10 best baby diapers according to customer reviews

Young parents, preparing for the birth of the baby, begin to stock diapers. Not everyone knows that their range is extensive, and a choice of different models of diapers for newborns. They differ in size, production materials, features of operation, absorbent elements and other parameters. Moms and dads take into account the characteristics to make the right choice.

Which company to choose baby diapers

To the choice of children's products fit with responsibility. Diapers for newborns are given no less attention than cribs, drinkers, clothes. The baby’s comfort and the calmness of the parents depend on them, so it’s worth buying products from proven brands.


A trademark owned by the giant Procter & Gamblel. This name has become a household name, so many diapers for newborn babies are called “diapers”. Due to brand awareness, one has to overpay, but the product is reliable.


Another brand for 15 years, represented in the Russian market. A distinctive feature - diapers for mobile children without additional fasteners and shock absorbers. The price is average and affordable for parents.


This brand is inferior in popularity to the previous two. The Japanese manufacturer offers comfortable diapers for newborns at affordable prices. They attract a reasonable price-quality ratio.

Helen harper

The company offers hygiene products for children at affordable rates. This way she won the trust of young mothers. Diapers cope with the tasks, do not cause allergic reactions.

Top diaper ranking for newborns

nomination a place Name of product price
The best diapers on Velcro for newborns      1 Pampers Premium Care (30 pcs.) 355 rub.
       2 Huggies Elite Soft (27 pcs.) 263 RUB.
       3 Merries (24 pcs.) 459 RUB.
The best diapers, panties to teach a child to the pot      1 Huggies Pants (34 pieces) diapers shorts 709 RUB.
       2 Pampers Pants panties (26 pcs.) 525 RUB.
       3 Merries diaper pants (19 PCS) 759 RUB.
       4 Helen Harper Soft & Dry Diapers (17 PCS) 299 RUB.
Best swim diapers      1 Swim pants diapers Libero Swimpants (6 PCS.) 249 RUB.
       2 Children's swim shorts Swimmies (13 PCS.) 270 RUB.
       3 Huggies Little Swimmers (11 PCS) underwear shorts 309 RUB.

The best diapers on Velcro for newborns

Simple diapers, in which children from the first days of life spend a lot of time. They are lightweight, comfortable, velcro are used for fixing. At first, attention is paid to these qualities in the selection of diapers for newborns.

Pampers Premium Care Diapers

Rating: 4.9

Pampers Premium Care

Popular diapers brand Pampers are great for newborns. They are securely fixed and fit to the body due to the expanding sidewalls, which eliminates leakage. A small thickness can be maintained due to the three absorbent channels that help distribute moisture inside. The material has micropores that prevent the skin of a newborn baby.Advantageous difference from other diapers for newborns - impregnation from aloe vera extract, which softens the skin.


  • small thickness;

  • filling indicator;

  • breathable material;

  • fixation with expandable sidewalls;


  • strong aromatic fragrance;

  • with the wrong size of the gum squeeze the child’s feet.

Diapers Huggies Elite Soft

Rating: 4.8

Diapers Huggies Elite Soft

Popular diapers from Huggies are recommended for newborn babies. They are distinguished by a special relief coating on the inside with micro pads that protect against irritation and promote the uniform distribution of moisture. The material is 100% cotton, so the skin remains clean and healthy.


  • relief comfortable surface;

  • affordable cost;

  • filling indicator;

  • reliable reusable flypapers;

  • snug fit due to the elastic on the back;


  • older children do not fit - leak;

  • gum too tight.

Diapers Merries

Rating: 4.7

Diapers Merries

The diapers of the Japanese brand conquered Russian mothers with quality and convenience. Some call them the standard to be oriented. They are breathable and soft, while well protected from leakage. They are easy to use, so newborn babies feel comfortable. Despite the lightness, they are able to absorb a lot of moisture due to the cellular surface.

Sometimes diapers impede the movement of babies, but Merries are deprived of this disadvantage. They are light and well absorbed, but sometimes it is difficult to find the right size because of their thinness.


  • absorbent cellular surface;

  • breathable structure;

  • minimum thickness;

  • rapid absorption;


  • they even absorb moisture from the air, therefore they sometimes become wet outside;

  • not often found on sale and sold in large packages.

The best diapers, panties to teach a child to the pot

Diapers perform a number of important functions, so they need to be properly selected by age. Special panties will protect against leakage and help your baby get used to the pot.

Panty Huggies Pants

Rating: 4.9

Panty Huggies Pants

Panties have special absorbent channels that allow up to 50% faster absorption of moisture, even when the baby moves. This is facilitated by a layer of Dry Touch, sealing liquid for 1-2 seconds. The material is coated with micropores to prevent diaper rash. Fasteners allow you to quickly put on and take off the diaper. At this age, the design is already important, so there are two options for design in the style of Disney.

