, the “assortment” was expanded with tanks from France, Italy, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Great Britain. The number of tanks and artillery vehicles in the hundreds. Not only game analogs of real tanks, but also experimental models that exist only in the form of prototypes or even on paper in drawings can participate in battles. Full coverage of the history of tank building - from 1930 to 1954.

The game uses the free-to-play business model, when the game client and the entrance to the game are provided free of charge, and you can get a lot of opportunities already during the game for playing money. In-game currency can be purchased for real money or “earn” in the game itself - you can start earning almost from the first minute by entering the game on a free tank.

2018 was the WoT sign point of transition to a new level. All game maps have been upgraded to high-quality HD graphics, scaled up, landscaped. All graphics of the client part now works on its own engine.

Since the release of the first version of the game has received many prestigious awards, and critics and experts are almost unanimous in determining WoT as "the best simulator tank battles in history."


  • high historical accuracy of technology;
  • a successful combination of different genres - MMORPG, tactical shooter, simulator, action, etc .;
  • fun gameplay;
  • fair free-to-play without obvious bias towards paying players;
  • one of the most stable servers compared to other popular MMORPGs;
  • huge active and not indifferent community;
  • continuous development of the game and distant perspectives.


  • balance problems are the weakest point of the game.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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