Popular and well-advertised panties, it is important to choose the right size. They are low cost, and they have good characteristics.


  • absorbent channels prevent swelling of the panties;

  • 2 types of design;

  • elastic cuffs around the legs simplify donning and fixation;

  • breathable materials protect against skin irritation;


  • side velcro is not always fit;

  • high price.

Panties pants

Rating: 4.8

Panty Huggies Pants

Pampers Pants shorts will help replace traditional velcro with diapers over time. They are equipped with stretch cuffs, so they are securely fixed on the legs. They have no strong chemical smell, they are thin and elastic. Panties are made of lightweight airy material with strong seams.

Diapers are comfortable, but not too reliable. The material is easily torn even when put on, the panty has no filling indicator, which is inconvenient. At a similar price, you can pick up more interesting options.


  • locking gum;

  • light breathing structure;

  • lack of strong odors;

  • small thickness;


  • material is easily wrinkled;

  • no moisture indicator;

  • no retainers after use;

Merries diaper panties

Rating: 4.7

Merries diaper panties

Merries shorts have the best absorbency in the segment. They are enough for the night without problems. They are much more convenient than traditional diapers and not inferior to them in performance. Panties easily put on the child in 4-5 seconds thanks to elastic cuffs. The material is soft and does not cause irritation.


  • large amount of absorbed fluid;

  • reliable fixing by a flypaper behind;

  • filling indicator;

  • soft and breathable material;


  • high price.

Helen Harper Soft & Dry Diapers

Rating: 4.6

Helen Harper Soft & Dry Diapers

Diapers of this brand are focused on comfort and wearing comfort. They are equipped with reusable fasteners, so you can freely check the panties. They are made of a porous breathable material, and the 4-layer Dry Feel filler quickly absorbs the liquid. These panties are thicker than other analogues, but provide comfortable and free movement of the baby.

One of the inexpensive shorts for kids. But they do not have a large absorbency, they have to be checked regularly so that there are no leaks.


  • comfortable wearing without irritation;

  • affordable price;

  • bumpers to protect against leakage;


  • small volume of liquid;

  • no fill indicator.

Best swim diapers

The kids need activity, and water procedures strengthen the muscular and bone structure, develop coordination. For this special diapers are selected.

Libero Swimpants Swim Shorts

Rating: 4.9

Libero Swimpants Swim Shorts

According to moms is the best panties for swimming. They will protect against bathing surprises from children, suitable for the sea, water park, swimming pool. They have a special outer coating and absorbent layer that does not swell when immersed in water. Gum securely fix panties, but not rubbed. There is a comfortable “Back” designation on the back so that you can quickly pull them up. They are designed for kids from 10 to 16 kg.


  • put on several times;

  • sit tight and do not fall down;

  • keep their shape when bathing;


  • small volume of absorption;

  • high price.

Children's swim shorts Swimmies

Rating: 4.8

Children's swim shorts Swimmies

The panties fit snugly against the skin, and the outer insulating material protects against swelling. This is an inexpensive option for swimming panties, which are suitable even for active children. Like similar products, they are thick and rigid compared to traditional diapers, but soften in water. These diapers are disposable, so they can not be reused for swimming.

Cheap swimming panties to cope with tasks. But for each session will have to wear new panties, because the filler rolls into lumps.


  • durable and tight rubber retainers;

  • affordable price;

  • attractive design;

  • do not swell in water;


  • disposable;

  • hard on large children.

Huggies Little Swimmers Swim Shorts

Rating: 4.7

Huggies Little Swimmers Swim Shorts

Swim shorts from a popular brand, making them a bestseller. They stand out reliable protection from children's surprises. Simple and durable fasteners allow you to wear a diaper in 1-2 seconds. Elastic cuffs for a snug fit. But these diapers are disposable, therefore the ratio of price and quality is worse than that of other analogues. In addition, the material itself quickly gets wet in the water.


  • quickly put on and take off;

  • affordable price;

  • reliably protect against leakage;


  • quickly soak;

  • need to follow the fixation.

What baby diapers to buy?

  1. In terms of price-quality ratio, diapers from the Japanese brand Merries occupy a leading position for newborns. They are inexpensive, but cope with the functions. Pampers Premium Care's popular diapers are well advertised, but they offer nothing outstanding. Although it is still one of the best options. Worthy of showing Huggies Elite Soft.

  2. Active children from 1 year is better to pick up special panties.In this segment, again, pay attention to Merries and cheap Helen Harper Soft & Dry. Popular Pampers Pants are made from quality materials, so they provide proper care for your baby's skin.

  3. Libero Swimmies are considered swimming shorts because they cope with all tasks and are used repeatedly. For newborn babies who swim little, special diapers for water procedures Huggies Little Swimmers will do.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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